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Can we get a Whitney Thread?
Whitney is hot.
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Whitney is really hot.
Really hot. I want to grab and suck on her huge milkers.
She's rather plain.
The Incredibly Petty Girl!
Need some milk?
Disappointing a bug gym leader has the largest cannon boobs in the series in stead of the actual milk trainer.
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the one true queen
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I want to squeeze those huge milkers.
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Pumping it hard inside Whitney while sucking on her Moomoo Milk.
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Sex with Whitney.
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>Attracts you
>Too infatuated with Whitney to attack!
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And that's how Anon ended up getting milked.
Now we know where that "milk" comes from.
Whitney produces milk from all sources.
Is there any other reason you like Whitney outside of milking memes
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She's cute, I like her genki energy
Fair, you need to post more on that line
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Snivel, hic
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You meanie!
Does she know how many trainers she filtered by having a statwall cow that early in Johto?
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Uh oh
That last button must be made of titanium to not break like the others.
That drawfag was based
How much.
Shame Hex completely stole her thunder with the milk maid thing.
I want Whitney to be appreciated for something different for once.
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Built for highly aggressive breast groping, milking and nipple biting
Of course.
Sadist memes.
i like her hgss battle sprite where you can see her tummy for a moment
What about sucking on Whitney's nipples?
Those exist?
Too gentle, but to start with? yes
Ah, want to go brutally rough on Whitney?
Anything short of strapping her to a cold metallic milking machine with tubes for force-feeding and excretion 24/7 is too kind for her.
Yes her body should be entirely ruined by the time I'm through with her
Creampied hard and her whole body covered white?
Yes, and l of her holes should be thoroughly stretched and her tummy breasts covered in bruises
That's just the way Whitney deserves really. Her milkers drained and drenched with drool, cum and bruises. Same with her holes.
>POV: you just told her you don't like milk
How could you be so heartless to such an incredibly pretty girl?!?
incredibly petty girl*
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There's plenty of them.
I'm only doing it out of love for Whitney! She needs to have her milkers played with until I'm completely satisfied! She's so pretty that I want to have sex with her.
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if you say so but don't be *too rough* with them
I would treat her tits like training sandbags
There was also that brief spell of anons posting Rosa fics about her breast milk turning other anons into clones of Rosa.
What about you anon? Would go rough yourself with Whitney's huge breasts? Or soft as she tends to your needs?
Only the most pleasurable of hand milkings for my dairy princess.
How sweet. Whitney can giggle and comment on your soft but satisfying hands milking her. Don't be shy too, anon. Feel free to suck on them too!
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Well, if she's cool with it I guess...
You're already getting a handful of huge Whitney milkers, she's more than cool with you getting a taste of her milk. If you're lucky she can slip her hand down your pants too to take care of that aching something...
To milk in exchange for being milked, I like that deal.
Glad to see an agreement. Seems like Whitney likes you very much, anon. Lucky you! Just as you're going soft on her, Whitney's hands will be as gentle as yours as she's milking your throbbing cock.
I can imagine getting addicted to the feeling of being treated like a big baby by Whitney.
Yeah? Do you imagine getting a loving nursing handjob from Whitney as she calls you her big special boy?
it would definitely make me feel better about losing all my battles with her
Pray tell, anon. How many battles have you lost to her? It's okay, we've all lost to her, frustrated with that darn cow. But with you, maybe Whitney has a special interest in you, and wants to make you feel better. In more ways than one...
I never kept count. But I was also distracted by thoughts of her, but it's not like I could just started tugging my little wiener in the middle of a battle you know.
I get it. What kinds of thoughts of Whitney were you thinking about?
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the way she constantly bounces and jiggles around as she really gets into a battle, I can't help but think she was actively trying to get a rise out of me and it works every time.
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That's cute. Did you let your imagination do the work for you every time you lost? Or mid-battle even? Seeing Whitney's huge udders bouncing around as she's very excited with the battle with you which causes your groins to act up just a little, costing you the battle even.
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Breeding Whitney
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Wish I could poly with her and Jasmine.
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nta but I thought I'd be fine on my recent Crystal run because I could setup Sandshrew with 6 defense curls, but the Clefairy rolled fucking B L I Z Z A R D and I ended up losing once.
Next run it rolls Icy Wind and I just give up on the old strat, going for 3 Screeches from an Onix on Miltank so I can just tackle it with the rest of the team.
The absolute luck. desu I always had trouble with the Clefairy than the Miltank. Metronome always trips me up everytime I battle Whitney.
Then I catch a Clefairy and all it does is self-destructing on ghost types.
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Why's she looking at me like that?
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Because Whitney is the CUTEST!
Well Whitney is the Incredible Pretty Girl, so there's no lie there. What do you think is the most cutest thing about Whitney?
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Her warm bright smile!
I bet seeing that smile would make you do the same. How would you get Whitney to smile?
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Get her to laugh
Say how pretty she is
Tell her she's the cutest girl there ever was
This is all backwards, bulls ought to be riding cows.
We need a hands-on approach to have proper evidence.
How sweet. Although constant praise shouldn't be that easy to win Whitney over, or is it? What would you love to do with Whitney?
Battle her
Hug her
Kiss her
Compliment her cute Miltank
Tell her I love her!
Wholesome! Have you thought about traveling around with Whitney?
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Yes! I want to travel the world and all its regions with Whitney! Our own Pokemon journey!
That's so exciting! How will your Pokemon journey in Johto be like? Whitney will travel with you after you get her badge. I'm sure you've thought of a lot of things to do in Goldenrod City.
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I'd ask Whitney what her favorite stores and food are in Goldenrod City and take her on some cute dates! Then we'd continue the journey for the rest of the badges. Sightseeing in Ecruteak, meeting up with her friend Jasmine in Olivine, walking on the beach in Cianwood, all that good stuff. Once we've finished off Johto, we'll take the Magnet Train to Kanto and have fun shopping, battling, and adventuring there! After that is all the rest of the regions and the world!
You got a plan already, anon! Don't speed through Johto so soon! Bask in the scenes. There's the National Park just north of Goldenrod and even participating into the Pokeathlelon with her and building up a sweat!
Once you get to Kanto what will you do there specifically?
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Shopping in Saffron and Celadon!
Catching Pokemon in the Safari Zone!
Taking a bike ride through Cycling Road!
Watching the Clefairy at Mt. Moon!
Battling trainers and challenging gyms all over!
Catching Pokemon in the Safari Zone might be up Whitney's alley. She can see all kinds of cute Pokemon! And Mt. Moon sounds very eye-catching for Whitney, she'd probably want her own Clefairy to join/watch the other Clefairy dance.
What will be the next region you travel with Whitney? Hoenn?
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Hoenn would be great! Swimming in the oceans, hiking up mountains, traveling through the dense forests, shopping in Lilycove, competing in cute contests, relaxing in the hot springs, and of course more battles for cute Whitney and I to enjoy!
Contests will be a really fun event for Whitney to try out. She's already super cute herself so participating in cute contests should be fairly easy for her! Would you join her in the contests or be more focused in obtaining those badges?
The Lavaridge Hot Springs would be comfy to relax. Just don't try to sneak next to Whitney though anon... or maybe you do and she wouldn't mind~.
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I'll join my lovely partner for anything! Any activity with Whitney is a good activity for me!
Don't ever (You) me again, cringe faggot
It's very wholesome to see your genuine love for Whitney, spreading throughout all the regions. What other fun activities would you do in the other regions?
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Skiing and baking Poffins in Sinnoh!
Shopping in Castelia and watching movies in Unova!
Roller skating and getting new outfits in Kalos!
Surfing and sunbathing in Alola!
Camping and Dynamaxing in Galar!
Picnics and treasure hunting in Paldea!
And all the fun battles you can imagine. With my cute Whitney!
I love Whitney!
Battling with and battling Whitney in any and all regions. I'm sure you'd love to make lots of private memories with Whitney, don't you~
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>competing in cute contests
she appears in the audience for Pokemon Contests so definetely see her enjoying competing in one.
I see Whitney and Jasmine, is that Pryce too?
I think so
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I want to make out with Whitney while I grope her fat tits
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>not a single picture of Whitney's feet
Shit thread
Do you think they ever experiment with each other?
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Whitney sure has some... interesting fans.
Whoever came up with this is down bad. Fuck trying to save him, just choke a grenade or lit dynamite down there. He will be gone, with any luck.
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This artist is based.
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Whitney's huge milkers!
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I don't know. I never played Gen 7.
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This plump pink haired sow is BUILT FOR hugs :)
What kinds of hugs?
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Cute normal girl
>Tell me how you got these~!
Me and and Whitney last night after I forced her to have more drinks than she could handle.
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did she let you milk her
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>Don't be jealous, teehee. I like yours too.
No. She milked me.
How hard did she milk you?
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more whitney
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Whitney, you are not allowed to leave the farm during your heat days.
Mainly because I'd be too busy fucking you to stop the men wave.
The Rosapocalypse shit was incredibly hot. We need it back.
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What is your favorite thing about Whitney?
It's a tie between two very specific things. A pair, if you will.
A huge pair of Whitney's milkers?
Her two Pokemon, Clefairy and Miltank?
We need a Whitneypocalypse.
Hard enough for me to fill her mouth with my milk and it dribbled on her own milkers. Hard enough that she cried even harder as my milk flooded her.
In addition to milk, Whitney's can transform you into Whitney by putting your penis between her boobs.
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Make it a full battle between Rosa and Hex Maniac.
The final result will be the ultimate cow girl.
Plot twist: the milk is from everyone. The results shall be chaotic.
>cries after you beat her
>probably a lesbian
Which bug leader? Katy?

that's a secret
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based knower
keep the dream alive, anon
Which do you prefer? GS Whitney or HGSS Whitney?
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Whitney is smart!
I agree! They could decide it over a game of paint ball, except instead of guns and paint, they use boobs and breast milk.
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She's so pretty
I like how the original seemed be be more based on a baseball uniform but I prefer the HGSS version since the blue shorts add nice contrast and the striped socks are cute.
Whitney thought Pokeballs were made of apricots
Guys we need to milk Whitney
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When I was a kid first plying crystal I had a crush on Whitney and to this day I blame her for the fetishes I developed later in life.
What fetishes are they?
To put it lightly you could say immature women or women doing certain things that would be considered immature. You probably don't want to know much more than that.
So like bratty girls acting childish? I won't pry more like you said but that's interesting to hear.
That definitely a big part of it. And man the gym design rework hg/ss gave her was amazing and definitely help solidify the association for me.
How wonderful to hear, anon. I hope you continue to love Whitney in all her charming brattiness.
Apricorns. They come from apricorns.
She almost got it.
cute couple
How much milk can she drink?
Fig she’s hot
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other trainer girls can't compete
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Whitney threads were sooooo much better in 2021...

What was the main difference?

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