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End of Slumbering Sands Edition

>June Info

>Pokémon GO Event Info

>Frequently Asked Questions

>Submit and Review Pokéstop Nominations (level 37+)

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>Silph Road Info

>PvP IV Checkers & Battle Simulators

>Estimated Shiny Rates

>Submit Your Friend Code Here

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>Spoofing Tools

Previous Thread: >>56008273
First, for Jigglypuff!
Second for Latias
first for fuck hanke
Fourth for better playing conditions and quality of life improvements
fifth for fuck niggers
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Sixth for this Rhitard
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scorching steps on the 21st, is there a way to make this piece of shit widget properly work and track it in the way it's intended to? i swear it never works.
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Someone offered to sell me one they don’t use anymore but I don’t even think it’s worth it. I got my second Larvesta before this event even starts so burning through a few eggs quicker won’t change the drop rate for them.
Got my master ball. Took me a few weeks. Didn't even know it was in the game. Gonna use it on a pidgey or something stupid.
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good idea
although i do think i have quite that many zapdos kek

the daily double trades really are moving things along
im about to finish becoming ultra-friends with someone i know & claim my last missing shining legend

feels surreal
we caught them all ;_;

>sauce is keio flying squadron sega cd
Got this bad boy at least.
>This week's spotlight hour is 2x catch XP on top of the Slumbering Sands bonus
>Spotlight is a shitmon with a tiny hitbox, incredibly high flee rate, and never stops moving
Is this my entire pvp history? I just recently got into it but I could have sworn I tried it a long time ago.
I'm jist curious because it's just one off from this.
Skill issue
Phew, close call.
Didn't we just have the landorus shit set?
We did have Lando-T a month or so ago, if that’s what you’re asking.
That's the one. I couldn't remember if it was the retard cat one or regular. I just knew we had one recently.
checked and good kdr
Getting autistic with my list. If you had to pick 3 from here what would your team be?
Lucario, Toxicroak, Goodra
Good balance of types and mixups
>we caught them all
nooooo u have to give hanke money!!!!
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shadow D, talonflame, vigiroth is a legend team from last season
What's shadow d? Only shadows on his list are feraligator and sneasler.
ack lmao
He’s probably talking about Shadow Dragonair/Dragonite.
>Lucario, Toxicroak, godra
Lmao, no wonder /pgg/ struggles to hit ace rank

Skarm, licki, feraligatr is your best team. It's a little weak to annihilape, but all three have play or can beat ape. Lanturn is a bit of an issue as well, but after the spark nerf Gatr is actually pretty decent into lant for it being such a one sided matchup. Run crunch on gatr though for lanturn and jelli, and you one shot trev with crunch (though you still win landing a hydro cannon, you'll just have to shield the seedbomb) godra and guzzlord would be the biggest threats to your team, so if you see a fair number of them (possible given the recent community day) ice beam would be a better pick to give Gatr outs against them, but dragonair/dnite get fucked by shadow HC anyways, ice beam would just OHKO a bit better.

If for whatever reason you see a fuck ton of opposing waters you can drop licki for a more solid answer in godra, hakamo-o, or serperior. Serp gives you a better Ape matchup even into ice punch, just know you need to land the frenzy plant to win the 1s, AA doesn't cut it.

Also, how the fuck are other people typing godra and not getting flagged by the system? Everytime I just get a message saying it's spam
See >>56021272
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Me and the boys during raid hour wednesdays.
Pelliper stunfisk charjabug ftw
>Also, how the fuck are other people typing godra and not getting flagged by the system? Everytime I just get a message saying it's spam
The system censors you if you ever masturbated to Goodra.
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why are you walking in the middle of a busy street?!!?!
I look like this and talk like this
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>hatched a third Larvesta the next day after my second from a 5k egg
Either I’m insanely lucky or they upped the odds of hatching Larvesta recently for the upcoming event.
The AI dump which killed brownfag
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>I look like this and talk like this
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The sleepy Koala brought her own pillow.
How much pokey/inventory space is enough?
1k / 2k
7800 poke spots, 3400 item spots
Is it just me or are wayfarertrannies being extra faggots lately?
>How much pokey/inventory space is enough?
it depends on how much you play and how much you spin.

I'm at 4400 items and i routinely run into space issues because i can't spin enough stops to replenish my pokeballs and berries.

given I have 400 max potions and max revivies I can't justify reducing the numbers of though.
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Why is only the log shiny? Is the Koala not an actual Pokemon then? Is the real pokemon the fucking log?
How is a niBBa supposed to get 400 Larvesta candy?
>How is a niBBa supposed to get 400 Larvesta candy?
walk forever with or spend that rare candy
Walk you fucking fatty, also rare candy exists, don't you have a stockpile?
I did my first raid today and got a shiny landorous. How typical is this? Also I caught him in two throws using a golden berry is that normal? I'm meeting up with some people later today and we're doing raids, can I expect to catch one every time?
I have this same issue, max potion and revives are too scarce for me to just get rid of them, but I also don’t use them quickly enough to ever make a dent in the supply
no it's not normal to catch him with two throws
>How typical is this?
5% chance
>Also I caught him in two throws using a golden berry is that normal?
No, just one is normal. Shiny legendaries in raids have a 100% catch rate, so use a pinap.
>can I expect to catch one every time?
No. Most of the time, but sometimes RNG can't be helped. You will get more balls to throw the gym is the same color as you, more if you do it with a friend (depending on friendship level) and if you do considerable damage to the boss.
>I did my first raid today and got a shiny landorous. How typical is this?
you got pretty lucky.

>Also I caught him in two throws using a golden berry is that normal?
if a legendary is a shiny it's an automatic crit catch. you didn't need to use the golden razz on it.

>can I expect to catch one every time?
Depends on how many premiere balls you have and how good your throws are.
I've found generally if I have under 15 premiere balls it's pretty difficult to catch (i'm not great at landing excellent throws and avoiding misses).
If you get over 15 and/or are good at landing excellent's and avoiding missing it's a pretty good chance you'll catch it.
Raid legends have a very high shiny rate, 1:10 I think. A little rare to get it on your first raid, but you aren’t the only one it happened to today.

Raid shinies are also 100% catch, you should have used a pianp for extra candy
How long have you been playing? If you have all the gold catch medals, you should 9/10 times be able to catch the legend. Sometimes bad RNG fucks but it’s rare.

If you are new and don’t have many catch medals, you will have a harder time
How important are the stats on your megas? I have a 2 star Alakazam and doubt I will get one better, is that enough?
>How important are the stats on your megas?
i have a personal limit that they can't have under 91% iv's.
luckily, by the time a mega is released I usually have at least that.
only exception was I sat on enough aerodactyl energy for like two months until I caught a 98% aerodactyl outta nowhere.

So try for as close to 15 attack and 15 hp since you're only able to attack gyms with it.

> doubt I will get one better,
well the good thing about abra is its 3km distance for energy so even if you do get something better you could always walk with your mega enough to get enough mega energy to evolve another one.
Minimaxing stats is only relevant for pvp. 3 is preferable obviously, but a 2 star will do you almost as good
it matters slightly if you're trying to shortman raids, but in general stats for PVE are indeed pointless.
Which way white man?
Walk you fatty. Or get a chink swing.
Doing that is pretty high level play though, and if he is just now getting his first mega he is far away from that. A 2 star mega Alakazam is gonna carry him through a long stretch of PvE content
not disagreeing with you at all, that's why I said in general stats are pointless in PVE.

BUUUT, with how fucking annoying it is to power shit up in pogo, especially starting out, there's no reason to not power up your best pokemon and only your best.
Damn so i fucked up. Thanks. Only been playing for about a month. I played when it was new but have it up like a week or two in. Thanks guys
>but have it up
Gave it up*
It’s not that big of a deal, golden razz are a resource you will have an abundance of, and you lost at most 4 candies so not the end of the world
If you have mons from 2016 save them, you get a certain amount of guaranteed lucky trades with them
My account is from 2018 but I just started playing again recently. I guess my newest pokemon at the time were from 2020, but a friend and I got 8 lucky trades in a row trading stuff from 2018-19. Only good thing was a hundo skarmory though.
I got rid of everything because they were 1 star. The only thing left is a 3 star Butterfree. Like I said I only played for a week or two
They pushed the time period from August 2016 to December 2018, anything caught during or before then will be guaranteed lucky (until you use up all your guaranteed lucky trades).
How many guaranteed lucky trades do you get?
straight into the incinerator
You do realize the male ones are just as fuckable, right?
>males are just as fuckable
only if you want pokepoopies all over your cocc
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Another day, another non-shiny shadow trapinch
I'm tired bros.
Pokemon don’t poop so that’s not an issue. Their anus exists for no other purpose than accepting cock
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>Darumaka's droppings are hot, so people used to put them in their clothes to keep themselves warm.
Dropping the things it picks up of course
Clearly heated stones
Recommendations for the 3rd shiny shit?
Leafeon, nobody battles with it when better grass types exist and shinies are for showing off on gyms anyway.
Umbreon has got a sick looking shiny
Leafeon is almost the same as normal
is the madrid event spoofable?
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Are there any other pokestop/gym maps, like pogomapy? It's a Polish project, and has mostly Polish maps, but it'd be nice to have something like that, but global
What do you need it for? They are too clustered to tell where anything is
>Game adamantly refuses to find GPS less than 24 hours before event
Oh no
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i got another PTC account
if anyone from the googledoc want another zXgirl on their friends list let me know
nickname = darling, dearest, etc
i still cant spoof but likely will be about to again soon for lucky\ultra trades

depends on the stats
nothing wrong with never evolving ;3
most peoples Ai renders are so demonic
>/pgg/ struggles to hit ace rank
anyone new to gbl will likely have this problem until they attempt to catch decent iv monsters & build a few teams +practice for a few hundred rounds
NO. getting the shiny mythics was expensive enough.
what even is the point of a hard limit on these things?
Niantic puts limits on tons of things because they want Pokémon GO to be an MMORPG that you constantly have reasons to come back to. If high-leveled players were able to get tons of resources to the point that they would never need to grind again, they believe it would completely kill their playerbase. They apparently want the game to last as long as possible; an interview conducted right around/before the Rediscover update confirmed the higher-ups intend to keep managing the game for at least 10 more years from now. TPC seems perfectly fine with this behavior since they keep using the game as an incentive to keep Pokémon living rent-free in the minds of consumerist normies.

Niantic have also been known to drop everything just to squash any exploits people find that make things more than slightly more efficient for the players, and sometimes even punish people that utilize these exploits. Really makes you wish they'd be as enthusiastic to fix all the bugs the game has, but I guess it's fine as long as the bugs don't conflict with the efficiency of grinding...
why are niantic troons all obsessed faggots?
>why are niantic troons all obsessed faggots?
Rumor is the CEO of Niantic hates Pokemon Go because its the only successful game Niantic has released. All their original games have tanked.
>finally caught the last of the 492 johtomons I needed for shinymin masterwork
>three week timegate on next page after a three month timegate on the spawns
I mean, people still play Ingress, but the player base has fallen dramatically. They implement an "AI Faction" that takes over the unclaimed portals so people still can play in places with low active players.

It's Niantic's own fault that things like Ingress are losing players since they have crippled the progress you can make within the game.
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There are two more timegates after that.
sun laser
>stupid time wasting task
>literally given trash as an award for completing it
And you say those trannies have no sense of humor
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Hundo Azelf for all you spoofers out there. Good luck.
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almost done, the time gate will open
it feels like a comically long amount of time though
pls understand
you're gonna need one of each anon
get more kek
im partial to vape but i used it on my team in XY to toxic stall normies online
if i had to pick a favorite it would be:
the rest look basically the same
i no longer hunt the shining shadows
im ok with it
i wish niantic would let the damn lucky trade be OPTIONAL
>ammo is old shitmon
>you get a set amount lol
>no we wont tell you when its gonna happen
>no you cant save luckies for actual usage\ ML-pvp

niantic hates the playerbase im sure of it
At what point can one solo 3 star raid? I tried fighting sneasel but he went through my team pretty quickly so i abandoned it. I only have about 5 pokemon with more than 2k cp that can fight it
So can it really one shot???
Sneasel should be easy as fuck with fighting types
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>A Pokémon left to play at a PokéStop or Gym will return to you when it's done
Ah yes, more reasons to dump my Pokémon into a gym. EXACTLY what the game needs right now.
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You think this can do sneasel? I just remember it reking my hariyamas so i quit.
What level are you? You’re gonna want a few decent machamps to fold one
Just hit 32 but i don't have Machamp yet. I have a 3 star shadow machoke that I'm waiting to get enough candy for
If it's a shadow sneasle then yeah, that things a bitch to solo since it rips through your health faster than you can damage it, especially once it enrages. And since you're solo you can't undo the rage and just have to burn through it. You really need a team of 6 strong fighting types to take it down, and sometimes you'll have to revive mid fight.
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>what the game needs
What would those nipples feel like in my mouth?
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same sis
Lmao, I matched against this faggot and he played the most garbage meme team imaginable. Got his shit wrecked by charja+vigoroth, can't build a team that loses to meta and then bitch about the cup buddy.
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>Dad loves Spain so he came with me to Madrid
>Doesn't care much about the game but still has it installed
>His first Necrozma raid is a 4* shiny
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>lost interest after first pgsharp banwave that made the app vulnerable to bans back in 2022
>come back if pgsharp is stable and okay now so i can play again
>read previous generals with hundreds of neets getting their accounts banned

dead fucking game sirs
>tried rooting my samsung a72 by myself
>watched hours of yt tutorials
>did the magisk method
>phone bootloops
>did the odin software back
>format phone since i saved every file as backup anyway
>open pogo on a normal app
>"device is not compatible to your OS software"

dead game
>all of that
dead brain
Skill issue, just install a custom rom or something
can you or your dad invite me to a necrozma raid please
Post code and I'll see what I can do. There aren't any nearby me right now and the event ends for the day soon, but I can defintiely get you in some time tomorrow.
He was ranting about Catch Cup, specifically about how he had a few ideas for what Pokémon to run, but he kept getting shut down because most of the teams in expert were running Carbink or Cresselia (no idea where people got the Cresselia from, but I also saw it a lot even in tanker tier), so he just ended up running double Charmer because it was the only thing that let him gain elo during that week. In retrospect I probably also should’ve used my rank 2 Wigglytuff during that cup because my main team kept getting shut down by Mandibuzz-Umbreon core.
Yeah catch cup is always the most bullshit cup, it's the only time GL GBL is strictly pay to win. But that also means if you invest the right team you'll win a shit ton of elo and potentially make your dust back.

It's free legend if you pay for it and are good enough which is nice. Assuming it's at the end of the season mind you.
>take gym over by myself
>put in a blissey
>someone immediately starts attacking it
>eventually see who it is
>berry the blissey over 45 minutes while watching the person get increasingly agitated
>they give up and storm off
Cleanest feeling
this used to brIng back dopamine memories of me holding the official university i was studying. i was in a dorm close to it and its literally positioned on a kfc beside the university and nothing can beat my gym down. my friends accounts lend them to me cause were all instinct teams and say just give us coins while youre at it and i was coordinately putting mons on the gym on a daily scheule basis and nothing can beat me down besides that mystic clan known in the city but i still stood my ground by defeating blissey in a hundred berries til the dude gave up and just captured all the gyms around the area besides mine. ill miss that feeling. i have a gym in my house now but barely play the game these days cause im busy at work.
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Is this area tapped out for stops? I have one more that would be accepted but not sure if it’ll be put in game.
What would be the best phone to get for spoofing right now
I've heard some of these are good.
What makes g-stunfisk better than regular? I just went 4 rounds without having to even send out vigoroth just switching between pelipper and stunfisk.
Ok that got me lol nice one anon
they're both good
the g-version has rock coverage\earthquake +retarded typing
they're not even in the same egg group you sick fuck
Gotcha thanks. Still waiting to get a good g stunfisk.
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>CANON = the girls discovered the war against HANKE was unwinnable; but they also found out something far worse, as the war raged on- a factory of clone PTC teleporter spoof timegals, in full production swing just beyond the outer rim. the existential dread, being replaceable, the inherent danger constantly looming with each passing assignment. The zXTEAM carried onwards, finding value\inspiration in the friendships\competition with eachother fostered along the way; showing valor in the face of adversity- fighting onwards in remembrance of the fallen...With teleport guns at the ready, a line of new recruits awaited orders via com-link

seems legit

trips checked
the butterflies will always remind me of those times...

test the waters with a low-value alt
i think once the go-fest activities die down
its back to shiny farming, spoofing etc
im working on getting some more PTC zxRocket girls to keep the roster near 8
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>CANON: the pgsharp teleport guns while generally safe, can sometimes be prone to exhibition errors or mechanical malfunctions; this can leave the end-user teleported\trapped to gaps between dimensions.

i will have an updated lucky trade\ultra-frens pastebin soon.
still working on a pc-tether root gps spook solution.
we will be back soon, as the final shining ultra beasts will be out for GO-global. if push comes to shove; it may vary well be our final ban this july as these are the final shining psuedos needed for shining living form dex.

love you guys
hope you enjoyed the autism.
the zxgirls might be bots, and their bodies technically cant die; but id wager some learned to live-
to find happiness....

maybe there's just flowers and a setting sun in those gaps between worlds, appreciative gazing forever.
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now THIS is the type of autism i can get behind
What region is it from? I have two high plains perfects, and I’ve caught enough of these fucks where I currently have 1000 candy AFTER evolving every single available one
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Is this fucker good for either league?
give me a (You) for for Shiny Crabrawler luck
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No since it has no strong charge move to justify the bait moves it has. But I don’t play league so I’m not 100% sure
how do i add these sluts?
do i need to wait until my ticketed time during go fest to get a shiny necrozma from raids
it sucks balls even as a meme spice
they gave stone edge to quagfuckingsire only good for coomlecting austism
>trapped forever in space
tragic poet deaths
Guys help. I might be retarded because I bought a ticket without thinking too much. If I had purchases one of the Pokemon Go Fest ticket, does that mean I have to be in that area's location for it to work? Like getting the exclusive and rare pokemon?
Pretty sure you need to have your ticket scanned by a pokemon go janny at the event
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Ah, so I wasted money one something I can't do then...
Which ticket did you buy? There's a global go fest ticket and then the actual in person ticket for each location.

The global one in the store is anywhere. Also you can try refunding ente purchase
Thanks ill take that into consideration. I've been having tons of luck with lots of stuff that everyone here says is bad though. I think people assume that if it isn't in the top ten overall on pvpoke then it's useless but I've been running shit like sceptile or blaziken with lots of success. Maybe it's because everyone is building teams to combat the top of the meta so they don't expect the random shit.
I wouldn’t say Golisopod is bad, but it struggles against a lot of the meta. It takes down most fighting and psychic-types well, while also resisting mud moves, but that doesn’t mean it handles the bulkier mons too well.
>I think people assume that if it isn't in the top ten overall on pvpoke then it's useless but I've been running shit like sceptile or blaziken with lots of success.
Yeah /pgg/ tends to do that. The main benefits to Sceptile and Blaziken are that they’re glass cannons that can very easily threaten shields. Blaziken in particular is also basically the only usable fire/fighting-type in GBL, so there’s unique STAB coverage there. The problem is that glass cannons are more likely to get hard-counters; if Sceptile gets paired with a bulky steel-type or Incinerate-spammer, and Blaziken gets paired with a bulky water or ghost-type, it’s pretty much a guaranteed loss. People don’t like using because of inconsistencies. There are some exceptions (water is a pretty bulky typing in general, so Shadow Feraligatr and Shadow Swampert are ranked pretty high), but most of the consistency relies in using bulky Pokémon with good moves. For the record, Golisopod has decent moves, but not strong enough threaten most Pokémon in neutral matchups like Sceptile or Blaziken. Still pretty good though.
>it isn't in the top ten overall on pvpoke then it's useless but I've been running shit like sceptile or blaziken with lots of success. Maybe it's because everyone is building teams to combat the top of the meta so they don't expect the random shit.
I guarantee it's entirely based on your Elo and not "spice." Blaziken is ok-ish in summer cup if you have the shadow variant, but it is not the greatest when shields are up against the main meta of Charja/Vig/Quagsire.

>Golisopod has decent moves
No Golisopod has bad moves, that's why it's so garbage in the meta right now. It's best move is X-scissor at 1.62 DPE, but being a bug typing it's bad offensively into the core meta. Then you have the problem of needing 3 charge moves to threaten things effectively, or relying on Liquidation/Aerial ace which are low DPE moves coming off Golisopod's mediocre attack. The best move Pod has is Shadow Claw.

now Shadow Golisopod when it's released may see some play, especially if it can get a liquidation buff down the road for better DPE. But then it'd just be a bug typing Feraligatr which has it's ups and downs.
Aight, so should I give a shit about this event?
Well I'm still new to pvp but all I see is charja vig quag shit and so far they haven't been a problem. I'm just using what I can and I guess I'm playing smarter than most of my opponents, most of the time it seems like they have poor timing or make bad choices. My wins are over half of all of my matches, but I know I won't be able to keep that going forever.
If you can lock Blaziken against Vig then yeah, you pretty much auto win the game since 2 blastburns fuck everything up (Or even brave birds if you don't have the CD move)

and sceptile easily wrecks quag's shit, charja is your main issue so if your third handles it well enough you're probably going to do well.

but also,
>most of the time it seems like they have poor timing or make bad choices
this is the biggest factor, it means your elo is lower than where it should be. Eventually you'll reach a plateau where you don't seem to climb much due to the quality of opponents your facing. If you don't mind, what is your elo? are you out of the 1-20 ranks yet?
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There's an event?
But I've only been playing again for a few weeks. Finally got interested in pvp so I've been combing through my shit trying to find things that work until I build up more good pokemon. I only use it if it's over 90% of it's pvp ranking, with the exception of I think machamp and talonflame, but this is what I'm working with for now. Most of the usable ones are ones I just need to add a second move to or change a move, feraligator has hydro canon but I'm waiting to remove frustration for ice beam.
Everything I use has it's community day moves. I appreciate you guys because I overthink everything and like to learn as much as I can. I'm almost to rank 20, I know it was supposed to be easy this low but it just seemed too easy.
you have some ok picks, thank god it's summer cup and your picks are viable there. you're gonna struggle with the rest of the meme cups assuming you don't catch what you need coming up, and definitely in Open GL.

your best core atm is Feraligatr/Talonflame, both cover each other pretty well and the biggest threat to that core is Dragons and Lanturn.

you could run Gatr/Goodra/Talon in open GL when it comes back and probably do pretty well. The only real threats to that teamcomp is Mantine/Altaria/Mandibuzz, so you may want to run Ice Beam gatr over crunch, just know that makes you weaker to lanturn.
Post coords or address and I can check out the local cell strucure of the area and see if there’s anything else to the area unless you want to do it yourself. I just compare local areas with the cell overlay map from Pogo Alerts Network.
I bought the Global one but nothing is happening.
>I bought the Global one but nothing is happening.
no shit anon

Good news, you haven't fucked up. Bad news is you're probably a little bit retarded and might wanna get that checked out (though Niantic doesn't really explain things alll that well)

from the 13-14th you'll have access to the spawns that would be appearing in and around the Gofest location, extra raid passes, special 7km eggs (buy those incubators lol,) and you'll unlock the research that gives you Marshadow (that's usually how it works, might be different this year, but typically it's a pathetically easy research that's maybe only a couple steps long)
Hundo Uxie
Good luck.
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>think I have no reason to use masterball ever
>today while walking this huge artikunta kinte appears
>snap masterball it
>it ends up being this
Was I scammed guys?
At least it's XXL?

But yeah you probably wasted it, eventually Niantic is going to toss the birds in a raidday or something so the only benefit to getting them from incense is getting them under 1500 for GL.

But there's a chance they stay in the incense forever and at least then your master ball isn't that wasted.
I found the problem. I thought it was June for the tickets to work, because I see people talking Go Fest in other locations. I misread the date. It's supposed to work in July. I guess I overreacted due to lack of sleep. I was up until 6:30.
Is this normal?
can you repeat the question?
It's only funny when you don't samefag it
Timestamps don't line up for samefagging, newfriend
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i MIGHT be the bad one
if all those accounts stay dead
that means i killed\lost hundreds of shiny
>master ball on matching balltism monster
nah you're fine anon, looks good from here.
you're off to a great start
i've had luck with this guys teams\suggestions
i'll have updated QR before gofest global
im asking everyone to fight, one last time... ;_;
>how to turn wifi off for new ID
ok newfag
yes, meloetta's body shows an body type that doesnt fit current ideals for female bodies so DEI requested niantic to hide it, sorry bud
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Unfortunately, it won't be until early-mid August. Shadow Raid Weekend will be for Lugia btw. On the plus side, late Rocket rotations tend to have good Rocket leader encounters.
Whoops meant to respond to >>56037465
>Resetting IP just for Malcolm spam
Doubt it.
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I'm not surprised, it seems like Niantic is using this upcoming GO Fest to finally wrap up gen 7 content until GO Tour: Alola.
>adding new features
In an ideal world this would be a good thing, but I can't really say the updates they've made to the game so far have been a net-positive.
damn. I have a 14-15-14 pidgey I’m on the edge of purifying or not. guess I’ll wait till next GBL season to use it or not
Late to the game but I finally got him ready.
Where am I supposed to get a Solgaleo and Lunala? Those fuckers haven't been in any raids
I keep trying to join your raid bro but the lobby always full
That machamp
>1488 cp
Kek, may he kill many a probopass.
At least Niantic had the decency to not mandate Catch Cup during the usual week due to a late Rocket rotation. They've said in the past they try to be as mindful as possible about Rocket rotations relative to GBL seasons so that people aren't locked out of cool meta picks they catch for more than a few months.
they've talked about level 60 but don't know a good way to make it happen since they would have to change up the game again like they did when adding 50 so players can catch up easier
they don't want to finish the mega dex just to finish it so they will hold out on the last megas "until their debut time is right." same with adding gen 8 and all the other missing mons
they're also looking ahead to 2025 and 2026 already with potential ideas
avatar stuff who cares
Can't they just stop drip feeding content and make some QOL updates? I know they blatantly hate us players and make no mystery of it, but there's surely more money in giving in to player demands just a little?
That would be great, thank you!

Latitude: 41.117355 | Longitude: -95.915222
make it so you go back to level 1 (but keep level 50 perks) and you get some sort of icon showing how many times you’ve gone back up to level 50. at least that way spergs can stop complaining about wanting level 60
I feel like when a lot of people say they want level 60, what they really mean is that they just want something to actually do in-game.

If they added in a super replayable game mode for high-level players, most of the "Level 60 WHEN?" complaints would vanish over night
Instead of asking for level 60, they should have sex instead.
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One thing that surprised me is that the county this is in is actually supported by the site, which makes it easier.
So this building is comprised of two cell zones. One half has two gyms already and the other one has four stops and one gym, meaning that one more stop in the green area and a second gym can be created here.

For empty cells, the first half of the building has 3ish empty spots, the big one between the cluster of four stops and the gym, the smaller space also betweeen them, and a tiny spot between the two gyms.
For the second half of the building, there are only 3-ish very small spots where stops can be placed that won’t be enveloped, like the spot between the second gym and the left stop at the end, and the right corner of the building has a small opening that’s split into two cells.

If you really want to make a second gym, outside of those super small areas there is potential in another building nearby, it already has a mural stop, so maybe there could be other POIs there. If a stop at the original building is upvoted enough and a sixth stop is submitted, a new gym can be created there, but definitely no more after that. Otherwise, you’d have to investigate other places within that cell zone if there’s nothing else for that second building.
The only other possible thing you can do if you really want that additional gym is to try to move one of the enveloped stops (that only show up as an ! on the upload map) to an unoccupied cell, thus unenveloping it, and the only way to really do that is to gather the approximate coordinates for the original and desired location, contact the wayfarer chatbox and submit the location change request, and keep doing that until it works. It’s harder for anyone to tell where exactly a stop inside of a building should be so they could just accept it.
Otherwise, if you just want to submit a stop, the easiest spot to place it in is in that large one I mentioned before.
Awesome response, thank you. I’ve tried to get some of the exclamation points moved but wayfarer always denies them. Going to try and get new stuff submitted though
This is gonna take forever.
What's the deal with all the Mud Shot Sand Tomb Garchomps in ML?
It's honestly not worth it. It's a sim hero in my experience
It's not the most useful in open but I've been doing great with it in summer cup on this team
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Cool, good to know. I just need charge tms now, vig got brick break for his second move, then I'll finally have at least one solid team finished.
I just started getting into pvp so I'm gearing up for summer cup and getting/building up for open as I go. I've gotten rid of so much stuff over time that I thought was useless and didn't know would be good for pvp because I didn't care about it. Blew through all my saved dust getting what I've got now.
Is he any good not maxed out or is ML just exclusive to maxed out pokemon? I haven't tried it yet but I've got this guy as a maybe.
But this team >>56040834 has been tearing through summer cup with a few bad matchups here and there.
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I also just recently discovered tags and I'm probably overthinking them too but I finally got a setup I like.
Yeah, I said he's not great in open but it's a pretty good pick in this cup unless you find double mud boy in the back or something. Which rank are you at?
Pretty low still.
Carbink is just Basti that doesn't auto lose to fighting types and has better charge move pressure. Energy or shield disparity fuck it ten ways to sunday.
Sweet, did a quick kabutops raid and got 2 charge tms, used one to give vig rock slide. I'm thinking of switching stunfisk back to mud shot, seemed to do better than thundershock for summer cup.
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fuck this shit
Sorry, trainer! Our team found this submission to be not significant enough to be accepted, thank you and fuck you!
kill tryhards
behead tryhards
take your fucking metashit and shove it in your AIDS-ridden assholes
Always the same 10 'mons
You are all joyless motherfucking shit eating NPCs
anon, why are you complaining about people playing the same 10 pokemon and not building a team that shits all over those 10 pokemon?

Condensed meta's are literally the easiest fucking Elo climb you can ever hope for, it's partially why ML is the easiest climbing league in the game.
>ML is the easiest climbing league in the game.
Maybe if you happen to live in a city and have a group to do legendary raids with regularly. Anyone that doesn't is basically fucked out of competing in the higher elo for master league.
Well fuck I found a better one, so now I'm gonna have to eventually.
>Just over two weeks into the latest GBL season
>Already getting curb stomped by multiple ace rank tankers
>Even in advantageous matchups I still lose because Whiscash's/Poliwrath's Scald still debuffs me way more than fucking 30% of the time
If one of the "new features" isn't a rework to the GBL reward system to disincentivize tanking, there's gonna be Hell to pay.
Who here will be attending NYC GO Fest? Alarecium and I (Mortanis) will be. Hmu on Campfire if you will be there and are lucky with either of us.
lmao sorry not sorry. as the saying goes, get gud scrubs
Well yeah, ML is the whale league anon, that's always been the case.

But once you have the pokemon and counter the meta, you just get free wins unlike every other league. Though there are cups where GL is freelo as well, like catch.
>niantic finally graciously allows players to trade worldwide without the retarded 100 meter distance limit
>makes it so you can't get lucky mons or shuffle the ivs outside of 100 meters real life distance
would you accept it
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nah i'd spoof
Too little too late. I actually tried to play this game legit but there is no dimension where Elite raids become realistic for non-spoofers

They killed spoofing for my phone, any idea how to get around that?
>Who here will be attending NYC GO Fest?
lmao. the only way i'd ever even consider attending a go fest is if I could drive to it within a couple hours, and park reasonably easy.

anyone who'd fly or drive days to a go fest is a loony. especially with the state pogo currently is in.
>within a couple hours
Woah, let's not get crazy here.
If you can't GO to the fest, why bother?
>If you can't GO to the fest, why bother?
why doesn't niantic just make a it a world-wide event? they can still have the chosen city where they put up their decoration and have actual irl events and special benefits but the rest of us can still take part in the events.

oh wait, then pogo doesn't cater to elitists with tons of money and delude people into thinking this game can only be played by walking.
they do and its called global go fest
Suicide is a valid option.
>they do and its called global go fest
not really.
I would consider trips that take a few hours for conventions and maybe a regional. But to bother so much for gofest? To throw balls and repeat?
For porkymans I've already caught in hundreds if not thousands?
You're right though about piggies who actually fly planes for that slop. Mental.
Have you ever considered going to therapy?
Don't tell me what to do, bitch.
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Yay got my 4th Larvesta and 3/4 have been from the same town so maybe it’s got lucky spins. I’m going to resupply my eggs right as the event begins so I can likely get a shiny moth.
if the shiny isn't available before you get the egg, the egg can't hatch a shiny. you'll have to wait until after the event starts to get your eggs
Yeah that’s what I said, I’m going to empty all my eggs and then start my resupply as the event begins when shinies are available.
>61% win rate
Pretty nice. That's about where I was at before getting cucked the last 3 days by ground water openers. Swapped to bell yesterday immediately got 4 talon openers but then life got a bit better
pgsharp still works. anon probably meant rooting.
How do you use it?
of course, I see, so simple, yes, thank you.
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I see lantern used a lot but I don't really have trouble against him, is it worth the tms and dust to get one ready? Or both so I can keep one with spark and one with water gun?
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When the fuck did they nerf stardust from gifts? WHY THE FUCK WOULD THEY NERF STARDUST FROM GIFTS?!
I feel like they also nerfed potions, haven't been getting many lately
pls understamd
That’s the rate for stardust when your inventory is full, or at least I’ve only ever gotten 50 stardust from full-inventory gifts. You can tell because you’re only getting stickers.
Yea I just opened some gifts and the ones that gave items had 100-200 and the ones with a full inventory had 50-200. I'm pretty sure that's what it was like before. Granted it is retarded that gifts can give less dust when it's a full inventory but I've been hanke'd way harder
Even though spark just got a nerf, Lanturn is still pretty strong. Probably not worth building 2 since it's a fast TM which is much easier to get but I have 2 for that purpose so it's up to you. Found a 99% while my 95% was already built
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Am I no longer a dustlet?
Anyone know what level Necrozma is when sent to Home (assuming you don't level it up in GO)? Having trouble finding that info.
I don't know
Real helpful. Mind actually telling me what the level is then, if you actually know?
Can you repeat the question?
You're a terrible troll.
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Probably 20 or 25 if weather boosted, like all 5* raids
You're not the boss of me now
Thanks anon. Just trying to get one via Home for my dex. Doesn't seem to be anywhere near as common as all the other legendaries though.
Ahh ok, that doesn't make sense why they would do that but at least I know the reason now. Thanks anons.
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P2W now is incoming in Go Batte League?
Whoever made this didn't even try
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How i get good in PvP bros...
tank to the limit
Get cancer you miserable dumb tryhard piece of shit
Make a team of 3 of the sturdiest tanks to waste the time of as many people as possible. This is the only way to enjoy PvP.
>look up the meta
>mindlessly copy it

You were never good, you will never be good.
>can't beat meta teams
>whines on /vp/ about it

He's better than you at least. Not saying much though since /vp/ struggles to even hit Ace rank lmao.
uhhhh why does my eevees keep evolving into flareon?
its random so get fucked
t. hanke
Should I be adding friends? I dont have friends haha....
Practice. Things like fast move timing and counting can take a bit to get down but outside of having a good team they're the most important things you can learn
Shiny meltan is back
Don’t forget, shinymeltanfag
I just want to have fun battling with my favorite pokemon. You bunch of dick measuring pathetic fucking sad fucks. There is no game in existence that you don't stain with your autistic tryhard competition. I would murder you IRL. I will stall every fucking match hereafter, just to waste your time. Because I know there is some bullshit reason you think you need to be fast and efficient too. So I'm going to shit all over your "fun".
that pathetic for 8 years you should at least 40 mill
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Every raid is just fucking shadow wobbuffet
They need to get rid of fucking shadow raids they always take up space for the legendary or mega I wanted, especially on the weekend
>DUDE lets make a new local only type of raid with shadows!
>And let’s lower the IV floor for them to way below the standard because fuck you!
>We also implimented a retarded shard and gem system for you just to make the raid harder for you!
>Let’s have the rotation of shadows be absolute shitmon forever!
>Got a shadow with actual good stats? Better wait for the next rocket event before it can actually be useful!
The thing that irked me the most was the research shadows you got during Sinnoh tour had the 10IV floor so… I don’t fucking know do shadow research instead if you have the fucking programming for it
Holy based
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Why is Niantic so autistic about babies spawning in the wild?
gotta buy them incubators paypiggy
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Because they hate the players
Guys is there like a guide to playing this game? Been playing for about a week (got two shinies), my bag is always full, I never have enough pokeballs and never enough resources to evolve or power up (100 to evolve wtf)

Feels like I am playing this wrong
Well for starters if you want more storage space you need to have a good way to get a reliable income of daily gym coins
If there’s no gyms around you it would help if you were able to make your own stops and gyms near you but you have to be level 37
For candies just use pinaps or silver pinaps every time, the best time to grind a species for candy is during an event that features it as a spawn (regular event, spotlight hour, community day)
Megas can also get you more candy but you gotta mega evolve them for like a month
>my bag is always full
The game is designed that way, you will only get a little relief once you upgrade your bags a fair bit, but the problem will never go away
>I never have enough pokeballs
Use daily incense when you're all out
Add some friends from a website of your choice, gifts help
>and never enough resources to evolve or power up (100 to evolve wtf)
Don't power up until you're sure what you're doing, in this game pressing the power up button on the majority of species is trolling
Evolution can take a long time, some species like Larvesta are so rare that it could easily take you a year, maybe more, to evolve one (since they also require 400 candy). Niantic hates you.
Anon above didn't mention you can also exchange rare candies for candies of a select species. You can get them from raids.
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he portrayed you as a soijak
bro you're done for
flawless victory
I stopped playing a few months in and only started again when covid hit, but I used to spend a bunch of dust powering shit. Now that I have most of what I want powered I stopped using as much dust. Initially I wanted over 1 million, but then that tumbled into this, I like the idea that I can max out multiple mons if I really wanted to on a whim
I was like you a month ago.
>Storage full
Will always be full whether you have 300 space or 10000 space. Dump shit you don't need like nanab berries if needed but even better if you feed them to Pokemon at gyms. Revive and heal your pokemon to make space
Don't worry about candy or evolving or lowering up your pokemon yet. Wait for spotlight hours. I don't know if it's every month like this but on Tuesdays and like once a weekend a month there's bonuses for evolving, catching, or transferring pokemon. Save the bulk of your transactions for then
Walk, a lot. If you hit the 50km per week you'll get like 30 pokeballs, maybe more.
Add people to be friends, send them gifts, open their gifts. Seems to me like one out of 5 has 5 pokeballs, sometimes there's 10 sometimes nothing. Also pokestops and the research opportunities they give you. You should get at least once a day a task to scan a pokestop for 10 pokeballs. By Sunday I'll be out of pokeballs and opening presents hoping there's balls in there, but on Monday I'll have over a hundred ready to go for the Tuesday spotlight hour.

Also if you can find local groups to raid that will help you. I got a shitload of items from that and more importantly I have like 8 landorus by getting carried in raids.
Oh no, you're gonna stall and make the match 1.5 whole seconds longer and still lose anyway. Still worth the satisfaction of shitting on your favorite shit mons with my elite meta team loser. I'm better than you scrub.
>lost 70 ranks today due to lag and bad matchups
>Down to 52% win rate from 57% before today
I should just fucking kill myself holy shit. How the fucking hell do I reduce my lag before I rope myself
Nvm my winrate is still better than 52% but holy fucking shit I almost deleted my account after lag spikes caused me to lose the shadow quag mirror twice. How the fuck does anyone put up with this
honestly if it's lagging I just quit for the day. Not worth the frustration especially when a single turn of lag can ruin a matchup when it's close.

Easiest way to reduce lag is play on an Iphone and outside of any peak traffic for niantics servers.
I'm torn right now on my stinfish and lanturn. They both have best moveset for great league but summer cup says they do better with their other fast move. Am I overthinking it or will it be worth it to change them both until summer cup is over?
Stunfisk. Fuck. But as he is he's basically essential on my team, he's guaranteed so many wins. I just wonder if he'd do even better with double mud. And I haven't used lanturn yet, peliper is kicking ass but I don't want two water types on my team.
stunfisk is bad in OGL, though at your elo you're probably fine running whatever.

Spark Lanturn is almost always better, especially right now with very little ground threats (outside of gligar) where water gun is better. Water gun was good when Gfisk and steelix were everywhere. Against gligar you still need to surf to KO before gligar reaches an Aerial ace (One dig + AA is all that's needed for Shadow Gligar to KO, non shadow needs two digs) So spark is still better in that matchup since you get there faster and 2 surfs is more than lethal. Overall though Watergun is about as good as spark in terms of the fast move damage + Surf output, it's really only if you need T-bolt that you need spark's speed.

But given Lanturn's current place in the meta, running either is fine since it's really not the best pick right now. Still good since it beats skarm hard, but Quag/Feraligatr are the supreme waters. If Gatr lands a crunch debuff on lanturn, and shields the Tbolt, lanturn is forced to shield a Hydro cannon or it'll lose the 0vs1. Also, lanturn used to be able to just throw a surf and spark down, it can't do that anymore due to the nerf. Lanturn is still a great check to Gatr, just not nearly as strong as it used to be.
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Awesome, love getting replies from people like you, thank you for helping me learn. This is what I've managed to scrounge up the last few weeks. Everything tagged ready has its best great league moveset, everything tagged usable is either a potential, or just waiting on moves, like feraligator, I just need a rocket event to get rid of frustration. Otherwise they need a second attack and or their moves changed as well. Also have a bunch I need to weed out that will likely never see use.
Shiftry and ninetails are only in there because they're hundos so I guess I gave them extra moves and tried to use them before I quit playing a few years ago. I've since changed them to their best movesets and they did ok in some battles.
have you made it out of rank 20 yet anon? Honestly you're likely so far down in the elo that giving you meta advice isn't really going to help much.

You could probably run Gatr/goodra/talon and wreck shit easily down there until you ran into your first Bastiodon team.
Close, I'm at 19 now. And I know it's gonna play different as I rank up more, just trying to be as prepared as I can. I wish I hadn't started during this stupid cup so I could feel out my other options.
But so far my entire pvp experience comes from this summer cup.
Meme cups are the absolute best time to play GL, you're going to hate OGL if you start climbing the elo ratings. Open Great League is the absolute worst league to play in if you want to climb or do anything but tank and farm dust. But it's also the most fun, especially for me, once you have a wide roster of pokemon and have the skill to handle the extreme variety.

You're going to have to stick to the best three you have for what you're seeing come Friday and try to learn how to play it better. Switching teams is a mistake 90% of the time, you're better off learning how to play your team and overcoming bad matchups. You really only switch teams if you run into a lot of hard counter teams or just overall bad matchups.
>get 2nd and 5th in two show cases
>get a super incubator and some star dust
>get first in three show cases
>get ultra balls a lure and an incubator
They really never bothered to balance this huh?
This is the opposite for me. I fucking hate meme cups and much prefer OGL because there's usually nothing too over centralizing in OGL. Last season was an outlier with lanturn but even that didn't make me seethe as much as this summer shit
centralized cups are the best anon, since it means you can easily counterpick the meta without going to spicy and losing to anti-meta.

Though summer cup is fucking weird as shit right now with lots of teams being triple weak to Vigoroth. It's like everyone said fuck it, if they run vig then whatever.
>counterpick the meta without going to spicy and losing to anti-meta.
Except when hanke decides you've had enough fun and gives you a meta with with a specific counter to your shit. Yea the current vigo shit is insane currently but my biggest nigger is the shadow giraffe which I have lost to almost every time
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I knew holding on to these XXLs was a good idea
>STILL no incubators
>Shadow giraffe
blame some youtuber for that shit, I really have no fucking idea why it's getting run but whatever. Some youtuber probably showcased a "5-0" set where he got to lock it in vs a toxapex every game and hyped it up as the greatest spice underrated pick in the meta or some shit.

I lose to it every now and then, but largely it's so fucking frail it hogs every shield so you can easily beat those teams by only throwing nuke moves and never baiting since they cant shield everything.
Whoever popularized that shit should be killed. I don't know why but even my bug loses to it in 1-1 shield setup even though the sims say I should not. Maybe my IVs just are bad against it or something. Regardless I'm taking out pex tomorrow and slotting something more anti meta in. What's a decent anti meta team for all this shit? I'm thinking whish/big/pidgeot
Shadow Gatr is hotsauce right now, Hydro cannon FUCKS all of Summer cup hard, and you force a shield vs Vig and leave it near death with not that much energy since they can't just counter you down and have to body slam.

Kingdra is a pain in the ass to deal with, but you need the shadow to win the 2s vs vig. Honestly I don't think kingdra is that good in this cup but it just assrapes my Skeledirge+Double water team.
Eh my peliper vig stunfisk team still shits on you.
Unfortunately I don't have access to gatr until another rocket event. I could use swampert though
Fuck I need a rocket event. My 98% shadow hc feraligator is waiting to shine.
I've decided I'll just lose to peliper since it seems to have magically disappeared from ladder. Watch me get matched up against 12 tomorrow
I've been seeing plenty, but they usually just leave it out against mine, build a lot of energy, then take a hurricane and die before they can use it. I'm becoming convinced a lot of people are just really bad at this easy combat style somehow and just take meta picks without getting good ivs and learning how to tap right. If this is how it is then I think I'm destined to become very high elo then hate my life because I'm stuck facing people like me.
What was your biggest? Mine hit over 12000
It's not hard to get legend anon, but I assure you the quality of players you're playing against now and nothing compared to high elo players.

Also, low elo scrubs almost always bait so just going for the nuke is easy wins since they never shield themselves. You can play single moved pidgeot and just brave bird everything and win easily. just be sure to always be able to switch out or sack your bird if you go that route.
What about a bird/bug/water? I have a ton of waters to work with. I could go poli to kill the vigos or swamp/whish for another pex target.
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i am experimenting this season
great league ONLY.
im around 71% wins right now
just out of curiousity i want to see my ELO for gl.

i am using a couple different teams
but they all are "legend rank lol" and easy to pilot
i am a dustlet as i trade 8 shiny per day to myself from my alts kek

i NEED the dust ;_;

lag. mirror. crashes.
its just part of the "game"
try to make it fun, most days i dont finish my sets honestly
my iphone still lags
but i play around 2-3am local time here kek
>src: momotetsu onnayu
I wish I could remember but the game only tells you the exact size number during showcase additions
I have no idea why I can’t just see the size number why
It was definitely in the 1200s
Because there's so few dark types. I've started running Obstagoon just to completely shut them down and it's mostly working in the 2400's
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