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It's time to admit ORAS were the last soulful remakes
>what if we take an old generation and shamelessly make every key scene, plot point, backstory, dialogue between characters, and the lore of the region about the latest generation's gimmick, and permanently tie all three box legendaries to it instead of focusing on the things they originally designed to do
literally the most soulless game ever released, this is the kind of remake you make when you hate the original game with every fiber of your being
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what else would you want from a remake? it should feel different
>what if we take an old generation and keep the same amount of pokemon it had 15 years prior with no new features or much in the way of graphical enhancements?
If by "soulful" you mean lazy and degraded, sure. ORAS took the most soul-exuding region in the series and dragged it through the mud for the sake of zoomers.
They turned Mauville into an ugly, urbanized hub, completely spitting in the face of its preestablished lore. In RSE, the New Mauville is an area Wattson and his crew constructed in hopes of modernizing Mauville as a whole. However, the project was abandoned and everyone decided to embrace the rural nature of the area. This plays into Hoenn's "natural > artificial" design aspect. ORAS goes against this design philosophy and they ruin the optimal egg-hatching route in the process, which is a perfect encapsulation of how Game Freak's attempts at being modern and refreshing actually end up doing more harm than good.
This is pretty much ORAS's design philosophy: ruin as many soulful aspects of the original games as possible so that zoomers will play it over their shitty phone games." Feebas's encounter method, water routes, the Battle Frontier and general difficulty have all been altered for the sake of zoomers' fried dopamine receptors. They also added shitty features from XY like automatic experience gain and unnecessary, hand-holdy cutscenes so that zoomers won't struggle too hard and put the game down.
All in all, ORAS are utterly soulless games that turned the best region in the series into a complete mockery. BDSP are LIGHTYEARS better than them in terms of damage they've caused.
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I've eventually come to the realization that HGSS is the only good Pokémon remake

ORAS and FRLG are only decent because they're based on already good games. They don't do anything spectacular AS REMAKES that make them new great experiences from the original (heck ORAS still gets mogged by emerald in a lot of aspects like boss design)

HGSS is mainly great because not only is it already based on the spectacular GSC, but also adds post game content from plat, along with some new features like pokeathlon and followers that add to the charm. As a remake it's just slightly more satisfactory than the other two, but as a game it excells for Pokémon standards.

The only way I'd want a remake again if its changed so much that it'll feel like an entirely new game that just so happens to be set in the region. Like pla but in the modern era

and I refuse to believe bdsp is a real thing its just a mass hallucination bros
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HGSS's goodness come from being made at the right time too. It came out at the perfect era where gf actually cared about the substance of a game itself and not just its image, while also being technically advanced enough.

A 3DS or Switch era hgss wouldn't have nearly as much content and would just coast on the marketable "Hey we remade your favorite childhood game! and the legendaries have new forms! Isn't that cool? Preorder now!" and a gba era hgss probably wouldn't do enough to separate itself from say crystal besides having a new artstyle and maybe the battle frontier copy-pasted from emerald
>Feebas's encounter method
Was utter bullshit, and this is comething from someone who actually played RSE. There's a difference between challenging and tedious.
>hoennbabies still don't realize how good they had it
>Zero (0) nugen mons
I'mma have to go with BDSP by your standards
Verlisify likes LGPE
sometimes it's fun to play with nugen mechanics but with only real Pokemon
bog standard johtoddler delusion
I even admit in my post HGSS is only like a half-step up as a remake compared to FRLG and ORAS. It still retains some flaws from the original like bad boss design. But at the same time the game adds a lot of things that make it worth playing after the superior version of the original (Crystal). ORAS does some things that make it worse than emerald in some aspects imo. Besides the bosses the soundtrack is also worse. Delta episode is cool because the space battle with rayquaza but it's like 30 minutes long and its story is serviceable at best. Soaring is pretty tight also. But Having almost no postgame content when emerald has a shit ton is a big bummer.

ORAS doesn't feel like it was made with the intention of making a truly great game, but making a rs remake for the sake of it existing so people would buy it
The tiles was light bullshit. How fishing worked in RSE was heavy bullshit.
>simply says that they think HGSS is the best remake explains way calmly anf logically
>even acknowledges the merits of other regions/ games, main contention was that those remakes didn’t do add

Charge rent. Johtohaters have gotten cocky as fuck with your constant lies, revisionism, gaslighting, and attacking anyone who dares say something about Johto that isn’t hackneyed insult or unfunny played out meme. now you’re freaking out because people who actually know what the fuck they’re talking about are joining the discussion and the house of JOHTO BAD you build to distract from the flaws of other games is crumbling down all around your sorry ass
>retcons the ever living shit out of the original
>ruins the OST
>ruins Shelly's design
ORAS has always been and always will be garbage remakes.
>ORAS goes against this design philosophy and they ruin the optimal egg-hatching route in the process
Because it never existed in the originals. This feature was added in Emerald.

The reason people hate ORAS so much is that it took all of Emerald's improvements to the barebones RS and put them in the trash. The same was done with BDSP.
No shit. A gen 3 remake where you have access to all the Pokemon from gens 4-6. But in BDSP? prease understandu goyim
> A 3DS or Switch era hgss wouldn't have nearly as much content
yeah because they wouldn’t have a BF to lazily paste in from another game
I gave gf the benefit of a doubt on XY for being the first 3d game. At this point I knew it was over. They actively mocked the long-term fans with that shit.
What benefit of the doubt? XY was fine.
It wss fine, but hard mogged by the immediate previous entries Platinum, HGSS, BW2 gameplay wise and BW storywise
what better gameplay is in bw2 or platinum?

also BW’s story became complete shit the second they showed team plasma attacking Munna.
plain to see it was the beginning of the end.
>soulful expressive sprites become soulless stiff models
>exp share ruined
>completely gave up on route and cave design (though gen V did this a bit too)
>post game is barren other than Zygarde legendary bird encounters that've been shat out time and time again
probably forgetting a bit.
>also BW’s story became complete shit the second they showed team plasma attacking Munna
no way; that's the whole point.
Ghetsis and his movement is akin to the West's progressive movement; it gets people to its side with emotional, feel-good rhetoric about helping the oppressed and spreading equality, but the people who usher that shit in are ruthless assholes behind closed doors who are as hateful as anybody else.
People always compared Ghetsis to muh Orange Man, but he's a lot more of a Jonathan Greenblatt.
>four lies
>cherry-picked animations
even if that were an honest representation, that'd still be three points left unaddressed.
>behind closed doors
Team Plasma literally do it in public with bystanders watching them
You aren't wrong, but there's more to it. It would be made with the "bare minimum servicable game" mindset that masuda/ohmori have employed. Content from Crystal that is present in our version of HGSS would be removed, instead of mainly adding on to what was alresdy there.

Also would have gaming journalist babymode mode difficulty and accessibility that would make the already easy gsc look like cuphead in comparison. The soundtrack would mainly compose of the original midi's under a new coat of dull colored paint without anything interesting for the ears.
>Team Plasma literally do it in public with bystanders watching them
Grunts are grunts.
It’s funny how retards keep claiming XY has bad map design but can never actually elaborate how it’s bad.
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>specifically mentioned that X/Y continued down the path that Gen V started
I don't hate Gen 6; it just has its flaws like every other generation.
We already went over this in another thread and it went nowhere because you don't actually want to change your opinion.
Which is fine. You're entitled to it. It's one of the few things you are entitled to on this earth.
You're not gonna make me think Gen 6 is any less forgettable though.
> It would be made with the "bare minimum servicable game" mindset that masuda/ohmori have employed
ORAS wasn’t made with this mindset either, otherwise dexnav, soaring, and the 20 or so new megas wouldn’t exist.

>Content from Crystal that is present in our version of HGSS would be removed,
What content? Crystal added the least of the every 3rd version in the series.

>Also would have gaming journalist babymode mode difficulty
Why does every DS game cock sucker have to reveal themselves as a retard who thinks these games are hard?

> The soundtrack would mainly compose of the original midi's under a new coat of dull colored paint without anything interesting for the ears.
Trying to change the music for the sake of changing it is exactly why HGSS’s OST sucks the most out of every single remake. Literally not a single track was actually improved. National Park does not need a 20 second filler lead up just to get to the actual melody.
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99% of the time you're going to be seeing the mons in their idle animations. The bw ones are moving around doin goofy shit while the xy ones stand there blankly like they've just been injected with lethal amounts of fluoride.
and even on the attack animation side, it gets btfo by stadium on the n64 which is 15 years older and on much less powerful hardware. One random stadium animation on a tuesday morning is more expressive than all XY animations put together in a blender.
>i-it’s forgettable
then I have no reason to take your opinion on the game seriously since you have no way of criticizing it accurately.
>99% of the time you're going to be seeing the mons in their idle animations
Stop playing Showdown.

>The bw ones are moving around doin goofy shit
The Pokemon unnaturally rotating all their limbs like a strange puppet != good animation

> it gets btfo by stadium on the n64 which is 15 years older and on much less powerful hardware
The Pokemon jiggling around like a retarded looney tunes character != good animation
Yeah except there were a bunch of anons who very much remembered the game, and tried to speak their own position.
Those are the people who talked the most in length about how bad the route design was.
Me? Still forgettable. Means it was too mediocre for me to remember, which is pretty bad considering the rest of the games I do remember pretty well, even if a couple of them weren't for good reasons.
>ORAS wasn’t made with this mindset either, otherwise dexnav, soaring, and the 20 or so new megas wouldn’t exist.
The interview implies otherwise. and Yes it does add new content. Megas were the hotness at the time and they wanted new ones to sell toys. Their inclusion doesn't feel genuine imo because they barely play a part of the story or gameplay in any substantial way besides being injected in a few boss battles towards the end and parts of the delta episodes story (? my memory isn't the clearest on this). Like if you removed them, the game would barely be any different. I'll give you that dexnav and soaring are cool new features, but even bdsp has new features. It's how many new features that matter, the subtance of said content, and how they encourage long-term investment into the game.

>What content? Crystal added the least of the every 3rd version in the series.
fair, but the fact that it did keep the content that was there is valuable. HGSS built onto crystal while FRLG, ORAS, and BDSP just built on top of the og duets.

>Why does every DS game cock sucker have to reveal themselves as a retard who thinks these games are hard?
At least be honest and don't exclude the other half of the sentence to change what I said and invent an assumption I don't even have. I already implied hgss is easy by saying that game it was based on is easy. But the difference is HGSS and GSC are nearly equal on their difficulty level (HGSS gains the psy/special split but losses the badge boosts). ORAS copy pasted the rse teams without modifying them to take into account the modern Pokémon conveniences liek exp share, the split, megas, expanded movsestes, etc, and somehow manages to be MUCH easier than the already easy games they were based on. A literal monkey straight from the amazon jungle could complete oras.
>Trying to change the music for the sake of changing it is exactly why HGSS’s OST sucks the most out of every single remake. Literally not a single track was actually improved. National Park does not need a 20 second filler lead up just to get to the actual melody.
Thisnis more subjective, but at least to me It makes the remixes far more interesting and memorable. ORAS's remixes are so insanely boring that they're mogged even by the original. They lack any energy or soul or deviance from the originals to speak of and just come across as lazy. same could be said about bdsp. The only music from oras people
actually talk about is the few original songs made for it that are admittedly pretty catchy, like zinnias theme and wally's 10 second loop
>The interview implies otherwise
What interview?

>Like if you removed them, the game would barely be any different
You could say the same for most of the new features in HGSS.

>fair, but the fact that it did keep the content that was there is valuable.
Is it? Is the game improved that much just by having a few extra Suicune cutscenes and forcing you to wait until postgame to catch it?

> and somehow manages to be MUCH easier than the already easy games they were based on
clicking A isn’t much easier than clicking A
> Yeah except there were a bunch of anons who very much remembered the game, and tried to speak their own position
Ah yes
“The map design is bad but I won’t actually explain how it’s bad”
What a valuable position to hold

>I-I can’t remember it
But I do. I have no reason to take your opinion seriously.
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You can tell XY has good route design because whenever anyone cries about the maps they only ever post route 1, route 2, or santalune forest while conveniently ignoring the entire rest of the game
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>but I won't actually explain how it's bad
>We already went over this in another thread and it went nowhere because you don't actually want to change your opinion.
We went over why we thought it was bad. From the distribution of the Pokemon, to the layouts, to the content. You didn't want to budge, and again, that is fine.
>I have no reason to take your opinion seriously.
And I have no reason to take your opinion seriously either.

Route 13, too wide open with little to justify its existence. I mean, story beats happen there, but that doesn't really explain why it needs a giant empty field in the middle.
> From the distribution of the Pokemon
What, you’re mad the routes actually have unique content instead of spamming geodude and bibarel everywhere?

>the layout
That you can never elaborate on how it’s bad?

>the content
That you can never elaborate on how it’s bad?

>the desert doesn’t explain why it’s a desert
You aight, retard?
>Unique content
>Can never elaborate
They spent over 300 posts elaborating why it was bad.
You cannot use this defense when their thinking is laid out loud and clear.

>the desert doesn't explain why it's a desert
No, the desert does explain why it's a desert.
What it doesn't explain is why it's a GIANT, FLAT AREA. Routes Hoenn 111 and Sinnoh 228. Neither of these needed a giant wide open space that had absolutely zero variation in elevation, even if I have my problems with 111's desert area.
Seriously, anon. I live 7 hours away from a desert, I've been there multiple times, and there's more going on south of me than route 13.
Could someone link the archived thread?
> They spent over 300 posts elaborating why it was bad
No you didn’t

> What it doesn't explain is why it's a GIANT, FLAT AREA
Anon…what do you think deserts are?
It's only saved because GF had the luxury of basing it on an actual good game, it's still a downgrade in every respect
based sageGOD
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trvth nvke
They weren't bad. Everyone just got butt hurt over the Battle Frontier
The blocky overworld graphics and puke color saturation killed it for me. Also these >>56055263 >>56055489
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>The blocky overworld graphics and puke color saturation killed it for me

what's the matter, are these graphics not good enough for you?
It was two threads, I don't recall the OP of the second one but the first one was "presented without context" and had route 1 on it.

>No you didn't
Yeah, I didn't. Glad you acknowledge that other anons are against your position.
>Anon... what do you think deserts are?
Okay. I get that you don't like Unova routes 4(2 only), 5, 9, 11, 15, and 16. They're paved routes that allow you to mostly sidestep the content they have. I can respect that opinion. I don't think they're the highlights of the franchise, let alone the game either. Even if I did, this is a fine opinion to have.
The problem with Kalos route 13 is that you're a hypocrite. You can actively avoid all encounters in the given area, which means that route 13 is mechanically very similar to those routes. It's even worse though, because it's much larger than any of those Unovan routes.
Not only that, but I lived less than two hours away from Sedona, Arizona at one point and just over that from the GRAND CANYON. Even further still, the Sahara isn't flat either, it has sand dunes. There is more to do in the fenced off restricted oil fields south of me than there is to do in Route 13. That is a PROBLEM.
There's no house, there's no store room, there's no construction site, an excavation site for the clay... Hell, if you wanted just a set-piece that didn't do anything and wouldn't have taken much effort outside of modeling, you could've had a sick ravine going through with a lava river at the bottom, and part of the geothermal plant built into it. It wouldn't have done much of anything, but it would've been cool and broken up the otherwise MASSIVE EMPTY AREA that exists in the middle of route 13 and helped reinforce that this is the place where the geothermal plant is.

Also it's not even a desert, it's a area where the ground is mostly red clay. Deserts are defined by rain fall and given that it's smack dab in the middle of a bunch of lush land, it has a lot of rain too.
>Yeah, I didn't.
Glad we agree.

> You can actively avoid all encounters in the given area, which means that route 13 is mechanically very similar to those routes
Nope. Avoiding the encounters in Route 13 requires some degree of skill. Hence there’s actual engagement with the game, unlike Unova or Sinnoh where it’s just a shitty walking simulator you can play while half asleep.

>b-but there are deserts that aren’t flat!
Ok? There are deserts that are flat.

>th-there’s nothing to do!!
They already broke it up by adding roller skating rails to find items. Did you actually play the game?
I literally just looked at my footage and found myself able to roller skate straight and then left, unimpeded. The dust clouds could not keep up with me.
>Okay? There are deserts that are flat.
It is a fantasy world. Why would you ever make something as mundane as a 25x25 blanks pace with shit on the edges?
It's not even a DESERT. Come on man!
>They already broke it up
And they should've done it more because you can still go straight out of the route gate and left, and avoid literally fucking everything to do on that route.
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>the same shit colored cliff texture repeated over and over again
>10 years later and the frontierfags are still seething
its almost sad really
> I literally just looked at my footage
Post it

> It is a fantasy world. Why would you ever make something as mundane as a 25x25 blanks pace with shit on the edges?
Because it’s not mundane and there are wild Pokemon chasing you and wind restricting your movement.

> It's not even a DESERT
It is though.

> And they should've done it more because you can still go straight out of the route gate and left, and avoid literally fucking everything to do on that route.
You can purposefully avoid a lot of things ob a lot of routes. It doesn’t make the route bad.
>Post it
I would've in the first thread I mentioned I had the footage for, if I could convert to webm but I'm a smooth brain who can't figure that part out.
>Because it’s not mundane
No, what wouldn't mundane is using a rail to skate over LAVA.
>It is though
>Also it's not even a desert, it's a area where the ground is mostly red clay.
>Deserts are defined by rain fall and given that it's smack dab in the middle of a bunch of lush land, it has a lot of rain too.
Antarctica is a desert.
This is not.
>You can purposefully avoid a lot of things ob a lot of routes
Cool, glad we agree that the Unovan routes you take issue with don't actually have a problem.

I'm outta here, fucking hell. We're never getting anywhere. I don't care you like the game, I care that you're treating like EVERYONE must like the game.
fyi it's called the Lumiose Badlands. This is what they can look like IRL.
Leaked legendslop Zygarde screenshot
>I would've in the first thread I mentioned I had the footage for, if I could convert to webm but I'm a smooth brain who can't figure that part out.
Just post it on Catbox, nobody cares about it being exactly webm
no, they miss the point of what made the originals great and add bunch of dumb shit nobody liked like zinia and her stupid ass quest. there's tons of hand holding in the form of free heals/teleportation on top of being given a few lati@s, the OST isn't as bombastic as the original and of course we can't forget how it doesn't have the battle frontier nor game corner?
LGPE were
It does do some things right. Nexdav, evolutions from newer gens brought in base dex. But damn is it forgettable, gen 3 on gba sticks but oras just comes and goes. They changed too many things for the worst just to appeal to children they think are genuinely smooth brained. Trainer battles only having 2-3 pokemon max, exp share, free lati at halfway point.
ghetsis = rothchild \ soros
I haven't been to this board since February and you're still making this same exact thread with the same exact image.
I remember when peopel were coping by thinking the BF would be DLC.

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