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Nona Issue Edition

Previous Thread:

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where is he now?
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I bought this thing. It was expensive but for some reason I really wanted it in my small collection. It's really pretty, no regrets.
Why did this thread die so early?
hazbin hotel lookin ahh
Most of this board's spam posting occurs during hours when most of the patrons of this thread are sleeping, and there was a particularly larger than average amount this morning.
What particular spam killed the thread?
The mass reply soijack spam. The vore tirade was a couple hours prior.
TTard. he was a guy that would spam /tcc with his shining tyranitar.
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>still buying modern
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i saw a PSA 10 unlimited shining Tyranitar for 1700. nice investment. should have boughten modern.
this will forever be the best card
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no one likes these cards mandy
shut the fuck up
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At last my wife is here to watch over my cardboard
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Looks fake, anon.
it is. Im not paying $200+ for a card
dogshit opinions
>pirated his waifu
if your gonna get a fake card you should of just gotten a fake slut card.
But Anon, all Misty cards are slut cards
My wife isnt a slut
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>check for japanese booster boxes on a whim
>fucking rock bottom prices
jesus what happened? not that i'm complaining because i love me some good cheap booster boxes but even 151 is back to like $60~ compared to the fucking $200 people were selling this for
Why even keep it in a toploader? Did it come with it?
Reprints everywhere
Some people are too cheap for the magnetic cases.
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gonna put it in my binder when I get home
i rabbu rirrie.
how the fuck is the ugly magikarp from paldea evolved STILL going up in a price?
Sellers pumping it up and people fomo-ing into chasing it. Paldea evolved is still in print even if peeps would say that it has a lower pull rate due to the set having 36 IRs.

At this point, if you want the magikarp better to buy the japanese AR from clayburst.
One day there will be a toploader binder that holds 600 cards, and I'll be happy.
Because some people think it's pretty. Jap Magikarp was the first card I bought when I got back into collecting.

>Sellers pumping it up and people fomo-ing into chasing it.
There's nothing else in the set and bag holders who are still keeping shit boxes must pretend there's a reason to open it. If that magikarp released in Crown Zenith it'd be a 5 dollar card.
This. There is, without a doubt, sellers taking advantage of the system and manipulating hype while people panic buy. But anyone who thinks that's all there is to it is clueless about the market. Artificial pumping doesn't stick if the card isn't desirable. There's a reason cards like Morty's Conviction and Iron Crown settled back down after briefly doubling in price. When it comes down to it, Magikarp is a beautiful card featuring a fan favorite pokemon from gen 1. That's what sellers used to springboard their price manipulation. That's why buyers fomo buy. From the very beginning there was buzz about it and it was the first IR to maintain a steady price above $10, with Ralts having previously been the most expensive IR.
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A bunch of Poketubers a month ago that predicted Stonks for alt arts are now retracting and saying its too hot to buy alt arts right now.
i knew this shit wasnt going to last.
Ill be here to pick up the pieces for a reasonable value. the way it should have been all along.
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Most recent SwSh alt arts that have gone up in price have started to downtrend as well. Though the question now is how long it will take the said cards to go back down to the pre-hype prices.

We are about to get a new specialty set with the new dragon set coming out Q3 this year and also the team rocket set early next year.

I actually expect a lot of sellers and investors to liquidate cards in a race to the bottom so they could get some cash on hand for the upcoming hyped sets. How that would affect the SwSh and even SV alt arts, only time would tell.
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>I actually expect a lot of sellers and investors to liquidate cards in a race to the bottom so they could get some cash on hand for the upcoming hyped sets.
Interesting, we'll have to see what happens. I wonder how crazy things will get around the Rocket set. I won't lie, I'm hyped too, but I just want to get some stuff for my small collection and gtfo.
Tbh I believe that if you really want to get in on hyped sets, I'd say wait out the market until after pre-release and fomo hype (usually a few weeks to a month).

Just like with 151, patience is key when buying into the set. Both the eng and japanese are already considerably down in price singles wise. And if you live the US, you can easily get 151 for cheaps from clearance sales while jp 151 is already back to around ~$60 ahead of the july reprints.
>I'd say wait out the market until after pre-release and fomo hype (usually a few weeks to a month).
I understand what you mean, but that doesn't work as well in my small European country. Prices here don't really go down like they do in America and England. Prices tend to only go up and then stay high, except for common singles.

A 151 booster box goes for 60, 70+ euro's here, and you cannot get them in stores at all anymore. Other boxes are sold out or inflated too. Import from the US is crazy costly too, so you're stuck. I'd rather just buy what I want at release and avoid the whole mess, and save up in advance.
If you go to a poketuber that talks price and market a lot, you can literally see them flip flop constantly just by the thumbnail in a short period of time.
Their opinion is entirely dependent on what theyre putting up for auction or trying to offload soon.
Go look at their ebay the day of or after a video drops, its obvious.
Modern alt arts might see a down turn if their sets are constantly in print and theres more supply than demand.
But if it stagnates you can bet a Poketuber holding a bunch of alts will pump them and put them up for auction after.
Is double sleeve + toploader a meme

triple sleeve + toploader + uv protected wall mount or bust
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This guy got these plus 6 junk slabs for £200. God I hate lowballing youtube faggots.
Just get a case dude
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Actually haven't opened a booster since i was an 8 year old and decided to get back into this with this new set.
So I've bought in at the right time it seems. Gonna go back up you think?
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how should i sell my old pokemon cards that are duplicates from more than a decade ago?
If you're in the US, ebay is your best bet. Anywhere else, best to check out your local facebook market place. But check on the current market price for your cards so you don't get lowballed.

As for where to check prices, I'd say pricecharting or collectr is okay. tcgplayer is too risky and tnt is slow with updating prices.
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Based woodtableanon carries this general
if you live in the uk i like https://pokecardvalues.co.uk/, you can look up cards and it will link you directly to ebay sold/listings, as well as price histories
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umbreon alt art 12k psa 10 pop waiting room.
37 away from the biggest modern pikastonks. you are a fool for not buying rarest not rare card ever printed.
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candy apples are horrible
nice cards though
>rarest not rare card ever printed
1st edition charizard. the most manipulated card on the entire market. the price retards pay for a mass printed fire lizard... wish I was there in the beginning to scam redditoid millennials out of their life savings...
your complaining about shit you couldnt even afford, even if it were 1/50th the price.
Man, what's wrong with english quality control that they can't center prints on cards? The Carmine looks to be printed more to the top.
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you know what rhymes with you're
been an issue for ages

Who's ready for investies to scalp and market manip the shit out of this set in a desperate attempt at another moonbreon?
sounds cute, might invest later
>desperate attempt at another moonbreon
Desperate? 1000000% guarentee the new sir Umbreon will be $1000+ at launch
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I love my alien guy.
Dragonshield perfect fit from the top down on the card.
Then ultra pro penny sleeve it.
Then top load it.
Then put it in a side loading toploader binder.
I like to put my top loader in a sealed team bag so that the sleeved card can't slide out of them and then put it into a binder.
Yeah through market manipulation. Dickhead.
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>gave my OG Glaceon, Flareon, Jolteon, Black Star Reverse Holo Promo Pichu and Marill to my cousin
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Very nice of you anon but at the same time, you are basically introducing your cousin to cardboard crack.
I love candy apples

When I finish this cursed 151 I'm going for all Slowpoke/Slowbro cards. Best pokebuddy.

Thank god I don't give a fuck about Eevee. Might try to get my hands on the trans one though, to sell for extra cash.
at this point, PSA <5's are rarer than the actual PSA10's and ironically lower grades should be priced higher due to its sheer relative population
>start popping open psa 10s and drag them over some concrete for stonks
you should find a new hobby.
And that's different than the current situation, how exactly?
lets celebrate by upping the overpriced card to 2,000.
probably will happen today.
why are only you americans get the nice looking big tins while we yuropoors only get the shitty normal ones?
isn't it more expensive for them to have two different products instead of just one all markets?
wym anon, I can buy these in the uk
Pokémon Japan print way too much at this point for that to even be a possibility.
Do you think we are going to get a special TCG set for Pokemon Legends Z-A?
Legends Arceus got Lost Origin right?
And Brilliant stars. Given that the SV block is trying to do what gen3 did with the original ex era, we'll get 1 for sure
really excited to finally see some new Megas next year
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Based slowpoke appreciators. I just got this guy.
>Given that the SV block is trying to do what gen3 did with the original ex era
In what way other than just "ex" are they doing what the RSE block did?
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I cannot stand this artist
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I don't think he makes attractive art. I'm sure he's a nice person.
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charzitard postin
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The fireworks holos are crazy. So stimulating.
Please be my gf...
Same. The prospect of Mega special arts is exciting for sure. The original XY era megas were decent, but they definitely came out during an era where TPC was phoning it in a bit.
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Legends Arceus got Brilliant Stars, Astral Radience and Lost Origin.
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How come some old cards have a holo version even though they aren't classified as part of the holo cards of the set? Like the 15/97 Flygon and this salamence from the ex dragons set
Apparently it was a prize card from May 2004 e-league
would be nice if they also gave Z-A 3 sets
also hope they're going to give some attention to the old Megas and not just the new ones that will come with the game.
even tho I should probably ask our TCG bros if it that would even possible for them to release megas to the current meta.
or could they just don't make them tournament legal? Or ban them?

Whenever they're going to release it it will be an expensive year of TCG.
All the Ogerpon SIRs are worse than the Eiscue one from Obsidian right?
What do you mean
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the art is odd and the actual Pokemon is just super small in the background.
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Based table anon.
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I'll need to get a picture of my buddy's binder I worked on last year. He has a lot of those holos, and I was surprised by their price.
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Big Steppin'
Wow, nice haul.
is this one of the rare times where the TPCi did something better than Japan?
Not a fucking chance
Today 12k PSA 10.
next month 13k PSA 10.
That's a lot of shitty cards.
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>tentacool walking around on his tentacles
this is just cursed
Um that's Toedscool
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>show interest in card on ebay
>seller increases price
Yea this hobby isn't full of total fucking faggots.
>Attract without genders
I see so this is how they're going to handle Attract in the future games without genders
buy it somewhere else then?
It's ebay mate, if you don't like the price, bid on another listing
whinging about ebay prices is shit tier
It's a niche card with no other listings.
You spelled Tentacool wrong.
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love this noctowl AR, but the joltik sucks and joltik just had one too
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My sentiments exactly, just wish it wasn't so expensive to do so. At least there's a few common cards that are easily accessible.
I really wish the celebration lillie cards didn't have that symbol obstructing the art. Jp one is better imo just cause the anniversary symbol is smaller and is silver bordered.
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I think it's cute
The jp cards generally mog whatever the west prints out, I agree. Would have been cool if they gave out stampless versions of the cards as promos or something like that.
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the ETB promo for Stellar seems kinda random?
like why the owl?
I assume more for the ingame ability that deals with Teras
why they put it on an owl, well, maybe it's an underserved stage 1 or something
I don't play, I just collect the shinies
Oh I love it
wat pokemon card sleeves do u reccomend to protect your cards just getting into collecting
you want some penny sleeves (clear, non-backed standard size sleeves, you can get 100 for about $5), toploaders if you have anything very valuable you want to move around, and probably some kind of binder
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Those are all my friend's from when I was organizing his cards for a new binder. They were in 3 ring binders inside 20+ year old sleeves. So I added perfect fit sleeves and put them inside a Top Deck binder.
Joltik one is really cool. I like it better than the dog ass one.
What >>56092933 said. There's a whole bunch of new Tera stuff coming out and Noctowl has a very viable ability to go with it.
Perfect Fit Dragonshield Penny sleeve as the inner sleeve.
Ultra pro regular penny sleeve as the outer sleeve.
Inside a toploader.
Sealed in a team bag.
Placed in a side loading ringless toploader binder with a zipper.
Then locked into a secure home safe.
Then bring a japanese monk to cover the safe in protection seals and charms.
Get a home security system connected to a backup generator incase the power goes out.
Build a large fence around the property.
Find a good reliable insurance company to insure your cards with.
Update your will and last testament to have instructions for them in case of sudden death.
You forgot the paramilitary force to protect your property. And then the billions it takes to influence national governments to avoid nuclear war over your property
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Are we finally going to get these 151 alt arts in Stellar Crown?
perfect fit sleeves are the perfect way to ruin your cards.
Yeah, I dont use perfect fits the tension and friction just doesnt make sense to me.
It's such a pretty fish.

He had so much, damn. So what is the plan, does he want to sell them, auction them, give them to you?

That's pretty, I am jealous.
this magikarp reminds me some people actually attempted to bump pic related's value for memes, and they kinda successfully did it (it's currently sitting at 21.99 USD at TrollandToad)
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So is the Carmine card useless after the first turn?
Only if you're retarded.
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thats fake.
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>3 damage cunters
anon your card is fake
Do you use a lightbox or how do you do the background?
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lightbox that I made. some pieces of white shelving for the box, some cabinet lights, and a sheet of foam for the backdrop.
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It has been 6 years and I am still pissed I sold this card.
Things tripled in price since I bought it.
i tried to pull this card. its a good one. too bad you either cough up the price for a graded one. or you get damaged shit.
there is no inbetween
I have a dilemma. Ive submitted a moonbreon to psa via a somewhat notable card shop . I havent heard anything back from this shop. Ive tried reaching out several times and went to the store and have gotten no info on my card. Its been a month. Im really trying to chalk this up to incompetence. Why would a card shop that makes thousand dollar purchases and sales everyday need to steal my card? My head keeps going to extremes.
any news on when we're getting a champion kieran card?
Back when this card came out you could buy it from almost anywhere for $20. I hate this "everything is graded now!" Timeline
when i started collecting again in 2017, the asking price was 60 for a NM/M one.
why i never forked over the money.
nowadays a card that is hard to pull like that one would be like 250 ungraded.
people are so delusional on pricing. cant wait to see it crash so i can pick up perfect graded shit for pennies on the dollar.
I buy both and store a little of each in their booster/packaging and enjoy a little when I'm in need of a little boost :)
I can only see this as an opportunity to buy up the still in print old series stuff to hang onto before it goes out of print!
This card is what got me into trying to buy modern cards believe it or not
>cant wait to see it crash so i can pick up perfect graded shit for pennies on the dollar.
any week now.
>cant wait to see it crash so i can pick up perfect graded shit for pennies on the dollar.
Sure man :^)
You should be able to save on shipping by pairing it with the Umbreon that surely will also crash by then
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sorry your collection is only 3 years old.
its not that rare or impressive. and i will not buy your shit.
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Is that a magnetic Toploader?
what you dont know? the PSA scam is pretend like moonbreon is a 1500 dollar card so that it costs you 75 dollars to grade it, instead of 20 bucks. because its deffinitly a super pricey, super rare, not inflated card that PSA is overcharging you to grade.
the card shop may need you to pay more than what they charged you if its a 10.
just another reason to hate the stupid card.
I have a deep love for that derpface bird. Kinda crazy that it got such a good card.
The fact that the Professor Voltorb is selling for $500-$600 is a testimony to 151's collectibility.
No other professor voltorb reach that price on debut.

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