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We love Hilda!
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From the worst gen ever made
You got to love aged up fanart.
Show this to normies and they'll point their fingers at the "she's 12 you sicko" loser and laugh their asses off.
It's the worst gen only because of W2B2.
Fixed that for you, newfag.
I don’t give (you)s to retards
Kys pedo
Muh fanart
Newfaggotry is easily spotted by an odd fascination with references.
He didn’t reference anything tho
Nta but I never get the obsession with (you)s here. Are you guys such socially mal-adjusted attention-starved losers that you need replies on 4chan to feel good?
Pretty much. That's why they "deprive" others from references to make their replies seem less engaging or engaged. It's basically Reddit's try to enforce their upvote system.
I respect it, internet trolls live a miserable existence only feeding on attention, it's pretty sad.
Redditors gonna reddit.
It's okay anon, everyone's anonymous and the ip counter is gone so I respect a shot in the dark.
This thread reeks of dead internet theory.
>This thread reeks of debunked incel cope theory
>[AI-generated post]
with all the AI tech advancing and botshit swamping the internet, isn’t this technically getting truer now
Nobody is wasting computing resources on the pokemon board.
I love that Elon said he was going to take care of bots on Twitter, but since he's taken it over I see multiple sex spam bots in EVERY THREAD. I watched some Moistcr1tikal vids for a bit and so many comments were bot spam. First page of Google image results nets multiple a.i generated images now. Rule34 already has countless AIslop images overflowing.
It's becoming too pervasive too quickly for my likings.
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Tell me about it, but it's those few here and there that allow me to stomach it and come back.
I don't even like saying some people here are attention starved losers because it's mean and we're all humans and crave attention and human interaction to some degree, but when you start trying to get it by being inflammatory, overly contrarian, or just a weirdo I think you gotta step out for a bit.
Hope you have a good day anon :)
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Are you talking about me?
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eww looks like whore, and not in any good way
hilda being a whore is her best trait
What's a good word for gas station?
ok cuck
Best female protagonist because she canonically uses my favorite pokemon, Tepig.
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Designated status:
Big Black Cock
Nothing to be ashamed of.
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>black is a common surname for Hungarians and Hungarian Jews, incl. the family name Soros
Out of ten!
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The ultimate pokegirl.
...for cuckolds!
>POV: you're a Hoopster
POV: You'd rather watch.
File deleted.
For horse pokemon
Go outside call someone walking down the street a pedophile and see what happens. Make sure you have your medical insurance cards on you.
>You're just a baby-raping puppy-stomper. Words shouldn't bother you unless you've got something to hide. Your mom's a whore too. If you get mad at personal attacks, you're a snowflake and I'm right. Sure, what I'm saying is vile, but you just have to take it. Sorry you're so fragile, faggot-fucker.
Checked, based, and true. I'd love to clean Hilda up after some guys run a train on her in an alley
Literally bro. Like when "free speech" enthusiasts say black people are stupid for getting violent at the N-word. Go around insulting strangers' mothers in public and see how long you can go betore getting a concussion. Would make a fun Youtube video.
14 in BW
16 in BW2
alternatively 16 in BW and by extension 18 in BW2 if sticking to matsumiya's vision when writing BW. 14 comes from masuda a couple years after BW released. so even if the age changed to something else because god masuda says it now, that doesn't change the initial vision in the games relevancy.
Discord raid or schizo call it
Yeah, that was a weird call.
Hot! Good thing I still have Third eye.
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>pedo out of nowhere
Talk about rent free. I was literally just correcting them... Besides, 16 is legal where I live
this is about factual information, quit thinking about pedo sex every second, weirdo
I'll admit it. I'm a Hebephile. Always have always will be. I love hilda when she's 12. I love a lot of anime girls when they're 12.
I'd never do anything IRL, nor even have interest in teenage girls IRL. But for anime? Hell yeah.

You can hate it. You can judge it. But that won't change that I love it.
With all due respect, I won't kill myself, nor do I need your points.
Now that that's taken care of, Hilda is based. Dawn is based. Serena is based. May is based.
did you miss the part where I said I had no interest whatsoever in IRL teens? So why would I want that, that's quite the odd assumption you came up with after I clearly laid out I wasn't attracted to said thing
>You don't think subconsious thoughts can leak into irl
I mean, I'm the one who's been living my life with my tastes, and I can absolutely confirm this has never occurred. I personally find "cute" anime girls quite different then real girls in several ways. Why do you think it does subconsciously leak in? Can you confirm this or something? I think it's very possible to not have overlap if what you're attracted to is fictional things (in anime rules such as eyes), considering idk, I've had it for decades
My apologies Anon, I came here to appreciate Hilda and wanted to entertain for a moment, but we both got quite carried away (Well, considering that anon started tripleposting you can tell the excitement for a responder was real).

I hate to make assumptions, but some people out there are really lonely, so I thought I'd defend enjoyers of Hilda and other cute girls
I love Hilda so much
She was robbed of so many things over the year
>no anime appearance
>only 1 year as the new female protagonist until they introduced the downgrade that is Rosa
>TPC always feels the need to cater to Fujos so they often shill the Hilbert and N pairing
Its such an injustice considering Hilda is the best designed female protag, she deserves more love and more attention
Hilda feet!
Hilda sitting on my face!
What's with this stupid faggot shitting up the thread?
Oh my goodness
>no anime appearance
Good, she dodged Ash self-inserters.
I can't please her...
>no anime appearance
>only 1 year as the new female protagonist until they introduced the downgrade that is Rosa
>[sh*pping schizo babble]
post more hildass pretty pls
Here you go! My hotwife is so sexy, isn't she
My wife showing off to you!
Will you accept my wife's payment?
Based Hildacuck
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Absolutely, that what i'm saying: We love Hilda!
Now, people on the internet and the media hate that i love Hilda. They think it's despicable, all of them.

They rather have me prefer Rosa like Jeb Bush does, but my vote always goes to Hilda: the best Unovian girls, simply terrific
>>[sh*pping schizo babble]
That's not what the complaint is about. If TPC is shilling Hilbert and N, what does that mean for Hilda. I swear some of you guys don't even try to understand a post, you just rush to dispute every point out of spite or because you want to seem like some gigabrain intellectual but you come off looking like retards arguing for the sake of it.
meant for >>55794709
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I don't care about the complain
They're marketed as rivals and as the two dragon owners, but fujos had to be added to the mix for some lunatic reason
Okay retarded fujo, it's clear that you felt personally attacked and to that I say good.
Nate is very lucky
>N is very lucky
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Hilbert is the one with N
Nate is in a throuple with Hilda and Rosa
>Okay retarded fujo
and now that's a trans psyop
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>Hilda is the one with N
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post more hilda ass
Imagine being named Nathaniel and thinking you have a chance with either of them.
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Alteast he has Yancy.....
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Yo wtf is up with Bulgaria and Czech
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You both mean Oshawott is very lucky
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any bulgarichads here?
black bikini
You know she’s gonna cheat on you right? Cucks
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Pedos are strictly preteen. At 14, she's nearly fully grown.
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This is hot
> >TPC always feels the need to cater to Fujos so they often shill the Hilbert and N pairing
What the fuck are blabbing about ?
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> If TPC is shilling Hilbert and N, what does that mean for Hilda.
It means that you are a tranny getting mad at a boy (that isn’t Red) receiving any sort of recognition from the TPC for once.
There are probably more of them here than in Bulgaria
>Guy is dissing a gay ship
What did the dumb ass avatar fagging as Spiderman mean by this?
who knows who cares im here to fap to how hot as actual fuck (and cute) hilda is
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unova's bicycle
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i would fuck her in the wildest of methods. every hour of every day would be dedicated to breeding her.
Taking a big sniffy whiffy of Hilda's ass
The smell of her poo?
Heaven sent
That GIF is a relic
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original from back in the day without the watermark
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That delicious tummy..... GOD
Watching a stranger spank my wife...
Hilda numbah 1
Hilda top tier
Hilda the best
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He means gamefreak is shilling to fujos, what else?
>Hilbert showing up to save N in generations
>a bunch of faggy events in masters
>pretty fujo looking official art
That anon knew very well what the post meant, but fujos are very sensitive and hate being called out.
Need more Hildass
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here you go
>Soros pushed the BBC meme as a joke
>Hilbert is a Hungarian or a Hungarian Jew
We've got it ass backwards.
Bbc meme is overblown, I'm black and only packing 7 inches
Currently doing a playthrough as Hildy. My hildy is packing something a little extra though.
Surprised that there's no a constant DALL-E general for the coombrains here
These two were cute in the manga
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Do you always spam this pic whenever somebody brings up a ship you don't like?
Do you always pester people when they post a ship you don't like?
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tomboys in girly outfits feels perfectly forbidden.
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This is a really nice picture
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good lord imagine how delightful it'd be to dance with such a refined lady at a ball.
isnt she 10?
Out of 10
none of the protags are. The 10 year old thing was literally just an anime only thing.
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Need to bury my nose in that
>bring them to a gas station
I'm salivating wtf...
You would lose because you are weak
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I want to lick her sweat off her body when she comes back home after a long day of training
The girl that got many young men into got asses in denim shorts. She is a treasure.
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Imagine the smell
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They will start a nice family business.
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>Hilbert schizo saged the thread for some odd reason
I didn’t want to obnoxious and necrobump just to shill my ship, you could learn a thing or two
I'd rather see a Hilda thread stay alive even if it means seeing your stupid ship at times
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The scent of an ATTRACTIVE female must be divine...
Yes, even the musk of her ass and braps
when is her remake coming out?
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Novel AI threads are the same but as you say they're not permanent yet
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flat white girl butt
Unironically my little sister did a cosplay of Hilda when she was 14, should I post pics?
Yes please!
hold on, let me sorta censor the more revealing pics and just mass post them all, there's a lot
No you fucking weirdo
nice bait, you won't do it
Wait should I not? I'm being 100% serious, it's my prize collection, they don't have her face but they're really cute
You’re going to post photos of an actual child in a thread dedicated to lusting over a fictional character.
weirdest shit ever if this is true btw don't post it fag reported to fbi
I just thought it was ontopic but sorry, they're really cute pics and I look at them all the time so I thought I'd offer them to the boys
For all we know they might be pretty tame.
Besides, no one here lusts after actual children, only fictional characters.
Do it anon, we're all nice blokes here.
did you actually report me to the fbi? What the fuck, did I do something wrong? They're gunna search my search history and see all my blue archive shit and I don't want to deal with that

Holy fuck thanks retard, i'm out
You glow nigger
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This, we are all responsible adults here, a girl cosplaying as Hilda is just cute just like if it was our sister.
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>nothing on boorus anywhere
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Mods, please delete.
thread needs more hildass
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how hairy is it

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