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What a babe....
That’s a child
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boring design, I prefer my sexo pokegirls to have more to them
out of ten!
People used to make fun of Gloriafags and Chickenfags for being into the most generic looking girls. This gen feels even worse with Julianafags and Likofags
Cry about her design all you want, but Juliana has originality to her, even if it's soulless. Those soulless.... Sexy.... Eyes....

Gloria is basically just a reskinned Chicken-chan.
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But never felt like a pokegirl babe
Many people don't want to admit but gloria, and chicken look the same.
the last main characters with unique designs were Serena and Calem
>dude just add a skirt
and change the entire shape of her face and the proportions of her features.
Calem is just Nate with a hat and his hair down.
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>Japanese women are "white men" because they like wearing skirts
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>Gold is just a reskinned Red with his hat flipped backwards
This is what your argument sounds like.
There's no way you faggots actually think those UGUU eyes look good on Juliana
Why did they make her thighs so thick?
Si no tuviera tarea, podría llevarte a cenar....
At least they are on-brand eyes. Basic Juliana looks like she was nabbed from another series entirely
They've got different hair and eye colors, retard. Nate and Calem both have brown hair and brown eyes. They wear almost the same turtleneck jacket too.
why are there so many pedophiles on this board
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Go back to twitter
Red used to have black hair and Gold was created before they changed Red's design. Also Calem has black hair.
for some reason some anons are in full cope mode, to me Juliana is the same copypasted character in a row like chicken or gloria.
You could think plass is different but we got dawn 2.0 but in a yukata and the funny thing is that she got drawn more than Irida
cunnychad franchise
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why are you a faggot
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Imagine being Arven in that game and having to be all like "damn, Juliana, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your bony body and generic androgynous anime face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another genki Latina in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Arven and not only sit in that chair while Juliana flaunts her emaciated body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her boring design and rectangular body, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that picnic cutscene. Not only having to tolerate her soulless fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's GOT NATURAL TALENT and DAMN, JULIANA LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her toddler fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of hackers and champions and later alleged artificial intelligences for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of Poco Path in Paldea. You've never even seen anything this fucking plain before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her minuscule stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "unpretentious (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with gym leaders in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could defeat every single trainer in this room before the studio security could bring you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Arven. You're not going to lose your future cooking career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
Hasta la vistar, baby.
It's community service. They jerk off to cartoons here, leave real children alone.
Remember, the more soulless they look, the more NPC they are, and you know how amazingly powerful NPC moms are. Chicken-chan and Juliana are capable of spawning absolute monster protagonists
Only MC girl to show her feet in official art, so yes, I agree, she is a babe. Hoping more girls follow in her footsteps pun intended
The air was thick with the sexual tension between them.
Playing Florian must be quite the experience.
Does Drayton ask him on the date?
What a slut
such a bland fucking protag, hopefully Gen 10 is better
And I'm sure you spics do even if your entire personality is basically "generic American twitter blue haired woman"
I think at that point Arven would gladly accept any sort of affection from a human being even if it's an androgynous gremlin child
Homie seems bisexual as fuck anyway
Nta but same thing.
>b-but Nemona-
She's fuckin gypsy, not Mexican. God, Americans are so retarded
>Does Drayton ask him on the date?
Yes, Drayton is a bislut who hooks up with random students whenever he skips class (which is almost always)
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Scarlet >>>>>>> Juliana
This makes sense. Someone should reign in these students though.
Blueberry Academy seems woefully understaffed.
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She looks way better with black hair and grey eyes. I have no idea why they gave the SV protags brown hair and eyes, it makes them look extremely generic.
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I made her brown.
I want to fuck that trainer.
She looks like she battles older white trainers.
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It's like looking into a dirty mirror.
What types of trainers does this one battle?
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She battles the brown doppleganger.
An intense rivalry, I see. Maybe they can battle other older trainers to see who comes out on top.
Why not both?
That would be a costly price
How much are you asking for?
Do you guys not have the trainer OC thread or something to do your gay ass RP in?
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Juliana should rape Liko.
I'm gonna paint her socks off of this one. Expect a new thread if this one dies
with her giant futa dick yes
That thread is geared towards writing and art of characters that are not tied to existing canon. This thread is for various Julianas
I doubt >>56044618 >>56044592 >>56044582 >>56044575 >>56044555 >>56044518 >>56043438 >>56042311 >>56042291 >>56042079 are supposed to be Juliana
Those aren't Julianas, they're just ERP dolls for fatass coomers and you know it, shut the fuck up
This is Juliana
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no, THIS is Juliana
What a punchable face
Like it matters desu, they're all nice students made for cock.
That's Scarlet you fucking retard.
It matters because it's either Juliana as an independent character or coomers / trannies self-inserting as little girls and ERPing with other coomers
There's a huge difference between "Wow Juliana is such a slutty student" and "Wow anon you're such a slutty student~ Tell me how you'd seduce me"
She looks so boring. Why did gamefreak had to change character designs of humans so much to make them unmemorable?
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It's a mistery
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>self inserting has gone so far that people inserting other people into their characters now
posting your trainer OC and claiming its not yours doesn't make it any less pathetic when you take your shit roleplay out of its containment thread. We're here for Juliana, not Megan
Your parents had sexual fantasies and masturbated. According to you your own parents are trannies

Pokemon art belongs here. Get over it
>I have fantasies about being a little girl so that's what everyone's fantasies are
Even if that was true, doesn't change that they're not Juliana. Those aren't artwork. They're just in game screenshots with coom text alongside them
Only Legends Z-A can save Gen 9 from having shit protags
>It will just be some expy of Serena
Chances are looking shit
I'm fairly certain that this is indeed my violet protagonist and NOT one half of Daft Punk.
They didn't self insert as little anime girls or pretended other people were little anime girls you fucking retard.
Plus these are just shitty screenshots, not "art.
I just blasted a week's load to this, fuck
THAT'S all it took?
nta, but Juliana has something that makes her pics feel lewder than they actually should be.
I can sense that. She looks like she's seducing some old men over to her with that pic.
I hope Juliana's figure has a hint of panties under her school shorts
Carmine plz
This is a character from the Pokemon franchise.
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They are BFFs, nothing more.
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There, made her design 10x better
Abysmal taste, knee socks are hot and one of the few good things of the uniform. Also wearing shoes with no socks is for literal retards.
>le angy face means personality
Just no.
More than the blandest MC we've had yet.
But enough about [your favorite MC]
>wearing shoes with no socks is for literal retards
Yeah, sexy literal retards
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God, I fucking NEED IT.
she's the type of girl who looks young and innocent but uses that to her advantage to take advantage of perverts
Those are sandals not shoes, dumbass.
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Bros, what the fuck....
As hot as that is, you missed the opportunity to make her barefoot!
That's AI right?
Honestly I wouldn't mind that thread's existence so much if the OP didn't make his OC girl so ugly. It's the only thread I filter on this board. Seviper threads are literally more appealing.
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It's official, and you can still preorder it in amiami. Also, the boy counterpart is also available if anyone here cares about him.
Right is better lmao
Way to prove yourself as an idiot
but the brown people on /vp/ who can't afford the game told me she was a boy
Bubububut /vp/ told me she and Florian had the same body!!
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>clearly the youngest MC in the franchise
>still give her a fertile body
What's the end goal here?
They're not the youngest. They're probably supposed to be 12-13 judging by their height. Gen 7 protags were 11. Gen 1 protags are also shorter than them.
What do they usually do for under the dresses and shorts? Did they give Dawn panties? I kind of want to buy one to find out, out of morbid curiosity
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>Did they give Dawn panties
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It's the same for all them.
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I hope they do something like this for Juliana's figure
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Damn, and I was thinking "There's no way they'd actually do this. They're too child-friendly."
NTA, but those aren't even sandals, they're still shoes. sandals should be showing her toes, which on that note, why didn't they give her sandals in the hawaii region!?
I’m gonna buy this figurine just so I can cum all over it and post it on vp
They're still sandals.
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She's a teenager
Are those demonic fingers?
its funny how they tried to desexualize the characters so hard and twitter applauded them for it, only for the characters to end up exclusively appealing to pedos.
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I am absolutely down bad rn
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I have nothing against Julia, but by limiting her to wearing a uniform she lacks her own identity like other Pokegirls, if it weren't for her side braid she would be just another of the generic SV students.

The worst thing is that in the same game it shows you that they can have characters who use the uniform but add a personal touch to it, as in the case of Nemona, Arven or the guys from Blueberry Academia

Those small details help give personality to a character, Nemona's tights and glove, Arven's vest and messy shirt, Drayton's leather jacket, Amarys' steel boots, Lacey's hand-sewn sweater.

Yes, the MC has to be a blank sheet for the player to insert, but regardless of that at least the other Pokegirls had a unique wardrobe that made them stand out, poor Julia has nothing, to the point that the manga author had to give her a very exaggerated personality and Florian was literally replaced by an OC who only uses his name.
I honestly only wish that we could either add stuff on top of the uniform like you said or even just mix the different tops and bottoms. Why the F U C K can I not wear long pants with the vest?? It's fucking stupid.
>to the point that the manga author had to give her a very exaggerated personality and Florian was literally replaced by an OC who only uses his name.
They're both different characters. Male MC is called Violet, female MC is Scarlet. The artist chose to make the male MC look different cause he apparently sucks and struggled to draw him looking not too much like Ortega.

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