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This is good. Wish that Pink Floyd did the same lmao. AI is the absence of Artist. I hope we can move on from it and not promote uncreative thinking and become the robot ourselves
AIjeets BTFO
>Furthermore, additional artists participating in the contest will soon be selected to be among the top 300 finalists
dude, this anti ai stuff is like our ancestors being against the industrial revolution. It's inevitable. It's the natural next step in technology. in the next years it'll only evolve more and more, it's what progress and evolution do. They can fight it as much as they want, destiny arrives all the same.
>this anti ai stuff is like our ancestors being against the industrial revolution
High praise
Retards, the contest rules say nothing about AI. He was disqualified for obviously breaking the number of entries rule and submitting more than allowed. That's just fixing the competition for yourself by cheating the odds.
You lost and will losed again.
The other AI entries from non-duplicate usernames are also getting removed retard. You lost. AI doesn't make art thus it's product is disqualified automatically.
doubt it
Everyone lost, everyone will lose again
>the rules are whatever I say they are because I'm offended by technology existing
AI is the future. Cope and seethe.
Submitting art they did not make was, in fact, a violation of the rules. Hope this helps.
>AI is the absence of Artist
the absolute pride of these fucks
Then why does that look like an AI-generated post?
Draw a hand for me Shodan
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an industrial revolution for scammer and the future of phishing. The only useful use of generative AI I have seen is mass enablement of phishing bot and social manipulation for political gain.

You can't even win an art contest with AI, you just get DQd, lmao.
GenAI were designed to imitate the corporate soulless speech as they are the primary customer.
i'm gonna assume next year's tcg art contest is going to have a "no ai art of any kind" rule where you can't even use ai as part of the background and you need to prove you drew what you submitted the real question is how much ai is going to advance from now til next year we already have a meme with people using ai to become time jannies in meme vids who the fuck knows what will happen with ai next year
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>you MUST accept AI art because it's the progress. Progress is going to be a future where everyone is jobless and poor. Yes human being replaced is a good thing actually. This is literally the same as the industrial revolution because I say so
there are right
can you draw one that doesn't automatically look AI generated?
why are you mad?
please stop embarrassing yourself. You only make the Pokemons judges look more retarded for not noticing AI generated pictures
And the pivot begins. I am a prompter, as in, as a trade. This will become a standard job, I’m poised to help form the curriculum. Your average AI Shitter doesn’t know how to make their pics not look like shit, but it’s very easy to manipulate them to your desired results. The future is here, whether we want it or not. I don’t even care for AIslop myself, but I’m autistic enough to crack it, and I would implore some of you anons to do the same. “It can’t do hands” is cope, “it can’t do words” is cope, it’s unstoppable. Learn to tolerate it, anons.
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nobody is going to pay you for something they can do themselves lol
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>Wish that Pink Floyd did the same
>is going to
It’s already happening, anon. It’s already my job. Pay close attention to the ads you’re seeing, it’s already spreading. People will always pay someone else to do something they could do themselves.
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internet is an amazing tool
>play close attention
I don't need to pay close attention kek, of course I know people do it. This is war, but we are going to win in the end
>unironically supporting AIslop
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Thank you, I should really try it out some day.
ayyy lmao indeed, middle finger and ring finger are still fucked up same dor the index's nail.
it's not the got'em you think it is
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>supporting ai slop
Contrarians gonna contrarian as always, because going against the mainstream opinion is "edgy" and "subversive".
fucked up middle finger and index should not be where it is
kek, I don't even need to explain this one
this one looks fine, I'm guessing human-made
the drawing hand's ring fing and little finger are misplaced and too long
drawn hand thumb is too long
pikachu hands are fucked up
impossible position: you cannot have your hands like this and still provide a flat footing for the pet

I'm not wasting time and money on AIslop. And you can be certain the price for image generation will soar up as either usage picks up so AI companies will want to maximize profits or on the contrary AI looses users and customer and AI companies will start to cut their losses and make the whales payfor them.
The mainstream opinion is pro AI though. Because there's a fuckton of Indians in support of it all over social media.
these indians are paid shills in call center though. it's just manufactured consent.
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>can you imagine a world without indians ?
This is like saying foot races will cease to exist since we have bicycles.
Speaking of indians, my freaking youtube channel keeps recommending me indian videos despite me disabling them everytime, it's driving me nuts.
>Progress is going to be a future where everyone is jobless and poor.
AI can't build a house or grow crops. Learn a real fucking skill.
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>he doesn't know about 3d printer building houses
Oh you poor ignorant soul
cringe ai fan
Guess we're fucked then. It's only a matter of years now before the robots rise up and kill us all. For the good of the future, you should just smash your computer before it becomes too powerful.
How about I kill you instead AInigger
If you can tell AI art is in fact AI, it's bad AI art aka AIslop kek

The contest judges must really suck lmao
Your callous disregard for the well being of your fellow man makes you no better than the robots you despise.
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>if you kill your enemies they win
how bad was the art for the judges to pick the McDonald's of artists as finalists
the same as any other judge. They don't care, they don't actually know what they are judging, not even them can explain why they like the things they chose
That's what I said yes.
kys lolicon and fuck off with your grromer discorders
Only things these prove is that these contents so jackshit research and just pick what looks "cool" instead of what's actually good
Death to all AIjeet subhumans. Imagine thinking that you need a glorified to support you at every basic thing makes you some kind of a Chad lmao. This kind of weaklings ultimately is doomed because they cannot even fathom idea of self betterment and are worthless without their machines. I'm pretty sure most of these guys can't even wipe their asses and must ask their moms to do it.
>anybody who disagrees with me is my enemy
Shouldn't you be writing your manifesto? Churches aren't going to shoot themselves up, you know.
If I was an artist in this competition I'd be pissed. Not even because of the AI shit itself, but because these retarded judges were clearly too inept to do their job.
Just the fact they didn't bother enforcing the '3 artworks per artist' rule shows they never checked the submissions and submitters properly.
in few years ai will be used widely as a basic tool, fuck off because you lost artcucks
This, they skimmed through all the art provided and didn't even show it, some people posted their work after the top and a lot of the people that didn't make it in had incredible pieces, far better than the AI shit
they did it on purpoze pokezlop like drama and get the attention
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actually AI will never be as wildly used as you think because AI generated images means you have no intellectual property rights over the pictures you produce since it was made by a machine and not a human being
That's cringe. And a lie. AI is just the new NFTs. A great technology that techtards are just trying to desperately milk into a business model. LLMs were a thing already 17 years ago. My brother did his master's thesis on them.
You know what's one of the base factors for any tech, including LLMs specifically? It's useless without a context. Useless without a problem to solve. The problem AI images are trying to solve doesn't exist, same with ChatGPT writing books or scripts. Artists, writers and musicians like what they do. Instead of getting a model to end world hunger, these tardlords are trying to replace jobs people do out of pure enjoyment.
Also I'm sorry but why would I ever read a book made by a machine? What's the point? The point of an LLM is for example, to generate a different test per student based on the same thing that class studied that month. It's not to replace the deepest forms of expression human beings can reach.

The only reason AI is being pushed is because AI images used to be a tech that focused on seeing if someone is infected with covid through their faces, by feeding the LLM a dataset of faces. It was a failure detecting covid, but it was very successful at creating an ambiguous face from all the others. So they doubled down into AI images. OpenAI only shills so much because they need funding to continue on.
And their business is crashing and burning because obviously, nobody has a use for this shit. It's slop. Nobody wants to PAY to consume AI shit. If anything AI should be accessible by everyone.

Have you ever heard of Star Trek replicators? And how the characters kept asking for "home cooked meals"? gee I wonder why's that.
People like you are so extremely used to having no effect on the world around you, you can't even comprehend the idea of fighting for what's right, even if it's hard.
It takes 1 look at the news to see that's not "the future" you fucking retard.
Enjoy having to ration your AC use because someone wanted to generate a picture of a big tiddy lady
imagine being a pencel, getting beat by AI, and then having to be selected on the second round. You KNOW you're worse than AI and only got in on a technicality.
Go fuck yourself Rajeesh, learn to draw if it means so much to you.
Why is everyone foaming at the mouth with sheer exhiliration at artists being replaced?
Because the untalented and soulless will always hate and resent those who can do things they can't.
I am fully in favor of abolishing all intellectual property law. I pirate everything I own already.
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If ai is slop and soulless and so bad and misses fingers and everything, then why would you be worried about it being in the contest? Surely it would lose based on merit for the reasons you stated? If it somehow manages to win the contest, then doesn't that disprove everything you said and demonstrate that people thought it made prettier looking pictures than the analog contestants? Do you need segregated competitions like men and women in sports because you can't compete when everyone is allowed in?
NFTs are not a "great technology." They solve no problem. AI Art totally makes sense because it easily makes images far beyond the skill level of the majority of the populace. AI text shit also makes no sense because it's just a google search but worse.
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>AIbros are pro trannies in woman's sports
Women ruined male spaces and voted for it, I think it's hilarious to see them lose all of their safe spaces.
I'm pro no special competition brackets at all. Everyone should compete against everyone and losers will lose.
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>artsisters are pro women's sports
If AI got into the top 300 then that clearly means they don't actually look at all the artwork and just randomly pick them
How is this a win for anyone?
You better hope that's the reason it got into the top 300, because the alternative is much scarier to consider and might destroy your entire worldview. God forbid it won a contest based on merit by just being a better image than other images.
>on merit by just being a better image than other images.
But it was literally just generic AI pokemon art?
Anyone could make it in a minute
Most of the pictures in the contest were like that, yes.
Because this >>56079031 >>56079076
People are focusing too much on the shitty AI art and not enough at how terrible these judges are at their job. If anything needs to get replaced by an AI, it should be them.
Lawyers will never be replaced by AI because human lawyers will sue them. Normal people will never be allowed access to affordable justice.
If ai was good nobody would have noticed it was ai
Witch hunting is hilarious, now people will start accusing each other even when there is no AI involved.
i think this is not because the AI is more that person posted with different names
Entering an art competition with AI art is like entering a cooking competition pre-made meals you microwaved
Government will force AI software to post their pictures are AI with some kind of water mark and these type of contests will force participants to post their process. It’s the inevitable future
>don't do it
>just lie
>the entire point of AI will be that it advances to become indistinguishable from something made by a human
>only way to be caught is to self-report
wow that was the easiest defeated regulation in history
And yes, I will just lie to everyone from now on. If luddites are going to treat me this way, I just won't be ethical.
I'd be a lot more sympathetic to the anti-AI crowd if internet artists weren't the most insufferable cunts imaginable. Total Artcel Death.
Kek Pajeets BTFO once again, Record Labels are coming to rape AIjeets aswell. It’s all coming up Miltank
>it has been free open source software for 2 years and people now have shared millions of models and taught people how to train their own model and modify the code
>government will force AI software
That's about as possible as it is to un-rape yourself.
God Tier Bait, for second I almost believed you were retarded
It’s just salty Permabegs who couldn’t draw a dollar with a green crayon and contrarians desperate for attention
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I just hate Latinos and Asian artists, who make up the majority of the Pokemon hentai art community while whites are stuck making soulless calarts slop.

I hope all highbreed spics and Japs 41% over AI

nn| |nD
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Did I do it correctly?
>I will just lie lol
are you guys ok in the head? can you use common sense for one second? If you think you can use current AI technology and fool everyone you are fucking stupid. And if you think future AI technology developed enough to be indistinguishable between humans isn't going to be heavily regulated you are fucking delusional.
>free open source software
>global internet where everyone is seeding the torrents
It's the perfect combination that has outpaced government.
lmao implying you whAIners don't jump at shadows and harass any artist you so much as suspect might be using AI
Pretty easy to prove you drew the piece yourself, can't say the same about AIsloppa though.
This isn't a court of law, nobody has to prove shit about how a picture was made.
We're talking about an art contest here. The runners can easily make it a requirement to give proof you drew your entry yourself, if you fail to do so then your image doesn't even get accepted. Easy solution even against the """most convincing""" looking AIsloppa.
>AI Art totally makes sense
You fail to understand how much energy and material ressources AI generation burns. I can get the same result by comissionning an artist running on Monster and pizzas.

Completely on AI text, I'd add that Ai chat tends to be verbose for no good reason. Like get to the point, Jesus christ.
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Nice incels
Anon, AI has come leaps and bounds in the last couple of years. As soon as it becomes capable of controlling heavy machinery the sky is the limit.
>You fail to understand how much energy and material ressources AI generation burns.
Any resources explaining this? Could’ve sworn I heard something about AI using a fuckload of water
Who's more annoying? Pro-AI anti-woke grifters or anti-AI SJW crowds?
Nah Zeta Males.
Anti-AI and anti-woke gawds (me) are based.
People who are pro-ai are indians.
There now that I've associated ai with pajeets I have completely doomed ai to forever be delegitimized because I have associated it with indians.
Poo in loo! Redeem prompt!
I'm just a lurker but did you seriously link vox/forbes thinking you would be taken seriously? Also, all those articles talk about stupid shit like "climate change", "carbon footprints", and "social innovation". Environmentalism was and is always dumb but at least in the past, the activists pretended to be worried about tangible issues like pollution in local water sources and wasteyard plastic and chemicals ruining soil quality.
You might have noticed that some people are trying to deliberately repeat history.
Art is inherently a feminine and leftist pursuit, standing in the way of fascism.
This is state-sponsored propaganda, mouth breather.
>stupid shit like "climate change", "carbon footprints"
Mouth breather, it's all connected. The heating of Earth and loss of biodiversity influences the soil and water quality. The pollution increases when air conditioning becomes ubiquitous.
Because artists were happy to celebrate other people losing their jobs and livelihoods due to machinery and industrial changes. Now it's only fair that the same thing happens to them. Not to mention, a large majority of modern art nowadays is either homogenized corporate garbage or roundabout money laundering anyways. We don't have much to lose.
Also, most artists I've met were so judgemental and had a horrible sense of entitlement so that plays a role as well.
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damn being proAI really makes you fucking retarded
>Retards, the contest rules say nothing about AI
>the whole issue started with AI art being detected
>It's all connected.
lmao the news and government told me that cows doing their natural body functions was evil and they will fix it if I give them enough money.
average modern artist
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is that a picture of you?
Happy /vp/ is smart enough to understand it's far funnier and more important that the AI pajeets lose than the perpetually unfun twitter artists.
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This is just turning into flame war with Soijacks.

Sage this shit.
>sharty children hate AI
All the evidence I need to be vehemently in support of it.
They're for it thoughbeit.
Art is the real future and no one says otherwise. Arrest yourself and go to bed.

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