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Do you think GF is doing it deliberately?
they learned how to make starters that are actually likable after gen 5’s starters flopped incredibly hard
And samurott still ended up a better waifumon than all of that nugen trash
>after gen 5’s starters flopped incredibly hard
Gen5's starters only "flopped" because they and Unova as a whole was too good, they flew too close to the the sun and mogged KANTOOOOOOO so much they triggering the Kanturd Hissy Fit of 2010 that resulted inthe popularity of Gen 5 Pokemon forever beign handicapped.
No you, and thousands of coom brains need to lay off the Internet porn, and actually develop a hobby
believe it or not, all male
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Trans-coded trashmon for Chris-Chan-tier faggots like OP
Not with the cat.
That thing is ugly as shit and it baffles me how anyone mages to find it attractive at all it looks so fucking dumb.

That said this is a godawful Gen for Waifus and waifumon. Probably the worst. Any drop of water in a desert I guess.
>trans seal
>la goblina
>traffic cone hag
>people who hate gen 5 starters are furry degenerates
Why am I not surprised?
>replying to yawnfag
>That thing is ugly as shit and it baffles me how anyone mages to find it attractive at all
It's literally a catgirl. Primarina is a seal-mermaid and Delphox is a cone fox. Meowscarada is the closest to a human.
what about tinkasex
Shit For pedophiles
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don't allow me within 100 feet of a school then
>ugly girls
>ugly pokemon
gen ix succkkkks
no one cares about that literal who 75-mon
corvicuck lost
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>want to fuck Samurott
>also want to fuck Delphox, Primarina and Meowscarada
Get on my level pleb.
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>Meowscarada is the closest to a human.
That's.... not the plus point you think it is. And while it's grass kitty Doronjo, it's still very much a cat and not a human. Which is the same as Primarina, a seal that apes a human role (soloist singer in this case lot more generic, I'll agree) despite being detailed with a frill to imitate a low-cut evening dress in concert with the rest of her frills.
>Meowscarada is the closest to a human.
So how come you cumbrains don't want to go outside and talk to real humans if your ideal pokemon is close to humans?
>he says, in the thread filled with samurott furfags
>furry degenerates don't like serperior
>That thing is ugly as shit and it baffles me how anyone mages to find it attractive at all it looks so fucking dumb.
But enough about you
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spwp, you lost
Yes and they should make em hotter
Meowscarada is kino what is bro yapping about
False equivalence, and you cant prove that meowscarada fans dont go outside to socialize
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Looks like absolute shit dude.
Takes heavy artistic liberties to make that thing look even kind of arousing. It’s face looks dumb as hell

It’s a miss of a “waifumon and honestly, considering it’s prevolution I doubt it was ever supposed to be one. This gen was lacking and artists were desperate.
I really hope Grass gets a redo for an actual waifu starter. This is godawful.
Also shit.
>considering it’s prevolution I doubt it was ever supposed to be one.
Check picrel
I certainly see him.
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They gave Meowscarada a humanlike catgirl face and the body of a human woman.
>humanlike catgirl face
An ugly one if you want to call it that.
>body of a human woman.
It’s literally just an anthro.
You don't even know what her face looks like, she always wears a mask.
So Meowscarada isn't a pokemon, but a fag wearing a fursuit?
Some people like Asians or whites or blacks, and those ARE just humans. This is no different. It's just another harmless example of xenophilia.
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i still dont get the meow hate
That mask is it’s face.
That's corporate GameFreak/TPC nonsense because they hate when Pokemon wear things. It's a mask.
It's fur. Sorry the creators of the series made nekkid creatures, but that's just how it goes.
She is so beautiful bros
i love my gremlin wife
>implying anyone finds that inbred seal appealing other than the zoomer fags that picked it as their starter when they were 10
success breeds jealousy
Primirina, and I say this without a shred of sexual arousal, looks so much better with tits than a belly.
What is Meowscarada doing there stealing Meganium's place?

10/10, made me laugh
Pokemon wear clothes.
Pokemon is set on earth.
Magnemite is robotic.
Blastoise is biomechanical.
Ghost pokemon are spirits and/or commune with spirits.
Clefairy are space aliens who pilot rocket ships.
Alakazam have a superhuman IQ.
Pokemon other than Meowth can talk.
Pokemon exist alongside animals and are different from animals.
Normal animals exist in The Pokemon World, because The Pokemon World is earth.
There are guns and tanks in The Pokemon World, because The Pokemon World is earth.
Christianity and other major real-world religions exist in The Pokemon World, because The Pokemon World is earth.
Lieutenant Surge's nickname is "the lightning American."
Santa Claus is real and has a Jynx workforce.
Pokeballs are a recent invention.
Anything that contradicts these things is a non-canon perversion of the series.
Cool story bro, get your time machine working, you can go back to 1990 and make it so.
Meowscarda’s “mask” is it’s face.
Good talk.
Well yea. Girls want to play the game too. Not just gen wunners still stuck in their emo phase.
Why? Because CUNTsuda says so? Because SHITjiri says so?
Sex with meowscarada
>desperate bump
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No. It's literally a filthy gypsy femboy street magician. And Van Darkholme. Delphox is in the same camp, the 87-12 split is actually lore accurate to fox lore as they would pretend to be women to break men's hearts for fun.
Femboys can be waifu too
Delphox is a witch and evolves from something that actually looks female.
I don’t think it’s in the same camp.
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People who make pokémon weren't exposed to the gay western cartoons you grew up with though.
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Excuse me why isn't Cinderace in there?
xhe’s male coded
Cinderace isn't trans-coded and is actually cute
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>zoomies are so terminally online, females and feminine designed thingss are "trans-coded"
The 3 starters in OP are from zoomer games though
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There’s already a Pokémon based on her.
Fucking hell Meowscarda fans have shit taste AND are fucking retarded.
cinderace is disgusting to look at with its massively overdesigned head
>there cant be two pokemon with similar design origins

meowscarada does a better job of it anyway, retard boy
My point exactly. Game mechanics mean fuck all to how Game Freak want to present their shit. That's why Meow's female in supplementary media, Primarina's female in supplementary media and Delphox is female in supplementary media, because Game Freak based them off female inspirations and slapped the giftmon gender ratio on them to limit kids breeding more until they found a ditto, unless they lucked out first time or sat resetting for the breedable version. That the Unrivalled raids so far back up this take is yet more evidence - the pinnacle Primarina and Delphox are both the fairer sex. Because the exemplar's were both female in origin.
>Female Meowscarada in the anime, manga, Pokemon Unite and game
You lost fag
And Meow's a bipedal, more on-the-nose version, as fuck all people cared about a mid quadruped Dark-type shitmon, especially when Absol fulfilled that role for people (and furfags).
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success breeds jealousy
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There's no such thing as Female Cinderace, TPCi told me so in all the different media they've put him in, it's literally a shoenen rabbit based of Gouenji from Inazuma Eleven.
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What two Pokémon from two entirely different lines are inspired by the same exact character?

Meowscarada Is some kind of harlequin while Liepard is supposed to be a cat burglar. Purrloin is an even better example than either.
Stop being retarded
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Cinderace has silly hands but the design doesn't scream trans-rights like your 3 pride shitmons by being not being too feminine nor too masculine looking
liepard’s a shitty uggo flop stop trying to shill him. only transwomen who partake in “competitive” pokemon like him.
It is quite masculine looking.
What kind of schizobabble are you on?
The post was clear white boy. we have new and improved dark type cat now
no one remembers your failed zoophile shitmon so they tried again and did it better
that rabbit looks masculine as fuck. plus look at its disgusting ears and face, im gonna vomit
How does this change the fact that Meowscarada is in no way inspired by Doronjo?
You are literally creaming over something in a shit green fursuit
>How does this change the fact that (headcanon)
seethe and cope
No see, headcanon is saying that that ugly cat is actually inspired by that design just because you say so.
U being reeal white right now. out the thread please
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>literally looks like her
>looks way more like her than shitpard
>its not her!
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You are such a dumb cunt, it's not even funny.
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Yea, it's obvious what gender tpci wants the public/normies to see certain mons as of late.
It’s not her and there is already a Pokémon that represents her. The only thing about that shitty green cat is that it’s far more anthropomorphic and that’s where any real comparison ends. Anything else is headcanon.

You and Meowscarda fans are so retarded it’s unreal. I can’t wait until this flavor of the Gen fucks off in favor of actual waifumons
I can only see Nu-Typhlosion as female.
Lol pissloin was never a waifumon, get fucked. Meowscarada is the best thing since braixen
meowscarada gremlin pussy uoohhhh
I never said it was. I said it was actually inspired by doronjo unlike the headcanon being vometed out about Meowscarda.

>Best thing since braixen
Lel you fucking wish. It’s one of the few kinda feminine looking pokemon in this shit tranny Gen so you latched on. Imagine comparing it to braixen who actually had some kind of competition present in it’s gen.
You’re ignoring the blatant factual evidence in front of your face in favor of your retarded headcanon, feel free to dip out this thread honkey
Shitloin is based on a literal shit I took this morning
It LITERALLY looks exactly like her
Your “factual” evidence is ACTUALLY nothing more than your headcanon.

>Jynx has a red dress and big lips she is clearly inspired by Jessica rabbit.
This is you.
transloin posters are mentally ill
It looks exactly like her, your jynx argument is retarded, stop with your batshit seething
>shit tranny Gen
Who’re these trannymon? Are you that bothered sissyloin?
It's obvious they see grasscat as female
literally all catmons are female coded
except shitloin who is blackcoded and trans
That's confirmed genders, per the Unrivalled raidmons. They haven't ran a Meowscarada raid yet, but odds-are it'll similarly be female.
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why are homosexuals crying about Purrloin in this thread?
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You said it not me
There was a BW episode where a purrloin got meowth to do shit for him because meowth thought purrloin was a girl.
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Do you still have doubts after seeing Meowscarada?
well it hasn't had a raid yet so we don't know, these are from the 9 star raids for starters inSV and the mons with genders we're always 100% that gender once you caught them.
Unrivaled raids were a mistake
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>mental defective seethes her tranny agenda got shut down by Game Freak
Only in America could a creature clearly feminine in design be called a tranny because of a non-canon game mechanic that exists as a natural stop on breeding more. If the gender ratio was canon, there wouldn't have been 4 females out of 4 Delphox shown, 3 Primarina out of 3 shown and the 5 Meows across the various medias ibn Gen 9 wouldn't all be girls, because the ratio is weighted to males to make people work for their bred starterderps in some fashion.
It's a blessing, it shows how hypocritical some fans are.
oh no imagine being all wrapped up and at your floragato’s mercy, haha, what a terrible thing to happen
I'm glad it happened, it's funny seeing what gender Game Freak are trying to nail in as waifumons

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