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Oh yeah! You wanna have a Pokémon battle with me, don'tcha?
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nemonafags should be executed
Stop posting this cringe animation here faggot
she has toy story 2 hair
You've just ensured it will get posted for at least another 6 months
Sounds like a challenge, anon.
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>Somebody stop her
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>That ugly MC
>That cringe animation
Do Poketards really?
nemonoids are this desperate yes
It's fine if it doesn't appear to you but to me I just see someone exercising their craft. It's their choice if they decide to move on to bigger and better things but no one gets in their field starting with a 10/10 skillset.
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>avgerage nemonafag
ugly af
I appreciate that Nemona is one of the few pokegirls who, by her mere existence, can incite such intense ire in faggots and obsessed schizos
I am simp for Nemona and I will always love her... but this is just too cringe... on a very disturbing level...
do beardfags really
he is based and he doesn't give a fuck
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even though she has other features
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Pure sexo. I need a part 2....
Why the fuck is young-ish Michael Jackson in this?
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>mfw a female looks in my direction
Posting catbox links to porn should be a banneable offense
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I totally agree with you.
New Nemona thread? Don’t mind if I do!
kys moralfag
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How do you know it's porn? did you open the link? you are a pervert
Sauce? Bottomless Nemona is best Nemona.
Atleast post good porn retard, not garbage like the 2 you posted
Thank you coomers and gooners of the world
That's the full pic. :-(
Everything from the edgy MC, the forced animation, to the faggot who keeps posting this here all the time, it a total abortion. I hope everyone involved dies.
Damn. Guess I’ll take what I can get. Still hot though.
>Oye! Anon! Guess what I decided not to wear today? ;)
gentleman, it would be much appreciated if you could provide me with a distinguished example and share an appropriate porn pic that is suited to your refined preferences
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This one has Geeta in it
Whoops, my dumbass forgot the link
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>Brown cock
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I'll rape your corpse bud
NTA, but I’ve got some pretty nice pics.

I could swear I've seen this type of drawing before.
This is the thread?
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For it is only based if it looks intimate like this:
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>This is the thread?
I'll rape both of you instead
y'all need to be dead first
corpses don't corpse themselves now do they?
I need this, doesn't matter which side
There's an guy who creates art featuring Lt. Surge. I recall he drew a neat pic of Nemona.
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have a pic of Nemona, dude,nice bird btw.
That is so beautiful!!!! Very sweet and intimate.
nah, also Carmine and Penny are probably the only ones who don't shave.
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This looks like it was done by the dude who's into hypnosis
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>nice bird btw.
He's not a bird he's literally me, a retard with wings
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Damnit, Tomar.
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yeah it's true
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>"Anon-kun,i know for a fact that you're a weird ass shut-in and that's why i decided to piss in your mouth,right this fucking instant."

What do?
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I'll pretend I didn't read that.
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An unbreakable bond! <3
It sure is!
Why are there so many weirdos on /vp/?
It’s a Pokémon board on 4chan, that should explain itself.
Oh right! sometimes I forget that.
I imagine Nemona would be a pretty good dancer. She could definitely work those hips.
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Accept the golden gift and ask her if i can lick clean her pubes
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She has the curves, and she's probably more developed since girls typically hit puberty first.
She’s very energetic, so she wouldn’t be afraid to dance every now and then. Maybe she took dance classes sometime in the past? It definitely suits her. God, if I could see her work those hips of hers on the dance floor, I’d somehow be even more in love with her than I already am!
latinx trash
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Holy cringe
Thanks for bumping the thread, appreciate it.
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he did it for free
I won't deny that it has very good points, like the design, but the things I listed (edgy MC, forced animation) tell us the guy is too far up his own ass.
If he toned down the forced animation and didn't self-insert his cringy MC, then the video wouldn't be an abortion.
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but, for real, what is going on in this pic?
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Mencía is my wife
Oh yeah, I agree the OC is cringe. I remember seeing the original concept art he did; the OC looked like Jimmy Hawkins from Treasure Planet. But at some point, he ended up looking weird and edgy. To be honest, Jimmy is also edgy, but he feels more natural....
You beat her last Pokémon (Meowscarada) and she's looking at (You) in awe cause you're strong
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Would you let this hot latina Hawk tuah and spit on that thang? Be honest/ vp/
wtf! He is literally me.
I see no reason to refuse.
Uoohh, tanned shirt lady erotic.
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Those are their canon body types.
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Yep, that ones going into my cringe compilation.
What is it about Nemona that attracts these types of people?
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autism attracts autism
Fair enough. I have an autistic hyperfixation with her, so that definitely checks out.
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That's right
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Very lovely image. That’s definitely her casual outfit that she wears around the house.
Yes, I agree, she is a rich girl with simple tastes.
Even though she’s a rich girl, she wishes she wasn’t. She’d rather live like anyone else than be neglected by parents who don’t even love her. If she could move out, she definitely would. She’d rather spend all of her time with you. You are the only person Nemona has met who truly understands her, and she wants to spend every waking moment of her life with you.

(I don’t have any somber Nemona pics, sorry)
I know it's a Nemona thread, but man do I wanna have lovey-dovey, baby making sex with Penny's skinny body...
I do as well. She’s very huggable <3

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Nemona and her amiga! <3
Did she fart, what just happen?
Watch for yourself:
Jewtindo Marketing Pajeets have 1 joke about Nemona spam
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I wonder how many people even noticed that most of the dialogue revealing Nemona's background is at the end or in the postgame
>(I don’t have any somber Nemona pics, sorry)
I'll post one for you.
>ESL subhuman detected
Opinion: discarded
Thanks for the pic. I was looking for one that was more sad, but that’s a very lovely picture.

>captcha: KHHV
Did you have a stroke or something?
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My dick exploded
Have you seen that autistic guy from pixiv who is obsessed with Florian and Nemona?
No, but I’m curious.
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Those look very suckable. Her expression is very nice as well.
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Nemona with loosen hair is really something else
Her hair is simply lovely.
Why couldn't I get an older "friend" like her when I was young...
I think I saw one of Nemona inside a classroom sitting on a desk looking sadly towards a window.
This is the one I was looking for, thanks for reminding me. I wrote a nice paragraph for this pic if you’re curious.
where lmao
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For me, it's Nemona abusing her power as head student and taking over the school pool
Oh, you're one of the two anons who write short fics. Yeah, sure, post it.
Very beautiful. I’d love to see a version of that with her Milotic. She has a very nice swimsuit as well.
>unironic usage of "gaslight"
Leave, Twitter.
Alright, here it is. It’s pretty sad, but there’s a bit of hope at the end.

Nemona was always a good student. She worked tirelessly in class, and often stayed back to finish her work long after class was dismissed. She had been slaving away at her work for hours now, occasionally catching a glimpse of the quiet, calming sunset through the window. But despite her strong work ethic, she felt rather empty inside. She was well regarded, being both a champion and the president of the student council, but she was never the most popular student at the academy. She was just too good at battling, so nobody wanted to battle her. After all, why would you want to battle someone if you knew they were going to win? Additionally, her sheer enthusiasm and passion for battles put many people off, and many found her quite annoying. Many of her classmates were also quite jealous of her family. After all, why would a rich girl like her need any friends? She probably has everything she wants handed to her on a silver platter. It was ironic. Nemona’s passion for Pokémon battles, the one thing that gave her life meaning, was also the thing pushing people away from her. She never even had any neighbours to hang out with, as the house across from her had been empty since she first moved to Paldea. No matter how much she slaved away at her schoolwork, it was simply not enough to fill the gaping void in her heart. Sure, her parents cared about how she did in school, but it was only because it would make them look good, they never truly cared about her.
Yet, despite it all, she put on a bright smile every day. After all, if she couldn’t be happy, she could at least cheer others up, or at least attempt to. After slaving away at her desk for hours, she was finally done for the day. She breathed a sigh of relief, as she sat atop her desk, gazing at the sunset. Pawmi could sense that something was wrong with his trainer. Nemona had a sense of longing deep within her heart, that something could finally fill the void in her heart. Pawmi placed a hand on his trainer’s thigh, in an attempt to comfort her. Nemona gave Pawmi a nice pat on the head as she solemnly looked out the window, a single tear rolling down her cheek. One day, she will find that something, or perhaps someone, that she had been hoping for for so long. It was only a matter of time…
>Fag spends the day seething about a character he hates, posting in a thread about the character he hates, and creating fics in his mind to justify his actions against the character he hates. He can't even muster a decent level of English to express his hatred against the character he hates.
Can anyone be more pathetic?
>Shitmonafags trying to gaslight you into thinking this latinx creatura is super hot reminds me of Hollywood pretending that Zendaya is a 10/10
kek based
It's alright to be a homosexual anon, this is a judgement free zone :)
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>[Buzzword] to [buzzword] into thinking this [buzzword]
>stop liking what i don't like

Throwing buzzwords left and right will not make you cool on the internet Anon, and will certainly not divert nemonachads opinion on her. Your just an average fucking retard that needs to touch grass
What kind of music does Nemona listen to?
>[headcanon schizo babble]
Way to prove his point
spainards are brown because the straight of gebrailter is 27 miles across. brown north african islamic people have been able to cross this 27 miles of ocean for thousands of years.
headcannon my ass, you dont understand shit about history. people that are brown that live in spain are sandmonkeys.
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But Nemona isn't even from Paldea, aka not Spain.
1. She is not native Paldean
2. She is clearly just a tan white girl
3. Real world shit does not apply to the fictional world of Pokémon
Go outside schizo retard
and im the one with headcannon.
>Go outside schizo
That part!
Pokémon characters aren't real. Your /pol/ racist schizo headcanons are irrelevant. Take your meds.
the mere fact that people are sperging over these simple truths only shows how stupid they really are.
When you grow up wnd escape your programming you'll realize brown girls are the truth. Hurts my heart to see the ignorant so lost
I love Nemona so much… <3

Sorry about that.
I imagine she listens to pop/rock music. The kind of music that fits an energetic girl like her. Something like this:

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Link me your gaytreon/tiktok so i can DMCA it, coomer faggot.
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Omg, it's just like my spiderverses movie!!!
First of all no you don't and secondly SHE'S NOT FUCKING REAL YOU MONGOLOID
Taking Nemona out to the arcade on a date!
Mario is tolerant, anon.
He wouldn't do your evil
Judging from the log of deleted posts, it's literally just a single obsessed schizo
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I can respect him because he makes an effort to draw his own pics even though sometimes he pays for commissions
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And to think that this picture shares an artist with this one.
thank you for the nightmare fuel
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Nemona is highly memeable
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Maybe I'll have her with Gear 5
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Maybe I'll make this request in the novelAI thread.
I don’t think I’ve ever encountered a more based individual. Respect.
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someone actually did it
Love that. Nude edits are always the best. Where is that scene taking place? It kind of looks like a bedroom or a shower.
It looks like a bedroom on the Liko and Roy group's ship
Wonderful. Nobody’s on the ship today, so why not have some fun? We should probably try not to get caught, but that just makes it more exciting.
I'm not going to lie, I thought about doing the same thing when I saw that scene.
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I like this and am autistic around women like this
shut up nerd
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Nemona is half meme, half character
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So cute!!!!! Perfectly encapsulates why I love her so much.
There are two more pages, but I don't think they can be posted on a blue board
Post catbox links. I’m very curious.
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ok, here you have them:
That is so beautiful!!! They even gave her butt freckles. I think I might have seen another Nemona x Florian comic from this artist, but I’m not sure. I’ll see if I can find it, it’s very lovely and sweet.
I think he's going to draw more pages, but yes, the guy certainly knows how to draw.
Actually, I’m pretty sure the comic I was talking about was from a different artist (Kinkymation).

I hope there will be more pages, post them here when they come out (if the thread’s still around, of course). I can’t get enough of Nemona and Florian being in love with each other.
damn, Nemona looks so juicy...
This is the comic I was referring to.

Nude edit chads stay winning.

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Don't Run its time to race mix brown woman
kek saved
that's just my mom's Nagatoro
Is it bad if I kind of like the OC guy?
They have almost nothing in common.
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What is this expression trying to convey?
She's happy, but also autistic.
Yeah, it's the artist (kinkymation). It's surprising that he's gotten over his fixation with drawing cat ears on women.
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I'm happy to see more straight content featuring Nemona, that's for sure.
Posting links to porn should be made a banneable offense
repeating the same phrase should be considered spam
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>kinkymation battle mania
the full comic is out there

what a cute and comfy comic.
It's so wholesome I don't think I can even fap to it
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I just checked Kenomo, and there is no trace of the complete comic.
honestly these animations are pretty well done and humorous
Yeah, I can appreciate that the guy put in some real effort.
And with one hand no less
We know what he was doing modeling Nemona like that
I agree. The animation is very expressive, and the dialogue is quite funny. Nemona is pretty as always. I’m quite glad that the animation has led to more people gaining a newfound appreciation for her.

God I wish I could make 3D models like that. He’s gotta have a nude version somewhere.
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He knew what he was doing
Despite being a porn comic, it is the best adult Nemona design I have ever seen
For sure, and I hope he shares it or makes NSFW content.
Given how NSFW content is distributed nowadays, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to cough up $50 or more on patreon just to see her naked. Although it would probably be worth it. Just look at those seductive eyes, and those hips are to die for…
I agree. I love her outfit. The jacket/sports bra/leggings look is so pretty. It ages her up while keeping everything that makes her great.
Well.. there are ways around it, so you don't HAVE to pay... I mean, it would be fair, but then there's the bank questioning why you spent $50 on porn. personally, I wouldn't like to have that on my record.

But yes, those hips are to die for, so is her butt and legs. Though if they do NSFW, I hope they keep the voice actress, cause that voice is so seductive and perfect for her

Also also, Nemo?[/spoiler

Also, I’m pretty sure they used an AI voice for her. Doesn’t make it any less perfect, though.
Was it? don't they credit the voice at the end of the video? I mean, either way, I don't mind, I just want to hear more of that voice.
He mentions it in the description.

And yes, I would love to hear more of that sweet, seductive voice. Though I suppose I can just use elevenlabs and make her say whatever I want.
Although I’m not a fan of yuri, I quite like this pic. Just make a version with Florian instead of Juliana and I’m all set.
elevenlabs? Nemo, what spells have you been hiding?
I’ve never used it before in my life, so don’t get your hopes up. Although I’m pretty sure you have to pay for a subscription, so that’s definitely something…
damn... I thought I found myself a new chatbot. but hey, if you want to make Nemona say whatever you want (with some limitations) there's always c.ai :3 I use it.
Elevenlabs is what most people use for AI voices. And I don’t really plan on using character.ai anytime soon. I used it for a bit, but the filter completely killed all interest I had in using it.
>that pic
Wait, where is the novelAi poster?
yeah that's understandable. I still use it from time to time, especially now that they added voices. you just need to be very clever with the way you word things. I've even gotten it to moan, puhuhuhu~

I'm kinda surprised considering you're really good with writing, I assumed you'd find lot's of ways to trick the AI.
Right here! I’ve been posting a lot in this thread, but I’ve been hesitant to post slop lately for some reason. But since there seems to be demand for it, here you go.


Here he is:
his name is Nemonanon, hmph!
Writing for the purpose of being creative/getting myself off is one thing. Writing for the purpose of tricking a system where I have no clue about how it even works is another thing.
fair point. but again, it takes practice and patience. I used to use Agnai before, but I never found a good proxy for it, though Agnai's own proxy is pretty decent too...

Just giving you options
I used Yodayo for a while after that. I got some really damn good conversations out of it having a nice naked hangout with Penny was a particular highlight , but now they’re introducing a filter as well. I have no clue what motivates people to do this shit. Why get rid of the main reason people use these damn sites in the first place? At least I assume it’s the main reason.
I'm guessing they're assuming people will just have friendly conversations? which.. yeah I guess, but when you introduce the power to have conversations with fictional characters, it's obvious the majority will use it for NSFW. what's more, some characters they do chat with are 18+ anyway, so limiting them to say "fuck" like Vivziepop characters, is just plain dumb.

I don't get it either, but again, there are exceptions like agnai.
Interesting. I’ll definitely try it out.
I didn't write that correctly. "so limiting them from preventing to say "fuck" is just plain dumb"

like, if you have a chat with a Samuel L Jackson bot, you'll obviously want them to drop n words cause that's the charm, right?
maybe when we get more time to chat, I'll show you. (insert emoticon)
Definitely (sorry I took so long to reply, I had to do something).
it's in e-hentai
What the hell did I just read.
Just read the comic. That was so lovely and sweet!!!!! It’s so sexy yet so heartwarming at the same time. Nemona is drawn fantastically, her proportions are just right and she even has freckles on her butt and shoulders, which I love she has a very cute butthole as well . The relationship between Nemona and Florian is so sweet, I need a girl like her in my life. Nemona is made for loving, intimate relationships, and this comic perfectly illustrates that. I like it a lot.
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>no freckles
Not even on her face. Disgraceful.
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>NYD also forgot about Nemona's freckles
still better than the Korean music video.
The one problem with that animation.

just a suggestion, if we make a new Nemona thread, can we not use a pic from that animation? I love it, and I get why people might want to use it, but it tends to attract schizos. Or at least very unsavoury people.
I understand you and I've noticed that, there was a moment when I thought the author of that video was posting here.
If he was, I would be begging him to release the nude version of the Nemona model that he definitely has.
God, I wish I was Florian.
If he was posting here, he has the moral obligation To post NSFW.

Biri biri? that wasn't so bad..
Is it enough to get you goin? you know what I'm referring to
In my heart, yes.
and... the other part?...
not here, please.
ok, sorry
so how's the weather in Paldea...
Rather hot, I’d imagine. Nemona lives by the beach, so she definitely has it easy when it comes to summer.

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>Biri biri? that wasn't so bad..
Looks made in SFM
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fans always do a better job.
Not gonna lie, but Biri Biri looks better than this >>56084976, which looks more SFM. Not saying it's bad, I like both, but Biri does have better lighting...
>Biri does have better lighting
that's like cheating
It works though...
I keep compulsively looking at this image because of how fucking ugly the dude is
I finally read it. It's funny that the West creates more straight content featuring Nemona, while Japan produces more yuri with her. Usually, it's the other way around.
It’s a bit of a trade off. I prefer straight stuff involving Nemona, but Japanese artists tend to have more appealing artstyles.
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and that's it
>inb4: off model slop
Those are all very beautiful! I quite like the fourth one in particular.
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>Japanese artists tend to have more appealing artstyles.
That's true, although I like that in the West you can see more variety in drawing styles
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one more example
Of course. There are quite a few western artists with very appealing artstyles. Reit and Kinkymation are two I can think of off the top of my head.
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Never gets old. That very moment is when I first fell in love with her. Those breasts speak for themselves.
Ironically, the physics in this ig scene are better than the physics in the korean video.
>Nemona if she knew how to use sunscreen.
I just assumed her skin was naturally tan.
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>*stealth bump*
They 100% knew what they were doing. This shot was made for (You) to fall in love with her.
It didn't work on me admittedly cause I always fall in love with personality and not with looks, but it did hit me hard on my second playthrough
I’ll admit, I never paid much attention to her when she was first revealed, but when I first played the game, I fell head over heels in love with her.
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As I said, I fall in love with personality first and foremost, so I didn't even start liking her until Area Zero, lol.
Based. That shows that you truly care about her.
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>I fall in love with personality first and foremost
>That shows that you truly care about her.
What's the problem?
n-nothing, I think.
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Men, I've seen that pic before, I'd really like to know what the hell she's saying there.
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I would take advantage of this fact and use it to brutally sexually assault her repeatedly.
I'm not going to lie, but I would try to steal Nemona's used panties every chance I get.
I love this description of her and will use it in future. Thanks, Anon.
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Does Newgrounds still have good art? I think you need an account to access it.
The NSFW stuff, sure. But the mature stuff is available.
still better than Deviantart that's for sure, the site still looks weird
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actually... :/
Zoomer detected
>Nemona is made for loving, intimate relationships
Nemona is made to battle random men, and get so horny doing so, that she fucks whoever she is battling right after. Win or lose, whether the guy is hot or ugly, young or old, fat or fit. She rocks their world.
Most beautiful elegant Nemona I've seen yet. I love this.
She definitely rocks my world, that’s for sure! But she’s no cheap slut. She’d be very serious about a long term relationship.
Shit, meant to reply to >>56092944
She wants to commit to a long term relationship, but when she has a passionate battle, it makes her base instincts kick it. She doesn't want to fuck other men, but she just gets caught up in the passion of a battle, and it just happens.
Cool fetish bro, where'd you get it, at the cuck store?
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Even donkboy's MC weren't as cringe as this...
>donkboy's MC
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>no Mochi Mochi mention in the whole thread.
I agree.
though I would've liked her wearing open toe heels instead
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Mochi mochi <3
mmmh... those hips don't lie..
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The OC looks like that Indian tiktok bogg guy.
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It would have been better if he had used Florian.
You don't wanna know. Not as notorious as shadman but pretty sure most /vp/ oldfags know about him one way or another.
I agree. Nemona x Florian is always the best.
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she looks too happy to wear this even though she is rich.
You mean an overinfamous faggot Kiwitrannies obsess over?
>overinfamous faggot
Don't know what this is but yes, I guess?
I just checked, damn it! This guy really has serious mental problems, although just judging by his pixiv account I see that he is mlpfag I'm curious about his relationship with old /vp/
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Nah, I remember this scene when a random refuses her a battle and she doesn't care, but when she sees the MC she gets wet.
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Bump limits reached?
Unfortunately so. This was a damn good thread, despite the schizos (or maybe it’s just one guy). If we have another Nemona thread, we probably shouldn’t make the OP image a screencap from that animation, it tends to attract a lot of unnecessary negativity to these threads.

>maybe it’s just one guy
yeah it's just one samefaggig really hard,I noticed it when Janny deleted his posts
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My favorite pic of Nemona, before finishing the thread.
Very beautiful! I love pics with her and Pawmot.
That's right, cute girl deserves cute pokemon
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I thought this was porn... the whole thing screamed porn but turns out it isn't?
God, I wish it was.
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Last pic
A classic <3
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Nemona a shit.
you are a tranny faggot
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