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Another Week Another End to an Event Edition

>June Info

>Pokémon GO Event Info

>Frequently Asked Questions

>Submit and Review Pokéstop Nominations (level 37+)

>Server Status


>Silph Road Info

>PvP IV Checkers & Battle Simulators

>Estimated Shiny Rates

>Submit Your Friend Code Here

>Find Friends Here

>Spoofing Tools

Previous Thread: >>56050986
I don't think you guys fully grasp just how ridiculously tall this art dog is.
Imagine scrapping with this 6'11" motherfucker
Ahem, 6 foot 9 cheater. Standing on his tippy toes.
Besides I always knew these guys where big.
They where taller then adults in the anime.
Meanwhile Art dog is normally in game and anime the size of like a 7 year old.
But this one would Tower above even brock. Maybe not Lt. surge but she's still HUGE
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Best site to calculate how good stats are for pvp?
I like db.pokemongohub.net but it only shows perfect stats for the different leagues, and all other I've found forces you to write CP as well as stats.
https://pvpivs.com/, lower # being better. You should also be able to check with Pokegenie.
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on mobile pokegenie
Also, does shadow make a difference when checking IV's?
Yeah, genie takes it into account.
Shadow makes no difference on IV spreads vs normal or purified. All shadow does is add a 20% multiplier to your attack and reduces defense by 20% in the damage calculations only. A high rank shadow with low attack will lose CMP vs a high attack non shadow even if the shadows effective attack value would be higher after the 20% boost.

Use pvpoke to check ivs, there's a really nice secondary site that will compare iv's for breakpoints for you, but you need to pay and I forgot the name of the site. But pvpoke is the best and your best source of pvp data.
I wish they would have an imperial option because when I see that 1.99 it seems small to me I games that's use m that's literally just one step tall
Sweet gift jadey, thanks, I've been to that buckeys before btw, those stores are great.
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Bow down.
>game wastes my time and resources with bugs
>support further wastes my time with garbage automated responses
I hate Niantic so much.
>Gyms are under construction
>Gyms are under construction
>Gyms are under construction
How tall is this doofus usually?
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How nothing is this burger?
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I transfer every shiny kantomon into LGE, so I can't help you with that in pogo I'm afraid
I'll throw you an invitation though
No you've already got frustration
Can trade you one in Home, I have extra shinies which I don't really need
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Bigger than an alpha, though niantic calculations are probably off
Remember that one obese Zorua?
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Yeah, I’m thinking it’s dust time.
Damn it feels good to be a pvp chad
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Tell me about the Mega Fug Elite Raids.
Is it true I can only do these raids in-person at select gyms?
I hate wasted hundos but I still love hundos
Literally the only thing they could do to make pvp better for me would giving me the ability to emote on your sorry asses when I win.
yes. you must engage with the local trannies.
>regidrago elite about to start
>sit on a bench
>couple fat retards come to the place
>1 girl too
>everyone stares at their phone and just stand idle
>some older woman comes walking through
>asks are we playing some mobile game and laughs
>say no and get up and leave
never again
what are the shiny odds for larvesta? and did the hatch rate just get worse overnight?
ive hatched like 10 eggs today and not a single larvesta
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It just wouldn’t feel the same. I’ll keep hunting. Thanks tho.
Anyone else play this on nuzlocke mode or is it just me?
This event is only worth a damn if you have somebody (or an alt) to trade with
nuzlocke is extreme mental illness
>hatched my third Charcadet
>still no fucking Larvesta even though I've been mostly hatching 2 and 5km eggs
>Turns out GoToolv2 hasn't been updated since April
>been using outdated info for months
Anyone have a link to a good, updated list for Mega PvE attackers by type?

I can't find anything good on a search. I get all those Ai generated articles that are years old.
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How tall is this "big guy"?
>this will ensure player retention after Go Fest
are you fucking kidding me?

>inb4 they give it an off-type move that is completely useless.
>not dragon
>not pseudo
>already in sv
shit event
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Any tips on getting track distance markers accepted?
>volt switch
describe it well and make sure the title of the stop is good
just fuck my shit up, hanke
amazing. they're actually giving it a stab move.
My last 12 shiny boys
It already has spark+dclaw+bolt. At this point it needs both a fast and charge move to really be useful since spark got nerfed.

It doesn't really learn any good fast moves except volt switch. I don't have high hopes for this CD at all unless Niantic makes up new moves that are great.
Lol nvm, Niantic already dropped the ball before I even finished my post lmao.
>could've picked Sandile
>could've picked Pawniard
>could've picked Honedge
>could've picked Mankey
>could've picked Horsea
>could've debuted Nacli
>could've debuted Tinkatink
There, I just thought of 7 fun CD ideas just like that, and Niantic gives us this shit
It's CP doesn't even break 3k.
I'm never going to get a Jigglypuff CD to get a hundo, let alone a shundo with a superior moveset.
Call them Mile Markers or Mileposts, mileposts are what show up in identification categories for voters. Play up the significance of mile markers saying that they help encourage people to walk/hike around, letting people know the exact distance of things, etc.
not the right time to debut those, please understand
i like eelektross.
I would like Eelektross more if they let him stand again and not be a windsock
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Ran the sims. Eelektross is still a shitpick in GL and still goes negative with every coherent move combination in UL after I exhausted every single possible pair of charged attacks along with Volt Switch.
Get a shiny or three and call it a day.
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They haven’t fixed these bugs in awhile
No idea how many pokemon it affects
I still need 25 showcase wins
I still need to have sex.
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>What's that? Great League and Ultra League are dominated by various water-types to a negative degree? Sounds like we should do a bunch of grass-type and electric-type community days until people stop using those water-types.
Steranka please, this is madness! No one thinks Volt Switch Eelektross is the situation to all the Mantine. I've been running water-type leads into tons of Raichu, Togedemaru, Dedenne, etc. and I almost always beat them.
*the solution
Is there a good way to submit fake stops? I’m not worried about it being visible from the map since it’s inside a building already, just not sure how to fake the images.
Over 5 Stories tall.
>Is there a good way to submit fake stops?
No, fuck off. Stop cheating, ass.
>stop trying to get more stops and improving the game
you will never be a pokemon master.
the main problem is Shadow Gatr, Gatr is going to get a 2 shields from Eelektros and then it's anti electric/grass partner is going to farm down eelektross.

Gatr punks all other water types right now, and is damn near the best and safest safeswap when paired with Gligar. I'm wrecking fools in GL leading Gligar with Gatr safeswap and it's hilarious.
Make your own POIs, arts and craft that shit depending on what you want to make, art murals, paintings, statues, etc.,
Or do a really good photoshop job and place something in the building that looks convincing (for both the submission photo and surrounding photo) I don’t think AI sludge is reliable enough to not be noticed.
Keep cheating, CHAD
You are aware they send agents to verify every single POI submission right
>Update Pokémon Go
>Avatar is black now

Huh, okay.
>log in
>get flooded by tasks to hatch eggs
>"come on buy! you will get encounters with Slugmaballs, Litleodick and Turtona-torn-ass!"
How do you go about sorting your boxes?
I've got 6500 mons and most are shit that I need to delete. Anyone else done a big purge? Where did you start?
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>open the app
>game makes me black
what did I do to deserve this?
my favorite pokemon. I will go as hard as possible on the CD to get my hundo
>update app
>it’s real
>avatar is perma-niggered and won’t let me change it back
Worst update ever.
what the fuck :D im an nignog
Thank you t3ddi. I love you.
Sheeeeeeeeiiit why am I black
I’m more annoyed because I already raised one I like for ultra league, is this move an upgrade for it?
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Oh boy
You are aware their agents are trannies so they kill themselves before verifying new POIs?
>still white
master race: still confirmed :D
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>still black
Can mega Charizard be soloed?
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Does anyone else have extremely autistic people in their local communities?
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>log in
>do all my fights
>log out
>being inconsiderate fo the gym system
but the gym system is literally pvp/groupvgroup? its literally the game
Yes, but you need shadows or weather boost. Overheat is the easiest to beat, but you gotta dodge otherwise you get one shot and rhyperiors just can't quite do it without the weather boost.

Mega Diance helps a lot, fucker can take 25% of mega zard y's health on its own. Then just 5 rampardos and dodge overheats. Weather boosted I'm pretty sure 6 rhyperiors have enough damage to take it out.
I went ahead and gave it a try earlier and just barely beat it. I do think it sucks how exclusive raids are to people who can't solo or group up. They ought to have scaling difficulty based on the party size, just to give some lower level players and loners a chance. I remember when I couldn't even solo 3 star raids and that shit sucked.
What about your last 12 hundos?
I love kicking people out of gyms as soon as the drop Pokémon in. Then I'll put in something ridiculous like a mime jr or some other scarce shit. I've actually got a whole tag for it. Then drop golden razz on it until they rage quit trying to attack the gym. I am Team Valor, and I intentionally play like a dick. Burns the brightest, bitches.
I'm still pissed that I got stupid torracat instead of litten.
The entire purpose of the gym system is to show off your shit. That's why they make it giant and spinning on top of them. Let's be real, if you're not using gyms to poke holes in people's dex, you're doing it wrong.
I like to place uncommon stuff to help people
>someone once placed a Unown near my house
>start the game 2 weeks ago
>eevee natural spawns in multiple areas near me
>"hey maybe i can get all the evo-"
>5 jolteons, 2 vaporeans, 3 flareons
you know what, maybe this semen slurping game aint for me
Damn, but nice collection anon
I do this too. Team instinct. Fuck my local community they suck.
You need to induce the evos via specific nicknames, no Im not shitting you
I hatched and evolved a larvesta the day they came out. I rode that high for quite a while. But like salazzles and shit are good bait. Sadly, we're running out of them as they get featured. Relicanth used to be my go to. I'd help more people fill their dex, but the trading system destroys your stardust unless your at least ultra. 800000 is a lot just to be nice.
Double idiot.
Besides water/ground what other type combos have the least weaknesses?
>Fuck my local community they suck.
Dark/fairy when we get it.
in regards to pvp relevance?
it can sometimes depend on the monster in question
Bug/steel, mono-electric, normal/ghost, dark/ghost and dark/poison all have only one weakness, the former having a double weakness.

That's 3 weaknesses: Steel, poison and fairy.
Only the original 3 Eeveeloutions can be obtained just by using candy to evolve Eevee. The other 5 all have additional requirements:
Espeon: Make Eevee your buddy and walk with it for 10 KM, then evolve it during the day time
Umbreon: Same as above but you have to evolve Eevee at night instead
Leafeon: Evolve Eevee within range of a Mossy Lure Module at a Poké Stop
Glaceon: Evolve Eevee within range of a Glacial Lure Module at a Poké Stop
Sylveon: Make Eevee your buddy and gain 70 hearts (reaching Great Buddy status)

For these 5 Eeveeloutions, you'll know if you met the requirements correctly because the ? symbol next to the evolve button will change to the silhouette of that respective Eeveeloution.

Also, as >>56077602 said there's a trick when you can name your Eevee a specific nickname and it'll be guaranteed to evolve into the specific Eeveeloution and ignore the requirements, but you can only obtain each one once using this method:

Rainer Vaporeon
Sparky Jolteon
Pyro Flareon
Sakura Espeon
Tamao Umbreon
Linnea Leafeon
Rea Glaceon
Kira Sylveon

Normal/Ghost, Poison/Dark, Bug/Steel, and Ghost/Dark (only weak to Dark, Ground, Fire and Fairy respectively)

Not quite as Dark/Fairy is weak to Poison, Steel and Fairy itself
tell me anons, do you hoard any specific item? maybe candies or ghimicpins? Anything at all?
XL rare candies.
Never have enough to do anything with them really.
Does this count? 80% of them bought either with gym coins or gift cards my rich uncle sends me once per year.

Also this, I have 276 and I'm not sure whether or not to use them on Diancie for the rock DPS, a mythical for Master League (my only perfect/near-perfect mythicals are Celebi, Jirachi, Deoxys-Speed, Darkrai, Water Genesect and Zarude), or something else.
Save em for a good carbink.
I've gotten a ton just from the Spelunker's Cove event, so I wouldn't have to use more than 150, and even then, I'll probably just wait until the next mandatory catch cup to invest in a Carbink.
i hatched 2 charcadets boys i am luckyy
Here they are
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how is your season going boys?
im thinking this is my last
What is the fucking point of Carbink the poke isn’t even strong or evolves it just sits there like a Beyblade with eyes
its good in GL
Alright, this is my first. My win rate was a lot better but then I tried tanking for 2l3 days in a row. Elo is now at 1600 something
Forgot pic, and 3 days in a row, not 2l3. Don't know how I did that.
how did you get that machop? ive been wanting a perfect one for 5 years
Eelektross would have none, but
>no Levitate
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First perfect since getting back into the game about a week ago!

Add! 505376893977
I might also throw in the tanking towel after this season. The neverending water-Gligar-Annihilape meta is starting to get unbearable, and there aren't even any meme cups to give me any opportunities to fuck around with unique builds. No clue why the recent seasons have been mostly vanilla, remix or premier (they could at least ban Poliwrath and Gligar during GLR for God's sake), but it has only made the shitty 2020-powercrept meta look even worse than it already did. Unless they do more to put water and Gligar in check, or at least make Pokémon I actually like viable rather than having the worst movesets in the game, then I'll probably call it quits.
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its going pretty good
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I haven't played in like a year
is the game fun yet?
peliper charjabug stunfisk will fix this for you
Have you ever considered taking a dump fun? If so, you may find pogo fun. Just maybe.
I don't have a good charja yet but I ran peliper vig and regular stunfisk with great success.
the fuck is that overlay?
still no
gps joystick
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Which of these would you pick first to add a second charge move and tm for best moveset? Or would you pass on both and keep saving dust and tms?
I currently have 7 fast and 4 charged tms btw
For GL I'm assuming? Neither are all that great. Non-shadow magnezone isn't threatening and machamp hasn't been good in a long while, especially non shadow machamp.

You're better off saving tm's for now and waiting for something better
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>GoFest time is banning time
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>lost interest after first pgsharp banwave that made the app vulnerable to bans back in 2022
>come back if pgsharp is stable and okay now so i can play again
>read previous generals with hundreds of neets getting their accounts banned

dead fucking game sirs
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Why are they being so stingy with these fuckers
>Zacian and Zamazenta were in raids before them
>Zarude was released before they were in raids
>Every single Ultra Beast was released before they were in raids
>Necrozma was released in raids before them
>Dawn Wings and Dusk Mane Necrozma (literally fusion forms of Necrozma with Solgaleo or Lunala) were in raids before them
>Regidrago and Regieleki were in raids before them
>Enamorus was in raids before them
>A decent chunk of gen 9 pokemon were released before they were in raids
>Marshadow will be released before they were in raids
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He just dropped some fresh ‘tism
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As a returning player who made a new account and has been playing since last October, is Mega Fug worth seeking out an Elite Raid for this weekend?
Will all Elite Raid Gyms have a Mega Fug Raid or is it just some of them for some asinine reason?

I tried doing Enamorus this past Vday but nobody showed up in the afternoon
Fine. I've slowed down a lot after summer cup burnout
Holy shit, this moth was shit, the only "good" thing was Necrozma, somebody has news about the next month?
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i think the banwave was for the gofestivals in the various cities that were in person events
preserves the hype & limits ebay resellers early
excellent post some team recs
kekked hard
you do get about 5k dust per set though
which is prob the fastest way to earn dust
someone at niantic hq thinks they're mythicals or something
they are the only legends to get given out via research i think, everything else was a mythic
aside from the giovanni shadow legends
i already transferred both lunala and solgaleo haha

niantic consistently excludes players who already participated
>mew (both shiny and non-shiny)
basically anytime anything returns to the game
they thank you by excluding you from participating
i have some new zxRocket gals
should have everyone off the ground soon
i plan on being more meticulous about opening gifts during this shiny shaymin timegate
i'll send some requests you dont have to accept all of them ok
i live in california so obviously
unhinged ideologies\behavior is constant here
i deleted facebook nearly a decade ago though
oh good i thought it was just me
tynamo is cute
but in game i never evolved
even in the b\w era
>every single day is a gift
>love fervently
for whatever reason the alt-forms of the genies aren't pictured
i guess some people dont count those
i did, and claimed those as well.
time gated at shaymin \ home transfers
then the long rest
June 28th to July 3rd is 8th Anniversary event (pretty shit unless you want Mega Ttar raids, Ho-Oh raid or a party hat Grimer/Muk), the week after Mon-Fri is a Road to Sinnoh style raid week for Ultra Beasts (still regionlocked, but it’s a 20-remote limit), that weekend is GO Fest global (no remote limit), and the weekend after that is Tynamo Community Day (Eelektross will still be shit).
why did they move the mega level from the left to below the typing? there was plenty space where it was. I swear this companies makes idiot design changes just so they can point to all the changes they’ve done
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Why is this shitmon so hard to catch?
Most of this season was this team. I like ABB teams mainly
Because hanke hates us, though I did end up getting over 200k in stardust with a starpiece going the whole time
I haven't logged in since the forced tranny update.
Has anything interesting happened since then?
yeah, I hatched some Larvestas
still no
>is mega rayqueesha worth it
not really, but it is a cool shiny
Is he worth investment? Should I just wait til a rocket event to bother or would he be useful with one attack?
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>Sees my gym getting attacked
>Daily Coin reset
>Log onto my Instinct alt knowing these clowns are probably Mystic
>Kill my last mon with my Instinct alt and place highest cp mon I have on it
>Log back to my Valor accounts
>Help them knock off my Instinct alt
>Place my Valor account mons back in
>The clowns fuck off afterwards
Thanks saving me the trouble dumbasses lol.
why is manaphy circled? its shiny-locked
>i take pictures of things other than pokemon too
i would wait for better stamina but if you love it fuck it do it
>faggot opens gift
>doesnt send one back
why are people like this?
rural players run out quick
or they dont want niantic to stalk/sniff their gps data 24/7
u cheeky cunt haha
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> 2 more to go
> both need to be female
1/4 odds ....
a v special shoutout to niantic for cucking the name trick & only allowing it once per account even if its a hund/shiny
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Thinking about trying out mbl, apparently I already have a "perfect" team. Is there really any reason to play anything other than gbl?
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Is this new or am I retarded and never noticed it before
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Just duoing Yveltal with my remote bro ElRista clutchin it up last second, feels good man
Master League is the easiest league to rank up in because the meta is condensed and not reliant on alignment. Shield advantage and energy win ML battles.

That being said you have to spend a lot of money on raids to do well at higher elo's. Annihilape is good against dialga, but that's about it, it doesn't really have the stats to compete in ML proper. Same with dnite, it's a great budget dragon if you don't have the origin duo, but it just lacks bulk to really do well against most threats. One stone edge from Lando nearly one shots it, so a chipped dnite loses the 0s vs Lando since dbreath+dclaw isn't enough to take Lando out before 7 mudshots.

You will probably do well enough given your low elo bracket, you're unlikely to face teams of fully powered up dialga/palkia origin or even face them at all. You'll probably want to keep an eye out for a better third unless everyone in your elo range just safeswaps dialga on you all day.
ML is exceptionally easy to get to a moderate ranking with because almost all of the ML meta pokemon aren't actually that great in PvE so it's people exclusively building something for GBL
You see a lot of Mewtwo, Palkia-Origin, Dialga, Groudon, Kyogre and the typical psuedos before that point but you're not going to see things like Zacian-C or Solgaleo below 2750 because everyone who has them and any idea of what to do with them is going to be at 2750+
Sure, but the dialga/palkia/mewtwo meta is still basically the ML meta at high level as well. Zygarde/solgaleo and shit are so prohibitive cost wise to level up that you really don't see them all that often even above 2750.

The main issue is skill, as you climb up people are just better and know how to play against budget teams. Every skilled player builds a team or can play around any "confirmed legend!" teams easily enough. That's what really holds back non meta teams more than anything. Meta isn't really hard countered in ML all that well, so the meta mons get to dominate and your skill using them gets you victory more so than team comp over your opponent.

The same thing kinda happens in GL just not quite the same extent. It's easier to get hard countered or fast moved down in GL, whereas in ML fast move pressure almost doesn't exist.
Ever since the update remote raiding is now impossible for me.
Crashes everytime
skill issue
so Meltan day is in two days right?
We just had it yesterday
Is clodsire worth building up for gbl? He's pretty high on the list and seems tanky, what's you guys' experience with it?
How come some of the movesets on pvpoke don't make sense to me? It seems like the summer cup movesets for some made more sense. Like blaziken, why have blaze kick when you already have blast burn? And how does talonflame benefit from brave bird over flame charge when it already has fly?
I would only ever use a one move Pokemon if you're an absolute beginner and your one move is hydro cannon. 100% worth building but mainly in limited cups, not in open unless you're running spice because there's too many Skarms and incinerate users
You're telling me
>blaze kick
It's your fastest charge move option, and since blast burn is a massive nuke that fucks even resists you may as well take a bait move for consistent damage and speed

>brave bird
BB nukes the fuck out of things not named bastiodon or lanturn. But even vs lanturn it's still a huge hit plus you drop your defense and give them less farm. Flame charge is weak and the +1 attack doesn't matter that much, you'll often do more damage going straight fly than you would risking a FC going unshielded. Fc is still good, but with the introduction of fly nobody really respects BB anymore so you can often slip one through shields pretty easily.
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never never ever never goy sorry!
Shouldn't be a question. He's a cheap mon to build. Now when woopers are going to start spawning again I have no idea.
Cool thanks
Right on, I've got a decent one for now.
I'd neck myself too if I constantly got ganked by vig, sorry bout your luck.
Is PoGo really forcing people to be black now?
How many male hundos do you have?
only the glaceon is female
At least you made the right choice
I also have a shiny lucky female vaporeon ...
We’ve been over this, it’ll be early to mid-August and it’ll have a Shadow Lugia raid weekend.
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Do silver berries make pokemon as easy to catch as ordinary or golden berries?
Do you ever plan to get treated for your mental disorders?
You’re STILL at this you deluded freak? Fuck off.
You make unprovoked, passive aggressive, shitposts. And then try to blame other people. Literally all you do is making yourself look bad.
Akali from League of Legends just flew over my house
Get the fuck out of this general you schizo, no one wants you here
Easier than razz, but not as much as a golden razz
all me btw
Tech issue actually.
I have squeezed every last drop of memory from this phone,how I know because the game can now actually run.
MotoGplay is not a phone for games. Period.
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>Even more Ultra Beasts
Please end my suffering
Don't be a twat.
Gotta get that ESG monies.
Diversity means no whites.
>When the Necrozma fusion is defeated in raids the light compoment just…fucks off and only Necrozma is left to be caught
Well that’s lame
When do we get the fusion item for Necrzoma?
It's only at global go fest, right?
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How is answering a question a shitpost?
Cool, I can't be bothered to farm dynamax adventures for shiny UBs which aren't the roach waifu
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So it's worth using in raids but not on gbirds I guess?
Yeah g-birds use the same candy as regular ones, better try to maximize your odds on actually catching a g-birb instead of greeding for candy
Of course the odds are gonna be trash regardless
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>Mega raid day during steel-type event
Are we finally getting Mega Metagross, now that even Shadow Metagross is getting outclassed by Duskmane?
Oh, okay. So you can pay for easily fusion forms.
I see, thank you.
Or just have a gofest buddy hook you up with remote raids so you can catch Necrozma that way.

But yeah, either way you gotta pay something.
Does that actually work? I thought you couldn't remote raid Go Fest raids to people who don't have it.
I dunno, I assumed that's how it worked since I've seen a lot more than should be for Dawn Wings and Duskmane in ML. Maybe you do have to have the ticket. I guess I'll find out next week when I head to GoFest and try to invite for Necrozma raids.
developer oversight
im still on the fence if im going to target it honestly
the nametrick should always work on hundos\shiny
the devs do not respect end-users time at all...
its one of the most popular monsters in the history of the franchise
i am truly perturbed by some of their decisions\oversights
literally not canonical kek
it never gets old honestly
even a handful of free remote events a year would bring all of the normies back
ala black and white xtransceiver style notification
june 28-july 3rd
the irony is ended up trading for the shinies
fucking niantic haha
>hardbans nearly all the larvesta girls
>puts out a larvesta hatch event
its busted in GL if the opponent is prepped to deal w\ it
mudbois will be good until a nerf comes
run ABB with swampert
tag your monsters\ or nickname them in advance
whenever the fleeting event arrives
i tm all of my shitmon even if i dont plan on using them
its the same odds as a purple razz with the added benefit of a pinap
in all fairness
the medical industrial complex \ pharmaceutical complex would probably just make most peoples issues worse
they are a profit-driven mega-conglomerate..
these institutions harm more people than they "help"

>regular form
>the fusion form is in the raids though
>no shiny staka or blace
>phero and xurx are regionals lmao
>cele and kart are still regionals and they arent even swapped from last time lel

im down to my final 3 beasts
july could be game over for us after all
if you would like to add the current roster for the regional raids
feel free to let me know, 2 more weeks anonkun!

love you forever,
What does ABB mean?
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type A, type B, type B
it is a common style of team composition
it will fail against hard counters but will blast above 50% wins if the correct\spicy monsters are on the team
So I'm super new to this. What do you mean by type a, type b, type b? Sorry for the dumb questions.
i want to have sex with these rocket girls
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check out danottawa vids on youtube for team recs
not everything he suggests will work in all ELO brackets\lower tiers
but it atleast makes PVP almost fun\bearable

just focus on the rewards, its a fast way to earn stardust...

>ABB example = fire type lead, water mon, water mon
teams like this can be core-broken
so choose your monsters carefully
if you're just starting out, just copy someone elses legend team that is easy to pilot
some monsters have longer fast-move animations and have a different "feel" (talonflame)

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Thank you.
A Big Butt
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>Start pokemon go
>decide to try battle league
>galarian stunfisk everywhere at 1500, nothing I have can deal with that
>try 2500 to escape the stunfisk, Giratinas everywhere

I dont even dare to step to no cp limit realm, as my best mons are at 2500. I lost this game was rigged from the start I guess.
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you can build a few starter teams anon
you will reearn the dust in a day or two from sets
you get 5k+ stardust per attempt...
you only need to win ONE match per set for dust rewards

>galarian stunfisk hunters
azumarill murders it, whiscash too, vigoroth
poliwrath and mew are my favorites but can be more situational

its a fuckin trollmon and niantic has a hardon for it
but its not invincible
good luck bb
>>Even more Ultra Beasts
It was great when they first came out and were soloable.

Now they're worthless AND you have to partner to raid.

>May have an ultra wormhole inspired background, if you're lucky
ROTFLMAO! Now there's basically shiny backgrounds (that have no actual in game effect) in the game?

I want new battle formats is what I want. Doubles/triples, or a full team of 6. Could be interesting.
>I want new battle formats is what I want. Doubles/triples, or a full team of 6. Could be interesting.
it's amazing the gym system has been basically untouched since its launch with absolutely no sign of future change.
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Niantic is WAY overdue for a new gamemode; Pokémon GO has been basically the same game since late 2019. The only things they've added since then have been either additional mechanics that build off of older gamemodes (megas in raids/PvP, shadow raids, egg from Rocket admins, new gym look, daily adventure incense) or new abilities that give bonuses that don't change the main game loop in any particular way besides making things slightly more efficient for veterans (routes, adventure moves, mega/primal candy bonuses). This game has desperately needed something new and, at least according to recent interviews, Niantic seems to be finally acknowledging that fact.
I really like the idea of 6v6, and only one shield per pokemon.
Niantic can't even handle two Pokemon autoattacking each other, anything more is just asking for a catastrophe.
how is it possible to fuck up a turn-based rpg this badly
Thanks hanke, this makes up for everything
>May have an ultra wormhole inspired background, if you're lucky
I missed that bit lmao
Holy shit, what a bunch of scumbags
What about Beast Balls?
I wish you could exchange xl candy for regular candy but even if they did that you'd have to exchange 100 xl candy for 1 regular one.
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Just now finished the GOfest 2021 mission I guess
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God dammit I just sent out all my gifts before this I need new friends

Been a shiny day
did you add your id to the doc? Im gonna be nuking my list too many japs giving me elegants
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has shadow swinub or piloswine been in raids at any point? i'm wondering if I just went and forgot to check during weeks where the raid legendary wasn't useful anywhere in the game
charge your phone you monster
I have!
It'll be Mega Mawile and you will like it
I bet it's Camerupt
M. Alakazam or M. Charizard guaranteed
>Mega Mawile will be shit because Huge Power wasn’t translated into Go and it’ll be one of those pitifully useless megas like Sableye and Medicham
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I just caught this gay little Nymble who ruined my streak of all my perfecties being purple, should I kill him?
You only have 8 so, no.
How many is a respectable amount?
It's not about respect, just about collecting. I feel like you'd regret getting rid of him later.
Keep him. Keep all your hundos.
I've caught 27.5k pokemon, and only have 25 hundos. They're more rare than shinies, and I keep them all because they're the very best they can be.
I’m only level 33 and just started playing again after not playing for a few years, what does them being perfect actually mean or do? Does it make them more useful in battles?
>what does them being perfect actually mean or do
it mean you can maxed them out and not catch a better one the next day
Does size matter at all? When it gives a Pokémon’s height and weight?
They say it doesn't but I'm not sure if I believe them.
No, it's just random number generation. You have as equal as an odd to pull a hundo as you can pull any other specific IV (depending on weather boost). If the mon is weather boosted, you'll have a higher chance to pull a higher IV / hundo. No weather boost, you have an equal chance for all. Perfect Zero are the rarest ones. Obviously you will need no weather boost.
it make for a bit more special hundo or shiny
Is the entire summer outside of go fest just going to have abysmal events
What shiny odds should I be expecting for the starters during anniversary? Baseline or something of note?
That's true. Almost 30k pokemon caught, 25 perfects, only one zero perfect.
Could only be better if it was level 1.
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can you guys explain this retard how to use PokeGenie or more exactly, how to interpret it?
Lets take this Deino as an example it says that as a Zweilos it has a 46.something%... but of what?
Say it's 46%, that means out of every single zweilos in the world, yours has better ivs for pvp than 45% of them, and 54% are stronger than yours.
it's a stupid way of saying it's shit for stat product.

It's still a useable Zwei potentially, but Zwei isn't the greatest but it's a solid anti Gligar/Water meta answer (though it does lose the 1s and 0s to Ice Beam Feraligatr.)

All you really want to care about is the CP it'll be at, if it's above 1490 and you want to use it, go for it. You can check actual stats using PvPoke or GoStadium if you really care, but IV's are a meme unless you're trying to leaderboard or show 6 pick 3 for the official tournaments.
Can I watch?
Also do they have puffy vulvas?
I think swinub was in shadow raids at one point for a short period but maybe I'm remembering wrong.
t3ddi show boob
Post face.
I tried stuff out, Steelix seems to do decent against Galarian stunfisk too.
Worked a 55% winrate today with Steelix, Clefairy and Scolipede.
Thank you anyway anon, you gave me confidence to try again
Wow, useless lucky eggs and FOUR incenses that I usually throw away? For jujst $2? And you get TWENTY DUCKLETT CANDY?
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it has good iv for gyms\raids
generally you want low attack and high defense\stamina for UL\GL

in masters you want all 15\15\15 or as close as you can get
i dont understand why niantic is retarded about stats

that deino is a 54% in GL
it will die, but try not to overthink it
if you can get above 70% iv for pvp
it will be fine as long as you dont intend to push past ace rank
>it will die, but try not to overthink it
>if you can get above 70% iv for pvp
>it will be fine as long as you dont intend to push past ace rank

None of this is true, this poster is a dumbass. IV's are not necessary to push past Ace rank, nor are they necessary for legend.
>ivs dont help mirror matchups
>ivs dont help in certain situations
anon pls
See told you this anon was a dumbass

IV's in mirror matchups may or may not even matter and only matter even energy/even shields if charge moves KO instead of fast moves, but even then, it's not always advantageous to win mirror matchups because you give up energy farm on your second pokemon. I lead my Gligar into Gligar quite often and I can tell you right now that I do not give one fuck if I win or lose CMP since my feraligatr will just farm their gligar down and removing Gligar typically means they have no answer to my backline trevenant. Even if I win I'm often still safeswapping to Gatr just to prevent my opponent from farming down, the only time I don't swap out is if I need to stay in to keep alignment and the extra farm my opponent is getting won't flip the matchup later on.

Some matchups matter with Break points or bulk points, but again that's only in the 1v1 shielding situation and often from 0 energy. Energy gains, uneven shields, and baits are all VASTLY more important than your pissant little IV bullshit.

It's far more important to just get a roster of pokemon that you can use, then you can give a fuck about powering up new pokemon that are higher stat product if you really feel like it.
Speaking from experience, ivs in a mirror match absolutely matter. Everyone tries to throw their goodra against mine and none of them win.
I think they think they'll pressure me into switching but I don't because I know mines better.
Holy fuck you're retarded. Again the matchup you're specifically talking about would be a lead full health matchup, chip your goodra 2 HP before switching and suddenly IV's don't matter one bit outside of CMP (which again wouldn't matter because you got 2-3 DB lead on your opponent so CMP would never be a thing unless you forced it)

The vast majority of matchups you'll face in GBL are determined not by IV's but alignment, baits, energy farming, and shield advantage. And often times chasing the rank 1 will lose you CMP and will cost you more games than a low stat products def/HP would have.
Do you use Solar Beam on it?
Weird because that's literally not my experience at all. Holy fuck you're an idiot with your panties in a twist.
dude you're just wrong, deal with it, you don't have to be right about everything ya fuckin nerd.
>Weird because that's literally not my experience at all. Holy fuck you're an idiot with your panties in a twist.
not my fault you play with scrubs down at the 2k elo range, try playing better opponents before you talk.

>dude you're just wrong, deal with it, you don't have to be right about everything ya fuckin nerd.
nah, sorry to break it to you faglord, but I'm not wrong at all. You fucks are just so desperate to blame ANYTHING on your inability to climb ranks that you think it's IV's holding you back.

Once you get good you realize IV's never mattered
It's clear you're taking this very personally. Maybe calm down and breath, it's just a kids game, no need to take it so seriously. You're also still wrong as well, but you're spewing and projecting too much to realize it. Just look at your filthy language, hallmark of someone without an actual argument or point. If you have to yell to be heard maybe you should just be quiet.
>leddit spacing
Lol. Lmao even. Yeah you're full of it kid.
I never drop below 2700 and I agree with >>56090784
>sorry to break it to you faglord, but I'm not wrong at all
said the faglord, as he was wrong.
casual newfag here
how can i get a shiny mudkip? i already 100+ candies
Exchange the 100 for a xl candy then use it to power him up and it'll turn him shiny.
I want to impregnate my female /pgg/ friends. I wish to insert my (male) Benis inside their Vajayays and shoot a thick load deep within their wombs while holding hands and kissing.
*my female (m) /pgg/ friends
This but it's like the eevee name trick, only works once
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So I think I'm ready to actually step into mbl now, these are my best guys for it. I just got them all ready with moves except mewtwo, that's gonna take some time before I can do that. Is mewtwo any good without shadow ball or is he basically useless without it? Having garchomp and dragonite on my team together seems like a big weakness.
Threads dead baby, threads dead.
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100+ candies
oh my sweet child
its 1:500(ish) odds
i dont know which of these posts is most sus
everyone here recommends psystrike mewtwo
i had fun with flamethrower \ shadowball
but admittedly it might be retarded
i was having fun watching melmetal die
but this is back when it was more prominent\problematic for my team

just blip dragonite as the lead
i think its still pretty good
im not an ML expert tho
i only have two teams
>mewtwo, melmetal, ho-oh
>dragonite, excadrill, metagross
premier ML would prob be easier for me
but whenever that cup is open GL\UL usually is a safer\easier option

good luck anon
so I have a switch and both Let's go, how do they interact with go to get the most meltan boxes possible?
its timegated even if you have multiple games
>5 normal passes for 350
>3 normals + 2 remotes for 425
Are either of these good?
so whats going to be the best way to maximize meltans tomorrow? I haven't played GO in ages and to be fair, barely remember this kind of details and mechanics
What's going on with meltan tomorrow? Should I bother with it if I already have some melmetals?
>but admittedly it might be retarded
You are retarded, flamethrower is the worst move you can run on mewtwo.

>I'm a bad player and I agree with other bad players
Lmao, thanks for outing yourself dumbass

>reee legit spacing
Lmao get a real argument

>doesn't have an argument
>pretends to be an intellectual
Lmao even.

It's fucking hilarious how triggered /pgg/ gets when you call them out for being trash at pvp.
We get it you're trash. Shut up now little boy.
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Daaaaaawg check it out!
Meltan is:
>only available on GO
>always shiny locked except during extremely rare events
I want to be wrong but I think this is the second time it has been available to catch without the stupid shiny lock, still trapped behind Poké/Great/Ultra/Master/Premier Balls tho
>comes back hours and hours later to continue shitting and projecting all over the thread
>n-no you guys are all bad and dumb and I'm good and smart!
Awfully defensive. You might go ahead and throw another dip because your cope is running out of flavor.
Ok thanks. I got some shinies when he first dropped so I probably won't bother, except to maybe try to get a perfect one.
so at which time does the anniversary start?
>8th Anniv
>still no gen8 starters
10AM local time, but the spawns on the subsequent days will flip at 12AM local
Is shadow stantler overlooked? Never used him but fuck he hits hard and fast
Thanks anon
>"When you use the Mystery Box during this event, you might encounter Shiny Meltan—if you’re lucky!
>In addition, you’ll be able to open the Mystery Box more frequently."
I wonder what this will mean

Thanks, Ninatic. planning meet-ups for these shitty raids wasn't hard enough as it is already
He's ready! Hell yeah. I don't even know what half of the pokemon are anymore, there are hundreds new to me, but I really liked this guy right off the bat when I started playing again.
>jan 6th
is this some kind of dogwhistle you piece of fucking shit? huh?!
Is the Rayquaza raid local-only? No remote pass? If so that's fucking stupid.
More pogo accounts.
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Yes. And unlike raid days gyms won't be full of raids, so you go out of your way to gather a large group of people just to do one raid or your group has to drive around the entire city, just like Hanke envisioned.
What it means is you have to transfer a Pokemon from go to lgpe or home to unlock the Meltan box. During the event, you can open the meltan box once every 3 days instead of once every week. when you open the box, meltan spawn for 60 minutes. Previous events had a 1/60 chance of one being shiny. So, if you open the box 3x during the event you should avg 3 shinies per account. you just have to make sure you open the first box on day one or else you might only get 2x cracks at it, not 3x...
>me after sending out a maxed chansey, max wobbuffet, and a maxed blissey and not even playing
Lmfao are you me?
oh lawd he comin'
so as soon as the even starts, I:
>pop something into PikaEevee
>then pop the meltan box
>pray to arceus for a shiny
>then wait until sunday/monday
It's called having a life anon, you should try it sometime. Some of sleep and work instead of shitposting on 4chan 24 hours a day.

If I'm trash but I make legend every season, what's that make you?
No stantler isn't overlooked, it's just a very bad pokemon. Tackle/stomp/wild charge just isn't threatening anything in the current meta. Zen headbutt is a bad pvp move, and if you wanted normal+psychic fast move you'd use oranguru or girafarig.
>wakes up
>immediately rushes to pgg to defend his title
>gets off work
>same thing
Sounds like you don't really have a life
>what does that make you?
Easily better than trash. You're like a little kid. Hitting legend isn't hard, it's literally nothing to be proud of, it's a children's game. But go off.
>spends every waking moment between sleep and work shitposting on 4chan
Wow, you're so mature.
>gets off work
>Lmao he thinks people only work for 3 hours

>Hitting legend isn't hard
And yet /pgg/ seems to struggle to even hit ace rank lmao. I never said getting legend was hard, getting legend is simply a sign your decent at pogo pvp, any retard can hit legend with a little effort.
All I did was point out that I easily attain a rank the other anon only dreams about.
God your a faggot. And we can all tell you're larping. You sick. Your elo ID probably like 50. Loser. Lol.
Why do we fight so much...
>All I did was point out that I easily attain a rank the other anon only dreams about.
Yeah you just outed yourself as a low rank loser. You're funny. Download pokegenie and use pvpoke and you'll do better. Just don't give up, but stop pretending. I believe in you.
nice catch, lad
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>2/3 correct for your/you’re
No argument? No problem! Just attack their grammar!
ur mom grammars my nuts lmao
audino nest in hotspot in brazil
-23.587234332140437, -46.65770874234609
>grasping at straws this badly
Man you really need me to suck to validate your shitty life don't you?
wow what a taptaptap legend
>started my first alt to help grind shiny meltan
>realize to get the mystic box i need a gold medal in kanto dex
>all these kanto spawns were meant to help exactly with that all along
for once in my entire life playing this game, thanks hanke
>lost half the coinflips
lmao not even 100% winrate gtfo
how do people get level 50 pokemon fast? 296 xl candy seems like a fuck ton of walking for legendaries or do they just cheat or play this game full time
I have both Gyarados and Togekiss max level but the level mission for 3 max CP pokemons is only 1/3 does it really not count old ones
combination of all the above
New bread, join whenever.
>how do people get level 50 pokemon fast? 296 xl candy seems like a fuck ton of walking for legendaries or do they just cheat or play this game full time
5 star raids + lucky egg
Best friend status + lucky egg.
prepping to do the 40+ requirements as you reach them.

but level 50 is a meme. Once you hit 40, anything beyond that is just bragging rights. There's not going to be a level 60 increase.

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