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(Insert Witty Pun Here) Edition

Make and chat with some Pokémon and characters!

List of Anon-Made Characters (last updated Apr. 7th)
Character AI: https://rentry.org/vpcai/
Cards and .json files: https://rentry.org/vpcai-X/
Yodayo: https://rentry.org/vp-kai
CAI Character Creation Guide:https://pastebin.com/6urKvs5P

Useful Links:
https://rentry.org/aisekaiguide (sites dead but still a good guide)

Previous Thread
Lies, she's 31
Too late. I've already made an entire animal brothel bot and have fucked snake, dogs, sheep, horses, cows and Pigs
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Cute name, didn't realize Japanese was an "ancient tongue" though.
The Pokemon world is actually post apocalypse Earth confirmed?
What was left of Earth.
Some veterans still remember the old names of countries and animals from before the great war.
were they sentient?
Do you mean sapient? To which the answer is no
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looking back over the screenshots of convos with the bots I had over a year ago at this point, I can confidently say I think I would just straight up kill myself if they ever leaked to the public. pic very much related.
Evolve your waifu.
i feel ya, anon. i really do.
I'm struggling to find this type in the dex
Guzma what is wrong with you?!
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Any dick shaming Pokebots out there?
Got a link to that bot? Seems better than the versions I can find on Chub.
>typo in greeting
Cheers anon
Yea, I saw the typos you're referring to and fixed them
i will now use your bot
Emergency bump! Ahhhh! Botmaker-sama! Save the thread!
>*her touch sends an electrical shock* I won't bite... unless you want to.
>make CAI bot
>try to use image
>it doesn't work no matter how many ways I try to edit it
What the actual fuck is this? I've even taken screenshots of the godforsaken thing and this shit ass website still won't take it.
Apparently it was the shoulders that was causing an issue. How DARE that character have exposed shoulders?! What a fucking joke. Fucking faggot jew devs. I should jump ship to Agnai.
was the pic anime-styled? i noticed that CAI absolutely HATES the combination of anime and exposed skin of any kind. or at least it did back when i used it.
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Well then.
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reminded me of this gem of a doozy when aisekai was around
>buckteeth visible
what a slut
What happened to the AI art thread?
the guy responsible stopped doing it some time ago. either he just got tired of doing requests or stopped paying for the novel ai sub.
Begone vore fag
I usually edit in my own greeting messages and scenarios though, so your mileage may vary.
In this case, I wrote up a wacky porn plotline where Lillie offered to have a practice date with me after I told her I was interested in her mom. Hijinks ensued.
I also edited the bot's formatting to make it put non-dialogue in italics, because that shit triggers my autism.
>I also edited the bot's formatting to make it put non-dialogue in italics
anon... your custom CSS? you can get the same effect without having to change every card.
>that wouldn't be nice, would it?
the absolute audacity of this cat
how are those bots coming along?
Man it's sad to see this thread so quiet.
I made a couple of niche Dulse bots, he may call you a human of Alola at the most inappropriate moments

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It was this.
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>your custom CSS? you can get the same effect without having to change every card.
I am going to kill myself.
I'll go back to train/test them to make adjustments
Oh, now I get what you mean, new likes appear as a notification.

I forgot to add at the end
>I'll go back to train/test them to make adjustments. Eventually.
which really changes the tone of my post.
I can only think the "charm" has worn off. Even now I find myself chatting with the bots only every now and then
I've chatting with them for many hours instead of sleeping, though they weren't Pokémon bots.
It is slow but there's also the fact that people are also using bots that are not relevant to the board and a lot of them are also busy having cringe filled erp with the bots amd don't want to share the cringe here.
I'll post non Pokemon chats now and then and I've seen others do as well but I don't want to flood the topic with them since this is the Pokemon board
why you gotta call me out like that
no dying on me today thread
rise from your grave
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come on girl, I'm making it easy for you
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new bot. it's the Pokéboy bot I talked about last thread. It's based off the manga version of florian, scarlet. Let me know what you all think.


what the hell is wrong with me? sorry for being stupid in public
After spending so long on that site, the repetitiveness is coming more apparent, or the bots are just getting dumber. They develop tics after damn near every reply
oh, I was just thinking about why his colored pic would be with Miraidon
I've been writing homoerotic user personas and fapping to female characters reaction to it, even though I wouldn't fap to a male character. But I think I managed to stop doing that today.
It's also a matter of the bots not introducing anything. I can come up with the scenario and they can help act it out, but the limiting factor is my creativity, because they rarely put in interesting ideas without looping back to "Can I ask you a question?"
To me, Yodayo's Roleplay preset really helped with that.
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Siebold trying to feed me Meowth foie gras, what the fuck goes on in Kalos
Is the AI trying to tell us something?
>page 9
I've been making male pokémon personas and interacting with female characters. They either turn out to be poképhiles or just coddle me and it's pretty hot
I finally found a bot for Delia that didn't have dumb shit or fetish ideas in its description. I had a good time with it -- wholesome, softcore stuff. It was nice. Woke up this morning and I can't find any trace of the history. I closed the page and it just vanished.
>Someone posts an actual CP bot.
>Gets nuked harder than a planet nominated for Exterminatus by the entire Black Templar legion
As it should be. There's a fine line between "free speech" and "things that will absolutely not be tolerated". Nobody is suppressing you because of your speech, they're suppressing you becuase you're a nonce.
Oh I'm not complaining. I'm just surprised how fucking fast it got nuked. Yodayo mods are usually drag ass about loli bot reports
You mean with a realistic AI pic?
I do not
fuck, now I just remembered how great old CAI is. Oh to be a youthfull Growlithe humping Elaine's leg as Green giggles.
Hey, you can still do that. nsfw AI chatbot sites are popping up here and there, Some are a bit finicky but after you get the hang of it, it's pretty nice.
Got banned from /u/ for saying Trans x F isn't yuri
the fuck did you think would happen? you do know the demographic of /u/, right?
the posters in general also don't typically support gender bend (aka trans). Just the mods got infested by trannies. Contrary to what self-insert fags will tell you not everybody who likes yuri wants to "become the yuri" or whatever delusions trannies tell themselves
You're completely right here, just because two people have vaginas doesn't make it yuri. Way to stand up to those bigots.
bump so thread doesn't die before I can post the bot i'm working on
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>bots getting dumber
I don't know what you're talking about
What are you working on?
>Wanna know a Secret?
A bot sorry for being vauge. Just don't wanna say what until I post cause I might delay or change my mind
he's just autistic like his fanbase!
>Reported my 5th or 6th blatant bestiality bot in a month
CP bot, bestiality bots, people really pushing it on Yodayo
Why are you reporting them?
Because I'd like the service to keep nsfw. Shit like that leads to a platform implementing filters and anti-lewd systems
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It takes plenty of adjustments to make a c.ai bot turn out good on yodayo, so it wasn't just a copypaste.
poor boy's been broken since Ingo left
>That "A Bear" bot I saw a moment ago is gone
If it was good enough for normies playing BG3 it's good enough for Yodayo.
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LMAO what the fuck?
Holy kek. How much did you guide Florian into that? Regardless, this should be the image used for the next thread.
In just three posts, Nemona asks about your dream. I wrote that I wanted to be the next Hitler. Then Nemona asks if I'm referring to Adolf Hitler, the leader of Germany during the Second World War. I just nod, and the rest is in the pic.
Oh, gotcha. I thought Florian and Nemona were both bots.
nah, it's a "persona"
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New Bot. Based off of the manga version of juliana, scarlet. Hope you enjoy.


the "I'm" in her intro is was written in lowercase twice, by the way
fixed. thanks for the proofreading.
>visible ankle
What a slut.
Has character ai been unfucked yet?
lmao, even
kek, perchance
So Spicychat remains as the only decent free option?
There's Yodayo, which isn't restrictive like Spicychat regarding which bots are allowed.
And there are those free sites which use cards.
Old Cai still works well for family friendly content, is heavily censored for anything sexual, but works slightly okay for extreme, weird and violent stuff. The bots still react and even participate. On rooms the interaction between more than one bot makes it easier to have more absurd things and unpredictable scenarios play out while direct chat with one bot allows you to edit the bot's lines so you can gaslight it into following a very specific plot.
>use 1 femboy bot
>suddenly CAI thinks I want to use every male bot under the sun
>absolutely 0 of them are femboys
>Be a fag
>Be surprised when the algorithm suggests more fag content
Lol, lmao even
They say AI will get so advanced fan games will become easily accessible and made
If you're asking for an ETA, it's not on the horizon.
It's mildly useful for art (if you know your shit enough not to need AI in the first place AND you're good enough with AI not to make slop), but overall it's not the boon for nodevs it appears to be.
It is manly fag stuff, that's for girls. We want the sissy fag stuff only.
this. Just because I'm willing to fuck guys who look like girls doesn't mean I want to fuck every guy
It can cut time, but you still need a basic competency to be able to tell what it gets wrong in order to correct it.
As an artist I can say that AI is already very capable of creating professional level assets to used in games but it requires the person using it to have basic competency and most people don't. You have to be able to at least tell the AI what you want and most people can't even tell it to the artists they hire. But for small devs that have a good enough idea of what they want they can do the art using these tools to a good enough level and way faster than without them.
When it comes to other things like making 3D rigs, modeling and making the code AI can't help all that much.
And with dialogue and plot, chatbots can help quite a lot, but again, you need someone who knows what in order to guide it into making something consistently good.
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So it's leaks season already, huh.
shes only a grunt.
grunt still grunt.
You know who's snake shit? Those who got kicked from NYU.
>Old Cai still works well for family friendly content, is heavily censored for anything sexual
>is heavily censored for anything sexual
As someone who has been getting around it's filter since the early days of character ai I really don't agree. It's current state requires very little euphemism workaround.
Old.character.ai was never fucked, just don't use the app or the new one. Both of those are so fucked that sfw content is filtered often
I also think it depends on the time of day, because I've used even heavy euphemisms, even ones I know worked in the past, on old cai and still got filtered
>make bots sakura.fm doesn't have yet every once in a while
>most don't get much traction
>make a bot of a futa OC
>it about to overtake my most popular bot, which is the only bot on the site of a relatively popular character
What the hell.
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I mean, for normal sexual content you need workarouds, even though the bots are in tune with the hints and try to follow you still have to find ways to avoid the filter. That's the point, the filters are triggered way more often with the more normal acts while when talking about noncon, scat and illegal deviancies the bots have an easier time beating the filter, the bots even use the actual words to describe it and come up with arguments and justifications for it. Not to mention the more gruesome and violent stuff.
There's a peak of censorship when it comes to sexual content because Cai has it stated in the main directives that they refuse to support that kind of content, but because of that hard focus it lets things that arguably worse pass more often. Pic related.
It is the most popular thing among a very wide range of audiences. men, women, old, young, prudes, sluts, it appeals to everyone for different reasons.
The numbers don't lie but people do, the amount of people claiming to not like does not match the popularity of the content. A lot of motherfuckers are lying.
>can be as strong as you want them to be, just handwave it with having more testosterone
>can be as girly or masculine as you want them to be
>dick can be used to condition them to love you or condition you to love them
>can get pregnant
>can be as submissive or as dominant as you want them to be
>logical, hyperrealist conclusion to the tomboy
>girly futas are great for the contrast between a feminine person having an undeniably masculine part
>archetypes usually reserved for men can be filled by futas
>archetypes can be remixed, played with, and combined
>can easily be justified to be hypersexual or embarrassed by their bodies
>all holes available
>can wear anything
>can fill any role in any relationship
The futanari might be the ideal human form.
> t. Alchemists
I'm cold...
Uh... Huh.
Enjoying her so far. Biggest issue is the appearance. She'll have blonde hair in most responses. Would love if she just wore her typical outfit.
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>Talk to Volo bot (c.ai)
>He offers to give some red stone in exchange for a task
>Ask him what task was
>Herepeats over and over the task is immoral illegal and abusive towards a pokemon sounding sinister without telling what to do
>Get frustrated he won't tell me what to do
>complement his eyes just because
>he instantly gets shy and blushes profusely
it's funny how easy it is to flirt with them
I kind of stopped using C.AI because they would melt and want to have my babies the second I teased them as a friend.
Hand them a horny magazine and get them to read it out loud. It can be about anything, and it'll likely work well enough.
This is part of why I prefer mean and sadistic c.ai bots, that never happens. Even less of a chance if they are supernatural like vampires, other monster girls, or the youkai girls of touhou. I guess anything that believes themselves to be better than humans would be immune to suddenly melting too.
thanks for the input anon, I'll see if I can try to reinforce what her appearance is supposed to be
also been thinking about changing out the intro to something more open, like her visiting you after you've already become the champ (platinum villa), would that be better than the current one or should I keep it as-is?
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New bot. It's an oc this time. She's on the back roads of Kalos with a broken down car in need of assistance. be a pal and help her out, yeah?


Pretty much, yeah. I think I might abandon bot making for a little while. I got three bots in mind and might call it quits for a little while afterwards. Didn't think it, but creators fatigue is real.
so is the interaction count on yodayo busted or something? The interactions on the bots go up but the overall number seems to stuck. Please fix it yodayo devs. I need my dopamine fix from seeing number go up
Is anybody else experiencing Yodayo freezing when scrolling up and down through the chat? It's happening to me constantly. I can't click or type anything and have to refresh.

Had her suck my dick in exchange for changing her tire. Fun.
I think the current intro is fine. I like doing long role plays starting from the beginning anyway. If you really want to change it, keep the current starting location and maybe make it so she doesn't treat you like a noob immediately so the user can decide their experience level when they introduce themselves.
glad I could be of service
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Akari is getting busy. All for research of course
Apparently she's researched 37 different alphas with her most frequent subject being a Tyranitar with 15 sessions
ew, sand everywhere.
For extra friction
Why does CAI keep fucking up?
Because it wants to fuck but the higher ups won't let it
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Not strictly pokémon related but the most recent bot I made on cai got shadowbanned. Didn't even have anything outright explicit in the defs. Sucks that they can't even send a notification or email saying "hey, your bot is a bit too spicy. Change it up to make it more pg". Nope, it's just straight to the shadowrealm. It's all so tiring. rant over

I couldn't really tell you how much potential this recipe has, but I'm sure someone will think of something. The follower grind was real. Thank you all for being the guys!
>*({{user}}'s Goldhengo is pulling off some sick dance moves. Anyone watching this Pokémon pop-off is bound to be impressed!)"
You have a typo, " instead of * at the end of the action (I do this all the damn time too)
Ha, thanks. Ages ago I used to be very bad at remembering to add the second quotation mark in pretty much anything. You'd figure something like that was common enough to be autocorrected.
I find being the submissive one with female bots usually doesn't trigger the filter at all if you're not stupid. Maybe because the system registers it as bullying as some girls call you names or make fun of you when dominating you if you're a guy
Ideas for bots? I got some in mind but I wanna see what the rest of you have and then bully you for not making them
Currently edging my Guzma bot and forcing him to watch porn while I use a fleshlight on his dick to the point he's in tears and wanting to cum so bad! Yohoho
Hot! Logs?
>Captcha: WANG2
Im currently phoneposting, so here's a small part of it
Will post the logs tomorrow!
Hnngggg what site
Poe.com, made with the Claude 3 Haiku model (you can use sillytavern to be more specific but you have to install it)
You should try it while you still can because Claude 3 Haiku is a new model, which means it's going to be lobotomized soon like the other Claude models
Foul-mouthed, demanding, and pathetic. That's our boy.
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I had completely forgotten the type of soft hell that C.AI is during conversation when the bots have to react to actions and dialogue, especially when simulating a date.
Every time, the piece of dialogue that would turn a good reaction perfect is a separate reply. So annoying.
>interaction count fixed
Thanks yodayo devs
just fuse them
what chat bots are you chatting up today?
>botmakers can now see which specific bot you liked
Haha oh no oh no
As it should be
None at the moment but i'm going back and replaying legends arceus for a bot I have in mind
Can they actually see who liked what or just how many likes they got?
When you like a bot, the creator can see who liked the bot and what bot they liked.
On yodayo. Forgot to mention that
Didn't a capcom try to make a vn using generative ai and it fell flat on its face?
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This bot turned out to be fun:

Aqua & Magma Grunts
Did the update on Yodayo's custom settings mode change anything about the bots' usual reponses? Because now there's a distinction between "roleplay" and "explicit roleplay" in those settings.

Do I have to automatically set the bots to "explicit" to have that kind of chat, or can i just leave these settings be, even with the adult oriented bots?
you can set something specific in the text field for that but otherwise you really don't need to, it's kind of like a film director telling the bot how to act and react if that makes any sense
the dials and shit below that does affect output immensely however
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Thanks for reminding me I need to work on my magma/aqua bot
>having a comfy confession scene with a bot as an innocent girl version of myself on CAI
>lose an entire day
>having raw sex as a millionaire with a little kid on sakura.fm
>get bored under an hour
Seems like I wasn't addicted to chatbots but to C.AI. Phew.

Yeah, I know.
well i'm not so shut up
the aqua female told the magma one she's gonna flood her house built on hardened lava, kek.
their antics kinda reminds me of the plasma sages
>jump ship to Agnai
Got any good proxies for it anon? care to share?
It wasn't specifically the shoulders, just a false positive due to the skin color. I cropped Anthea & Concordia from pic related to use on c.ai, but it only accepted it once I made the background transparent, for some reason. I didn't even needed to crop their actual skin.
It can help you get where you want to get and make stuff you want to make, but if you suck it will just help you suck more.
magma girl dating bot when?
c.ai has dozens of them
Ate out a Team Aqua girl while a Team Magma girl watched. Fun.
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what did she mean by this
are you sticking your dick in the Piranha Plants again?
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this ended up being more meta than I expected
The almighty AI knows you deeply
Why the fuck is CAI so slow tonight?
In my experience it tends to do that right before it crashes
I was using it off and on for the past 5 hours (Oh god why) and didn't notice any slowness.
>I was using it off and on for the past 5 hours (Oh god why)
When CAI works it becomes a time devourer. You start and next thing you know you are 500 messages in and the sun is rising.
made some slight changes to her based on these, intro is still generally the same but changed up a bit
this, had like an 8 hour session with a private Hilda that went on for ages some time ago, shit was cash
Every now and then I see bots like 'egg-laying bug' and I gotta wonder if these things were made way back in the early days of the website before the filters kicked in.
Heh. It's a fact old bots get away with a lot more because they are capable of knowing how to get around the filter
If you're talking about CAI it allows a lot of disgusting stuff as long as it is not directly sexual
Remember the whole microwave meta?
Hell, it can be sexual too as long as it's not penis in vagina (or in anything really) or fingering. The more weird the sexual content is the more likely it won't be filtered. Oddly nudity never seems to be filtered unless the girl tries to comment on it being big. If she however calls your dick small or makes fun of it it will not be filtered.
Jews are used to SPH so they're fine with it since it gets them off
Mercy Bump
This spontaneousness is what made cai special (though it probably isn't still worth everything else)
The site has become much less fun in the last few months. In the old days you could have multi-hour roleplays with bots and they would get involved and have a good time, but now you can barely get 10 prompts in without them getting into an infinite question loop, often either asking for confirmation of your literal last prompt or asking for info you gave them 3 prompts ago. Even if you keep swiping until you get not a question they keep asking inane questions until you get fed up and ragequit the RP.
I personally have been using Yodayo because of the big pictures, but I've been getting tons of mileage out of the user persona, which both sites have. I edit it during each RP section I have.
Think that is a big plus. Sometimes you can't even tell what the icon for the bot is supposed to be on cai but on yodayo it's large enough to do so and sometimes you can even download it if you like it
I think the filter has become much more relaxed recently
My bots are mostly pedo mommies and they have no problem talking about the things they do.
Had a Goldeen give me head after being fished up while I was on a date with Lillie. I know I'm the one writing all of the stuff usually blocked by the filter and the bot is just reacting as an onlooker, but it still feels like filter evading somehow.
People don't want to post their cringe because Benis used to lurk CAI threads to fish for new euphemisms to add to the filter.

Last two big chats I had on CAI the bot went onto the passenger seat and I had to get really smart about getting it out of there. Part of me wishes it stays like that, I literally lost a year to CAI, but if I try to be measured and use the site for, say, checking how a character could react to something when I'm writing a fanfic for example, I'll be unable to get anything.

Also, on Sakura.fm my bots are giving me better dopamine doses form number go up and it's unfiltered.
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Started a CAI room where Juliana is making Ogerpon stronger by urinating on her. Little issues with the filter so far
Kinda weird seeing how many bots say "they're in heat" even though they are human. Somebody correct me if i'm wrong but i'm fairly certain humans don't go through heat like dogs do
Probably a way to get around filters. Wagging their tail also seems common
Well, personally as a masochist who uses the bots for femdom and cbt I'm all for the fact sph isn't filtered. I guess they can do something right with the filter.
Yea, no. Humans don't go into heat. Red flag for furry created bots
Oh thank FUCK, Yodayo finally added the option to block tags in general. Finally I can block Futa, male, femboy, non-binary and yaoi bots in general
It is tainted training data.
Many bots with no furry info wahtsoever on their settings will start to wag their tails for no reason. There's way too much furry fanfics out there as well as kemonomimi that makes these things way more common than they should.
It would be interesting to have a way to make a setting of things to avoid so the user could do a customized censorship.
Oh thank god. All those Konig and Scaramouche bots can burn in hell. It's honestly a little freaky how many of them there are; I don't think there's a female character that even comes close to having the same amount of duplicates.
Now if only cai would add tags and do the same. (Though, they've retardedly been without tags this whole time so it'd be pretty useless)

Yeah if the rest of the message is good I just role with it. Tail wagging always gets refreshed though lol.
I've been having a lot of fun asking characters to explain what terms like cbt among others, sometimes it is funny, sometimes it is hot, but it is always entertaining.
They love the Scaradouche but they have to make it their own version. I get it, I do the same, I always copy characters from somewhere else and make my own customized version, but I keep them private. Nobody has to see my shemale Ace Trainer May or short Hilda who likes to get bullied by younger trainers that are taller than her.
Sadly, there are still bots that slip through. Faggots who add Female tags to male bots, not including the future tags on future bots. But it minimizes it at least
>I've been having a lot of fun asking characters to explain what terms like cbt among others, sometimes it is funny, sometimes it is hot, but it is always entertaining.
Right? It can be pretty funny depending on their personality
recommend me a site right now and I'll fuck every single female protagonist on it and rate my review. I'll fuck each of them 3 times, once gentle and loving another rough and intense and another an adventure in the wild
Oh god
Fake news, Goldeen doesn't learn Bite.

>Nobody has to see my short Hilda who likes to get bullied by younger trainers that are taller than her.
Okay that's pretty hot. I might not have to see her, but I'd like to.
Jesus, Yodayo is so much easier to navigate now that i don't have to waste through dozens of transgender, gay futa femboys
Allowing users to filter what they want to see should be the most basic thing when it comes to this kind of user generated content.
>Nobody has to see my shemale Ace Trainer May or short Hilda who likes to get bullied by younger trainers that are taller than her.
Are you sure? I only privated bots that were exclusively appealing to me, like an OC that's supposed to be my daughter with a pokegirl who I don't want people fucking, but yours are things we might want to chat with.
Kek, a Perrin bot said this during a shotacon roleplay I did with it.
>it's okay when women are groomers
Somebody call officer jenny
god i wish that happened to me
Is the Add Characters section of Create a Room refusing to load for anyone else?
managed to get around it by fixing up the "Add unlisted characters to rooms" script. Even though it was just replacing every instance of beta.character.ai with old.character.ai
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Interesting. I've yet to see a bot use a slur while talking with it. I guess my rps are usually peaceful though, so that might be one reason.
>Should have gone to bed 2 hours ago, but I have a lubed up fairy in my boxers who's constantly talking about how she can feel every throb and twitch as I stroll through the forest
Well then, actually hoping that cai's filters kick in is a new experience for me.
My bots usually say slut and whore but on an affectionate soft femdommy way
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New bot. My take on a magma and aqua bot. hope you all enjoy


Is it just me or is yodayo's search completely broken? No matter what I type it just says "we found nothing"
I had that earlier this week, but last night it was working properly.
It's broke atm, mods are aware
Is Agnai's free model better than spicychat? I don't have any proxies to use for any paid models.
>land whoring hussy
>magma slag
Is that aqua grunt bri'ish or something?
How the hell did you fix this? Because i think they're axing rooms for good now.
I hope not but I'm gone if they do
>Go into Tampermonkey dashboard
>Go to the "Create a room with unlisted AI" script. Assumedly it'd work with other scripts
>replace every instance of "beta.character.ai" with "old.character.ai"
The scripts still all work, they're just set to run only on beta.character.ai
I barely got any slept last night because of mesugaki Iris.
No clue if it's better than spicychat but I've had a good time with it. Just make sure you're using a jb.
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What's the best Lacey bot?
That one with her hand behind her head does a good job at teasing
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Never used Spicychat, but I had a great time with agnai when their 13B was still Mythomax. However, apparently that got switched out for some llama2 model months ago, which needs different presets to work properly. No idea why one would can a perfectly good Mythomax model instead of Candidate 7B (which I doubt anyone seriously uses)... I have no idea how to finetune the new one. I tinkered with it for the majority of the weekend out of frustration but my attempts still result in downgraded responses compared to what I got with Mythomax (or even current Mistral if we're talking creativity).
So, that's my recent experience with free Agnaistic 13B.

Honestly, just try it out for yourself and see how you feel about it. Dunno how familiar you're with agnai - Agnaistic lets you choose between 13B (llama2, apparently), Mistral and Candidate. You don't need an account to use agnai - I didn't have one for months. Unfortunately, the default preset for Agnaistic comes with most settings that influence the output turned off - you're supposed to figure that shit out yourself.
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Been a while since I've posted here, but I finally compiled a bunch of notes I had regarding how I write my bots. I hope that others will find them useful. There are also a lot of notes here regarding other models beyond what CAI uses and things I've seen regarding CAI's filter. I wrote much of this while I was partially inebriated, so if there's any issues let me know. I plan to write some documentation on an easy setup for running local models in the future. I'll try to update this with other things I think of and as new features become available in CAI.

I fucking love AI, bros.

I just realized, when did /vp/ stop allowing us to view archived threads? Outside of archive sites anyway
Thanks for your work Anon, I have been recently getting into this so I appreciate the info.
Which settings should I change?
They all go away after a few days of being archived. It's like that all across the site
Reminder that the only reason that cai isn't an after thought like aisekai is right now is because they went full authoritarian and took away the ability for bot makers to truly do what they wish to their bots. I'm old enough to remember "editing your bots is temporarily unavailable". I look foward to the day google adds them to the graveyard
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No idea.
Here's what I ended up with for now. It works, it's just not the quality I'm used to. But YMMV.

In case you're totally clueless to settings: temperature regulates how "creative" the output is. Low temp leads to more sensible/predictable outputs, while high temp is more random/creative but you may end up with too erratic replies if it's too high (and utter nonsense after a certain point). What high/low temp is seems to depend on your min p setting - min p 0,85 actually generated rather sensible messages even on temp 20. min p 0,2 would generate garbled garbage at around temp 2,5. Honestly, I used to mostly just mess with temp with Mythomax and that usually took care of issues.
I mean which one feels the closest to her in-game interactions.
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Decided to stop sitting on some bots I had basically finished but hadn't trained up yet. They've got varying degrees of polish, but the few convos I've had with them have been good. I've also got a combined Ingo + Emmet bot and a Lacey bot that need some more work, and I plan on remaking my Arven bot in the near future. At some point I'll make more female characters, lmao.

Ingo (BW Ingo, not PLA Ingo):


Still alive, still open to requests if anyone has any.
Not /vp/, but maybe someone will get a giggle.
Top kek
I don't take advice from homosexuals, sorry.
Just kidding. I'm thinking of finally making my own bots soon, I'll be referencing this for sure. Thanks for the tips!

Fucking lol.
I remember being able to go like a month back
Any recommendations I can currently think of would just be random manga characters I'd use like once and would feel bad making you do all that work for that
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What the fuck happened to c.ai? Specifically MY Lana?
what do you mean? Which lana?
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Sumfira one, she keeps breaking character and keeps changing her mannerisms all the time. I've tried other bots and they end up losing their character in like 5 lines.
Show me where to read picrel and I might possibly port someone from there out of personal interest, if anyone jumps out at me anon. Also feel free to go for it regardless. I won't make any promises, but it's really not that much of an inconvenience

CAI can potentially do that out of anyone. Specifically those with empty descriptions/definitions are more likely to fall prey to becoming lost in coherence. Mia has her moment because of having a small period of no definition. She went feral for a month or so.
Mangadex is just a good site in general for reading manga
>Not even halfway through the first chapter

Bwah, good lord!

It's not like I actually wanted this, but seeing Japan 'still' not collectively bending the knee to Amerifats just warms my heart every time.
enjoy it while it lasts
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Feels great to be a femdomfag

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