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Thread for discussion of Blue Archive's Japanese Server

Did you roll for your cat grill friend?
Wakamo would very much like it if you fucked her, yeah.
>no tsukuyo
can't INS red/blue
>no mika
can't INS yellow

god fucking damnit. I tried coping with eimi+mine but they die and leave p1 at 3M hp which I cannot bodythrow enough because of the 2 tanks requirement. fuck this raid
I can't imagine not having mika...
She should rerun next month at least.
didn't get her on either shanako nor dhina banners sadly
i can double spark the fes banners if needed so it won't be a problem for much longer
Yeah this raid's first phase is brutal, and you can't afford to throw too many teams at it since the second phase is a HP sponge and needs bodythrowing if you don't have a second Mika.
I'm gonna slack until the weekend as usual
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I'd roll for her if special DPSs had more buffs going for them and if the meta wasn't so biased in favor of hyperbuffing single striker DPSs at the expense of everything else.

Seriously, they released ONE raid that was supposed to be all about relying on special DPSs + debuffs and they fucked it up so hard it's ridiculous. No hardline 80-90% striker damage debuff and only a weak temporary buff that can be easily dispelled. Somehow it's acceptable to debuff healing in Goz/ShiroKuro and outright fuck up shielders in Kurokage but when it came to the idea of perma-debuffing striker damage for Greg they just had to pussyfoot around it for some fucking reason. Then D.Hina came out and just pissed on the grave of special DPSs even more and made it harder to give a damn about any dedicated special DPS because why bother when they're not going to get any dedicated supports?

Still waiting for them to release a striker than can halve the cost of specials while buffing their damage or crit damge like what Ui and NY.Fuuka can do for strikers.
Just borrow Mika for phase 1? My borrow did P1 consistently while taking 1.3 - 2 million from P2. You can send like 15 teams against the boat
A note that circle 13107 アオダマ (Aodama)
has 1 open space
>>no tsukuyo
>>no mika
Borrow, you only need 1
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More story!
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>part 3
Does this mean it's STILL not gonna be over? At least it won't be a dead week until the event on the 26th
I'm guessing stream announcement this weekend?
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That outfit's looking pretty familiar...
and there's a safe-ish red clear. Of course phase 1 is still either the easiest or worst part.
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I didn't expect this bond gear momotalk to have such a dramatic speech, what a pleasant surprise. Arisu is such a good girl, too good for this world.
the worst part of the raid is still the positioning and the wrong students getting targeted
for some reason tsukuyo attack range increases after getting knocked back and refuse to run forward
it's like goz and spyuuka not being in front after repositioning all over again
Why the fuck is the knockback even a thing in this raid? It has a mechanic where everything changes depending on what student is getting targeted by the boss, so having knockback increases the chance that your students will go out of formation and the wrong student will get targeted or get hit by the richochet. Surely the devs know how fucking annoying the positioning RNG is in this game, so why would they add elements to make it worse? They can't be that fucking stupid.
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probably figuring out a third team later for cleaning up the last 5m hp, at least p1 is consistent, but you would want lowroll on damage so that wakamo doesn't start running early before the third dhina EX cycle (<10m hp?)
else you will be playing 360noscope with dhina trying to hit wakamo out of screen
The knockback is the reason why I was able to clear insane with 1/7/7/1 Fubuki. If I used Himari before Mika and delayed Mika's EX to 9.5 cost, she runs forward after the knockback and gets targetted, saving Eimi. So don't you talk shit about the knockback.
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This raid is quite comfy
i forgot there was even a raid
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I'm tempted to pull for Chise but I'll wait at least until I get this month's daikessen ticket, and probably also wait for the inevitable stream.
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>red 2 teams
>yellow 4 teams
>blue 5 teams
I managed to clear all insane for the title but they should buff wakamo
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exciting gameplay
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>izuna and chise in 90
>also onsen shigure
pretty good
When are we getting a stream announcement I'm dying over here
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Koharu love
what was the link for that tool for this again?
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Nice. They usually announce these streams a day later.
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So it turns out you don't get 30 S.Shizuko shards from her perma event, it only gives out her 1* and that's it, no more shard giveaways. Sucks to be a newbie. Glad I refreshed like hell and got her to UE40 during her rerun.
Did you finish the whole thing?
No, but I watched this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_ZJsShpxnI
I also looked up 水着シズコ on Twitter and there are plenty of people saying you don't get her 30 shards from the event.
Sounds like a bug, since every single perma event including S.Ayane last week had the 30 shards.
guess there isn't much of a reason to fully clear the event when you can just beeline to each boss
they should probably just throw the welfare students into hard stages
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>Not even ins finish
Wakamo won
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Yellow was free with Mika honestly
Literally did it first try

Red tmt was pretty easy with Hina though I had the same issue as >>1493031 where I had to find a way to clean up the last 5m because I couldn't do it in one shot like the vid does.
Thinking back, a faster and smarter strat might have been to just do that 5m with team 1 instead of retreating after transition since Dhina would have chewed that easily.

Blue is hell. Like holy shit. Hilarious when Blue Ins is harder than Red torment, they really did it with this one.
I hope we get Hoshino (Battle) soon and she ends up being Dhina or Mika for blue as the strongest MYSTIC of kivotos.
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all this contract stuff is confusing, why would the private fund lose the right to the railroad if the contract for yume buying the railroad from neftis was never valid
>buying the railroad from neftis
Pretty sure it's the other way around.
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Same. I don't know why it happened though, pretty sure I don't have trouble with blues usually. Maybe the gimmicks narrowed down the composition/supports, maybe most damage dealers get too debuffed here and few get buffed, but I just know my Insane was shit
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It was supposed to be Kaho's turn.
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25 hours left
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That's close enough to it being her turn.
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Oh there's still a day? Maybe I'll bother improving a score or something then. I thought today was the last day for some reason and rushed them all in like 1hr.
20k rank is not triple ins clear yet, guess blue really do filter people for this raid
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stop the count aaaaaaaaahh
Just barely slipped into gold. Maybe someday I'll get my first plat. Not in a hurry though.
Why are there only 6
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Help anons, there's only a few hours left, can this roster do insane and who do I throw at it?
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Your roster sucks without Himari
Mika Fubuki Hifumi Eimi sShiroko nyFuuka
Mika Maki Ui Neru Utaha Ako
nah, just do extreme
1st team same setup like yellow
2nd team use dHina sHosh Izumi Maki Ako Utaha
s.chise in all 3 team p1
yellow: p1 tsubaki+mika+kokona+nyfuuka+sshiroko, p2 borrow mika+maki+neru+ui+ako+utaha
red: tsubaki+eimi+dhina+nyfuuka+sshiroko, p2 borrow dhina+shoshino+neru+maki+ako+utaha
blue: tsubaki+eimi+wakamo+nyfuuka+sshiroko, p2 borrow wakamo or wappi+neru+sizuna+maki+ako+utaha
also by some miracle you don't have izumi and saya
and just do extreme, without himari and tsukuyo it will be just pain
>Fubuki Hifumi
think this is the only one i might be able to insane, do i need to invest on these or is it just werkz?
Fubuki can be level 1 but she needs normal and passive levelled to at least 7. Hifumi needs love. The more hp she has the better her EX is. Using her without UE40 is gonna be brutal. I just used Koharu instead of Hifumi, but then again I have Himari.
Oh thank god I didn't claim Hifumi for this raid even though I was tempted to. She would have only been 3* with the amount of elephs I farmed.
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Done with Wakamo raid today, good luck for other jpbros
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How do I beat this defense in PVP?
Is there a tool where I can dump my current equipment numbers, how much I need and it tells me which normals stage is the best to run?
360k raiders for Wakamo, almost on the dot.
40k less than Hiero though not as big of a drop as Hod to Goz was (60k), is this worrying?
No maintenance for the main story update? I need more pyros
Must have been included in the last week's maintenance. Which is weird because my experience hasn't been ruined by dataminers.
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goodbye aoi, see you again next month
fuck i forgot to login
We got a livepatch with the actual script updates and characters, just no maint downtime
So, how'd you like the story update?
It's still not over though. I'm assuming they'll announce the conclusion date in the livestream. Hopefully they run it along with the SRT/Trinity Summer rerun
I almost fell asleep as it was downloading and I walked away a hyped up man.
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lol at dwm-gaps
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does this no longer update the JP script?
usually it's in the ScenarioScriptMainXExcelTable.json files but they haven't been updated in 6 months
Game has moved its script to the sqlite database since then, look in the DB dir of the repo.
Also, since global script is now exceeding 100MB of pretty-printed json, starting with the next commit DB files are going to be split in a way similar to old client-native one.
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found it, thank you!
Got gold for the first time despite being a lazy silver pleb usually.
Did less people participate in this raid or something?
anime killled the game
Numbers have been going down, down, down every month.
Swimsuit Asuna in a month, we'll be fine
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As expected of the strongest of Kivotos!
Honestly as long as the bluefes banner isn't Abydos I'm fine with almost anything
I like them but I think another Abydos bluefes would generate intolerable levels of shitposting everywhere
Do you all think we'll get the finale before the bluefes event or after it?
there's a 2 week gap between the 2 summer events
I'm hoping they'll release it there but who knows
I hope so too, it'd be stupid not to since they're doing all this to sync up with the anime
Bluefes will probably be Shiroko Terror. I can't imagine her getting released at any other time.
I'd love an Abydos blufes with Hoshino (Combat) tho
That's like the best scenario
Like, I get it, but 3.5 should be swimsuits, plus there are too many big name sin the NPC jail to keep releasing alts for characters who already have one
Eh I'd rather combat hoshino over some random ass swimsuit of someone I don't like and have to UE50 anyway for raids
Plus she's the strongest MYSTIC and blue desperately needs a good attacker so blue raids aren't suffering
I don't think it's a good idea still, giving the same student a second bluefes banner is way too much, doubly so when said student has been the focus for BA for the last 3 months or so, and opinion on Hoshino is currently rather divided in nipland since many think her actions in the current story are stupid
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>and opinion on Hoshino is currently rather divided in nipland since many think her actions in the current story are stupid
>Popular girl goes full retard on her story arc
I've heard that one before
Hoshino is extremely popular though and Hoshino (serious) has always been a highly anticipated alt by the playerbase so just give her a happy ending that ties things together and release her combat alt as the new mystic damage dealer and everything will be great
>Hoshino (serious) has always been a highly anticipated alt
That's more Hoshino (Young) than Hoshino (Serious), plus like I said 3.5 should be swimsuits still
If anything, make Serious Hoshino some sort of costume you unlock with UE60 or something, that way characters can have alts without taking up a banner
>If anything, make Serious Hoshino some sort of costume you unlock with UE60
thats absolutely horrible
Just make blufes hoshino and the other two characters swimsuits
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Aren't they trying to sell a giga expensive Hoshino memolobby?
They need to give her something to entice players to spring for it like a new alt that people can roll for
Hoshino will be a random limited like NagiToki which leaves her with a standard, a limited, and a blufes, like Hina.
This is for the best otherwise we'll inevitably get Mika #2 as another blufes unit as well. Let's not start this precedent.
Abydos is also bound to get Kuroko as a second fes unit at some point anyway.
They seem to have already made combat hoshino since it's playable on this story arc so I guess it's just a matter of when they're dropping it
Yes but Mika is cuter and big Sensei-love.
>many think her actions in the current story are stupid
She's suffering from massive PTSD and survivor's guilt to the point that she put her own personality aside in order to try and mimic Yume because she thinks her kouhai deserve a sempai who's better than her. She's completely fucked up mentally, and we've always sort of had that idea, but they're just now showing it and I fucking love it. I really hope she finally gets closure this arc so she can start healing from her mental trauma a little bit.
Don't get me wrong, I know that, but the average person is too dumb to realize any of that
I get you. It just sucks because it's a really solid storyline. You rarely see any sort of close look at any kind of mental trauma in Asian media because mental health is still pretty taboo, nevermind seeing something like that in a gacha game. When you do see someone with mental issues it's usually a case of "We can fix it," and then it gets fixed (usually through friendship or love or whatever). So it's pretty powerful to see that Hoshino is still dealing with her mental demons and at this point in the story is actively suicidal, looking to die in a way that lets her protect her kouhai and the Academy that Yume loved. She's definitely not rational, but it bugs me when people are saying that she's just being stupid. You see GL players saying the same thing or making comparisons to Mika.

But like with Mika, Sensei managed to prevent things from getting so bad that anyone permanently died. So Mika's issues were largely resolved and fixed by the end of Volume 3 (she's just dealing with the social fallout). Meanwhile, like many characters have been saying, you can't bring back the dead so in many respects there's a lot less that Sensei can do to help Hoshino since her issues are far deeper and have been around a lot longer than Mika's.
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A lot of readers have an inflated opinion of sensei's talk-no-jutsu capabilities from either events or fanbase depiction or the one scene with Black Suit and will call any character retarded if they don't immediately listen to him
People forget that his batting average for successfully talking down characters in the actual main stories is actually pretty questionable
There's no way hoshino (combat) will be the strongest mystic gameplaywise
From the story battles she looks like a tank, if they tack on extreme damage on top of that she's going to be absolutely broken
>bag tank
wont ever be as good as mika so they can go crazy all they want
Oh right I need to Set
Surely it's free now that I have s.Shiroko(though I can't fully level her passive)
I hope we get a new boss next time instead of another armor change
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Why doesn't Sora say anything when I buy something from her shop? She should have a voiceline like in the event shops
The normal menu NPCs need a lot more lines in general. I mute the game when going through the menus because I'm tired of being forced to hear the same thing again and again.
i feel like how ever many lines that have that would happen eventually
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Don't forget to do set and watch stream in 5 hours
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thanks for reminding me, just did a half assed 74 without a tl
not sure how high i can get with this tomorrow. shiroko and izuna might have to double team the ball since neither is super invested.
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Heh, the world will never let Sensei live down that moment
did not expect non-limited
limiteds are for the 2nd summer event
-Nonomi and Wakamo perm
-Summer Hyakki limited
-Summer Rabbits perm
-Summer trinity limited
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Should I use my GA 10 roll that expires soon on sChise or the new banner?
I have cKotama and UE40 Kayoko so sChise isn't really that useful but I also have 0 interest in the valkyrie units...
then skip both
Wait, the datamines said we're getting 4 new characters on the 26th
Who the hell is the 4th? S.Moe?
And I guess Arius Bluefes is all but confirmed
my ticket is going to expire
I'm gonna roll S.Chise because she's mega cute.
>double comms only 5 days until monday night reset on july 22nd
what are they cooking?
It means that's when the 100 free rolls banners start, because they need a bit more than 1 week to hold those banners.
So Kirara and maid MomoMido were for purple ShiroKuro. Fuck you Nexon.
>another stream with no QoLs that player actually want
Probably saving those for 3.5
>2cost s.kanna
S.Kanna looks good but I think I can survive with Akane, Maki, and Noa for defense debuffing.
>datamines said 4 new characters
>only got 3
Lying fuckers
that was suou
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Gonna give Chise-tan plenty of cuddles, nakadashis, and headpats
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kinda disappointed but not enough to shitpost about it, not every event is gonna be for me.
no new raid sucks though
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Arius blufes and Valkyrie summer
Yeah I can roll with this

I was disappointed it'd be someone I hated but I can definitely roll with this
I was worried*
Not disappointed
>Binah again
Meh. Better than Kurokage though.
I wanted kurokage rerun
Binah is pain because it's too easy and it means i'm fighting for microseconds
I wanna stick my dick in her hair ball and fuck it until I blow my load.
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I'm annoyed that they're forcing purple grand raids out this early when there are only 3 students out so far that can handle this shit and the vast majority of players haven't rolled for them at all.
pls roll for momoi and shanako
I could get bronze and I'd still get the 10 pull so idc
I missed the stream so I couldn't shitpost here about it, are we getting 4 grand raids now or just 3 and one color gets booted for purple?
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>swimsuit Rabu
What the fuck? We still don't have regular Rabu. This is an outrage!
Just 3, they're booting blue armor ShiroKuro for this season and replacing it with purple armor. Bad news for Wakamobros and Arisubros.
Wow that's great. Please boot all blue raids from now on until we get Hoshino (Mystic).
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Key visual for the upcoming blufes stream on the 21th of July. Ibuki looks extremely fuckable here.
If by some miracle we somehow get that ibuki as playable with the bear and everything then I'll become a full time blue archive shill
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Yeah. I was disappointed again cuz Burka archive havin' no bikinis this summer again. Is it true that Korea bans bikini? No bikini in BA this year too. Only ugly one pieced swimsuit and burka shirt this year. BA is censored by feminist.
Maplestory got bikini outfit removed from cashshop since Luminous, DFO got no bikini since ghostblade and neo awakening.
Only Jap gacha can have bikini for being irrelevant and joining 41% so soon that they never get censored. While Kishida banned bikini from console game since 2023, and Korean and Chinese gacha bans bikini too. Wonder how did Eternal return got bikinis tho.
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Not with these mihoyo level burka swimsuits, with zero bikinis.
Everyone does because they remembered this isn't a game for useless lumps of fat.
So you approve of Kazusa's tit nerf?
It's a buff
Not a nerf so much as them being inconsistent but I'm glad they settled on the correct design in the end.
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The anime is ending but this fucking chapter is still going to go on even longer after this story update.
>them being inconsistent
im pretty sure it was just artists assuming theres sweater puppies under her clothes
Strongest of today vs Strongest in all history
Who wins
I'm referring to the music video where she had a big chest, and IIRC her chibi has one too?
But I believe the other girls also had exaggerated chests in the music video so it's probably just them fucking that up.
In any case nothing will ever be as bad as Iori's chest in the anime.
>Strongest in all history
Not a chance, we'll probably have to deal with the actual strongest in history students five years from now.
Hell for all we know Kuzunoha has a stronger mystic and just doesn't get counted by Black Suit or Plana because she's technically not in Kivotos.
then people should be able to plat more easily
fuck off
she always does
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meanwhile red
Just finished the anime. I can't believe they got Seia to do a rap scene at the end.
Just finished the anime. I can't believe they got Seia to do a rape scene at the end.
seia can rape me any day personally
Hoshino shouldn't have had any trouble getting out by herself once she was freed.
Hina should've looked way more impressive as well.
Instead of the base randomly self-destructing they should have had Binah show up as everyone escaped and let Hina+Hoshino+Shiroko team up against it.
Very surprised Mika didn't show up alongside Nagisa, why the fuck was her halo in the OP
>why the fuck was her halo in the OP
Probably just for that one shot early in the show of the Tea Party sitting together at the long table.
That's also the OP, I believe she never appears in the show itself. When they bring up Eden Treaty in ep1 they show Nagisa and Hina's faces, not the table. I don't think they showed her in the Black Market ep either?
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Even before current story events, Hoshino having trouble with anything in original Vol 1 was already silly given where Mika's and Hina's scenes set the bar, and that shit was before Wakamo and fucking Miyu started using Kaiser as punching bags
We know they had stuff planned out from the start to around Vol F, but I wouldn't be surprised if Vol 1 and maybe Vol 2 were written before they had a good idea of how superhuman they actually wanted the little girls in the series to be
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Does that mean event starts on 24th?
Hoshino is trapped by mysterious laser bondage in the game. Given Gematria is capable of devising halo-destroying objects, I think it's safe to say they have stuff that could keep Hoshino in check once she'd submitted. After all, it is those early stories that explicitly state that Hoshino is the strongest.
They didn't mention this on the stream or did they
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I don't think they did. Also it should have been O.Nodoka instead. Just make her farmable/buyable already since O.Shigure powercreeps her in most situations.
They did
Eh I look at it as her focusing on being a tank for her kouhai and trying to put her sharp knife days behind her by letting them do the offense. It's not like they'll die if she slacks a bit, she knows she can always go full Rambo in the worst case scenario.
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BA having no bikini again shows that Korea bans bikini. No bikini in BA this year too. Only ugly one pieced swimsuit and rashguard this year. BA is censored by feminists. Right? Their summer sales will tank again due to these burka-ish designs.
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these 2 purple ooparts are always the bottleneck, at least the newer ooparts can be bought every month
They showed a lot of halos for students. Like Tsurugi's is in there too.
for me it's the jelly cube
Have they fixed 水着Shizuko shards yet
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>sKirino EX 5 cost, 26.7% atk for 45 sec
>Kotama EX 3 cost, 47.4% atk for 30 sec
>sKirino NS grants ? atk for ? sec
>sKirino and Kotama has the same subskill
Isn't sKirino just a worse Kotama for set?
>for set
Well there's the problem
Presumably there's a reason she summons cover, and that reason isn't for Set.
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Korea bans ビキニ、right? Only rashguard and ugly one pieced swimsuits. BA is censored by feminists.
한국은 비키니 금지 맞습니까?
either skrk or a new raid mechanic where they tries to push cover just like shields in goz
Her attack up buff is a field effect so it stacks with Kotama's buff.
They have the same subskill so they're not going to be used together
Yeah, good point.
It would conflict with S.Hoshi. Same problem GTsubaki has.
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Can't wait to only have 50% bonus out of 100% possible when farming sKirino elephs
my only special between valkyrie and srt is s.miyu...
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Guess it's time to finally recruit NMGK. Wish we had downtime so I could read old events without feeling stamina inefficient.
Fuck you Nexon.
You put a button in the game to disable clonefagging the same student as striker&special in one team, yet you don't respect players who select the option.
Farming with 40% bonus yet again even though I have both C.Utaha and C.Kotori
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And nexon is cuck coward to have no bikini in swimsuit event for 2 years a row. Korea bans bikini, right? Even Sweet baby inc doesn't ban bikinis unlike Korea.
Thanks for the reply, bikini schizo. You are my only ally.
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lasted longer than i expected i would following https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruLGO1ftcZE
the problem is now i have to find the highest floor i can survive, since it's not like before where there were clear breakpoints to aim for based on the rewards
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>box gacha
I can't believe they're still doing this ultra-shit mode for welfare students
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if it's the same as new year PS68 it's going to be 200 AP/eleph with 100% bonus
NY PS68 gave aru elephs too so maybe this one will be like abydos summer that was 150 AP/eleph
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Not worthy to have this censored garbage. BA having no bikini 2 years a row shows that Korea bans bikini. No one faps over this ugly shirt. No one faps over one pieced swimsuit. Beware for BA's sale on summer to tank hardly due to anime perfoming not good+censored swimsuit without proper bikini top. If Nikke and GKmas gets hot bikinis, It's Oshimai. More like Burka archive, Censored archive, Femi archive.
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They really hate to make new farmable alt easier to farm
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And censorship this summer will make their sell in summer fall again. Cuz no one faps over this ugly shirt. No Western person wear shirt as swimsuit.
it's better than the old welfares, remember tomoe and nodoka, at least now it's possible to get to 5* and close to UE40 with 2 runs of the event
Aren't the breakpoints still 77/87/97 for the books?
Box gacha won't make it to what you're saying, most likely people will end around 3-4*.
no, the books are spread across every level now.
i ended up settle for the purple ooparts(helped that it was an attack book floor) but i probably could've gone a bit higher if i didnt procrastinate to the last day
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Updated my filters since mods refuse to take permanent measures. I hide stubs so make sure to not reply to him or I won't be able to see your posts.
well 2 runs, so include the rerun. i got saten at 4* + 80 shards with max boost, 2week ap pot and 4x pvp ap. so it is possible to get at least 5* when the event rerun next year
but not for saten since collab doesn't rerun
By this point it's less that mods don't take action and more that every single schizo in the board has a ban evasion method.
Wish we got better measures to deal with that. I love BA but everywhere there is a schizo to screw with the threads.
>since collab doesn't rerun
The sample size is not large enough to make this claim. They included a line in the gacha details to leave open the possibility of a rerun for Railguns, which they didn't do for Miku(or so I've heard, I wasn't playing back then).
It hasn't even been a year yet so we have no way of knowing if they'll actually follow through with it or not. But, I have to imagine they will, because otherwise why include a line that might discourage people from pulling?
well people here can share their experience
outside of the first few box gacha, every welfares afterward is able to get them to at least 4*, assuming close to max boost
>Wish we got better measures to deal with that
We know the bikinischizo's name, so a permanent solution to his mental illness is possible. Just sayin'.
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Why cannot BA have nice bikini like this? Does Korea ban bikini? Even worse than SBI. 개조샌은 비키니 금지함니까^~?韓国ってビキニ禁止でありますか?
maint in 30 and i feel like im forgetting something...
I can't believe I still don't have Kanna... :[
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No one faps over such ugly one pieced swimsuit. No bikini(without shirt, skirt ans shorts is OK, bikini top should be exposed) 2 years a row in BA shows that Korea bans bikinis.
Apk update
Post da datamines!
can you post them? i had my own filters for the schizo but firefox corruption killed my 4chan-x config
your permanent solution is hitting the report button and ignoring it
this spambot has shat up this site for over half a decade anyway so idk why people cant just simply ignore it/hide it since its extremely bot like anyway
My bet would be that we get a maint extension today.
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Are u defending burka "swimsuits" this year without single bikini tops? BA is Even cucked than China. Korea bans bikini. No K-gacha have bikini... at least China has no feminists. Why do West and Japanese keep defending Korea's bikini ban censorship? I fear if Korean censorship standard becomes enforced to Japanese anime, manga and games. SBI was bad enough, BA censorship is even bullshit. Even Sweet baby inc. didn't ban bikinis unlike Korea.
2 GA ticket + another 10 roll from 1.1m followers, s.fubuki kit seems pretty weird
maint is over, I seriously hope you're already downloading assets
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>170 rolls
>170th 3* student
stupid dog. you make me look bad
Alas, I'm fixing shit Nexon broke again.
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Our opinion on slop?

huh? what's this
Looks to me like male with halo
Or the meme where early puberty girls go to the pool/beach with swim trunks
also google think that those related images are sfw
looks like it'll be 193 AP/eleph unless you roll for sKanna/sFubuki
fuck you nexon
or just, you know, a hand bra
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Anyone else is having the “unauthorized apps” message? It seems that it's only affecting one emulator (MuMu Player 12)
Already tried using a different phone model and other shit but the problem still persists. It works fine on my phone so I guess it has something to do with the chink emulator.
Dataminer anon
When you update your repo? TIA
see >>1500107
What other anon said, but also the repo is updated now
ldplayer, same issue.
persists through reinstall
LDP9 here, got not problem
Summer moe is HG/Special
It's moeover for her
Special armor btw
She's a striker
Read it again, slowly, and then tell us why you are stupid.
pls understand i'm horny and stupid
Fuck, chibi sKanna with her ass turned towards me makes me wanna roll for her
But meta...
i though her EX is good?
I only have 1 spark, is it good enough to spend that? Probably not...
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Me as the whistle
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Hoshi's thing is pretty sad.
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Event info is up! Incidentally, I'm looking for some help with event editing. While most of the event page is generated automatically (and I maintain the export script), it could always use a touch of manual care, to add announcement links, strategies, and major update highlights.
Another anon took care of that for a long time, but he's out now and I just don't have the bandwidth to do this. You can look at Trip-Trap-Train and preceding events to see how much difference that extra information made. If you want to contribute try editing any of the newer events or reach out to me with any questions.
Getting this on mumu too
I hope smoe is garbage so I dont have to roll for that ugly shit before blufes/arius summer
s.Moe is cute however
It's regular Moe who is ugly as fuck
Glasses diff
Wish she wasn't so skinny though
I like glasses, her being skinny is the improvement for me.
same here
i dont want to go back to bluestacks holy shit
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Stacks works flawlessly

Else just use LD9 with root permissions disabled. If root is enabled then game wont run.
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These swimsuits look like burka, for 1 rashguard burka shirt, 2 one pieced swimsuuts which no one faps with.
BA's swimsuit event has no bikinis due to Korea banning bikinis, right? 2 censorships on swimsuit will make its sales tank due to anime not doing well, and censoring swimsuit design in genshin level on male oriented gacha...
>Farming with 40% bonus yet again
I overestimated Nexon's generosity. I'm rocking 35% bonus.
do you have autism?
I have 55% and I felt bad about it.
All five characters are level 1 so I had s.Hosh solo all the missions for me
80% chad here
You're all BINGuses
Ever since I started playing gacha in 2014 with love live SIF and saw cringekids using 5x niko 4x maki instead of 1 girl per slot, I swore I would never be like those guys. Sure, I lose 55% bonus down to 35% but I would rather quit the game than compromise on my rules like I had to quit kancolle after 6 years.
And this game has specifically a button for it. It's not acceptable that you can't get 100% bonus even if you have all the characters depending on what you click in the game settings.
>qooapp update
>updates like normal
>game still sends me to update
>no update option just install
what's happening aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
This is pretty weird but I respect your commitment, anon.
Sometimes Qoo breaks, but also devs pulled a weird thing where the version that's up on stores is actually ahead of the build game API advertises as latest.
So it's a toss-up on which broken thing messed your install.
it's absurd that the next story part isn't coming for 20 days when we're in the finale. why do they want to kill the hype so much. i get that they wanted to stretch it out for the anime but now that it's over what are they thinking
Maybe they want to give anime newcuties time to catch up.
please.... john nexon... make a banner that i can justify rolling on.... i want to ROLL
Neat, the artist for S.Fubuki and S.Kirino is the artist for the chibi loading screens, and these are his first proper sprites in the game.
>the artist for the chibi loading screens
Oh, so that's the artist. I like his chibi artstyle, it looks way better than the ones made by donmin.
>he hasn’t seen Rabu’s new swimsuit
Oh no oh nono no ahahaha What’s the argument now lol?
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NPC, ma'am.
So how's the new event? Can't play until the emulator fix is in
Time to download bluestacks
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Dataminer anon
They will implement combat style change (?)
I see they change something in costume table and the first student is Hoshino (Armed)
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Why the fuck isn't she playable? I need her!
Wonder if this is BA's version of 6* and we'll have a new thing we'll need to farm to unlock costume variants.
Summer Arius is actually Summer Helmets with Arius happening to show up
Rabu is the blufes unit with summer Rabu coming next year.
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Korea bans bikini, prease understand...
Explain this image to me like I'm an 8-year-old
Would it be possible to tell from datamines if they're adding a system that lets you pinch special students in the formation screen, or make them show up in the victory screen?
They HAVE to be aware that it's the game's single most wanted feature
I mean, they do say a huge helmet beach meet-up is happening soon in the event
>Combat Style Change
Kinda like Amiya from Arknights then? Instead of making you roll for another version for her like we do with all the alts in the game right now we'll probably unlock a variation of her we can swap between on her base version?
Wonder if they'll make you work for the unlock or if it's just clearing the story.
We saw her using two different combat styles in the story, her shield mode and her handgun mode. It's probably an out of raid toggle for her new unit, nothing to do with her base version.
Eh, crit res is whatever but I wouldn't undersell letting her regen passive proc twice. That thing basically only comes into play into PvP to begin with, making it go for twice as long basically may actually swing matches.
also torment perorodzilla
she isnt better than yuuka, and you arent running two yellow tanks in any meta.
regardless even if it became a good idea she would rapidly get countered and suffer the same fate as marina and junko with failing to get her skill off before dying except her normal is way less impactful, and doesnt even save her immediately.
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all the red set videos use either bKazusa or Atsuko
it's over
How much less damage is UE30 B.Airi, realistically
Why did you skip your second girlfriend Miyakobro
Here's one that doesn't use bKazusa nor Atsuko...
oh, nice
I'll try to copy that but maybe aim for 94 or 97 instead of 99
Has the emulator issue been fixed yet?
bluefes students get to ignore mechanics
First two challenges don't need fes unit to ignore mechanics since they're low level
Third challenge he was able to ignore them because of maxed cherino
EX challenge he played all the mechanics
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Not sure why I still see some people complain about Set even after the nerfs, floor 49 is effortless auto tier even without borrowing an actual attacker. Yeah the higher floors get rough and have fairly strict character requirements but that's not really any different than insane/torment
I should probably 5* my Shiroko so I can start grinding her bond for Kuroko. She's technically named Shiroko Terror so they should share stats, right?
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probably upset because they couldn't clear floor 97 for maximum bonus since the nerf are only for floor 74 and below. Well I failed to clear floor 97 last month but I didn't complain about it
Red is fine, blue is much less fine.
She's a different person from regular Shiroko (alternative universe, coexisting with regular Shiroko, etc) so bond stats might not carry over. Depends on how Nexon feels.
If they do that they'd better give her alts and content at the pace of a regular character (once she's free of NPC jail) instead of letting Shiroko content delay Kuroko content and vice versa.
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So Hoshino(Forma de serioso) is basically confirmed for 3.5 anni, right? Even if not being THE limited student for it sounds likely she drop around that time.
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Floor 99 done. Time to forget about Set again for another month or two.
I still believe in Millennium fes
>hoshino (battle) and suou on the 100 free roll limited banner
>summer atsuko bluefes and summer saori welfare
its why misaki and hiyori's faces weren't shown in the PV
I could see something like this, except maybe Rabu instead of Suou (since they might want to drag highlander out longer, and Suou in particular might need a time out since she threatened to nuke Abydos).
But it also feels like a waste to not make Hiyori limited since her tits will sell well. Ui/Hinata was the game's best selling banner that isn't blufes or Railguns even though Hinata is nothing but a massive pair of tits.
I think people would be legitimately mad if someone from Arius got cucked out of a banner for bluefes, doubly so for a student who's already had such a banner
Let Serious Hosh be some sort of costume change, and the shield -> handgun switch work like Toki's kit or something
This event line from S.Kirino makes my kokoro go dokidoki
I'm willing to bet Ui did the heavy lifting for that one since she was always popular and had a pretty good kit
Speaking of, it's been a good while since we've had a student with a really good overall kit outside of bluefes-related banners. Feels like everyone these days has a very niche use for content that already exists and is merely an alternative rather than a new staple, even S.Kanna at best seems like a replacement for Akane who only ever sees use in Binah. They might need to shake things up some with something more appealing than Set or metafags are gonna keep saving their pyros
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I still need to preorder my Miyakosex
I dunno what shipping option to pick though since none of them give me an actual price
Mine was $30 so
the slowest speed feels like the fastest for a normal raid, and it has way too many effects going on with this in mind.
ive fought him for like half a year at this point and my clears are still ridiculously inconsistent.
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the 1 or 2 notifications per student still bug me, why not just stick it to 1
>high unit-check
>even if you have all the checks, its still a chore to clear because the EX skills micromanagement required is much stricter since the raid is AA-heavy and you cannot bring a second team to cleanup
spending 30 minutes pausing in-n-out between one raid video on youtube on one screen and your raid on the other every 2 seconds isnt fun
Set just takes what not fun about BA gameplay and tenfold them
Because in message programs it shows the amount of unread. In this case some of those girls sent you 2 messages.
Yeah, learning a set raid just takes too much time and needs too many pieces. Nexon is absolutely high if they think I'll roll for characters only good for set and spend hours trying to micromanage that amount of students.
I don't know about you but I made my own timeline in the notepad the first time blue happened, then a very similar one the first red. And can you point out the "set only" units the guy in >>1501113 had to roll for?
okay and like i said if you don't like BA gameplay you can just auto 49 easily and get a decent chunk of mats and be good, while people who like it can do the higher levels like usual.
hell if you don't like BA gameplay you can just not bother at all since it doesn't have pulls in it. that just means it's content for a different audience that you're not part of, like how decorating the cafe is something i don't care about or engage in.
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60/100, pretty slow but better than nothing
Has anyone gotten to 9th window yet?
Just got to it today
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i am on 10th (9th + enough tokens to clear all)
is mumu player still not working?
Not gonna try too hard to farm Kirino since the boxes past the 8th look extremely inefficient and she doesn't look that great anyway, at best she's a small upgrade to Shizuko and Shimiko.
Mumu, especially the oversea version, is well known for slow on update and the fix, so I just install LDplayer and play on that now. I will check back on it in a month or something.
Does anyone have a link for Challenge 3?
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red set 74
Yoshimi: Look what they need to mimic a fraction of my power
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It's possible to accidentally burn your workbooks when adding resources for crafting. I can't believe this is a thing.
What do you mean accidentally
Usually I just pick whatever material is at the top of the list minus eligma/crafting stones and don't think about it. I was really close to using the workbooks as craft fodder if I didn't notice them.
that's what the filters are for
use them
wait, nevermind. even when setting the filter to only show 素材, the workbooks still pop up
if you go 素材 + default sort, the workbooks only appear in the middle-ish section. not exactly a solution since you'll be scrolling down again but at least you won't have an accident like that
being able to use workbooks is a good thing though
imagine how many useless +healing books you'll have after 1 year
Yeah, still not working but seems that the Chinese version already got a minor update that fixes that error.
I found a temporary fix in the JP wiki but I prefer to keep using LDPlayer and wait until the Global version of MuMu fix the problem.
I use the global one and it was fixed yesterday. You have to launch the game once and the side panel that opens which before said they were working on a fix now tells you to restart mumu and the game.
summer SRT rerun : 10 - 17 July

Ex cost : 6
Damage Dealer
Role : Striker
Shoe, Hairpin, Watch
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Guarantee tix from buying anime BD

"A ticket that allows you to recruit Shiroko, Hoshino. If you already have it, you will instead obtain 70 of Shiroko, Hoshino Elephs."

A ticket that allows you to recruit Serika, Ayane, Nonomi. If you already have it, you will instead obtain 15 of Serika, Ayane, Nonomi Elephs.",
Maximum jew
why is this suddenly getting datamined?
Sounds like she's DoA unless her EX is absolutely nuts
>purple damage
>blue armor
There it is. Our first purple Set character.
It was already datamined last week, poster probably only just now saw it.
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Never saw that side panel or even any message. I'm not sure exactly why but I'm guessing the reason might be my DNS blocking something.
Still managed to fix the problem by just changing Read-only system disk to Writable system disk.
I hope we get Rabu in this event's rerun
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>defeat 20 small enemies
>do one commission
>defeat 20 small enemies
>do one commission
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Chise is a genius. Haikuer should become a standardized word.
we could always not get anyone new for the rerun
Finally read enough of the main story to unlock the 10-roll ticket from the guide mission on time before it goes away for a few months. I really should make it a habit to read something every day...
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Don't forget to do your Day 1 snek hits!
So as a level 50 without any of the meta characters do I just use a circle member's level 90 mika and have her solo it?
Yeah. Just remember that you can only use a specific support once per day. For example if you borrow X's Mika for Hard, you won't be able to use that same Mika for Very Hard, and will have to borrow Y's Mika instead.
Oh good to know. Fortunately it didn't really make a difference cause there's like 5 completely maxed out Mikas in my circle but that makes sense why I couldn't find the same one I used before.
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they should remove the alternating yellow 5 and blue X for UE equipped student and just have it permanently on the blue UE level

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