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Placeholder Edition

Discuss Trainer OCs and further your designs/writing behind them through discussion with others. Be cool, be edgy, be creative, be racist, just leave your ERPing at the door.

>Thread question: Make a collage for your OC's team.

>Thread task: Draw your OC doing something unbecoming of them.

>/tog/ artfaggotry

>/tog/ writefaggotry

>OP template

>I don't know how to make a character!
Brainstorming ideas and dice rolls:

>I don't know how to draw!
AI-generated content:

>I want to learn how to draw!
Drawing tutorials:

>Previous Thread: >>56030759
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Dragapult has brought the collage template.
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Here it is.
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Another one.
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>first one
Personally no. I only give a Pokemon a move it normally doesn't have if it has other moves of the same type and if it's capable of similar manifestations to said type. Like Mawlie gets Fire Punch cause she can learn Fire Fang but also knows a bunch of Punch moves. So I figured it only made sense that Fire Punch would be possible. But Mawile as a species have no access to any real Ghost moves besides Astonish I think, so I left Shadow Punch out. Does Glimmora get access to any notable Ghost, Electric or in the case of Weather Ball-- Water or Fire attacks? If it does, then yeah, go for it. Otherwise nah.
>second one
>last thread was only three days old
Whatever you guys did, do that again.
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I have mixed feelings about giving Pokemon moves that they're weak to. On one hand it makes sense because Mawile gets punching moves but on the other hand Mawile is weak to Fire, so theoretically using Fire moves would burn it. If we're ignoring this, then why wouldn't Archaludon get Fire Blast like every other pseudo, it already has Thunder and Solar Beam and it's not even weak to Fire. I'm mostly winging it on what "makes sense" for a Pokemon to have. There's arguments for and against Mawile having Fire Punch/Fang. I personally lean towards taking away Fire Fang and keeping Fire Punch out of reach, however, ultimately Emily's Mawile is a special snowflake so I'm sure you're going to keep them.
>so theoretically using Fire moves would burn it.
Yeah but as I said, the Mawile species literally already learns Fire Fang in the games. And it's access to several Punch moves makes Fire Punch a very realistic option. These two criteria allow things like Fire Punch but she's not gonna go using stuff like Flamethrower, Fire Blast and so on and so forth. There would obviously be a limit to what she can channel Fire for.
Which is to say it makes no sense for it to not be able to do Fire Punch in writing regardless of "special snowflake" or not.
Like I said, there's equal arguments for and against it. One has as much justification to take away Fire Fang based on Mawile's weakness to Fire as to add Fire Punch based on its access to the other Punches and keeping Fire Fang based on its access to the other Fangs, it's ultimately just what the author thinks makes more sense.
Realized that I kind of made two thread tasks, so here's another Question: What would your OC's yearbook quote be?

>It is not enough that I succeed, others must fail. - Alexander Heriot
That's a great quote, did you mention that one before?
No. But now that I think about it, that sounds like some Hemlock ass shit. So I think Alex would probably go with the classic
>If idiots could fly, this place would be the world's largest airport.
>>56045989 fits his more sinister and calculating side while this one captures his asshole teenager side.
It's honestly funny to see Alex switch between his fake sophisticated persona that he uses in the interviews and his real identity that hasn't gotten any screentime. It'll be interesting seeing people react to the "true" Alex once I get this thing out. I just hope I don't fuck up the switching because he kind of uses both personas.
You worry too much.
Well I gave my 2 cents, so back to lurking I go.
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On the Contrary, you don’t worry enough.
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This isn't about me. I'll have you know I used to be a very serious person.
Did you worry when you saw that pajeet coming to kick your ass, Shaunigger?
I didn't want to see that gay ass nigga in last OP's pic so that's good.
And what have you contributed lately?
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Feeling damned good about this one so far.
Midnight bump before bed.
Line art's all done, I'll start coloring it in when I wake up.
Let's have a good day today, /tog/.
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hehe good one gay boy

>I battled the world, but damn, it got moves... - 25 Tennyson
No I'm pretty sure there is a distinction between the two. My inner circles once had one of each, so I've had the difference explained to me a few times.
But yea think of it as some non divine revelation

rn im thinking if nono and hasumi can become friends, being 53% YUME is a big downer for her, tsk-tsk-tsk
Don't dwell on it too much, that mostly came upon reminiscing on that one episode in Dantalian no Shoka. If a book is good she'll enjoy it
Made some progress on my game with a cutscene featuring my OCs.
It does have fakemon tho
Sooo... what's the story? So far I saw a black man suffer a car crash, hobos trying to mug (and probably rape) you, and a group of thugs going "DEUS VULT".
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Tendie Direct soon, we're probably getting washed off the deck if there's any news.
>A Nintendo Direct is on the way! Watch the livestream starting at 15:00 (UK time) on June 18th for around 40 minutes of information focused on Nintendo Switch games coming in the second half of 2024.
>There will be no mention of the Nintendo Switch successor during this presentation.
Nothing Ever Happens
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>Nothing Ever Happens
Dragon Quest remastering the entire Erdrick trilogy was a nice surprise.
They stopped putting pokemon shit in those, we have our own direct.
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Progress bump.
Hey guys, non burger here. I missed the direct, something interesting?

>Make a collage for your OC's team.
Just pick any Sceptyle-Swampert-Blaziken image. That should work.

>Draw your OC doing something unbecoming of them

>"Hey David, are you gay?"
"Wha-? No! Where did that come from?"
>"Just joking man. Is just that I haven't see you with a girl. Do you like women?"
"Do I like... women?..."
I ADORE women.
To be the one to fully enjoy the being we know as "women". To be the holder of her secrets, and breaker of her minds.
To my arms to hold her, to protect her, and to crush her if she dare hurt my soul.
I wish to laught next to them in her joy, to taste her salty and bitter tears of anguish, to smell her scared and desperate breaths, to be deaf by her screams of rage, and to touch the final beatings of her heart.
Cyrus was a fool, stupid even. Men have done great feats, fought amazing battles, and even waged wars for just a moment with those angels. And if my quest forces me, not even Lysandre's plan would sound ridiculous to stop me.
I shall challenge the land, the seas, the sky, the universe, even the gods, if at the end I can be with her: the one I love.
So, do NOT insult me by saying I "like" women. I adore women. I LOVE women, and I shall LIVE for them, be at the end of her days, or at the end of her hand, be served by sweet cold poison, or hot traitorous steel.
>"... huh, Da-"
"I like women."
>"Woah, man, you scared me. That was a long silence."
"Sorry, I just... thought of something..."
>"Are you good? You look weird."
"I'm fine."
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straightest male fairy type trainer
Ever felt that you could say something? ANYTHING, really. And yet, the joke would be too easy?
The image is that feeling.
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Two inches away from clinical dwarfism. Now THIS is a manlet. Imagine this guy standing next to Phos or Alex, or any of our OCs really.
>any of our OCs
Emily is 4'1" at 15 years old and will not grow any taller.
Very sad. My point still stands, though. Imagine being past puberty and still being shorter than that thing.
Refresh my memory, how tall is Alex again?
>very sad
Frankly she prefers it. So it's not sad at al.
Also ~4'8" girls are peak. But if someone is MALE and shorter than 5'0" after puberty, it's fucking joe-ver, your bloodline may as well stop right there.
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You know, I actually got a fun gen when making this image >>56048359, so I'll post it behind a spoiler

>You vs the guy EVERYONE tell you not to worry about
6'2, which actually makes him the tallest protagonist, and his shoes add like an extra inch or a half. He's not even the tallest character in his story, Hubert/Sam is 6'4 and if I go forward with the thief he'll also be 6'4. If you remember the old Far Cry storyline I had, the prince was supposed to be 6'6 and the king was supposed to be 7'2.
>Also ~4'8" girls are peak.
Clinical dwarfism, your kids will be giga manlets if you breed with those things.
If I see a 4'8" girl with a big bottom/thighs and non-flat chest, I am fully interested, genetics be damned. It won't make any gigachad sons but it'll make peak fertility daughters.
Women THAT disgustingly short are physically useless. You will have to do fucking everything for her, she will be unable to reach shelves that even some elementary schoolers can reach, and unable to carry anything beyond light groceries.
And? I'm not interested in 6'0" muscled up man-ladies. I want a WIFE, not a shemale.
Musculature on women is obviously unappealing, but why run to the other side with a bite sized bitch? I want a wife that's at least capable of doing some things on her own. Also, I would prefer to not have manlet sons.
>equating tall women with excessive masculinity
Anon, I...
Cute girl. All that matters.
>equating tall women with excessive masculinity
Yes, and?
Do you not interact with women a lot? Most tall girls are just normal women. Enjoy your manlet sons.
>Most tall girls are just normal women.
That's the problem considering what "normal women" means in the West now.
>blah blah blah manlet sons
Bro cares way too much about optimal min-maxxing.
>Bro cares way too much about optimal min-maxxing
Bro doesn't care about his sons having the best genetics that they can get
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Bro acting like Endeavor from MHA, gonna end up a terrible, loveless father and husband.
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>Making a reference that you need to explain so that the average person can get it
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I made the mistake of ever watching the anime at the behest of the shilling of a friend (I called him a retard and stopped at the beginning of Season 3) and I assume others were smarter than me and didn't watch it.
Here's your big bottom and thighs and non-flat chest bro
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Not funny.
Me again, I want to make a genuine OC, not one that I'm going to put in my game with fakemon. I want to make an actual OC that uses canon pokemon and lives in a canon region. And write about them instead of focusing on their role in my game.
Not sure where to even start. I don't want to turn an existing character I have posted here already, like Mercedes, because she's also gonna be in the game. I want to start fresh.
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So, let me guess, this is where your hatred of D*ku comes from? Would you hate him less if he had tits?
I'd still hate Dekuck cause he acts like a little spineless bitch with clown-tier asspull writing.
Oh so THAT'S where that girl comes from? I recognize the artstyle. Welcome back.

This makes me wonder if the Moonie Guy is ever coming back like he said he would.
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I watch MHA only to imagine how Tweny would wipe floor with those kids and their shitass abilities
Well, I'm not good at telling people what to do, but I am good at telling people what not to do. So, DO NOT:
>Oversexualize the design (see: K**da and >>56048425)
>Make them one dimensional (obviously)
>Make them a type specialist unless they're a Gym Leader/E4 (leads to bad team comps)
>Make them have catchphrases (seriously, this is annoying)
>Give them superpowers or otherwise make them overpowered without any justification (example of the opposite: Alex, who takes roughly 10-15 years to get to his full strength)
>Make them stupidly weak, consistently (just boring, except maybe if they're like the first Gym leader or a normal person who basically never battles)
I'll think of more later probably
Oh, and this one is really important, do not give them a team of shitmons only to have them end up decimating obviously superior Pokemon (see: Ash's Pikachu)
You can start with your favorite Pokémon game, and your usual team set up.
After that, you modify according to the story you want to give it.
Final steps are usually normal writing steps: personality, goals, perks and quirks, strengths and weaknesses.
Final touches are just cosmetic/chart picks (red hair, brown skin, bisexual, gilden eyes, etc).
>red hair, brown skin, bisexual, golden eyes, etc
Horrid picks desu, red hair would work much better with pale skin and hazel eyes
I'm just throwing random stuff until something sticks.
did the Phos reference go over your head?
Just like her Murkrow, I guess it did.
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Roll one number between 1-100 to decide their age.
1-10. Ten years old or younger.
11-20. Eleven to sixteen years
21-30. Sixteen to twenty years
31-45. Twenty-one to twenty-nine years
46-55. Thirty to forty years
56-65. Forty to fifty years
66-75. Fifty to sixty years
76-85. Sixty to seventy years
86-95. Seventy to ninety years
96-100. Ageless (time paradox, curse, etc.)

Roll one number between 1-9 to decide which Region to focus on.
1. Kanto
2. Johto
3. Hoenn
4. Sinnoh
5. Unova
6. Kalos
7. Alola
8. Galar
9. Paldea
10. Select a "minor" region like Almia, Kitikami, Orre, etc.

This will be our X value for deciding which Pokedex we're recruiting from.

Roll one number between 1-6 to determine how many Pokemon they keep with them. This will be our Y value for the final step.
Remember the difference between taking care of one pet and taking care of six and you'll understand why most people will stick with 1-2 that they can actually control. They are living beings, most of them aren't smarter than dogs but they are all infinitely more dangerous.
Finally, roll Y time(s) between 1-18, where Y is our party size.

1. Normal
2. Fire
3. Water
4. Electric
5. Grass
6. Ice
7. Fighting
8. Poison
9. Ground
10. Flying
11. Psychic
12. Bug
13. Rock
14. Ghost
15. Dragon
16. Dark
17. Steel
18. Fairy

Choose a mon from our X value's Dex corresponding to the Type you rolled for. Think about where they're from, how your character acquired them, and what having that Pokemon says about their personality.

Boom! A brand new character, created with the bare minimum personal effort.
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Let's keep this... rollin' with some more charts we can use to really streamline the process. We don't want you taxing your brain unduly.

Henceforth, all dice rolls will be labled (1d100), (1d10), etcetera. For a (1d100), you will roll one random number between 1-100.

What is your Trainer's relationship with Pokemon? (1d100)

01. They are tools to be used, objects with a calorie requirement.
2-10. They are subservient to humans.
11-90. They are our partners, our comrades, our friends.
91-100. They are my brothers and sisters, our bond is unbreakable.

How experienced is your Trainer? (1d100)
1-10. They do not yet have a Trainer ID, their party has been loaned to them.
11-20. A newbie Trainer, they have just acquired their ID.
21-70. An experienced Trainer. They have traveled far from home and have multiple Gym Badges to their name.
81-90. A Champion-tier Trainer. They have acquired all 8 Badges in their Region, and may have even challenged the Elite 4--they might even have won!
91-100. A Living Legend. Has conquered multiple Regions, defeated hundreds of foes. A prodigy par excellence.
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What is your Trainer's proudest battle? (1d100)

1-5. Fought a fierce duel against a rival.
6-10. Defended a small town from a rampaging Pokemon.
11-15. Survived being hunted by a hungry Pokemon.
16-20. Achieved a well-earned victory against a Gym Leader.
21-25. Thwarted a criminal plot.
26-30. Settled a personal vendetta.
31-35. Led a perilous rescue mission to save another Trainer.
36-40. Fought a long gauntlet of Trainers without any rest or support and won.
41-45. Discovered evidence of corruption in a city, a business, the League, and brought it to light.
46-50. Chased off a large swarm of invasive Pokemon that threatened to destabilize the ecosystem.
51-55. Successfully stalled out a drastically-stronger opponent.
56-60. Dueled the ranks of the living dead (Ghost-Types) and kept your soul.
61-65. Sabotaged a poaching operation.
66-70. Defeated a gang of thieves.
71-75. Held your own against a Legendary Pokemon.
76-80. Went on a quest to retrieve a priceless treasure.
81-85. Crossed into another dimension (Distortion World, Underworld, digital world, etc.) and returned.
86-90. Survived trekking through one of the Region's harshest routes.
91-95. Escaped from a shadowy organization pursuing for reasons unknown.
96-100. Rescued a respected leader or businessman.

What kind of quirks does your Trainer have? (1d100)

1-5. Gotta Catch 'Em All!
6-10. Chuuni battle quotes.
11-15. Never takes off their hat/helmet/glasses, etc.
16-20. Highly strategic.
21-25. Lives solely off the land.
26-30. New Meta meme strats.
31-35. Plot Armor--Luck adores them.
36-40. Keeps a precious heirloom.
41-45. Antisocial.
46-50. Hates a specific Type (roll 1d18).
51-55. Tech-smart.
56-60. Fearless.
61-65. Always plans three steps in advance.
66-70. Has physical/emotional scars.
71-75. Worships a Regional Legendary.
76-80. Sneaky git.
81-85. Has a prosthetic, or otherwise enhances their abilities with tech.
86-90. Skilled craftsman.
91-99. Roll three more quirks.
100. "..."
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>Roll one number between 1-9 to decide which Region to focus on.
1-10. Like Gamufreaku, the side games were an afterthought.

Who is your Trainer's greatest ally? (1d10)
1. They only have their Pokemon...
2. A close friend or family member.
3. A local Gym Leader.
4. A friendly businessman sponsor.
5. A staff member for the Pokemon League.
6. A friendly rival.
7. A major fanboy/fangirl.
8. A more experienced Trainer.
9. A criminal mastermind.
10. A Legendary Pokemon.

Who is their greatest enemy? (1d10)
1. A powerful wild Pokemon.
2. A former friend or estranged family member.
3. A specific Gym Leader.
4. A corrupt businessman.
5. A member of the Pokemon League.
6. A jerkass rival.
7. An obsessive and unhinged weirdo.
8. A stronger Trainer who disgraced them.
9. A criminal mastermind.
10. Arceus.

What are their goals? (1d10)
1. Win the Championship.
2. Become a Contest Superstar.
3. Self-improvement.
4. To find a missing person.
5. To find romance and adventure!
6. To further study the world of Pokemon.
7. To make the world see how amazing their Pokemon is the way Red's victory made Pikachu famous.
8. To acquire wealth, power, and prestige.
9. To find a greater purpose in life.
10. Roll twice.
>see: K**da
Funny you say that since the guy you replied to made Kayda OCs.
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To give an example, I rolled a 10-year-old from Alola. He has just two Pokemon, an Electric-Type and a Water-Type. I'll choose Alolan Geodude and SWEET FUCKING AKATOSH, there's how many Water-Types in Alola's Dex? Let's limit it to just Ula'Ula, since that's where we find Geodude, and choose a Dewpider he picked up in Malie Garden.
Like most well-adjusted people, he thinks of Pokemon as partners but doesn't go too crazy with it.
He's an experienced Trainer already, having cleared both Sophocles's and Acerola's Trials during his coming-of-age journey. So let's bump those mons up to a Graveler and Araquanid to demonstrate that.
His proudest achievement is thwarting some Pokemon-smugglers that were causing trouble around Malie City--there's no shortage of rare Pokemon between Malie City and Blush Mountain, like Elekid, Mudbray, Turtonator, and Pancham, and our little hero stepped up to defend them.
He's a quirky little guy--he absolutely worships Tapu Bulu, he's never seen without his hat and sunglasses on (to be incognito), and he likes to sneak around wherever he goes. Small wonder then that he managed to break up that poaching op.
It's precisely because he's so sneaky... that the only allies he can trust are his teammates in his quest to get revenge against another Trainer who humiliated him in a one-sided battle. Wherever that Trainer is, he's going to find them and settle the score.

And now I have another art project lined up, just like that.
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i wonder who is more pathetic. jan with his bleached fetish and being a gay communist or nyantcha with xis nigger superiority copium and being a tranny
When in doubt, know that Verlisify will forever be more pathetic than both.
Every day I thank God I don't know any Pokemon ecelebs by name.
reading yofukashi no uta again, gives me impression that iono is somehow inspired by nazuna

or its my brain got rotten with all those headcanons

I'm still for listening to this mysterious music
Iono, the vapid, greedy sellout livestreamer, inspired by a loveshy vampire from a shonen manga... and not the massive surge of vapid, greedy sellout livestreamers clogging up every corner of the internet?
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You can also just do the Chad option and not roll. Here's what I got based on Alex.
10-22 years (starts in 2008, ends in 2020)
All of the main ones except for Johto and Hoenn
See OP image
Tools to be used, objects with a calorie requirement, that is fulfilled by keeping them inside of their Pokeballs.
Definitely high Champion tier, potential "Living Legend" if I go forward with my version of the Masters 8 arc at the very end.
>Proudest Battle
Simultaneously thwarting a criminal plot and settling a personal vendetta
Highly strategic, Has a heirloom (if I go forward with the scarf, also the old Poketech), Antisocial (Personality Disorder), Hates the Fairy type, Tech-smart (battle belt), Always plans, Hates the worship of Pokemon, Sneaky Git (?)
>Greatest Ally
His dad, but that's mostly because he gets used as an ATM.
>Greatest Enemy
Childhood bully turned criminal mastermind
Once he's finished killing said criminal mastermind and his enterprise, he turns to becoming Champion. He also likes wealth, power, and prestige, of course.
A room you cant leave except it's Emily and _____
Do I need to explain to you how hibernation works?
Keeping them inside their Pokeballs is great for saving energy up until you send them out into battle, where they will promptly burn calories.
But what am I saying? By all means, brilliant strategist, don't feed your minions, just whip them when they get malnourished.
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good idea, gay boy hehehehehehe

who knows actually? 17!(2011) 30!(2024)

Paldea mostly, but maybe can be more because of SCHOOL TRIP ARC

from mixed to fire types

>pkmn relationship
mostly nice, still sees them as pets

not that much, later will ask Nono to show him MASTER CLASS

>proudest battle
when he won THE BATTLE AGAINST THE WORLD ...hmm, its odd, since its the same day charlie was born... (27.11.202x)

he's too enigmatic and talks weird

>greatest ally
his coping mechanisms and "I know this fucking trope, like hell you'll get me, bitch!" and other stuff he knows from media

>Ultimate enemy
social anxiety

No, the way I imagine it works is that the Pokeball supplies the needed calories. It’s like warping food directly into your stomach to be digested. Only Dragalge and Weavile actually need to be “fed”, Archaludon and Glimmora just get minerals transported directly inside of them, and Dragapult and Aegislash are ghosts that don’t need to eat.
Nice nono.
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And that's good enough for me.
No time to rest, I'm onto the next project.
Purely incidentally, what style of swim trunks does Alex wear?
What's this a reference to?
In reference/response to your yuri of the year reaction image
Oh, I don't watch this one, I just save some of the reaction images. I'm not into Sailor Moon/Madoka-esque Magical Girl stuff. So I don't know the reference.
Are you sure you want to do undertake this quest? I don't want to have to make you keep doing adjustments because of my OCD. Are you sure you wouldn't rather just do cover art for my upcoming fic instead?

If your answer is "yes", do you want something custom or something I pulled off of the internet? Because the former will take longer than the latter.
Yeah, it's part of my new philanthropic project where I toss bones to some of the anons I've neglected lately, I call it the "Boning the Underprivileged Initiative."
But anyways, I liked your idea about Alex playing volleyball with Kingdra and wanted to make it a reality. I figured you would just have a reference photo ready to go, I'm sure it wouldn't take you long to find something that gets the idea across.
No, I actually felt like Alex would think his skinny waistline isn't really for show and is meant to be covered up, just meant to enhance his figure for his clothing, and he hates sand, so I never actually conceived of him going to the beach until now. Then all of a sudden you spoke up and I got the idea for a bunch of swimsuits based off of his team members and one unique one that's black and gold with a Pokeball design on the left. I'm just not sure if you'd like to wait on me to make them or just pull some random swim trunks off of Google.
Whichever you prefer. I'm working tomorrow and Thursday, so I wouldn't be getting anything meaningful done until the weekend comes around anyway.
I’ll try to see if I can Photoshop it, but if I can’t then I’m sure a crude sketch using the line tool will do. Can I get a voucher for the cover art anyway? I don’t count on any other anon liking me enough to surprise me with something for my fic.
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Due to ethical concerns, I don't promise anything to anyone for any reason, ever. My motives and enthusiasm are as mercurial as the shifting seas. To make a promise is to incur a debt, and there's no guarantee I'll be able to deliver without a hired muscle taking a hammer to my knees first. Metaphorically speaking (usually).
I hope you understand.
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>My motives and enthusiasm are as mercurial as the shifting seas.
Anyone who's not new knows this. Especially me. Now go to bed.
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Been a while since I've come to this neck of the woods. Good to see the thread's still standing. How are everyone's characters developing? Come up with any interesting scenarios lately?

For anyone who cares/remembers/cares to remember, I had an OC named Hazel I tried to talk shop about and played around with AI images a bit. Haven't really had the peace of mind to be able to work on things lately, though. Regardless, how have the rest of you been faring?
Hmmm... that rings some bells. Was it a woman who had a clothing shop?
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I'm fine, but tell me... How is your Audino?
>been a while
Define "a while".
Okay, let me rephrase the question: If this fic impresses you enough, do you think it could motivate you to do a cover for it? You may also choose Hired Muscle as your preferred method of motivation.
Posted the same image again award
>Posted the same image again award
Bro, you are dense as fuck. The joke is that you’ve posted that particular image several times.
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Unfortunate. You should read it.
Nah, low-grade psychic guy who develops a knack for fiddling with Pokemon DNA. Having come back to him after an absence, though, I'm fiddling with ideas again - such as what his motivations are and what sparked his interest in genetically-altered Pokemon in the first place.

Long enough that I can't fucking remember. (Though my memory and sense of time have always been bad in the first place.) Just happened to come across some of Bibi-anon's art by chance and decided to see if things were still going on here.

The Audino is doing well.
I assume you're from before the reboot of this general then?
Ehh, not for me. I've seen enough from a friend of mine who watches it to know it ain't for me.
I did frequent the old OC generals, yes. That was quite some time ago, though. I came upon the rebooted threads by chance, thought I'd take the opportunity to bounce ideas around with some people again, but shit happened and I haven't been here in... I want to say several months? Time honestly just blends together in my mind at this point. Anyway, why do you ask?
Just so I could know how much you know about the going-ons of the current, rebooted /tog/. I'll assume it's not much knowledge of current /tog/ though.
Bump before bed, see you goons later.
Of course I remember Hazel. It's been two months since you last visited. The thread has continued to carry on as it always has--full of its ups and downs. Our core cast continues to be a productive fanart factory each week, I continue to carry the fanfic front on my shoulders (apparently the new meta is having a full-length novel ready to go before posting anything), and lurkers and newbies continue to enter the thread and ask where the archives are. The OP continues to be invisible to them somehow.
Hopefully you can get whatever is worrying you straightened out, the thread will be happy to hear from you.
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Eh, I'll roll

20s when he starts, around 30 when he leaves the Japan area (the first 4 regions), 50s in his last appearance (Gen 10)
All of them, but starts in Hoenn
Hoenn dex, best dex

Swampert is his spiritual brother, Blaziken and Sceptyle are his trusted 2nd in commands.
Champion. The "living legend" of the era, but is just as famous as "the favorite football player of the generation". Most of the time he keeps a low profile.

>Proudest battle
Against Anabel, taking his final Golden Symbol and becoming the Frontier Ruler.
Lovable himbo, skilled survivalist, disciplined trainer, and does a mean barbecue
Too naive, a bit of an antisocial, too serious (from a glance), and doesn't handle defeats well (if they are devastating)
Mainly a "SoL" road to maturity and growth, with Pokémon!
>Greatest Ally
His Pokémon mostly, but he can be anyone's greatest ally (if they can get him to their side. Doesn't take much).
>Greatest Enemy
He doesn't have enemies. Not because he is peaceful, but because he let's everybody know: if you are my enemy, I am your last one. And I don't want to be it.
Self improvement and live what the world of Pokémon has to offer (Romance is the side quest turned semi mandatory side mission in Kalos).
F for Bibi. Lived strong and brave, and died as the best.
Buenos dias, papito.
M-maybe you guys might be interested in using the creation table for its intended purpose too?
I suck at rolls. Nat 1 all the way to the final boss, and even then I roll 1.
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Not interested, sorry. why does your post feel like it was written by Koa? the sheepish tone?
Yeah I noticed people just completely missed it's point. But I ended up not saying anything about it cause regardless of if it was intentional or not, it wasn't worth getting into.
Yo, Emlia, share the pad. I want to play some phone games.
Weird, my phone autocorrected that.
No. Cause Emily ICly would keep things she doesn't want people seeing on her tablet and she'd never let anyone use it as a result.
Let me guess, she has lesbian hentai saved on that thing.
I am not going to give specific details. This is not the place for it.
Boo. This is the era of phone games. Just bring Java games back, and become the ultimate handheld console.
Java/Flash games weren't even *that* good.
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Burning Rubber was kino though
Can you give unspecific details?

idk what that is. The flash games I played as a kid were stuff like DragonFable, SAS Zombie Assault and Happy Wheels
Oh, actual Java games akin to Spiral Knights and Minecraft, not Flash shit. Yeah idk, maybe you could put more of those onto tablets but I didn't care much for them outside of Spiral Knights. Spiral Knights was kino aesthetically but the gameplay and the way the "grind" was managed was horrible. Such a shame the aesthetic's potential was wasted.
NANI DESU KA????????
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when one encounters an ant on the side of the road, are they consumed by hatred or do they merely step on/over it and continue with their day? saying tesoro hates alto is like implying the latter reads as anything other than a tall, noisy rock to the former 99% of the time
really anon, the designs you've posted here shows you know your way around making a character, as always build off a concept you want to see executed in the canon verse and build from there, just make sure it's something that makes you happy to create
when will my reflection show who i am inside..... honestly anon it's a joy to see how much art progress you're making, keep up the stellar work (pun intended)
hey, psychic dude right? did the ai ever manage to get the hair right? at least iirc you were the one struggling with that. glad to see a new old face around! nothing exciting on my end but i've kinda sorta picked up animation since you last came here so that's something
aw cmon it's only been a few days since i last checked in, don't go and develop separation anxiety on me now
Thanks for the warm welcome-back, anon. Has it only been two months? Damn, feels like it was at least three. Unfortunately, what I'm dealing with is unlikely to be resolved soon, so it's all I can do to keep working on my projects and pop in when I can manage.

Been revisiting some ideas and adding a couple more for some diverse Pokemon options, might try to re-tool/expand some of Hazel's bio tonight if I get some time. Feels good to be working on characters again.
>it's actually been 2 months
>but at this point I doubt one even cares what my gremlin ass has been doing
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Alex's Team: https://qu.ax/jKBt.png
10MB good fucking god
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Brief Cobble update holy fuck Dragapult can learn scald we're so cooked.
Anyhow, got most of the block reskin benches so that's nice and now I realized we have no proper place to setup a pasture, as I wanted one of these for some time, any ideas for location/placement?
Also got started on decorating the houses we got built so far, and damn they are fucking cramped, good noone actaually lives in them, though they're lacking some of the more "proper" furniture, literally just setting up beds and tables. Don't want anything too modern, think rural Eastern EU/Mexico tier
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White version
gimme more
More what?
of height sheet...in centimeters of course
I assume it's gonna be some collage of the whole general's OC heights?
just like you said, watson
Well Emily is 124 cm.
= update 0.2 =

-added gnome entity
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>finally, thomeone i can look down at to!
Kneecaps: Gone.
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Alex is 6'2 AKA 188cm (?)
Hasumi is 167
David is 173cm.
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>separation anxiety
That and software updates are the only forces in this universe capable of slowing me down. Nothing makes me realize how much I like having you guys around like finding an anon-shaped hole in my routine.
Been a long time since I saw Wojack being used properly: as Feels Guy.
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Scald burning into Hex is going to go crazy.
How often does Hasumi wear this outfit? I like it better than her normal one.
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Here's one for the whippersnappers: I remember when calling it "Wojack" instead of "Feels Guy" was obscure knowledge. How the turns tabled on that one.
Thank you, beaux, very classy. Hell, I'd wear those.
I wish I could be as in my element as that Numel. Thanks for all the hard work you guys are doing repping the thread.
Time loses its meaning after a while, don't fuss over the details. It goes without saying of course that you should prioritize your own life. All I ask, and it really ain't much, is that you pop in to say hello now and again so I don't start posting flyers.
I know it's a meme, but damn I can't unsee it now. I'm just glad you're doing alright.
Embarrassing photos of her sisters at the Christmas party. Yeah, don't sweat the dice charts, it's really no big deal--like the thread tasks, it's there to be a helpful tool for people with writer's block. I'll add it to the OP links at some point, where our humble future lurkers will obliviously scroll past it somehow and then wonder where it's hiding.
David never struck me as antisocial. Passionate like you mention, sure, but not aloof in anyway.
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Nobody knows what "antisocial" means anymore. You're thinking of "asocial". Asocial is when you isolate yourself (antisocial is often erroneously used to describe this), antisocial is when you are a jerk. Alex is antisocial, David (more like Emily desu) is asocial.
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Thank you for keeping me honest after a long day of having my brain cells microwaved.
>David (more like Emily desu) is asocial
Is funny, because I same as same coin, different face.
*I see them

I need to sleep. See you later /tog/.
>David (more like Emily desu) is asocial
Nail on the head. Emily is asocial rather than blatantly anti social

Nah. Anti social people are assholes that just outright hate people and outright repel others. Asocial people are just quietly not interested 90% of the time and are more of just wallflowers/proper introverts and kinda just silently avoid most people. Putting the two on the same coin at all is just incorrect imo.
>Embarrassing photos of her sisters at the Christmas party.
Those would be the least of her concerns of what people find on there.
She takes photos of herself flexing in the mirror, doesn't she.
Another bump. Guess all the normies went to bed.
Mostly during winter or when going up mountains.
And I sorta agree, it goes together really nicely. Don't have any favorite outfit (lie), but I'll try to draw it more often (or pray the slop generates something close enough to it that it would count)
Rather late at night for me, but finally had some time to try and bang out some re-tooled Hazel. Went with one of the younger-looking pics in the collection I made for this point in his story. One line in his bio sounds a bit contradictory but I'm too lazy to try and fix it right now. Some extra details:

>Bon, the Torterra/Lapras
Bon (short for bonsai) is Hazel's first Pokemon, and a rather interesting specimen. He's among a new kind of genetically-engineered Pokemon that use Ditto's genetic information to bridge the DNA of two different species, allowing for limited transformation abilities. Bon's default state is a Torterra, but he can transform into a Lapras, or into a Grass/Water type "hybrid" form with traits of both species. (Think zoan fruits from One Piece.) He's a very relaxed, go-with-the-flow kind of personality.

>Adder, the Viper Cyclizar
A cross-breed Pokemon, this Cyclizar has inherited traits from Seviper, including the long fangs and a knife-tipped tail. He has a poison sack inside of his throat sac, which by filling it with air can make clouds of poisonous gas. He's confident, perhaps overly so, and something of a thrill-seeker for battles.

>Griff, the Regional Talonflame
Griff is a regional form of Talonflame, native to Hazel's home region (which is to-be-named proper). Electric/Flying type, with golden-yellow feathers and black lightning-shaped markings. He's rather sassy, often having thoughts with a rather sarcastic tinge.

>Needs-a-Name, the Delta Weavile
A delta species Pokemon, the result of someone somewhere fiddling with Pokemon DNA until their physical traits and even types have been artificially changed. She is Psychic/Steel type, with magenta fur and metallic feathers and claws. She's a more serious type, with a lot of focus on the task at hand and mental fortitude.

>Needs-a-Name, the Delta Lopunny
Another delta species Pokemon, a Fire/Fighting type, having evolved from the pure-Fire type Delta Buneary. Her fur is a more reddish brown, while what would be wooly fur on a typical Lopunny is instead silky red fur that wisps around like fire and constantly gives off heat. She's impulsive and hot-blooded, and also rather possessive of her trainer, sometimes acting needy just for attention.

>Gol, the Mossy Golurk
Gol is a bit of an oddity - he's the same type combination as any other Golurk, but his body has formed a symbiosis with Luminous Moss, which now covers much of his body. The moss not only glows in the dark, but it absorbs any Water attack that hits him, protecting his body from harm and increasing his defenses to boot. His mind is simple, almost robotic even, though with a slow and silent appreciation for the world that goes on and on around him.

>Mira, the baby Audino
Not pictured, Mira is a recently-hatched Audino pup whom Hazel and his friends rescued from her den after her mother was hospitalized with fatal wounds. Just as soon as she saw her baby had hatched and was safe, she passed away, without the chance for her baby to properly bond with her. Though not quite the same, it echoed a loss in Hazel's own life, leading to his resolve to adopt and raise the orphaned Audino himself. As a newborn, she starts out being quite needy, but as with any Pokemon, her capabilities are growing quickly. Curious, inquisitive, perhaps a bit danger-prone but also a bit timid, especially when it comes to new faces.
Guilty. I made that last post and then flopped over before I knew it.
Sounds about right.
What good has waking up on a Thursday morning ever done for anyone?
I'm running a bit late right now but all those delta mons are pretty interesting.
Early to rise, early to bed. Keeps a man healthy, but socially dead.
Good thing we have 4chan.
>>Needs-a-Name, the Delta Weavile
>A delta species Pokemon, the result of someone somewhere fiddling with Pokemon DNA until their physical traits and even types have been artificially changed. She is Psychic/Steel type, with magenta fur and metallic feathers and claws. She's a more serious type, with a lot of focus on the task at hand and mental fortitude.
he played pokemon insurgence
Insurgence's got quite a few cool deltas. I remember their Golurk and Volc being pretty cool
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As I developed my stuff, my OC Nagi is meant to have a bit of a "past" motif as he's an aspiring archeologist and archaeometrist, intending to take after his parents.

Tynamo is the Starter Pokemon and the best bud.

Teddiursa basically fills the role of second-best bud - it is a Pokemon caught early and easily. Destined to evolve all the way to Ursaluna. Whether or not she returns or stays in Hisui at the end of the time travel arc is up in the air. If the latter, she will be reencountered as the Blood Moon Beast.

Iron Bundle was mistaken for a regular Delibird. The same can be said for Flutter Mane. In fact, Nagi is trying to get Flutter Mane to evolve to no avail.

Hisuian Voltorb is obtained in a time travel arc.
Where’s the sixth Pokémon?
Stuck in the past (past)
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Unobtained as far as I've planned-

-wait, I have planned that far. It's Enamorus, where he needs to find the lost member of the Forces of Nature to defeat a great threat.
does nagi wears glasses and huge t-shirt?
I love that instead of throwing it she just sorta bashes your brains out with it.
>that time travel arc into Bloodmoon Beast
Omega based
It always surprises me that psychic OCs aren't more prominent considering how many psychics show up across the different regions. Heck, you could even extrapolate the game UI as the protag's own psychic powers to tie it into the games. It's a fun answer for how they know what their opponent is switching into all the time unless the other trainer is tattling on themselves.
Then you take it a step further with the mutants, which I wasn't sold on at first but it's definitely pretty imaginative.
My first thought was "Torterra/Lapras hybrid? Sounds gross..."
My second thought was wondering why turn a mon like Talonflame into a new type when there are other electric/flying mons to use instead.
My third thought is that he has a good reason for it.
>Heck, you could even extrapolate the game UI as the protag's own psychic powers to tie it into the games.
I always considered it a guesstimation/general consensus amongst trainers to reflect their real battle experience. And that in turn I believe can lead to drastic variations in performance amongst pokemon using said attacks, depending on circumstances.
As for the psychic thing, maybe one way to look at it is that there are significantly more people with psychic talent, but it either isn't as flashy as some of the pre-established characters' or it's just a case of survivorship bias.
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Here's a question. Do you have any details on how your trainer caught their Pokemon? I got a few for Ruka

Ruka was trying to pick plants to make into a stew. She plucked an Oddish and it began to shriek loudly. Ruka threw a pokeball at it just to make it stop. Soon after it evolved into a gloom.
There was a marill in the woods basically fighting any trainer that passed. Ruka ended up beating it with gloom, frustrating him by dodging out of his range and using ststus moves like leech seed and sleep powder. He and Ruka don't get along at first since he's very aggressive and brawly and doesn't enjoy ruka's cutesy gyaru tastes so Ruka has to learn to understand her pokemon and what they want more than what she wants.
Ruka literally just sees him sleeping on a rock and likes his vibe so she catches him with a pokeball. Because he was asleep she didn't realize he was essentially an ALPHA pokemon. He's super lax though and rarely battles so it takes ruka a while to notice
Ruka had to go through Mt. Moon on a full moon. She happened upon a huge gathering of clefairy, Cleffa and Clefable. What happened next is a blur but Ruka and her pokemon spent the whole night having a wild full moon party with the Clefairy. She wandered out of the cave the next day in a haze. She was followed by a Clefairy. The Clefairy thinks Ruka is the most fun person it ever met and apparently ruka and it bonded a bunch over that night and now it wants to come on her journey.
Ruka received an egg from a daycare couple and it eventually hatched into her snubull. Ruka basically coddles it like a baby or one of those purse dogs.

What are some of your OCs capture stories?
For Hasumi, well like half her team was inherited, but I guess her first encounter with them counts
Was there constantly by her side since she woke up, quickly befriended (rebefriended) her, fairly straightforward
Wandered outside in the premises' garden, got jumped and cornered by a few wild Drapions. Golurk shows up and suplexes one of the Drapions and causes them to fuck off, earning Hasumi's trust.
Initially a Zorua, randomly found while on her trip in Paldea. She was first curious about it, but then got increasingly amused by its ability to project pokemonmade horrors beyond human comprehension and chased it for a few hours until it just gives up and resigns itself to its new fate.
>Flutter Mane
Haven't really thought out this one yet, but most probably snuck out at night to the Area Zero, again while on the same trip. It took a lot of favors to let this one slip.
Gift from a family friend from Galar. Not really much to say honestly.
Chased after a group of it in the mountain ranges on three separate occasions. Was deemed missing on all three and was unconsensually brought back to safety and civilization via helicopter. Primarily used Chandelure for light, heat and ice removal, each time sending Houndstone into a scare and making things harder on her (ability's Fluffy and whatnot)
She realizes that after attempt 2, decides to take a gentler approach on attempt 3 and succeeds.
I wish Slowpoke were real. :(
Her distant ancestor and the source of her Aura powers had partnered with a Gardevoir back in his era. It became a family tradition ever since to have a Gardevoir bodyguard, and so Azelie's protector was assigned to her when it was a Ralts so they could grow up together. Azelie's Flabebe was her first true catch, but seeing how the Fairy-Typing as a whole was dormant for the first few years of her life, it was one of those meme Normal-Types like Spinda and Skitty, so it was good for shit. Gardevoir takes his role as guardian very seriously, and so doesn't like to fight for sport or fun--it's why Azelie doesn't use it in the Chateau and relies on her Sylveon instead.
Phos was out on her own late at night in the city when she was found by a group of other punks who didn't like her friend group. They chased her into an alley and promptly turned tail and ran away when they saw glowing red eyes leering at them from above. Murkrow, feared and reviled as a harbinger of misfortune, proved to be Phos's good luck charm, and so she gratefully took the little ronin under her wing.
Damn, is my lunch break over already?
You don't get to know this one yet
Found on Route 18 shagging a Horsea while on a commission to remove invasive species. Was originally planned to be given to him as a "particularly" strong Dragalge caught by one of his father's staff members along with Jellicent and Dhelmise.
Hatched from an egg found near Skrelp on Route 18 Skrelp is its FATHER
Found in an auto shop. It willingly joins him without battling.
Found at the Relic Castle it tries to kill Alex as a test
Found... somewhere, when it got lost from its pack. It leads Alex on a wild goose chase, and cries out when it gets cornered, just as it gets caught its mother finds Alex and nearly kills him with Dragon Darts before he escapes into a nearby cave where he finds Ferroseed
Originally supposed to be caught when Alex goes back to Giant Chasm, however now he catches it somewhere in Galar since I thought it would be too strong for him to start with.
ooh i got a few!
kieran points out a weird pink cutiefly (it's shiny) and bibi spends all afternoon trying to catch it to no avail and her last attempt ends up with her heal ball catching another cutiefly when the shiny one zips out of the way
bibi spies it practicing its forms and thinks it looks super cool so she tries copying it stealthily from a little ways away. mienfoo catches on though and when it sees her trip over her own two feet it pityingly decides to accompany her on her journey
she ventures a little too far into the waters before koraidon regains its full ability to swim and is rescued from drowning by finizen, and after bonding for a while it agrees to join in on her adventures
bibi forgets her lunch and gets super hungry while heading to one of the signposts in kitakami. the apple orchard owner says she's free to pick a few for up for a snack, but she accidentally picks up an applin too
wading through the swamps of paldea sees her hit by a ball of mud, courtesy of a mischievous croagunk. more than a little annoyed bibi escalates it into a competition and eventually disguises a heal ball by covering it in mud, letting her catch croagunk by surprise
hate at first sight. hatenna saw bibi and let her catch it because it could be the only one allowed to kill her. is definitely, totally, 100% not attached to its trainer.
>great tusk
far and away the most difficult catch. tracking it is nigh impossible, the shifting sands of asado remove any traces of its movements and bibi only finds the titan after tailing another donphan she mistook for it whose presence triggers great tusk into revealing itself for a territorial dispute. the fight itself is also a challenge as she has to hold back enough to not knock it out while great tusk can go all out
A controversial new study from the Ferroseed Research Institute has found that emotional bonding has no impact on a Pokemon's raw combat capabilities (BST/EV/IV). How does your OC respond?
doesn't matter. it's nice to have bonds and be friends with your pokemon.
Crobat says [citation needed.] Again.
As an up-and-coming superstar, Franco was keenly interested in fast, powerful Fighting-Types to end battles as quickly as possible. He had no competition growing up so why waste time on the inevitable? Pawmot; fast and powerful. Flamigo; fast, powerful, and aggressive. Primeape; fast, powerful, and very aggressive. All he was missing was a Tauros--very fast, very powerful, very aggressive, and the very symbol of Paldean strength. He and his three partners staked out a Tauros herd on the plains. When the herd finally stopped running, the four of them waded in, outnumbered 10:1 until the defender of the herd charged forth wreathed in flame. The rest is history.
Ruka: those scientific studies are trying to understand something that ain't got a number value. I may not be that smart but I know my friendship has made my pokemon stronger. And I know their friendship has made me stronger. And it's the real kind of strength that cannot be measured in your dorky numbers and studies. Besides, the point of becoming friends with your pokemon isn't to make them stronger. It's to make memories!
when re-reading yofukashi no uta, ive noticed that my artstyle keeps this influence from it, even if its not that noticible
"Literally every aspect of myself spits in the face of your study and puts it's head beneath my boot. You cannot define a nigh-supernatural aspect with your nerd numbers."
Hey guys, non burger here.
This is my (kind of) last post in regular hours. Is back to the grind for me, so I'll be back in night hours. For now, I hope today you guys have great fun as always.

For now, non burger reporting.
It was a random Honedge she found while exploring Relic Castle when she was like 13. Mawlie knocked it out and Emily threw a Luxury Ball at it. Very standard stuff.
Emily's Volcarona is from an unattended Egg she found in the depths of Relic Castle, seated on a throne, in the same expedition into the ruins as when she got her Honedge. The parent was not found despite Emily actually TRYING to find it. So she just took the Egg home with her not knowing what it was going to be and had no idea what a Larvesta was until she asked on message boards. Bug maniacs went nuts upon seeing her photo of her newly hatched Larvesta.
Emily actually has a Magnezone and it was a Magnemite she found sapping power from a major company's neon lights on it's rooftop on her way out of Castelia City on the beginning of her journey and campaign vs Team Plasma. Mawlie knocked it out and she caught it. Magnezone is currently one of her weakest Pokemon on a comparative scale but very painfully strong by normal Pokemon standards. An all-out Thunder attack that used up every bit of stamina that Magnezone had outright sundered and split the Team Plasma airship frigate in half in the wake of the Opelucid City event.
Emily's Hydreigon was originally a Deino she found at Mistralton Cave (cause it makes no sense for Axew to be there but not Deino imo). Another honestly easy win for Mawlie for obvious Fairy-typing related reasons and Emily caught it. And from there Emily and Deino outright brawled with each other for dominance. Emily won while it was a Deino and it tried again upon becoming a Zweilous, which is why she's all covered in scars. She won again and when Zweilous became a Hydreigon, it was her Pokemon that quashed the dragon and the dynamic was made abundantly clear and the order was established.
The Selda Championship (non-canon regional/national pride tournament-- aka the one she lost to Cynthia at) is held in a tropical region and Emily found a SHINY Wimpod getting bullied by local Pokemon, helped it and it was willingly caught by her. Her Golisopod is her second weakest Pokemon, but again compared to normal Pokemon, she's insanely strong.
Snom is a "mystery gift" she got through her time on message boards. She raised it anyway to find out what it evolves into and was met with a Frosmoth and kept it.
Ceruledge is a Pokemon given to her through yet again, message boards. A Pokemon Breeder's Charcadet went missing one day and came back as a Ceruledge. Said Pokemon Breeder had messaged other people but they were either "shady" or not approved of by Ceruledge itself. Eventually she found Emily and an arrangement was made. The Pokemon Breeder considered Emily of good enough morals and also strong enough to manage Ceruledge's fight-happy nature. Ceruledge was enamored by what few videos there are of Emily battling and she was then sent over to Emily. Emily gives video call updates with the Pokemon Breeder and remains in text-based contact with them though.
Another situation of Pokemon bullying others. A Skarmory would frequently steal and eat the hammer the Tinkatink was working on to keep it weak and as a source of free food. Emily stumbled upon this one day and had Mawlie strike the Skarmory out of the sky with a lightning bolt sent out with Thunder Punch and then damaging it's armor and wings when it fell to the ground with a Fire Punch. Tinkatink tailed Emily and Mawlie, refusing to leave until they took her with them. Tinkatink was willingly captured and has grown into a Tinkaton since then while viewing Emily and Mawlie both as outright long lost older sisters she finally united with. She and Mawlie are the 2 main Pokemon Emily has outside of their Pokeballs freely when strolling through towns or traveling down a route.
I'll keep the thread bumped while you're gone if no one else does.
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>A Skarmory would frequently steal and eat the hammer the Tinkatink was working on to keep it weak and as a source of free food.
Extremely based Skarmory.
If that Skarmory tried facing Tinkatink in her current Tinkaton form it'd die. It was a coward trying to maintain it's place on top cause it actually can't fight something that can fight back.
Too many to do a collage, but here is a screen shot with Luke and all his pokemon.
once again, I'm a dumbass who forgot the picture
Honestly, no I have not. Though I poked around its wiki a bit, may have subconsciously remembered a specific delta Pokemon? I'll have to check later.

>My first thought was "Torterra/Lapras hybrid? Sounds gross..."
Personally, I've always been a fan of the sea-based "island turtle" so the original idea for Bon was for him to be a cross-breed Pokemon, but I also wanted Hazel's starter to be able to walk on land, and eventually it became the transforming Pokemon idea.

>My second thought was why turn a mon like Talonflame into a new type when there are other electric/flying mons to use instead.
Talonflame was an older design idea I had, since the draft of Hazel's home region is based on the pacific northwest and it would represent the thunder-bird on totem poles. On the team was originally going to be an Electric/Dragon Delta Altaria, but I felt that having 3/6 mons be delta species was a bit much, and wanted to include some more "natural evolution" alternate forms in his roster. Thus, I went back to electric Talonflame.

I originally pictured Bon being encountered on a farm owned by Hazel's grandparents, though how he came to be there considering what he is would probably be hard to explain. Under reconstruction. As for the rest... I need to work on them.
I bet King Dense sees a lot of use with a name like that
Absolutely, even if he doesn't mesh 100% with my Attack Ace build. He was instrumental against the Regis.
I'm going to bed early tonight so I can start drawing early tomorrow morning.
I leave you with this thought: Xerneas and the Fairy-Type are like cicadas: long periods of dormancy before bursting out of the woodwork to plague the countryside. For cicadas, seventeen years. For Xerneas, a thousand years of hibernation and storing up energy. And like cicadas, there are outliers--the early and late bloomers that deviate from the rest of the species and their development cycle.
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>"Xerneas and the Fairy-Type are like cicadas: Ugly, annoying, and fucking everywhere, you can't get rid of them no matter how hard you try."
For some reason, I think Emily fighting Hydregon was her fighting an Alpha size one.
I know it was Mawlie, but I feel she wasn't just staying behind lines.

Fucking Shadow of the Colosus battle here.
I mean obviously Emily's Hydreigon is an Alpha size one. 15 foot fucking three headed dragon. She had it before Alphas were a thing but I decided to roll with it and implement it. And no, all of Emily's Pokemon converged on her Hydreigon at once and instantly put it to the ground and made shit very clear that she herself is strong during it's first 2 stages and that Pokemon raised by her hands are too in her final evolution and she simply submitted to Emily as the alpha in the dynamic.
Peaceful night
We should have someone pretend to be a cat so the lighthouse keeper doesn't get lonely.
Is alright. I'm going home right now, and I see the thread survived in the few times I checked.
Besides, nothing says "you are back at work" than having your shift coming late because your supervisor forgot to change schedules. Again.

Well, this is what I signed up when I accepted this gig. Learn a trade, boys and girls. Wageslaving is a hard grind, and this isn't the 80s anymore. You won't buy a car, cool stuff, and a house with only 3 months worth of wages.
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>only 15 feet tall
It's like 10 feet taller than Hydreigon normally is
Does it make him eligible for a gigantamax beam power boost?
Since there's no actual Galar particles inside of it, no effects related to Dynamaxing will take place.
But it's still a big fat motherfucker, that has to amount to something
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It's not even that big bro
Are you pretending to be retarded, it's 2.5 times larger than normal.
Being overgrown and being big are two different things
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I will call autism into play on this and assume you mean the size once referring to relative scales within one subset (every hydreigon) and one being big in absolute terms, taking the entire set (every mon/every object on earth) into consideration.
Either way he's still a big fat motherfucker so I'm not sure what point you're making besides Low-Kickbros and Grass-Knotbros eating good.
Yes, that's what I meant. The idea of Alpha Pokemon always seemed far-fetched to me because I could never figure out what's the degree that makes one an "Alpha" besides obvious extremes. I mostly ignored it in PLA because I assumed that it's the result of space-time distortions, which would explain why such occurrences no longer happen. Does Koa's Kommo-o count as an "Alpha" for being a foot and a half taller than normal? Why is that thing so tall always despite having been The Runt Of The Litter?

I once had the idea of Alex's Dragalge being about as big as Dragapult and being called Levithan however I thought this was ridiculous and scrapped it.
I tried figuring out how Alphas could possibly work mechanically: As baseline they have perfect stats, but that alone doesn't make an Alpha. They also have a higher HP stat (since they're supposed to be bigger and tougher). In turn, however, a Trainer can only hope to have one in their team at a time before problems start coming up, taking the form of disobedience. Otherwise players would just stack their teams with Alphas and that's kinda lame.
Alphas only exist in Hisui because they got cockslapped by the timewarp distortions caused by Dialga/Palkia/Volo. There are supersized Pokemon and there are Alphas. All Alphas are supersized Pokemon, but not all supersized Pokemon are Alphas. When time and space get straightened out again (not normal because nothing is normal about time in the Pokemon world, just straightened out), the Alphas eventually go back to being normal supersized Pokemon. There's nothing stopping the Faller (you) from using as many as they want in PLA, but they're also the only one insane enough to see a hyper-aggressive Empoleon as tall as a house and say "nah, I'd win." Catch an Alpha and give it to one of the settlers and they're perfectly well-behaved, if a little intimidating.
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>hmm, today I will stay awake for more than ten minutes at a time
>today I will
>i will
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Had to call on an old friend to help really capture that fluidity in motion.
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I mostly like where this is going but his hip looks a bit fucked up
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He's just skinny because he doesn't eat.
He’s 140 pounds at 6’2 which translates to a BMI of 18 AKA just under the clinical definition of “normal weight”. But there he kind of looks like he dislocated his hip.
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Alright, I'll give you that one.
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The hunger haze is starting to cloud my attention span so I don't have a whole lot to show. By all means, draw the hair for me so I don't have to agonize over every misplaced strand.
*I don't have a whole lot to show BEFORE taking a lunch break, I mean to say.
>Pokenav goes to voicemail
>"Yo it's Silas..."
>"...I got nothing to say."
>... click.
Well? Where's Chapter 2?
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Lol. Luh-mao.
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Brief cobble update, decided (on a whim) on where the pasture will be (see picrel for more info), which further allowed me to map out a general idea for green mesa.
The barely visible area in red is the mentioned pasture, which I will just fence off at some point. Made up a temporary shitty lodging area as a landmark of sorts, but that'll also be adjusted in time.
While at it, Found the area in green as a nice extension of the residential spaces (Upper Green Mesa, with 100% less midget druglords), which connects nicely in the area I called dibs for myself (orange)
The area in blue I sorta want as a final extension of the "Green" part of Green Mesa, which is also pretty close to where I envisioned the western route exit.

Besides that, I also wanna do something for the mesa biome itself, maybe random structures to give it some life? Also to map out a route from the bridge to the George Floyd Memorial. Also also make the underground complex more marketable: settled a waystone in the ancient city below, but the way there remains cancerous and I want to change that.
You mean the Ancient City past the magma caverns past the abandoned mines past the gauntlet of hanging vines within the Green Mesa Hellpit?
Good flipping luck with that.
Yup that one, got a shortcut tunnel tug through the caverns directly below us that throws me in the magma pits/very edge of the mineshafts, from there I just eyeball my way with the minimap till I reach skulck, and eventually the city. Only issues really are that I pretty much farmed all of the sculck in the city itself, and I'm confident I got all the shriekers, so it's a tad boring, not to mention ugly. But hey, loot chests and Golurks and Spiritombs still exist!
Also by making it accessible really I just mean mapping up a way to it, nothing too fancy fuck that.
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Taking the color pallet from Alex's standing character art and putting it in a scene with some actual color really... really creates a contrast.
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Would now be a bad time to mention that his eyes are actually brown and that I only use the grey option on character builders because I usually don't like how the brown option looks?
Yes. I'll correct that.
Is there also a reason that you latched onto that version of Alex instead of the more current one >>56063867?
David surely has lots:


Back when he was a teen, he played around the swamps near the Meteor Falls. He found it alone and scared, so he brought it home. He never left his side ever since.

This is during his initial trip. Going to Little Root, he crossed the Petarburg Forest. He sneaked into his camp everytime to rob food, and when David saw it, he spit at him with Bullet Seed. He started throwing to make him stop, until he chuck a Pokéball at Treecko's face. Unaware, it was an easy catch.

With his new Trainer ID, and backtracking now, he rested on Route 102. One walked nearby, so he tried his luck. A battle later, he got his first "official" Pokémon: a female Ralts.

Resting near the beach of Route 104, he saw one flying around, hunting for Wurmples. He got this moment as an opportunity, and launched a ball when it came down. Surprise victory.

Same story as Treecko, but this time he was ready. When she sneaked into the camp, he used his bag to catch her. Rather than make her a stew, he shared his supplies. She was so happy she stuck around.

Back in Rustboro, he earned his first gym badge. Resting in the Pokécenter, he met a Hiker who wanted a Shroomish. He helped him capture one the next day, so as a sign of gratitude he traded his Seedot to David.

With some badges on his belt, he stayed in Slateport for a while. Here he met Rydel, who needed a fast delivery to Mauville's daycare couple. One fast bike trip later, our "hero" arrived in record time. He stayed with the couple for a few days, and when he was about to leave, they gave him an egg as a gift.

Back at home for the first time in a while, he came back to play with the Pokémon near the swamps of Meteor Falls. One Lotad wanted to keep playing, so he joined the team.

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It all looks exactly the same to me.


During his first trip across the region, he arrived to Vermillion City. There he trained with Lt Surge for a time. Both brother in arms, he gifted him a camo jacket and called a friend to take him to Pallet Town: Leaf. Bonding over the trip, she gave him a Bulbasaur on a lease. She only said "let's see if you are as good as you say, Hoenn Boy."

With a new registration on the Kanto League, it was mandatory he gets a starter from the proffesor. He tried to use Bulbasaur, but Blue said no. Searching around, he got an Eevee that was part of a liter of them. He got his first "Kantomon".

After earning the Boulder Badge, he went to the weekly Cleffairy dance at Mt Moon. In there, he spotted a Cleffa who was too shy to dance with the group. He went to her after the show, and danced with her, cheering her up. She wanted to dance more, so David went "alright, she can stay". He also got the idea of using region exclusive to earn the League.

Turns out that the "Rocket Corner" never closed his gambling prizes, so David went to play a few rounds to see his luck. A relatively mediocre streak, he changed his coins for an Abra.

In Fuchsia City, he spent a lot of time in the Safari. Not to catch something, just to see the cool Pokémon around. When it was time to leave the city, he went one last time and caught a Doduo as souvenir.

2/4 Damn, I need to replay Platinum. I forgot about Sinnoh
> I need to replay Platinum
Always a good idea. I wish I could still do my annual playthroughs, but my latest run has the Cute Charm exploit and I can't afford to give that up.


Since he got 2 Champion titles, he was allowed to pick any starter. A boy brought a Dunsparce to Elm's lab, and David went to capture one. One entire slamming at the Dark Cave, he came out victorious with a goofy looking big snake.

After his victory in Violet city, he went back to relax in the small lake nearby. There he saw one sleeping. Taking a good oportunity, he used a Pokéball on the unsuspecting sheep. Easy catch.

Ilex Forest was more filled with bugs that day, and people needed help. David went with a group of trainers to stop the infestation. During the battle, he fought one particularly strong Heracross, so he made it part of his team. Bug has talent.

On the road to Goldenrod, he stopped near the daycare, south of the city. He stayed with the couple for a few days, speaking of his experience with the couple at Hoenn. When he was leaving, the couple gave him a Togepi egg.

Resting near the Lake of Rage, he found a Houndour being attacked by other Pokémon. He managed to fend off the attackers, but Houndour was too hurt. When the ranger wanted to sacrifice him, David refused and kept it. This was a noble gesture that reached the scared pup, so he wanted to become stronger. Both as gratitude, and to protect the weak.



Travelling to Sinnoh by land, he met a polka singer in the truck. Both spoke during all the trip, so when they stopped David traded his Ludicolo and Shiftry for his Bidoof and some supplies (David wasn't prepared for the cold at the time). He also is his first "Sinnohmon".

Leaving Twin Leaf, he found a baby Starly shivering due to the early snow that had fallen. David picked it up and carried it with him. He wanted to leave him free in Jubilife City, but he didn't wanted to leave, so he joined the ranks.

She was a scaredy Pokémon that has separated from her pack (due to the same storm). David catched her when she tried to attack him for his food. Back in Sandgem, he healed her injures and kept her. He helped her become stronger, so she eventually swapped Rivalry for Intimidate. This was both helpful as debilitating. Turns out she became jealous to stay with her trainer, and no one else.

A small Budew from Floaroma Town. She was interested in finding a new funny smell. This smell was David. Turns out that helping on the flower fields and the honey cabin gives you a scent similar to a Vileplume using Sweet Scent. She wanted to be nearby, so he got her. Shinx (now a Luxio) was pissed.

Now at Solaceon, he helped the locals with their livestock or just watching their kids around. With his tales about raising Pokémon, the daycare couple gave him a special Magby egg. How special? This kid knew Fire Punch the moment he came out!

Those are all his catchs so far. I see how he will meet the others when I play the other games.
>David traded his Ludicolo and Shiftry for his Bidoof and some supplies
That is the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever.
At that point David had 3 Leagues under his belt, plus a good grade of experience.
He was like "I can make this goober the best that ever was". And he did, because when he got Bibarel, he defeated Cynthia's Garchomp alone, and with no Last Resort. Only full, perfect power.
And I think that about wraps things up. Unlike the damnable Harley, It was a lot of fun teaching myself how to use all the depth-of-field options available in photoshop. If no one else is satisfied, at least I can say I learned something new today.
Godspeed, Bibarel.

G'night, lads.
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ehhhh, i didn't came up with someone besides
25 got her from Hazel for him participating in art contests. Tweny himself wouldn't admit that, he would say its because his "dragon blood" in his veins
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Nah, he's got a good hoodie though.
How did the other pajeets react when their friends beat up sh**n one by one? Answer: They just laughed and took videos, all while that weakling sh**n pretended there were too many for him to fight off, kekeke
Imagine being a vorefag. You have skills to make beautiful women and beautiful men. Even beautiful animals.
And you waste it making shitty digestion art. You are not better than a gorefag or a feetfag. At least gorefags make cool/grim art as well, so you can add shock value. And feetfags add nice asses to their girls.
You? Forever stuck in fetish territory, next to the furfags.
lol no, sh**n doesn't have the skills to create anything. That's why he has to beg artists for freebies until they block him and kick him from their servers. That's why he had to plagiarize and got kicked out of uni (or 109 places in total), *and* doesn't even have the skill to fight off a single starving pajeet.
Can you retards just stop feeding him? You're not making things any better.
The thread is about to end anyway, man. A bit of trolling won't kill us anyway.
Plus anything that reminds sh**n of his worthlessness will bring him closer to killing himself. Imagine how much happier his family would be without him leeching off them. Imagine how much lighter the burden on Canada (india)'s welfare system would be.
And that will stop him from shitting up the next one how?
You're just allowing him to shit it up further. Simply report and/or hide the posts and move on, doesn't last any longer than that.
That's not at all how it works.
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It's much easier for them to kill off ackdith! See? Not to mention I'd be so proud of my OC for helping sh**n kill himself. Helping both the pokemon world and our earth at the same time!
Then you'd be surprised. His mental state's taken a nosedive since last year, and his family's tried to have him locked up several times already. Eventually, one of those loony asylums will take him in.
>And that will stop him from shitting up the next one how?
He will never stop. The only way he will is if her either he offs himself, or gets a happy ending like PL.
But at difference of PL, his happy ending would be him killing a blonde named Cynthia, so we better hope the former happens.
I have quite the conundrum, if you'd kindly lend an ear:
I want this particular character I'm making to have a first team that sort of lines up thematically with the final team, to put it in the simplest terms with no unsolicited details.
I already know the final team:
> Meganium
> Garchomp -(Mega)
> Espeon
> Pangoro
> Magnezone
and the previous team, you can see patterns:
> before we knew about Garchomp, she used Flygon
> before she met Pangoro, she used something like Toxicroak or Scrafty, or something like that. (haven't decided Pangoro's rep yet.)
but you'll see Golisopod in all caps up there. y'see, you can already ascertain the nature my quandary; indecision.
I've narrowed it down to three candidates, but can't bring myself to decide:
> Crawdaunt
> Kabutops
> Armaldo
I don't know why I expect you to help or to even know, but I'm out of options. most desperate indeed.
pic is just a funny I found. entirely unrelated.
Since you used a Kabuto image, I say pick Kabutops.
For me, it was the fact I ended up sleeping-- *checks* --16 hours after staying awake for almost 30 for no good reason other than "I wasn't tired till then."
I have yet to draw his future motif counterpart Hayate but I imagine her team would be

Her good partner and friend, since she secretly likes cute things.
>Tandemaus - Maushold
The early route catch that Nagi and Teddiursa enjoy playing with
>Sandy Shocks
She's not so stupid as to not realize it's just an ordinary Magneton, assuming it's an evolution.
>Iron Thorns
No further description available
I haven't planned this far.

The fifth slot will be a Legendary Pokemon, likely Mewtwo or Genesect.

A third, immortal 'present' themed character could be on the way. Maybe I'll name her 'Pandora', after the wife of Epimetheus, since Prometheus and Epimetheus are a pair of brothers who say ahead of time and behind time, and Hayate is meant to be sharp like Prometheus while Nagi was dull like Epimetheus.
>wake up
>thread becames about the vore poojeet
....*sigh* What the fuck happened this time?
Surskit. Bug/Water. Goes from being the one who intimidates to being the one intimidated.
Easy target. I guess everybody felt like "let's give Shawn his 5 minutes. That's more than Inmigracion gave him".
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You guys need to really learn to ignore this sad sack of literal shit. He's like a fucking chatbot and says all the same things after the first 3 or so times and it's boring. Go haggle schizos on /v/ if you want more fresh amusement. The sooner this poojeet can't even get so much as negative attention, the more alone and worthless in the world he'll feel and the sooner he'll likely off himself.
>Go haggle schizos on /v/ if you want more fresh amusement
Literally just go to any of the mihoyo /vg/ generals and mention Nahida if you want high octane schizo entertaining. Compared to the guys from there, vorefag ain't shit.
I thought Genshinfags liked Nahida but then I remembered all the cunny-sseurs went to Wuthering Waves or Blue Archive once WuWa came out.
Unfortunately it's a site-wide issue, not just a /tog/ thing. We had a stretch of time for about four months where nobody in this thread said anything or even hinted at acknowledging the spam and it had absolutely no impact on the outcome.
Because what you need to understand is that the discord raiders propping up the schizo-shaped punching bag are very tsundere. When they start one of their raids and flood the board with spam threads, they make a point to bump the threads that they actually like. If the schizo was actually aggressive, "he" would sage his shitposts while flooding the catalog in order to force threads into archiving prematurely. Once you understand that it's literally all just an elaborate joke to give /vp/ the world's easiest target to punch down on, other behaviors start to make more sense. I just wish the joke had more than three punchlines.
I see. And I take it Sh**n is one of their punching bags they use to flood the board with? And that ignoring him in turn is pointless?
They do, but there's one guy who kept having melties on the hi3 and gi generals saying she is an expy of a honkai char because they shared voice actor, general spamming and shitposting, which then also degenerated into him samefagging as a loliconschizo and an anti-loliconschizo
Don't know if he slipped in the WuWa gen as well, but he had a few episodes in BA where he got properly assraped.
>saying she is an expy
That's cause she is. And so is the Electro Archon. But I guess that in itself is why he malded. I take it he didn't like the Honkai character being made into a potato shaped turnip wearing a lamp shade.
>he tried shit-stirring in /bag/ too
19th century mental asylums need to seriously make a comeback for idiots like these and the ones on Xitter.
Exactly. Shawkot isn't real. Actual schizophrenics don't lash out at the world because of their delusions, they lash out because nobody takes their delusions seriously and people treat them like children all the time. Nobody whose catchphrase is "niggeroni johnson" is looking to be taken seriously.
Let's take it a step further: when do the raiders usually post in this thread? During the day when most of the wagies are at work and late at night when most of us are asleep. They're necrobumping us specifically. A fucking civic service, provided for free (if you filtered their filenames).
"He" is always raging against evil third-worlders and how stupid they are, yet he never has a mean thing to say about the obvious ESLs like Tweny and David (you) posts. It's all the same generic elementary school playground name-calling regardless of who he's talking to.
When I published the latest Gaiden episode along with the word count, it would have been the easiest low-hanging fruit in the world to point out what a colossal waste of time writing fanfiction is. Instead, he just asked why I couldn't spend twenty minutes writing a vore fic. No hate, the raider was genuinely impressed with the word count.
Same deal with the art. It would be so easy to say "lol it sucks kys yourself," instead he just begs for commissions.

In their own unfunny way, the discord raiders are more courteous than the boulder's bitchy ex-girlfriend. Let that sink in.

Meanwhile, the schizo lore is always being updated and every new chapter is more embarrassing than the last. Maybe at some point, there really was a loser who got expelled for being autistic, but the caricature now is simply too ridiculous to be real. But it sure makes everyone else feel better about themselves. Mark my words: if there was another timeline where Gardenia or Mars or spooky ghost baguette got the same universal adoration as Shirona-chan, we'd be seeing the same seven images of them on repeat instead.
>David (you)
I'm not the Davidanon.
But apart from that, a lot of this is too convoluted for me to bother with so I'll just move on and let people handle the schizoposting as they have been then so that the day it turns into a problem I can say I was never part of WHY it happened.
My bad, G, just woke up and forgot which post I was replying to.
Aight lads, I'm heading out for some exercise, you guys are in charge of the thread tasks once everyone starts waking up.
Okie dokie. Remember: don't stop when you are tired, stop when you are done!
source of the weavile art?
Actually, I did have to stop--there was a massive fallen tree branch blocking the trail, so I hacked it apart with my pocket knife to make a path wide enough for people to get through.
Yeah, that's right: I'm the HM01 guy.
emergency bump

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There's really no harm in posting something off-topic when it's the last post in a thread.
And for that matter, it's hardly an emergency considering the Garganacl thread has been going for twenyfive god-blessed days now.
Just an honest-to-goodness dogshit post, I expect better from you. Please rewrite your comment but include the off-topic image this time.
Someone other than me should bake the next thread since I have no ideas for thread tasks
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Thread question: What does your character do to stay cool in the summertime.
Thread task: Draw a duel at dusk. Or maybe even a showdown at high noon. Yeah. Full on cowboy LARP. We're going back to ORRE with this one. Dusters and cowboy hats.
Hold off on making new threads until later. I'm sure you know why. Plus, we're not even at Page 10 yet.
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lol, nope. But it's good manners to wait anyway, no need to clog the catalog. I'm just bing chillin' with some coconut water in the meantime.
>We're going back to ORRE
Emily will be happy. Or she would show it, if she wanted to smile.
She can, she just doesn't want to.
The things Emily enjoys about Orre have literally zero to do with interacting with 90% of it's population. She avoids talking to most locals and is mostly out in the deepest depths of the desert going into ruins and such rather than having cowboy standoffs with locals.
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I think you're overthinking it. I'm in both the drawthread and fanfiction threads, and over there he just asks for anyone, literally anyone to feed his hatelust by adding additional art or writing for him, and exactly in that same kind of pattern you've noticed, for months. I don't get the impression he's particularly read it or anything, he just begs hoping for a willing artist or accomplice. Like so many of the images he posts aren't particularly well drawn or good, but it features vore, so he posts it.
No, of course he doesn't actually read it, whoever's posting probably doesn't even actually play Pokemon to begin with. Their only interaction with the fanbase is just what passes for "trolling."

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