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A manga series that adapts the mainline Pokémon games.

>Current chapter, Scarlet and Violet
sry idk how to make long comprehensive OPs
Is this a general thread for manga or just pokespe exclusive?
You could put the pokemon manga directory link here if it’s for other manga.
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pokespe exclusive, but that should be useful still. thank you!
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ylo CUTE
Yellow cute.
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Been reading any arcs recently? I’ve been going through the FRLG chapter again. I like how Spe took an approach to using remakes for revisits, too bad we’re not getting a BDSP or PLA arc, could’ve been neat.
Isn't yellow a boy?
Keep reading friend
tranny pikachu
does yellow like red(dit)
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Yellow wants to kiss Red on the lips.
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I love seeing Yellow appreciation, she’s always been my favourite pokegirl
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Pokespe is so nostalgic for me. When I was a kid, I’d go to my local library and check them out all the time. They had every volume up to the Emerald/FRLG arc and also the two hgss volumes for some reason. The GSC arc was probably my favorite though. Good times
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Great link. Thank you so much anon. Except for the past 2 years, this seems to have every Pokémon manga that existed listed as far as I'm aware, not many talk about the various manga here in general except for the occassional PokéSpe and maybe RéBURST.
What about non-manga books like Pokémon Tales and Let's Find Pokémon? Those are mentioned even less than the manga.
Been reading it for the first time in recent months; latest was the RS arc last month which is so far my favorite. Wallace is best boy.
Plan on reading the FRLG arc very soon.
I'm kind of a person who likes reading all sorts of Pokemon related stuff so I've read things like Diamond and Pearl Adventure, Zensho and the translations of How I became a Pokemon Card. But for the non-manga books, I'm not sure. Maybe the internet archive? It could be on a website like how there's a backup of JB2448 that still has other scans.
RIP. Gallery down for months, then a couple months ago got taken over as a redirect to some vtuber blog. At least the Internet Archive managed to preserve everything, it was how I read the Mt. Silver Training Chapter.
Just SV. There should be a new chapter coming up in two weeks.
Also, crazy that Vol65 was delayed to Septembe4. I just can't believe whatever Yamamoto and Kusaka have in mind is worth this much time.
>English version of Volume 64 delayed from Nov. '24 to May '25
>Japanese version of Volume 65 delayed from Oct. '23 to Jan. '24 to Mar. '24 to May '24 now to Sep. 24
What's with all the delays?
>"ooh I just got an idea for the ending let's delay the release for a few months to implement it"
It's funny how everything else is so beholden to the current generation yet this manga's tankobans can just get away with delays for reasons ranging from sincerely reasonable to "last second idea"
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Is this manga ACTUALLY official? Does TPC even acknowledge its existence? I think I would have never known that it exists if it wasn't for YouTube clickbaits about how "dark" it is.
Yes, it’s official but essentially gatekept by the influx of people who only ever use the out of context panels. This is probably why TPCi doesn’t acknowledge it as much.

Pokemon adventures has been mentioned in the trainer spotlights for both Red and Blue which admittedly was a few years ago but it still counts.

those articles feel less like an official acknowledgment and more like the author just snuck in some manga references and nobody thought much about it because bulbapedia recognizes it
It was published by the same company that publishes the Corocoro magazines, that seems pretty official to me.
It’s not like not being acknowledged is a problem exclusive to pokespe, none of the manga outside of one have gotten any attention and it was a cameo appearance of the clefairy gag manga that was in the anime during gen 3.
>actually official
>acknowledge its existence
At an internal level, all PokeSpe content does have to go to TPC before publication for approval. But, I think you're talking about marketing and for that, PokeSpe doesn't really get marketing help beyond maybe a few funded trips overseas during the early 2010s when it was rapidly expanding to SEA and Europe. I have my theories on why this is, but I find it unlikely it's because of "edgeventures" or whatever, and more that most international releases are not only terribly behind, but reliant upon a monthly manga to get its fresh chapters that has no supplementary content like an anime to keep interest peaked consistently. For example, VIZ is still trudging through SwSH, and they just started publishing the DLC component of that arc.
Besides, I just think that TPC is content with letting PokeSpe operate mostly autonomously because it sells quite well internationally (more than 28 million copies so far) while only requiring a fraction of the cost compared to its other media to keep fully operational.
That. Some want to equate "official" with "co-equal, lore-gap filling third pillar of the franchise", which Adventures is not and due to the nature of its production could not be in a timely manner as >>56007221 pointed out.

Ah dang it.
>lore-gap filling
I know they're just coincidences, but there are some plot elements that just fit so well into future games.
My favourite is probably Pryce talking about space, time and matter as part of his plan, years before DPPT would release.
>prior characters showing up (like Blue in XY) are more influential than cameo-y (like Red / Blue in G7 games)
>fixes some of the plot and motivations of SwSh without changing the overall
>B2W2 takes so long to finish they get to reference Burnet being into 'some wrestler'
>remake arcs used as partly showing new game content but mostly fleshing out the characters they already have & love
>everything about Blane and his journey over 5 (?) of the arcs
There's a lot of quirks to how Special has done plots and lore I really appreciate
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He cares too much about her to see her competence sometimes.
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Football Stadium
Clean thoughts
You better show up once TLs for SV 10 get posted, or I'll tell the Association that you released classified government projects into the wild.
>They used shorthair Y
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Oh yeah yeah Dia the cutest. Dpp such good and weird story. Love me the Rs arc too. My favorites, both of them
>using the remake clothes for Crystal
My first was the RGB volumes at a school library. Only recently found out that the manga went beyond GSC and was still running.
what's his fucking problem?
Journalists and being born in France
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TPCi doesn't seem to advertise much of any manga at all... or anything that's outside of the video games, anime, TCG, VGC, and merchandise sold at Pokémon Center (There are some books there, but no manga.).
It's quite different compared back to when Pokémon first came out where they did advertise them just about anywhere they can fit "Check out these other Pokémon products!" and even the official site had a section for comics, which seemed to have died during Gen 3 during the period where North America barely, if any, sold Pokémon manga.
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I think it’s less of a need to advertise them and more of what >>56007221 said about the fact that the releases are so behind that it wouldn’t make sense to promote an older generation. Add in the factor that manga outside of Spe are also from older gens and have finished publication and at that point from a business standpoint it’s probably not worth the minuscule effort it would take to advertise when everything else makes so much more money.
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11 years living in Kalos.
>last sentence
VIZ has a really poor track record when it comes to Pokemon manga. I couldn't imagine being a PokeSpe fan in the 2000s when your three avenues of staying in the loop are reading summaries, coughing up exorbitant amounts of money for Chuang Yi releases, or finding low quality scans online.
Sometimes I can’t stand the Viz translations because they feel the need to try putting a pun into chapter titles in relation to the pokemon of the chapter and most of them generally suck but that’s just my pet peeve.
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Ah nice
I've been so busy that I haven't even noticed a new chapter got released
Been nice having monthly pokespe to look forward to again since I remember the dlc portion of SWSH took a while to get translated
Guess the character
Lou Karr
>talking shit about top 8 Unovan League finalist Lou Karr
> Pokemon Tales
this is a pain to find, i've only got scans for maybe 3 of pokemon tales (and some other rare pokemon books) but if people are interested in books, i might create a directory on where to find the books.

>How I became a Pokemon Card
Is there many english chapters or fan translations? I've got a 'small' digital manga collection (not quite as big as JB2448 was, but mine is primarily rare titles). I've only found 8 chapters so far, some were difficult to hunt down (although 6 are on mangadex/other manga sites)
For How I became a Pokemon Card, not exactly, no. The translations on mangadex are ones that actually originated from here a decade ago. The raws are still on JB2448’s internet archive and that’s pretty much the only place I’ve ever seen them online.
Next translated chapter should be out in two weeks, it should be faster if the translator gets access to raws earlier than the 21st.
Silver if he the protagoinst
Leo could knock that fraud on his ass
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I saw that
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I meant to post this
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k here it is whatever
Will Scarlet getting along with one of the dexholders?
She might get along with Sun over a shared love of treasure
I can't stand them either. What was wrong with keeping the titles as VS Pokémon when they finally got back to doing PokeSpe? Still, I'd rather deal with that than having to read it flipped.
FRLG added Sevii Islands, HGSS added the Sinjoh Ruins, and ORAS added the Delta mission. There’s really nothing to in BDSP to make an arc out of. Even Let’s Go had more things to make an arc out of than BDSP.
She hasn't even met Violet yet. Judging from the end of SwSh, maybe Sou will show up and play a role in the later half of SV. I just can't imagine any other previous dexholder really having any solid ties to SV or its DLC locales.
>if people are interested in books, i might create a directory on where to find the books
I'm interested mostly for the sake of media preservation, especially if the books have original stories or interesting info such as a map of the Orange Islands, which only appeared in 2 books. In particular, these are the books whose availability I'm curious about:
>Pokémon Tales series
>Let's Find Pokémon series
>The 2 chapter books that didn't adapt an anime episode: Race to Danger and Talent Showdown
>The 2 Pokémon Junior books that didn't adapt an anime episode: Save Our Squirtle! and Bulbasaur's Bad Day
>Pokémon: Choose Your Own Pathway to Adventure
I don't think Bulbapedia has an article for the last book listed.
I'm not suggesting that BDSP really has enough new content for a remake arc to base its plot off, but it's not like Kusaka hasn't worked with less in the past. The Emerald and Yellow arc come to mind. But in the end, PLA/BDSP/LGPE being adapted are just wishful thoughts.
With both Yellow and Emerald he still had leftover stuff from RB and RS that didn’t get included in the first arc like the elite 4, Lati@s and Jirachi. With BDSP I don’t think there’s anything left to do that wasn’t already touched on in DP, Pt and HGSS. The only thing I could imagine is something about Ramanas Park and maybe bringing back Sird.
Same here.
Call it pure autism (which it is) but I'd want to have all official Pokemon books scanned, even the most kiddie ones.
He took the E4 in a completely different direction, i"d imagine even something as trivial as Ramanas Park could br developed to a larger storyline.
That's good to hear
i'm collecting manga & books (and other random shit) to preserve the media. What's the best way to discover, discuss or share this? Should i start a pastebin or is a discord server better?

I started making a website like https://pokemanga.neocities.org/ but it's time/effort to organise everything
>What's the best way to discover, discuss or share this?
Good question. As mentioned, it's not often that this board gets threads for any manga, let alone books, and if they do, they usually don't last long, but it's not a bad idea to make a thread to discuss them just for a shot of it gaining any traction like this one. For example, I recall a thread from a few years ago where some of the Let's Find Pokémon books were posted in their entirety sorta like the storytime threads seen on /a/, which PokeSpe did get over there from time to time. I've also seen another thread from before the Let's Find one with a fanmade book, and the less said about that book, the better.
Maybe something like BDSP and PLA combined into one arc and Ramanas Park is the link to Hisui or something? Nothing but wishful thinking at this point.
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I will lament the fact the schedule was so fucked post-BW because of Grade Magazine going under. In some not-so-far alternate universe, maybe TPC would've given that Weekly Shonen Sunday slot to PokeSpe instead of fucking Reburst. Pic unrel.
if you want to dump an unorganized list of what you've discovered then i can go through it and use it to update the website. i've been collecting art books too but i didn't ever reach a point where i was like, "this is a completeish list that should be published". anything on the internet archive i have/know about, but anything not from there i probably don't.

of interest, pokemon.jp used to include illustrated storybooks
but the only one i was able to recover was one about a rockruff, so the others may be lost.
why the fug did they not just make wally emerald
>Wally found Professor Birch's bag adrift in the sea during the flood caused by Kyogre's rampage. Inside the bag was a Pokédex and a Treecko. Wally temporarily used the Pokédex and the Pokémon when he was helping Norman to awaken Rayquaza in the Sky Pillar. After the cataclysmic battle between Kyogre and Groudon ceased, Wally sent the Pokédex back to Professor Birch, who gave it to its registered owner, Emerald.
>In the magazine releases of Pokémon Adventures, there was a scene in which Wally was registered as owner of the Pokédex he found. This scene was altered in the volume release, turning him into a mere user of Emerald's Pokédex.
Literally why
>"lol Wally wouldn't make a good fit for the Battle Frontier"
>creates OC with a deliberately shit design instead
Still one of the most baffling decisions ever. Thank goodness the editor carried the second half of the arc.
Emerald's gotta be one of the weirdest pokespe dexholders with his dirt gimmick and all his trick master tools and his old hairstyle, I'm glad he at least got rid of that for the ORAS arc.
It's so frustrating considering Wally had a similar gimmick of using gadgets (and his own willpower) to make up for physical weaknesses. At all levels, Wally got robbed and we were left with a disappointing replacement. I don't think people would've even minded this badly if Emerald had a serious design that Yamamoto put a single second of foresight and care for. Was he worried that people would compare Emerald to Mato's Yellow and chickened out?
Literally why would you ever create a design to be shit on the basis that you're worried that your fans would call a sincere attempt shit?
You think Emerald might've been an editor thing? I've read that the FRLG arc was changed because the editor said that it needed to be more connected to the other arcs at the time which is also the reason why Sird continued to exist even into the DP manga.
Emerald the character was probably a thing that was planned before the editor stepped in to include the Guile Hideout and FRLG tie-in.
Emerald at least redeemed himself in the ORAS arc
I wouldn't call being the smallest retard in a room full of them redemption, but he was substantially better in that arc.
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Emerald's design could be a very good design for a frontier brain
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femDia's thighs are nowhere near thick enough
Why does Kris think she's wearing something slutty?
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Because she was forced to wear somebody else's clothes
She got those clothes from her mom, who dresses and probably acts the part.
I mean... it is kinda erotic.
I love Meganium's face
>Viz announced they will translate SV in 2025
They got tired of taking 80 years doing sword and shield kek
Maybe if VIZ wasn't trying to sell half a mini-volume at full price at the same pace as their ability to release full volumes, they'd be finished with SwSh.
Here's an unorganized list for some pokemon tales i've found, will update when i find more

I've also been collecting art books although i only have a few random ones that interested me (less than 20). Can share links if interested
For those tumblr links, I think it would be prudent to archive them on Wayback, in case if something were to happen to those accounts.
As I say that, VIZ confirmed that SV's first mini-volume is set to release in 2025. Point still stands that 2+ years to get started on an official English release of the current generation is unideal.
Maybe if it was a weekly manga with an anime tie-in, things would've been different but I digress.
speaking of frontier brain, what do you guys think they're adding to ORAS if it's taking this long
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At this point I think the original final chapter is getting major overhaul
New final chapter is probably going to center around volcanion
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uhh...what are you talking about? I am sure ORAS was over a long time ago.
Only the mini-volumes, which were stopgaps as BW2's full volumes weren't finished. They're still catching up on the full volumes ever since BW2 took like six years to finish.
post the rest
>gen 9 nearly over
>current SV chapter: 8
holy kek
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That’s more on modern Pokeslop’s yearly release schedule than on the Manga team itself. Good art takes time
Started with FRLG, made B2W2 take 7 years, finally over as of Gen 8 after B2W2 ended, SWSH bled into Gen 9, no arcs for LGPE, BDSP, and PLA, likely no arc for LZA.
They were still able to keep up during Gen 3/4 by serializing on multiple magazines. What stopped that was only being limited to one chapter a month as those magazines discontinued, and not really finding solid options to return back to that pace. As much as I would love to see that old pace return, they're getting quite old and I wouldn't want to see them get worsened health just for a dozen extra chapters for SV at most.
The year off from PLZA should let them not have to deal with trying to juggle multiple game arcs at once but I doubt we’re getting anything like the old pace ever again. Kinda crazy how B2W2 took 7 years of release because of the dev cycle and it’s only 24 chapters in total.
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That should be roughly two years, so about 24 chapters provided they don't have to take any breaks. Including the rest of this year (about 7 chapters) and any potential chapters past the next generation like in SWSH, that should be 30-40 chapters optimistically for a total of 40-50. As long as they don't overdo trying to adapt everything from the games, it shouldn't have terrible pacing.
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Favorite page
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Ruby is something else
>Good art takes time
oh come on, not shitting on pokespe, but it's not THAT good. there are weekly manga that look better.
The art certainly degraded by the BW arc.
It was a figure of speech
At that point, Yamamoto was on digital (iirc) and cutting corners in his linework and backgrounds. I think it gets really problematic in SM and beyond.
some predictions
>kusaka does something crazy to ruby and sapphire's relationship in the epilogue for no reason
>courtney shows up out of nowhere again to hit ruby with an exposition bomb about the RS-ORAS plot so far
>probably more red/blue shipbait (yellow will not show up again in the manga)
>deoxys fight gets extended
>SM tie-in will probably include the red/green cameo from the actual game, kusaka justifies not adding this to the actual volume additions for SM because it was like 10+ years b4 the SM arc actually happens
>volcanion gets mentioned in a single panel and is only shown as a silhouette
So why exactly won't Yellow return?
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>the most competent and fun of the 3rd game OCs
>never shows up again

it hurts...
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Wait so how badly did BW2 and the yearly release schedule fuck up the manga? I know that BW2 ended years later and Black was in rock hell for years, but apparently ORAS isn’t even finished? What are the mini volumes? How the hell do I catch up if nothing is finished?
Because BW2 took so long, volumization of everything from XY to now couldn't be properly done in a timely manner like before.
>yearly releases
Meant that the manga was obliged to work on extra arcs when they were already struggling with pacing and working on BW2. It also meant that the current generation arcs would usually need to be shorter to start the next game's arc; there are a lot of pacing issues for anything post-BW. The yearly schedule shouldn't have much of a bearing on the manga now, given that it seems that shit like LGPE or PLA or BDSP isn't going to be adapted.
Exists to compile chapters much like a normal volume release due to BW2, but doesn't have nearly as much of the corrections or additions that would've been included in a normal volume.
While the mini-volumes have been done for a while, the last actual volume has been continually delayed for the past year for various reasons, usually due to some creative issues with the final chapters. If nothing goes wrong, it should release on September of this year (it was originally like August 2023).
>How the hell do I catch up
Just read as normal. If the volume additions get released, read those too.
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Guys do you know any sites to read pokespe that aren't dead or missing good chunks of it? I used to read it on mangadex but after a big attack they suffered a lot of chapters went missing specially from the old ones
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She'll ruin Red and Blue's honeymoon
/a/ ran a storytime of PokeSpe recently. You can check out the desuarchive links to them. (I added SV and the remaining minivolume for SwSh on this pastebin).
Mangasee has all of the actual VIZ volumes compiled, but none of the mini-volumes.
Beyond that, it's really just a mix between mangadex and the wayback archive of JB2448.
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Black’s daughter is cute
I like her fish
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Yamamoto posted preview panels for chapter 10, which should be released on the 21st and a month afterwards for the online release.
He's so happy
Smiling dorks are the best.
The nemona and brassius reaction is pretty fitting
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So if Kieran shows up, will it be a reversal of the Indigo DLC?
Yellow will come back.
wow, even as a girl Emerald is still the worst
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I miss her
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You could always huff copium and hope that she shows up in the later half of SV for the DLC content.
My personal theory is just that Kusaka forgot or just can't think of an opportunity where her presence would help the story.
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DP arc is best arc
It has Dia so it'll always be number one in my heart
>shoves an entire sandwich into mouth casually
>"you're the simpleminded one by the way, i can tell"
What a personality.
Built differently
For me it’s BW
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I hate how they turned Poli to a jobber after it evolved. It id get some occasional wins, but mostly it just rushed in and fainted.
At least he got the FRLG arc
It could always be worse like Platinum's Rapidash.
Now you reminded me of that fake out in emerald
I think they were aware of it after a certain point
DLC arc is going to definitely be fun considering there are more opportunities for the MCs to be even more antagonistic than they would be in the games. We just have to get through the sideplots of the main games first.
Chapter should be published today, which hopefully means that the translator can get chapter 9 started.

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