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Who wins the battle with these teams? discuss
the one without the pool toy that can't use its own weapons
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Why would Yawnfag have Unova pokemon on his team?
The one that actually exist and isn’t an imaginary boogeyman made by seething fakefans of the franchise…
so sagefag
>using Gen 5 Pokemon
>especially samurott
>also using skeledirge
Yawnfag is the bottom one "Yawnfag" is red
he’s the one alway making thread about them. Clearly he’s just a falseflagging bort who just want to see people cry about how supposedly great sammurott and the balding clown are.
Nice try sagefag
>"sagefag" is simply the voices in yawnschizo's head
I buy it.
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yawnfag wins
Who tf is "Sagefag?"
yawnfag's mortal enemy (herself)
this board has become sad and pathetic.
Yawnfag made a boogeyman of his own, someone that sages threads. Ironically he's the one that just randomly ghosts threads for a long time yet he looks down on saging.
the morbid gen 5 apologist troll
just like yawnie and gens 8/9
An imaginary enemy yawnfag came up with when people objectively proved that the modern games are easier than the other games.
In what world is USUM easier than RBY?
RBY has Pokemon Stadium mode which is harder than any mainline game
The world where shit in RBY fundamentally doesn't work and when it does you'd have no idea if it did or not because zero things are explained to you. Seriously, Gen 1 is a nightmare if you're trying to figure out what a move does.
stop posting about off topic characters
>not giving yawnfag an overleveled fire starter and 5 random shitmons
>Theres only one way to use a sword because I said so!
Sorry Yawnfag. SageGOD is actually supported by the general board and not a bunch of contrarian shitposters looking for free (You)s as if that's supposed to mean something.
He would need to exist in the first place.
The world where
>you have easy access to EV training
>party-wide EXP share that also materializes xp through thin air
>affection mechanics that grant you a a Focus Band, a Free Lucky Egg, a Free Super Luck ability, and a Free Brightpowder
>Rotom Powers that give you massive boosts to money earned, capture rate, exp earned and so on
>X-Items give you +2 instead of +1, and the game gives you plenty of free ones

And no, some boss battles having EV trained Pokemon doesn't make the experience "hjarder" when you purposely choose to ignore 90% of the mechanics/options given to you.
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>once again completely ignores the opponents having far better stats and advantages
Keep spamming your shitty debunked arguments, sagefag. I’m sure eventually you’ll delude yourself that you’re right.
i can tell you’re not the one who usually posts this image
There is no sagefag, it's only another yawnfag forced shitpost.
Shit thread yawnfag, I'd give it a 2/10, same as the shit Gen 7 games.
Fuck off faggot. The many Max Revives and other healing items received in new games, plus the affection system that breaks difficulty, makes the new games, specially the shit USUM, easy as fuck.
>There is no sagefag
bruh you literally use the exact same arguments in multiple threads for months on end, you’re not fooling anyone
>use max revive
>get 1hko’d by kommo-o again
>"your pokemon hung on, because it didn't want to make you sad!"
>"your pokemon did a critical hit wishing to be praised!"
Fuck off faggot.
The Alola games were total shit, easily the lowest point of the franchise.
>resorting to speaking like a sharty soiteen
the fact that even the responses to yawnfag’s posts have become predictable by now just goes to show how autistic he is
This made me realize we never see rivals will full teams that mirror the MC in the anime and that's lame as fuck.
>affection boost doesn’t trigger
>meanwhile older games I have a 100% chance of winning and don’t need affection boost

Glad we agree USUM is harder
>can't defend those shit games
>just ignores the post calling him a faggot
Damn yawnfag, this is embarrassing. Maybe you'll do better in your next thread.
>once again, completely ignores the fact that you have overwhelming advantages in the newer games, compared to the older games
ah yes, because infinite tm totally exist in sv amarite
>affection boost not triggering at least 5 times during a battle
god i fucking hate gen 9 so much
Ah yes the overwhelming advantage of…needing to rely on RNG when in the older games I didn’t have to rely on RNG

Glad we agree USUM is harder

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