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I don't like it
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For reference here are my favorite Pokemon so you don't go on a screed about how I like jobmons
Funny how furtroons hate non fetish designs
go scrape your face against concrete, unovanigger
Tyranitar Is a tranny killer
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Tyranitar a cute.
Sir, that crow is employed.
More like ugly fat shitmon
>immediately focuses on those three, i plies they are "fetish designs"
Please sir, tell me how a malevolent fox ghost, a weasel with a headdress, and a grass snake are fetishistic.
>furtroon out of nowhere
I don't see Cinderace or Meowscarada on there.
Utterly mindbroken.
>he likes objectmons instead
Same problem
Objectmons are kino.
You're ugly, I don't like you
Fat fuck
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ugly shitmon to ugly meta shillmon
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Fairysissies... stop being mindbroken...
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>worse Zoroark
>the kirby enemy
>the fucking bridge
All opinions on taste invalidated.

>Verification not required.
Are you dissing Kirby villains? That's blasphemy
>worse Zoroark
Nah it brutally mogs the original
>the kirby enemy
>the fucking bridge
All fine designs
Now seethe
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Explain how it's ugly and explain how it's a shillmon
>worse Zoroark
>the kirby enemy
This says nothing
>>>improved Samurott
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I strongly prefer how he looks in the RSE sprites. Normally Tyranitar looks very rigid upright, it looks a lot more menacing this way.
Lol nevermind trips wasted
I love Godzilla, I wish Tyranitar wasn't so fucking Gen 2. Gen 3 or 5 Tyranitar would've looked so cool.
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you sound gay
OP is a faggot and regional variants were a mistake, so were cross gen evos after gen 4
tyranitar already looks better than everything from gen 5. if he was released in unova, he would have looked like a sloppy version unfinished mess like druddigon so they can lazily hit their 150 dex number, or fat gay and retarded like hydreigon
you like objectmons
you'd have like tyranitar if it was a hot iron
that's just its best sprite/model in the series
notwithstanding its gen ii root, I'd probably prefer if mega tyranitar was the default design
spacegodzilla is cooler
both improvements to bad designs which fixed them
>tyranitar already looks better than everything from gen 5
serperior is a better design than tyranitar
>Gen 5
Kek, fuck no.
Ttar is already a timeless design and Hydreigon is one of the worst pseudos in the franchise.
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>its got all the pose and menace of a refrigerator
>looks like it shouldn't be bipedal
>legs so massive and solid it should be able to walk
>stapler remover cause???

A shillmon
>Duraludon somehow getting into a pokemon unite despite only being a pretty forgettable gen 8 pokemon
>a bloated psuedo legendary evo
>signature move
>an ability probably too strong to be putting on a pokemon with these stats
>it’s got all the odor and menace of a refrigerator
>looks like it shouldn’t be bipedal
Assuming your IQ is in the triple digits I want you to imagine how that thing would look walking on all fours. It would look like a V on legs with hideous posture.
>legs so massive and solid it should be able to walk
Autocorrect fixed your mistake here. But if you really think it shouldn’t be able to walk then the same thing can be said about several designs.
>le staple remover
Archaludon was never actually intended to resemble a staple remover. That is unironically a coincidence.
>Duraludon somehow getting into Pokémon Unite despite only being a pretty forgettable Gen 8 Pokemon
Archaludon isn’t in Unite, Duraludon is, likely in to appease Raihan fans. Duraludon is the shillmon, not Archaludon, it’s another Pikachu situation.
>bloated pseudo legendary ego
This can be said about half of them, including Tyranitar
>signature move
All pseudos since Gen 7 have one
>an ability too strong to be putting on a Pokémon with these stats
>more than half are Switch mons
>>Duraludon somehow getting into a pokemon unite despite only being a pretty forgettable gen 8 pokemon
He was Raihan's ace
you right thing would look hideous no matter the posture
Serperior is garbage and faggots have to pretend it’s good because the other two starters from that shit gen are somehow even worse.
Counting H-Zoro and H-Samu as "Switchmons" is a stretch, they are regional forms, and Ruin is a regional evolution.
they are switchmons though
Wrong. Emboar is a cooler fatmon than Tyranitar.
corviknight is gay but other than that i respect your taste and it's funny seeing anons get assblasted over it
Serperior is 5x more clever than Tyzilla and more aesthetic than Repitar
why are borts always the ones with the most dogshit and contrarian tastes imaginable? is it another part of their victim complex?
They unironically had to grow up with shit like Emboar as their starter and Ice Creams, Leo.
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Nice one Anon.
>borts out of nowhere when only four pokemon are from unova
utterly mindbroken.
>only four
>implying the bridge isn’t an unovamon
Archaludon can only be caught in the Terarium which implies that it's not native to Unova. It's a Galarmon becuase it evolves from a species introduced in Galar. That's like saying Kingdra is a Johtomon despite evolving from a Kantomon. Cross-gen evos don't change where an evolutionary line originates from.
But Kingdra is a Johtomon, retard. And Seadra’s a Kantomon.
The bridgeslop is Unova
> That's like saying Kingdra is a
It is
> despite evolving from a Kantomon.
Doesn’t matter
>bort can’t handle the shitty bridge being permanently associate with his favorite region.
KEK! If that can make you feel better, hydraple is an unovamon too,
>samurott h
>zoroark h

simple as.
>he still think shitsui is sinnoh
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It is
>the map dont match even when eddited
thanks for proving my point retard
What is Hisui then?
Post a single in game proof of that
hisui. If hisui was sinnoh, than hisuian mons in the pr
Hisui. If hisui was sinnoh, than hisuian form would be renamed to sinnohan forms in the present day.
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lmao retarf
cope hisui is just old sinnoh
>That's like saying Kingdra is a Johtomon
How retarded are you?
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I wish I had a higher quality version of this. I also have an Espeon version.
I like these images.
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It's not even a psuedo.
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For additional context, here are my most hated Pokemon
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I like it
>Mentioning another region in a Pokémon game mean it’s the same region
ah yes, because everyone knows that hoenn is actually jotho
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You should kill yourself right now
It’s better than some other designs…
That's true, but the bar isn't very low, see >>56058614
It is fucking hideous. Stupid piece of shit has no right to still be relevant.
I mean it's just Gligar+. I don't know what you expected.
bridgenigger you so gay
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Tyranitar FUCKS
i take back what i said in >>56057180
you are a gay motherfucker

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