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The general for all things Dawn/Hikari/Akari/Platinum/Mitsumi.

>Dawn Visual Novel by Anon
Walkthrough: https://rentry.org/anewdawnwalkthrough1_0
>VN Extra

>Dawn Screencaps and Scans

>Diamond & Pearl CD Music Rips

>Additional OC (High Touch! TL, A Dawning Duet)

>[DawnSubs] DP001 & 002

Previous: DELETED
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In the end we all lost...
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Welp lets see if this one gets nuked or not
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As long as we have Dawn we will survive!
If we can't even post stills from the anime anymore then Janny needs to take the stick out of his ass. Knowing them it'll probably be nuked for mocking them anyway because they can't take a joke.
Previous: >>56049038
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This never happened with Akari OPs..
Akari OPs die on their own.
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Fake news
I request come Platinum Dawn pics
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Can the lewdfags/pornfags please go away for good?

this is a Cynthia board
This general has always embraced lewd. It's only when they spam relentlessly that it becomes a problem.
thx fren
np fren
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Ash x Dawn!
kino, canon and based!
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The guy who made the Dawn VN is asking for money to make more stuff. Give him your spare change and we may get more Dawn out of him.


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>cutefags had their OP archived
Lewd WILL continue!
no it wont
>asking for money
Dont think so
But good luck!
dawn is a trans icon
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Stop spamming, you degenerate panties obsessed pedo
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the LEWDest and CUTEst
anon /r/ Dawn, and he's getting it
>reposting the same spam here that was in the deleted lewd thread
retarded pedo
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agreed, it's why we love her!
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peak content
Cute, but the reality is its 2-3 legitimate porn spammers actively trying to ruin these threads that are the problem. We've never had a problem with lewd before it started getting spammed every day.
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Give me prompts/ideas to generate AI Dawns. I run SD locally so I can generate an infinite amount of them for free.
Let me hug you Hikari!! I wanna do it!!
Lets start with some upskirts, AI bro.
This for the next OP please
A smug-looking Dawn walking down a road, while a bunch of heart-eyed sinnoh boys admire her as she walks past. Above the boys is the word "/dg/"
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oh no no no no....cutecucks what the FUCK is this??
How about Dawn eating a burger
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Dawn's clothes make any character so rapeable.
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She's hungry!
Sorry, SD kind of broke. My GPU is quite old.
Be on the... right side of history!
Not enough panty shots in the lewd corner.
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I cannot for the life of my get it to make a coherent burger
>muh porn spammer boogieyman
Meds, nobody spams porn. The only time porn was spammed was in the lewd #334 because that was its purpose. No normal thread has devolved to a porn dump.
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"NSFW" =/= "nudity"
I've had a mod literally tell me in the IRC that they interpret "NSFW" literally as "any image you'd get in trouble at the workplace for viewing," and that their definition of porn is "any image that's objectively sexual in nature." Their words, not mine. Look no further than why pantsu OPs get deleted.
That has nothing to do with your accusations of people spamming retard.
>any image you'd get in trouble at the workplace for viewing
Lol. You shouldn't be on 4chan during work hours in the first place.
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more is more
This one turned out preddy gud
Not Dawn
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yep, that's our Dawnie!
Off model.
Next OP
>I've had a mod literally tell me in the IRC that
No you haven't. Stop lying.
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That's what the lack of a father does to a girl.
Finally got around to installing and using Ryujinx.
It still looks bad, but the chibi looks better.
What gives?
Get the luminescent platinum mod
It's what I'm using.
Uhhh, what looks bad then?
The upscale. Again, the chibi looks better.
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I have no idea then. I've never noticed that until you pointed that out. Remember you only see that model in battle and that clothing screen.
It's probably the clothing area then. Looks fine in battle, though the Cyber style glows a bit much.
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dawn was the first female character I saw in my life, I’m glad it was her
You would say the same even if it was May.
Stop showing off, Mayfag!
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I couldn’t agreed more
Flatties are so insecure of their chopping board that they have to act like they're pure and holier than thou for having small breasts and slut shame girls with naturally big titties.
Long live Dawn!
Dawn has passed away.
I miss dawn
We could’ve saved her….
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Not to worry, Akari is here with feet.
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Ash x Dawn
Can he make pan and nopan version?
Pearlship lost.

meds and out
Yesss good
Dead ship lmao
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Alive canon pair
>”you have nice panties, that wasn’t a compliment it was merely a observation”
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Dawn thinking of what to write to janny to convince him to allow pantsu OPs
Dawn making a list of all her sins!
Dawn counting all her boyfriends and tabulating her body count
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Dawn writing her love letter to Me_
Dawn is SMART!
>[ ] Pan
>[ ] Nopan
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i love platinum dawn
Everyone does!
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Why is he like that?
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as always Dawn is perfect
I don't give a shit about Dawn's breasts. Dawn is Dawn and I will skip every pokegirl just to lodge my dick inside of her.
Fuck off, Leaf
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big kanto milkers
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Long hair Dawn = Best Dawn
Consider this Dawn.

... worse, but still acceptable
Lewdposters having dinner tonight.
>Dawn losing a battle and having to work as a maid in just her underwear to pay off her debt
>Best thing? She hates it!
We love Akari around here
We rape Akari around here
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Good luck, she can kill with her bare hands
Let her go
They're girlfriends
So can I.
Every part of this image is that hoe Cynthia's doing! She needs to leave Dawn ALONE!
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Ash x Dawn
Based as always
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ugly kanto shitter without threads or relevance
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Those are both men.
Akari would break you
A man cosplaying as a girl is legally a girl, especially in the bedroom.
I'm surprised I haven't seen this edited to have different stuff in the thought bubbles. What exactly, I'm not sure, but it seems rife for exploitation.
me on the right
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game dawn cuter
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Cynthia slightly off-screen getting one of those huge anime nosebleeds
For me, it's anime Dawn, but I'd take both at the same time in a heartbeat.
For me it's game Dawn. Better hair color, better eye color, a more sophisticated aura and she's not Kenny's onahole.
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the trashcan is too good for your opinion
I literally don't want anime!Dawn because she's been defiled by Kenny.
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He should use some ai slop if he needs more Dawns
Not from Civitai tho, that website sucks!
>Not from Civitai tho, that website sucks!
Do you have an alternative site to get models from?
Not really anon, I tried civitai but I really dislike most results (the composition, pose and general look), PixiAi exist too
what are the prompts you used?
and the website
Do you want my bank account too retard?
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>"hey that juice tastes good, that fruit did you use?"
>"I'm not giving you my fucking social security, faggot"
It's like you found Dawn's g-spot and don't wanna share it. You gain nothing from hiding it, since everyone will eventually figure it out.
yikes. nevermind, I guess.
Lmao wtf
All Subscription Services Are Scams.
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Sorry anon, I didn't generate that image, its from an old NovelAi thread
It was a joke. I'm not AI anon.
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lol I like this image
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Janny will have a meltdown if he sees this
>no hat
imagine if the janny ends up banning /dg/
There are plenty of people with an old or shitty GPU, or who only have a laptop and no desktop at all, who would rather pay $50/month for AI as opposed to shelling out 10-20 times that much for a good video card to run SD and then spending a bunch of time figuring out how it works. It's the equivalent of going to mcdonalds because your college dorm doesn't have an oven in it.
Modest Dawn covering up her legs
This opinion will probably get me crucified here but I think black pantyhose or tight leggings are sexier than just bare legs
Thigh-highs are the best of both worlds.
kill yourself
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Ash x Dawn
Quality post!
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She's so hot in her pajamas it's unreal.
AI Slop Dawn with modest breasts is where it's at.
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I'd agree with you if she wasn't hatless
In a dress like that, a hat wouldn't really fit with it.
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Ash is gay.
Dawn is nothing without her hat. NOTHING.
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holy kino
Not like this Bluebros...
WTF is that piplups problem
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……married or not this is the biggest loser I’ve ever seen
*chuckle* I'm in danger
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I have honestly recently discovered Dawn again and think she’s cool via the Anime. Am I welcome here? I pay this as tribute
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I’ll take that as acceptance
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>. Am I welcome here? I
of course!

we love Dawn and we love gen 4 anime too
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>Am I welcome here?
As long as you lewd Dawn once per day.
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Then this is my lewd Dawn find of the day, courtesy of the AI Boards
Holy based! This has to be my first time seeing tribal Dawn and it's hotter than I'd imagine.
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Another then for my part of the thread then. Again from the AI Thread
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The Manga is a damn treat
Thigh demon
My wife
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Dawn's sweaty thighs...
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Dawn's lovely thighs!
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This thread is filled with...
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Did ficanon commission a piece for literally every scene?
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Pretty much.
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More pics of Dawn in her pajamas please. Anime or art, doesn't matter.
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Ash x Dawn
Dawn lost lol. >>56069560
Kino and pure

Kys tard
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Thats the stuff!
>time to introduce the new heroine
>literally her first scene is a shot of her feets
Why was Dawn established as a footslut?
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Ep.1 made sure you got a good look at everything, to hook you in.
Literally me right now
Dawn's cute defenseless feet.
Is the joke she's wearing a butt plug
Holy kek
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What does Dawn smell like
Wet soggy penguins
(ass and fish)
Anal sex
Peppermint, and citronella.
A ten year old girl.
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What do those smell like
cynthia's perfume and lipstick
she's doing the trad grift.
I want a feral Dawn.
What's her PokeTube name?
probably some pun with the word dawn.
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Uh dawnsissies......
s...sauce... plz
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that's not a fundoshi
I fighting knew it.
Oh look, it's the next OP!
good idea, don't think we've had much Akari + lewd
because that’s Dawn (forma de isekai), not Akari
Why does she wear the skirt?
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why are her thighs so perfect, bros?
It's almost time for another Akari thread!
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Still seething Pearlfag?
>pearlfag is ranting about trannies again
Lewd Akari!
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Would you still love Akari if she turned feral?
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lewd thread will get reported and nuked
count on it
>announcing reports
fucking cutecucks, i swear
And I'll nuke your ass if you report it you dumb cutefag.


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