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post snek
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snek and duk
Snek and friends!
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Sneks are cute.
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OG and best Snake comin through. What are the odds he gets some love in ZA?
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Snek! What stunningly beautiful creatures, don't you agree?
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I wouldn't get my hopes up. Still, a regional variant would be cool - change the main color, the type, and the false face to suit the environment and he'd make a great snek to reoccur.
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Shame they aren't real
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I will make snakes real
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>forgetting about Dragonair
Cool art though
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Snej thread is a little quiet, it seems.
So, what's y'all's favorite IRL snake? I'm fond of hognoses, myself, the adorable little derps.

Surely he's just perfectly hiding behind Onix.
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Based Arbok enjoyer.
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manifesting a snake
Pinesnakes in general. The drab coloration mixed with their earth digging is cute.
I wish there was more art of lamia trainers with snek mon bodies.
Don't ask stupid questions if you don't want to become chicken nuggets
Fuck off, stop ruining good threads
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I really wish this based snek would get more love and art.
He's a bit derpy, and not very snake-shaped. A neat idea, but really limited in the poses you can put him in - can't bend much, certainly can't coil.
Didn't stop the first fanart on FA being vore, if I recall correctly.
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>He's a bit derpy, and not very snake-shaped.
You take that back right now!
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It's true! Gives him some charm, but the lack of noodly body makes it harder to pose him.
Especially in rule 34, which is the usual method of popularity.
Poor guy's an ice cream cone...
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I choose to believe he has a regular noodly body but chooses to coil himself at all times.
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>that thread were the anon confessed his vore fetish and he was promptly overdosed with pills for it
Could definitely see that as an intimidation tactic
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Are you referring to something that actually happened, or someone just wrote a silly green?
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I love Serperior so fucking much. Please post more of my favorite buddy.
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the first
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have a true snek classic
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>snek falls in love with a human just as interested in swallowing thick meat as she is
>uses him for her human-pred vore fetish
There is no such thing as "too silly"!
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I don't believe this for a second
I told to the truth to my therapist and he called it a nothing burger despite showing a Jewish conservative therapist a 90's contemporary art video where an endoscope camera is submerged into the guts of a Palestinian (it also goes into her pussy) then revealed I find that video arousing.
If that couldn't do it, nothing will.
Since that was a lot more fucked up than cartoon le funny fetish RP world stuff.
But I still went unmedicated and only got adderall a few months ago after months of actively seeking it. Not even the libido killer stuff.
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I want to rest my head on him
Better make sure you've made friends with him first!
werid, I told my shrink i hear voices and he also dropped gorillions of pills on me
there are qualified and unqualified therapists, just like with every profession... some will fuck you up even worse than before you ever stepped foot in their office
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I'm inclined to agree with your credulity: the modern school of thought in therapy - at least in the US and presumably in other first-world countries - is that you really only need to change things that are causing harm.
>"I have a vore fetish."
>"My vore fetish has eclipsed my attraction to real people and this sucks for my social interactions."
Let's look at some avenues of therapy, maybe some medication to assist.
>"I am actively pursuing steps to get eaten by a reticulated python in real life."
Time for institutionalization.
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Very brave snek
I wonder if those yellow anchor-shaped things around its body can detach and function as a replacement for hands
Where I can get a decent 3D model rip of this motherfucker to try understanding how does it's body works?
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Who needs hands with vines like these? Not to mention the sheer flexibility and power of the body.
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They already have hands, they're just poorly positioned and are easily mistaken for leaves. In fact, the pair of "leaves" on the sides of the tail may actually be vestigial legs from prior stages.
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Don't worry, you won't see me bothering that Gardevoir again!
And if you come closer, I can extend that promise to all Pokemon...
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He's just a coiled snake.
But is the neck-donut removable or not?
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Straight from Bulbapedia:

Sandaconda is a tan serpent Pokémon with a black and brown pattern all over its body, resembling cracked earth. Around its neck is a dark greenish brown ring, which is its neck pouch. Its long body is coiled in a spiral shape. It has lime green eyes with red bags underneath them and a snout with two prominent nostrils and two fangs.

Sandaconda uses its inflated sand pouch to protect its head from harm. The pouch can store up to 220 pounds (100 kilograms) of sand, and is very elastic and thick to the point where a Durant's pincers cannot harm it. Sandaconda can contract its body to spray the sand stored in the pouch through its nose with tremendous force, and its unique method of coiling allows it to blast its sand more efficiently. Some of the sand is combined with Sandaconda's own saliva to form sharp pieces of gravel, making it so dangerous that just coming in contact with it will cause lacerations. While Sandaconda may act tough and confident, it will become timid and cowardly the moment it runs out of sand.[1] Sandaconda is known to eat Durant eggs.
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I really wish Arbok got more love.
The problem here is that your version of insitutionalization involves shoving the patients into your stomach. They'll never be able to leave after that!
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Well it ain't called OUTstitutionalization, is it?
Pithy joke aside, that doesn't make it terribly different than "normal" involuntary institutionalization. Between extremely poor living conditions and abusive staff making symptoms more likely to worsen than improve, as well as a tendency to scrutinize residents to a standard normal people would never be subjected to, it's not uncommon for people to simply be unable to leave, at least until there stops being a cash inflow to the institution for that particular person.
So if you think about it, a Serperior is simply a more efficient, frugal, and honest way of accomplishing the same goal.
Now I see why the doctor stuffed your kind with pills
Aww i love her she's so cute
It doesnt stop the rest of us from liking vore tho
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Yeah! There's a reason I have her as my phone background.
Though my desktop is a majestic dragon.
Always good with more snek. Though its a pity there's a lack of Serviper. The issues of not being smogon favorite.
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remember to affection your snek
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I really hope Gamefreak gives us more snek pokemon as soon as possible.
>Muh euthanasia snek
God I hate Canada so much.
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Sounds like you may have some experience with involuntary institutionalization? Just curious.
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No, actually. I've known a friend of a friend whose family had one hell of a time trying to get an uncle out of an institution, stonewalled at every possible turn, and I've seen some accounts on tumblr talk about how they *definitely* developed more symptoms if not outright new illnesses from being in an institution. Myself, I've only had normal therapy to try to get myself to focus better in grade school.
Still, mental health is a casual interest of mine, and I tend to at least scan through news/investigative articles when it comes up - ProPublica recently ran a couple items about a NY "school" for mentally ill children where staff beat the kids, made them sleep on the floor, all but locked them in a padded room (illegal in some nearby states), and probably sexually abused them, too.
The world works in such a way that not treating people's illnesses is more beneficial to the feds than actually treating them: y'see, if you cure someone's insanity, they dont have to stay at the mental hospital anymore, but if you decide to abuse a crazy person, then they have to stay for a longer time while you get paid even more for it, essentially, the equivalent of using the leech seed move
Why you asking me? I was just asking for Seviper art.
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As someone who spent a small amount of time in an institution, I can confirm that is it NOT a good place to be and can give you some new issues, also bureaucracy makes it near impossible for to get out quickly
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imagine the snex
Referring to them as "sneks" is very Reddit, but goddamn do I love Serperior
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oh, to nuzzle a Serperior...
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Who said they get meltslopped?
Just life stealing from time to time to nourish the serp at worst, food gulped down for them in there.
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>she doesn't need to eat you to drain you
>Giga Drain is perfectly functional in battles, after all
>but she knows that's not a Pokedex in your pocket when she swallows you
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My two favorite pokemon.
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>Illusion fox can always pretend to be snake for double Snek while also having a fox.
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Is it really double the snake if you don't get double the coil?
What do you do in this this situation? Raise the duck? Eat the duck? Give it back?
I can't tell if they're the ones comforting him or making him cry
Watching the snake raise the duck would be pretty amusing.
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Spaghetti and eclair, friends :)
goodnight, snej thread
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Give it back
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More from this artist, please!
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sneks good
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Giant milotic...
Big enough to waterslide a glaceon.
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Waterslide? How do you mean?
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What do you mean by this
Why are they looking at me like that...?
They are going to wrap you up and do funny things to you.
>do funny things to you
>Milotic soaks you
>Serperior sticks leaves on you
>you are left unharmed but rather itchy and cold
considering all of these shorts where Oak gets attacked, this is the one that does the lesser "harm".
I love both Milotic and Serperior. I also want to be both of them. Lets flip a coin, if the last digit is even then I pick Serperior and if it's odd I pick Milotic.
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Serperior it is. What a shame it is that Serperior can't shapeshift.
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In fairness, neither can Milotic.
...hmm, Pokemon OC whose schtick is just being able to evolve/devolve at will. Could be fun.
At least she's respectful enough to not swallow him alive in one bite
That's my stick
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Nothing crypto about me, silly. I'm just not into canon characters, vore-wise. Would much rather have Generic Serperior eating Generic Trainer than Ash's Snivy eating Cynthia, Ash, Team Rocket, etc.
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She's human, of course she's weaker than Serperior. I dunno, perhaps I'm just rather sensitive to out-of-character stuff, and I've yet to see vore where the canon Pokemon characters act in-character.
For a similar reason, I can't stand a good chunk of Digimon vore, either. Renamon doesn't seem the type to demurely submit to Guilmon eating her, and whatnot.
lol what did I miss?
The usual resident schizo posting cynthia vore.
Everything is hotter when it's more believable.
I wonder what set him off this time
Believable in what way?
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He sees a snake and goes into a shitposting fugue state.

Well, a knowledgeable Pokemon enthusiast with a powerful team probably doesn't get randomly blindsided too easily, and certainly doesn't panic just because she's in a tight spot. Letting a Serperior get the drop on, coil, and eat you, all while you scream in the middle of the wilderness, is far more the domain of a newbie Trainer who probably only has their starter and maybe a regional bird (who will serve well as dessert).
I could definitely see Cynthia visiting Johto to learn about Lugia, and convincing one to let her in and out, for curiosity's sake. But that doesn't involve her suffering, and so the spammer doesn't like it.
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To specify: when I say "I could see," I mean it's within my suspension of disbelief for getting off, not that I think it could actually happen in anything canon.
You’re barely better than the Cynthia voreschizo, you voreschizo
I’m sick of you shitting up every snake thread with your constant vore fetish Serperior avatarfagging
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>enter snake thread
>someone is posting snake pictures
I'm not terribly difficult to filter out. You remain in a hell of your own creation.
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oh man I forgot I saved this one
>A snivy predding a human
That'd be a big belly
...actually, I wrote a fic of that a few months ago. It was fun.
Commissioned any art based on it by any chance?
(share in you know where if so)
>NY "school" for mentally ill children where staff beat the kids, made them sleep on the floor, all but locked them in a padded room
The classic "treat this human being that has mental problems like shit" which in turn makes them even worse off than before. People never learn.
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Nah, I'm not really one to commission art. Hell, I kinda started learning to draw to avoid having to.
Granted, I'm not exactly the most studious artist, so I doubt I should try my hand at illustrating my own fics yet.
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We do, it's just slow and inconsistent. At least now it's newsworthy that this is happening, rather than run-of-the-mill.
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It's time for your dose of snej
That looks less like a thermometer and more like a spoon.
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I bet you'll say she's not even a real doctor!
Even a simple doodle that is expressive can go a long way
Rendering a bunch is tedious as hell from my experience... which sucks for me since I want to draw internals constantly but keep fucking up the sliminess.
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...okay, I dreamed last night that a couple people replied to me encouraging me to try, and now I get this reply for real.
I'll give it a go tomorrow, but do temper your expectations - it'll have to be on my phone.
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Wrong thread. The bird thread is over there.
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I grow closer to petting a sniv
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sniv successfully pet
don't give up on your dreams

Also, holy shit, the difference an extremely basic black shading can do. I didn't expect this.
What is she going to do to me?
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She's going to manually apply your dose. It's good for you.
Very cute. You should do more stuff like this.
Thanks doc

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