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Earnest thread: is there anything at all that Pokémon can learn from Palworld?
(are there still even palfuckers left on /vp/ that this thread will get any replies?)
I hope the amount of people that bought it specifically out of spite opens their eyes a bit...
Somehow I doubt it though
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There is nothing to learn & improve when the consumers are mindless subservient fanatical fans that will throw money even for trash, shit.

Pokémon is like Apple of franchise, too big to fail.
Say what you want on how abysmal Pokémon is, but from corporate perspective, Pokémon is perfectly successful the best company on maximizing profits with minimum effort.
In fact, big capital greedy corporations like Disney, are jealous over Pokémon for having such "eternally loyal customers"
>tldr, "You will still buy it"
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i think the amount of xp you get from catching pokemon in palworld is a great way to incetivize actually catching pokemon instead of just running away from random encounters
i also think the higher level of wild pokemon in palworld is nice so you don't have to grind at all if you want to use a pokemon you caught against high level enemies. i haven't played a mainline game since usum but there it definitely feels like you're like not supposed to really change up your party much at all because of how the levels feel.
i also liked how there are different battle themes in palworld depending on what you're fighting. i think this mechanic is underutilized there but i think it would be neat if there were different random encounter battle themes depending on where you are. there could be different ones for caves, cities, mountains, plains, beaches, etc. probably all using the same leitmotif in pokemon.
i think the evolution mechanic in pokemon which helps you feel a nice sense of growth over time as well as the superior (it's comparing apples and oranges but i prefer apples to oranges soooo) battle system makes it better overall compared to palworld but fuck did i play the SHIT out of palworld. it really scratches the itch of catching a whole bunch of dudes and then having those dudes fight other dudes, and i think pokemon stands to learn a decent bit from it. i think monster catching games have been kind of restricted by pokemon, actually. i think people have been too afraid of the shadow that is pokemon to try to innovate on the genre and i think that's been broken up a bit by palworld, which i'm really happy about.
kek there's always a fat balding retarded pedophile manchild crying in palworld threads
Crafting systems are cool
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Most of the People posting about it were the usual board hoppers looking to stir shit.
But its completely different markets. Pokemon doesn't make most of its money on games and Palworld doesn't have any serious official merchandising it can make money with.
Pocketpair is trying to make money by making games with as much "Fun stuff" stuffed into them as possible to give players a wide variety of playstyles and grinding and chose to avoid turn based fights like the pokemon games still do and it worked well for them.
Pokemon Co., Gamefreak, and Nintendo care more about what pokemon to put in the next game over what makes the game good. They don't care about what the story is like, what the "qol" is like, or the pokedex. If it sells more Gengar and Charizard merch they will do it and do not care about critic reviews because they have a fan base and cater to it.

As such, I think Pocketpair has completely different goals than Gamefreak and theres nothing they can really learn from them. Pocketpair wants a fun monster catching game in an open world, Gamefreak wants the next $60 Switch advertisement for the designs they choose. Totally different mindsets.
Its a different genre in terms of gameplay, so not really
Nobody cares. its a trashy ripoff like any other.

Yes because temtem and literal cacamon instead as well as the other 54321 ripoffs definitely changed gamefreak's vision. lol

ONLY yokai watch and maybe digimon influenced pokemon after its debut. And yokai became a global phenomenon shortly. This american AI generated gunz garbage can cant even become a discord phenomenon. nigga please
>is there anything at all that Pokémon can learn from Palworld?
forced exp share is a good thing
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- being able to pet your Pals
- the number of ridable Pals not being extremely limited (around 53 compared to the single-digit numbers of the Pokemon games)
- Pals having actual use outside of battles
<being able to pet your pals

That has existed since gen 6
Not since Sword & Shield.
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Dunno, maybe having game feel like not some indie-shit from 2010-s? But I guess it is too much to ask from smol company like gamefreak.
Yeah but then it got bogged down in the switch games, if Pokemon gets something like amie but it doesn't require opening a minigame or something that shifts the playfield like the shitty camps and instead, you can instantly start patting your mons at the press of 2 buttons, that would make Pokemon feel great again.
Existed then didn't then existed then didn't then... and it's changed forms every time, always some kind of tacked-on minigame.
"games are better when they don't have to run on decade-old phone hardware"
> games are better when they don't have to run on decade-old phone hardware
Weak bait. Shit like doom eternal runs fine on the switch.
>First question
Maybe more protagonism for our Pokémon? Since it's open world, now our team can be something more beyond background cuteness and fighting slaves. But this will be hard. After all, GF has over 1000 beasts, and PocketPair just 131 (IIRC).

>Second question
I wanted to buy it, but these last months I've been on a tight budget, so I couldn't do it. Maybe next month if my wages allow it.

I'll make a simple list of what to do and what not to do:

> Allow players to use their own monsters for riding and exploration
> Giving more uses for Monsters outside of battling/catching makes them feel more valuable (Doesn't need to be survival mechanics but its an easy example)
> Try to find ways to make battles feel like you and your monster are working together instead of one or the other

> Don't throw pointless slop survival shit in the game
> If you're gonna do base building stop being retarded and just do what Minecraft has done, there's a reason it's one of the most well known base builders
> Don't make progression slow as fuck and tedious
> Avoid just throwing weapons in the game without a second thought develop them to fit in the world

That's all I got
>is there anything at all that Pokémon can learn from Palworld?
they've been recycling designs since gen 7 so no
...are you talking about me? I'm none of those things and def not crying, I think Pokemon having some reason to try harder is good.
Well I don't care for PalWorld and I didn't buy it, but I was surprised how it sold. Pokemon was on Twitter making tweets about little shitty "features" in SV and everyone in the comments was dunking on them. I feel like it blew up almost out of spite from the fever pitch of discontent ever since SWSH. If it wasn't for PLA and PLZA coming up I'd be done with the franchise.
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Something important Palworld does is that your pals don't only exist for battling. You "live" with them in your base as they run a round helping you produce shit, and they function as mounts or gliders. This something I specifically want from pokemon and yet they continue to dodge it
LGPE touched on the mounting, but then they've scrubbed it ever since.
PLA already did other things I'd want from it so I guess they'll probably include it in the next game
In all honesty, one of the biggest things I love about Palworld over Pokemon is how you actually FEEL like you're working together with your partners instead of just explicitly told that you are.
I can cook with my Pals, build things with my Pals, mine, deforest, gather, travel, and craft with my Pals. I can ride my various Pals through land, air, or water. But most importantly, I can fight alongside my Pals. Having the player character take part in combat adds so much to the Tamer/Pal bond it's unreal. There's even abilities and traits that benefit you by doing so, such as granting you additional damage, giving your attacks specific elements, or in one case even give your attacks life leeching properties. And after the fighting's all done I can manually pet or feed my Pal if I want. Even the ones you aren't carrying around can be put to work at your base(s).
Pokemon... never really does that. The games constantly hammer into your head that you and your Pokemon are partners, but in reality you have the most bare bones partnership possible. Your Pokemon fight on your orders, and there's little else that comes of that. In some games you get to pet them, maybe feed them, but that's it. Mounts are rarely included, and when they are they aren't yours, and in the rare case that they are it's VERY specific on which ones you can use (got sick of looking at Koraidon in Violet, let me ride my Corviknight goddammit). And that's really the extent of what you can do with your Pokemon. Legends Arceus tries to lean towards the direction that Palworld went full commitment to, but it's nowhere near enough. Doesn't help that GameFreak keeps putting more and more paywalls between you and your bros from the OG days.

Came in here to post this.
The best that will happen is they add a few features they THINK people liked about Palworld to the next Legends game. The mainline games will remain unscathed because you keep buying it (twice) anyway.
>I wanted to buy it, but these last months I've been on a tight budget, so I couldn't do it. Maybe next month if my wages allow it.
Just do what I do. Pirate it now, buy it later when you can afford it (or don't if you don't like the game).
It's not just Pokemon. More and more people are just getting fed up with being overcharged and underprovided with half-finished games for $70 with some microtransactions or DLC thrown on top. It's especially egregious with Pokemon because they somehow sucker people into buying the exact same game TWICE. So every game release is, on average, about $100 per sale, something any other game company would kill for. Literally.
Palworld is a case of under promising and overdelivering (they actually learned their lessons from Craftopia), and at a relatively affordable price. And the word of mouth advertising of "It's Pokemon but with guns!" was one of the most brilliant marketing phrases anyone could have come up with.

I'm with you though. Sword/Shield taught me that Pokemon isn't for me anymore. It's for the retarded kids who keep buying it because they're easy targets. I just want new Mystery Dungeon games at this point.
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For real pokemon games NEEDS economy. They could still leave enough money in gym/battles so you could just streamline through them, but they simply must add sidejobs for your mons. It doen not need to be all-encopassing but still there need to be some mines where you could go with your roch and earth types, some factories for steel/fire, some random disasters like fires where you could help with your water types, some mail quests, simple defence quests against wild mons, ability to catch random thieves and poachers etc. In just several minutes I already tought about dozen ways to diverse game experience, to see pokeworld outside of league battles. ANd of course we could not forget about greatest motivation for all of that - money. Money for customization, leveling, vanity - help peoples to customize their mons, not even talking about "very difficult" things like clothes - at least some hats, trinkets, skin paints/tatoos.
A shame the female player characters in Palworld are either uggos or moeblobs. Zoe and Lily are the only fappable girls.
Self Report, kek
>The only use for this franchise is waifumon fap content
The mechanics too, I started only catching 1 of each pal until I saw that you need to catch x10 of each type to get a better catch rate. When your game tells to to catch more pals, you do.
>is there anything at all that Pokémon can learn from Palworld?
Umm, fear. . . Game Freak has no insensitive to change because Nintendo pays them not to. So the only thing they can do now is become significantly more emotionally unstable as their rent seeking behavior costs them market share.

There really isn't anything I can articulate besides this, point or criticism, that some other pokemaniac hasn't already spoken. But as a palworlder, I understand that my voice has more value here.

I understand that Nintendo needs exclusives, like Pokemon, to push sales of their objectively technologically inferior units. That being said, there is objectively no reason why Nintendo can't sell their back catalog on PC. People are already buying NES-era games on Steam, it's a free lunch uneaten. Furthermore, I am unable to afford a Switch; even IF I buy the Lite, it will have to be open/used/refurbished purchase. Older tech just lowers overhead, the unit price is still high and will remain so as they ***"advance"[1][2]. Basically, if your game is a decade old (like your shitty new console) sell it on PC.
Personally, I think Nintendo is mainly afraid that their revenue becomes 0.
Take a moment: like you said, you can buy NES games on Steam. Want something better? You can get NES games for free, if you download the ROMs in specific sites. My brother managed to save all NES games, including those homebrew games that saw very limited market reception, or coming from 3rd party companies that wanted some gaming pie, but never truly dipped into it.
I think he found around 700 games? Those are a lot, and even more when you add Gameboy, Super Nintendo, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, and Nintendo 64!
I assure you that many of the games that were revolutionary yesterday now fit in a decent size USB, including emulator.

While is true Nintendo tries to sell these games at full retail price, with their own device (remember the mini series), those games no longer (or actually, shouldn't) give Nintendo a decent revenue. They are good games, but they are from a past era. And they are still clinging on the IPs because they want to drain every possible penny, even if those pennies only show how lazy the company became.
I know Nintendo was a toy company first, and gaming second, but now the rules have changed. And even IP no longer will cover your expenses. Too big to fail, sure, but every giant has fallen before. Is just a question of "when".
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- Pals having actual use outside of battles
I like how despite that every Pal could be use in a base, there are obvious meta in that regards. Some Pal not suited for battle are clear winners as base workers and vice versa.
Nintendo's reason for not putting their exclusives on other hardware is the mere fact they want to sell hardware and using those old games as exclusive service material makes said hardware more inviting.
It's the same logic you'll see with some TV shows and movies where the license holders could be making a good mint selling it out but still prefer the bonus of exclusivity on their service.
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I don't get how you guys could say this and then ignore the part that they are happily using their IP in mobile games. For example, ACfags hated that they stop making new content for New Horizon but the Mobile game is up to date for years. For fuck sake, the last pokemon day is nothing but GACHA. FUCKING GACHA.
Once they add sex, it's well and truly over for Nintendo
I think there was a rumor about Nintendo wanting to join the cellphone market? But it's an old rumor, I doubt it was ever true (unless they somehow discovered how to fuse a handheld console with a cellphone. I know you can do it now, but tactile controls were always kind of shit. And I know, I play ranked PUBG)
Alright, now that we know what Nintendo can learn from Palworld, what does Palworld can learn from Nintendo? (besides extreme nip jewish tactics)
Personally, I wish they could take more Nintendo "IPs". Search old Nintendo games, look at them, and go "alright, let's put a twist on that", and dunk on them. A Monster being based on Demon's Crest or Actraiser would be fucking awesome.
> i haven't played a mainline game since usum but there it definitely feels like you're like not supposed to really change up your party much at all because of how the levels feel.
agreed with that especially in earlier gen. they fixed it in swsh and sv with more ways to get exp easily namely shared exp share combined with xp candy drops.
>But they simply must add sidejobs
you just described pokejobs in swsh, though you sent your Mons and they would do the stuff off-screen.

>they actually learned their lessons from Craftopia
I hope so, but I'm not confident
>And the word of mouth advertising of "It's Pokemon but with guns!" was one of the most brilliant marketing phrases anyone could have come up with.
Hard disagree. It's completely retarded and it stuck Palworld in a "us vs them" mentality against pokemon. Because of that it will always be compared with pokemon instead of being its own thing.
Pokemon should bring back pokemon amie or add more interection in camping
They COULD do that, but flexing on Nintendo was never their primary objective. They just wanna make fun games like most indie developers do, and PocketPair themselves do it by taking all the fun things from popular games and meshing them together (every developer does this, PocketPair just isn't that discreet about it). The main dev even called themselves "trend chasers" in an interview. Palworld is like 50% Ark, 40% Pokemon, 10% Breath of the Wild. Clowning on Pokemon's sales numbers effortlessly was a consequence of their goals, not the intention.

>I hope so, but I'm not confident
Palworld is fun, and it's only $30. It's getting more free updates in the coming months without needing to charge extra like Pokemon's DLC. If you're still not confident that they've improved as a company, I don't know what else to tell you.
>It's completely retarded and it stuck Palworld in a "us vs them" mentality against pokemon.
Palworld devs certainly don't think so. Fans will be retarded and rabid regardless because of the artstyle of the Pals being so similar to Pokemon. Even without the marketing, retards will still make comparisons because everyone needs to feel superior for their special snowflake opinions.
Case in point: Find an actual, level headed, coherent discussion on the perks and downsides of each Pokemon generation without it turning into genwar fanboyism. Or discussions about Nintendo consoles and how well they hold up compared to Sega's, despite the latter having been out of the console race for decades now. You will still find rabid retards looking for any excuse to make comparisons.
Yes, that Game Freak could get away with being even lazier by not developing any actual content for the game.
>For fuck sake, the last pokemon day is nothing but GACHA. FUCKING GACHA.
Pokemon Day is always 99% filler and then the main game gets announced in the last second because they know well that people are only in for the game announcement and would skip the rest of the stream otherwise.
>Sword/Shield taught me that Pokemon isn't for me anymore. It's for the retarded kids
Congratu-fucking-lations, you retarded manchild, yes. the game about catching the h*ckine wholesome petterinos and feeding the dragons hecking cupcakes and hecking petting them and how the world is always saved by the power of friendships is for kids.

What I don't get is how mentally ill do you need to be to be an adult and think that Pokemon has ever been for anything but for 5 year olds.

Pokemon hasn't changed, it's still mindless drivel for people who's underdeveloped brains are incapable of criticizing, it's just you fags never grew up.
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Considering Palworld failed at making a "Pokemon for adults" I'd say I'd love to make one that's just a giant shitpost, like what Michael Bay did with Transformers, just make it stupidly violent and only feature a "cute Pokemon" if it's to have it immediately butchered.
I can smell the stink coming off your chair. Get off 4chan. Go outside.
The one who was playing Pokemon well into his adulthood was you, not me.
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Don't try to act so high and mighty when you're posting on a board dedicated to the exact same toddler's franchise you're slandering. With mindless buzzwords slathered on your post, no less.

I repeat, go outside. Get some fresh air. It's good for you.
>Don't try to act so high and mighty when you're posting on a board dedicated to the exact same toddler's franchise you're slandering
Yes, because sometimes it's fun to break people's delusions.
I mean, you people unironically struggle to realize Pokemon is for kids.
And honestly, the Palworldfags are even worse, because they are the type who realize Pokemon is for kids, and yet still end up playing a Pokemon wannabe.
Oh, so you're mindbroken.
Seek help.
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Yes I did, because, again, it's fun to break people's delusions, like in high school when you passed by the special needs class and tried throwing something inside to see if the nutjobs had a meltdown.
Pokemon's for kids, get over it.
All games are for kids, what makes your opinion so special?
Hello /vp/, I know you want a space Pokemon game.
Video games are for kids.
No thanks, I'll just mod a beast companion mod in my cracked Skyrim copy.
Nice cope.
No, go ahead mr macho man, what manly games made for grown-ups should I play, according to (you)?
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I'm extremely curious to see the next pokemon gen in a post-palworld... world. Palworlds success, however brief, still could have drastically influenced the development structure of gen 10.
I hope not, the last thing Pokemon needs is to focus even more on the open world aspect when the battling has been getting easier and easier.
No because Palworld is not a Pokemon game, it's just the same survival crafting game of the past 10 years but with Pokemon-looking creatures to use as workers instead of just people and animals.
It's basically a very barebones and child friendly version of Kenshi.
This stupid faggot justifying this thread's existence kek
There are actually several different wild encounter themes in SV depending on where you are in the region. One for each of the four provinces, area zero, and then both Kitakami and Blueberry Academy have their own wild themes in the DLC. It'd be cool to see it expanded more but I do think they did a good job with that in Gen 9 at least, I enjoyed the OST quite a lot.
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Yes, make the Mon×Human sexmods both canon and easy to implemment.
Alolan Ninetales has some competition now.
>yokai watch franchise lifetime sales below palworld, a single early access game
>yokai watch had gamefreak so spooked they cancelled Z to squirt out gen 7, which was overloaded with obvious ripoffs of yokai watch
I can’t wait for gen 10 to be a survival crafting sim and for pokefags to pretend it’s innovative.
you sound like such a faggot holy shit. how new are you? this board hates pokemon and for good reason, you aren’t “breaking delusions” you insufferable nigger ape
Refrigerator are useless in the base.
Works on my machine.
Kys you sack of shit
It's going to be rushed dogshit that has even worse bugs than Gen 9 and it'll sell fantastic anyway because customers are ok with paying companies to be intern bugtesters in 2024
More trainer/mon interactions is the best we can realistically hope for. Anything else would either make the games too child-unfriendly, require too much effort on Gamefreak's part for too little gain for them to consider it worthwhile or be just plain bad ideas to implement specifically into Pokemon.
What annoys me is that GF has all of that but never use them again after one usage. We use to pet our pokemon, but that stop happening. Instead of storage, your pokemon can relax or work for you in an island, but that stop happening. Your pokemon can work for a corp in Sword or Shied or play with the feather toy, but that not a thing anymore. And now you could shower them, but that won't be a thing in the next agame.
Pals interactions with the world. It's a modern take on how HMs used to work. It'd be nice if every ridable Pokemon could be your ride. Ever swimming Pokemon could be your boat. Flying types could be your glider.
>monster catcher is a different genre than monster catcher
Open-world multiplayer sandbox can work; Ninny & GF shouldn't be anti-PC just to pump out their sub-par hardware & spotty online service

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