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Anniversary in 1 day-ish. Did you save your rolls for lyfe wife?
>60 rolls
Probably going to get her with anni gibs but gun is gonna have to wait for a rerun. At least I can hide the cope with her wedding skin...
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I have some tucked away. Was gonna spend for costumes anyway so whatever I have left over is going towards her and kaguya
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Already got her.
it's up?
>stuck at 40/80 for weapon and have nothing left to roll.
Next patch should be orange Nita so I can skip to save up, no way I can recover fast enough after this.
>free ripped prereg costume to commemorate anniv
danke schon
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i failed my 50/50, it's over. I didn't have enough to go for 100 banner. The free skin is nice though, better than the astronaut one.
>better than the astronaut one
Because it's an improved version of the astronaut skin.
I thought you guys were dead
I don't wanna go back to /vg/
Any new palworld mode meta? The tall ice guys hurt a lot but seem like they have trouble staying alive. Is it true that the last selected pal at the bottom of your team draws the most aggro or is that placebo?
Should have waited to get the right amount of gems and rolled on the 100 banner.
i wouldn't have had enough, i barely hit soft pity and got fenny, i would never have gotten a 5* in the 100 banner. Last time I had to hit 90, not enough time to save. Now i'm guaranteed pity for next banner for whoever comes out. I got katya and siris last event, i'm okay with losing out on big tits Lyfe, I already have her other 5* version.
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Can't unsee angry blue face
I kinda want her but i missed my chance to get cherno...and the new lyfe feels too wieldy for me. Heard there'll be selector though, does anyone know the lineup?
Anons were saying up to Eatchel I think? Not sure what you mean by wieldy but I've been having a lot of fun with nu-Lyfe with how mobile she is in combat.
holy pantsu, haven't seen this skin yet, i skipped her, too loli for my taste
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Where is Mechabreak?
5Frit mobile controller ult lockon doesn't seem to work anymore. Manual aim only.
Newtard here, how can I ensure getting lyfe and fenny when it comes out
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>no lolis
>Lyfe gets to skip her ult animation after using it once for each battle
>Frit still needs to sit through hers every single time
can't stop losing
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>not playable
You get Fenny for free by playing the game but I don't know if you can get Lyfe with newbie rewards before her banner ends so might have to swipe or reroll.
I've got Lyfe in like 20 hours of playing starting fresh a couple of days ago, and Fenny will be given for free as >>1516398 said. So go ahead.
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Her tits have broken, it's over...
This isn't the breast sag I wanted...
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>We plan to implement full voice acting for the main storyline in the 1.5-year anniversary version and subsequent versions, and gradually achieve full voice coverage for individual character stories within six months.

welp looks like no one can complain about the story not having voice anymore, seems like their CN voice actors quit or something, so new actors incoming, I play with JP so doesn't really affect me, but I look forward to fully voiced story, hopefully rewritten too.

I don't read chink, but sauce for those who care
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It is a little odd that this EN voice actors quit and now CN voice actors. I read that scheduling issues were a part of it but it is an odd coincidence.
makes me wonder if behind the scenes it's pressure from mixed toilet gacha companies. they seem incredibly adamant against fanservice, they're probably applying pressure anywhere they can, including telling voice actors not to work with seaslug. It just seems like an endless torrent of maliciousness, and sabotage from all directions, ever since they decided to proceed with fanservice. It's amazing what a few pantyshots will do to some people
>welp looks like no one can complain about the story not having voice anymore
Too late, I already don't like the history that much so I don't see myself watching the archives like I did with other games :(
I really hope not but I wouldn't put companies past dirty tricks.
Chink communities have gone full swing about conspiracy theory shit since this happened right during the game 1st anniversary. But as long as JP dub stay the same I could give less a shit about EN or CN dub.
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that's pretty obnoxious
I havent tried nulyfe in paradox yet. Does she have unique buffs yet?
Not yet. The buffs from the new incentive seem to be tailored specifically for her style though. It looks funny, but not as effective as just abusing Spark.
Did the EN VAs quit?
My understanding was they were let go when the game wasn't making money.
Then a discord mod claimed the studio refused to sign a new contract when Snowbreak could afford it again citing "fanservice" as the issue.
They cut EN dub when the game was dying to save cost. Sometime later the official twitter claimed that they tried to contact the VAs and asked them to return but got turned down. Then someone on discord posted some tweets, assuming from one of the EN VAs, who was complaining about the new fanservice approach and said that she doesn't want to work with the company again.
Now they suddenly replaced most of the CN VAs, though from the comments, most CN players don't care but that didn't stop all the gossiping going around.
Do you have links to any of those tweets?
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nta but

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