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>Discuss husbando
>Worship husbando
>Bully husbando
>Post art, headcanons, greentext, etc

Previous Thread

What bad habit does your husbando have? Does he eat something he droped on the floor? Does he cope by binge drinking?
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Yes to both. Nanu seems like the type to just reuse a coffee mug. Like, drinking coffee in the morning, no clean mugs and he can’t be bothered to do the dishes so he just grabs one from the previous morning and just uses that to drink out of. Lazy bastard. Also he probably lets the meowth lay on his clothes/laundry pile and he just lets them take naps, then he still puts the clothes on cat hair included because who cares
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My stupid husbando got into mastersex finally I feel high
So happy for you Avery anon!
With so many meowth one just has to accept cat fur. It becomes a way of life
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Bored, posting Cheren.

>What bad habit does your husbando have? Does he eat something he dropped on the floor? Does he cope by binge drinking?
Nope and nope. If PETA never getting sued for Black and Blue equals canon, then Cheren is probably the kind of person that stays off alcohol and for a good reason.
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No to those two.
But as for bad habits, I can imagine Gladion still having a bit of a silver spoon mentality when it comes to money, and so spends a lot without really thinking about it. Granted he's probably pretty practical with what he gets, as well as just really spoiling his Pokemon.
Otherwise I think he's pretty well put together, aside from family drama, anti-social behavior, and a dash of self-loathing.
free him
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Kek. He is the bad habit
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I saw someone on xwitter selling these for 30 CAD
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>Masters icon isn't husbando anymore
I'm a little sad but at least he can talk to me in the Pokemon Center now. He's so boring its cute.

Probably drinking excessively with his co-workers, as Japanese businessmen tend to do. Though I figure he stopped as he got a little older for health reasons, and now his bad habit is just working too much. Maybe he leaves laundry lying around or something else that's mundane but kinda annoying. On the opposite end, I figured he's perfected the art of never getting food stains on his suit because he doesn't want to get in trouble with Geeta about it and getting it cleaned is such a hassle.
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A few threads ago I mentioned I comissioned a husbando plushie, Here's a WIP.....
Oh wow he's looking great! Can't wait to see him complete!
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Making a marking how deep my husbandos' cocks reach into me on my stomach
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Oh he looking cute!
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Oh, his face is really cute. Love his sharp eyes. Lucky you!
Two Stevens!
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Threadly Lance/yng appreciation post
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I like to think of him: someone so elegant, charming and refined, yet, has a body hair growth issue, so he no longer bothers shaving and just shamefully hides his fuzzy coat under his suits.
That's an issue? I'd say he should be a bit hairier.

That’s his body 1-2 days after shaving. I’d love to tease him with his body, he’d think he looks primitive, but it just makes him so huggable.

I did tried to add more hair, but it looked off so I leave it that way to not over complex myself again and screw up.
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a part of me wants the app icon permanently, because he’s got a cute little face there
i feel liked these days, he’s more likely to be roped by promises of a killer menu into being a designated driver by his coworkers
He has such a dumbass haircut
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Hey for the Lance and Grimsley anons (I know there’s a few on here):
I browse through Pokémon Center on occasion to see if they’ve got anything new and neat, saw they recently added Lance/Dragonite and Grimsley/Tyrantitar figures. Not sure if you guys stay on top of those types of things or if they’re of any interest to you, but saw them and thought of you guys.
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Not my husbando but I am amazed that Grimsley got a figure. Holy shit. Would buy if I had the space and money.
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Looker making his Looker tickets by @papurikagakusyu
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Grimsley isn't my husbando either, but last night he appeared to me in a dream where he'd swallowed his pride and become a butler for a family in Unova. Must be Grimsley season or something.
ooh, forced to become a butler-husbandos.
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I bought one. Just so they know someone out there will pay for merch.

I also had half a mind to buy the Grimsley one just for Tyranitar, my kawaii kaiju looks good there.
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Planning to draw some hot husbando art today
I knew you would Lance-anon. I was thinking of you. Wish Pokémon Center made more than just a crappy tshirt of my husbando, but I’ll help others where I can.

Sometimes I come across husbando cards, merch, etc. and want to buy little gifts for you guys, but alas we are all anons. It’s better that way from a financial standpoint, sorry y’all but know my heart is in the right place
It's the thought that counts. Sometimes I see husbando stuff and think of people in the thread too.
We're all connected through our brainworms and I think that's beautiful
You just don’t get this sort of love anywhere else on /vp
20 minutes into cult practise and chill and he gives you this look
>I'm not the only one
Thank god, I thought I was the only weirdo who's weirdly attached to you anons
You’re not, I find myself thinking about the anons here more often than not, like a weird sort of sentimentalism or something
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It's probably because we have a sort of semi-community here, where even though we don't know what each others names even are, we can generally recognize who's who depending on the husbando they post. I'm more of a lurker myself and I actually tend to switch between husbandos that I post, but I do come here all the time and even talk about discussions that take place here to my real life spouse. It's a weird version of sharing the latest gossip in the neighborhood like some kind of housewife with a lot of time on her hands.
>It's a weird version of sharing the latest gossip in the neighborhood like some kind of housewife with a lot of time on her hands.
I like to imagine it as some sort of weird ass tea party that takes place in a weird hidden basement full of husbando merch.
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And here I thought I was some kind of weirdo for having an IRL husband and ALSO talking to him about these threads/my husbando(s). He’s even started joking that he has a Pokémon husbando of his own (despite being straight… enough… to be married to me) and asks if anyone posts him; he chose Wallace, which I find really ironic given he’s generally paired with my husbando. Though I think he chose him to tease me a little, given I tease him about his non-Pokémon waifus on occasion.

Well this has been comforting. I needed this today.
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Alright I’m just gonna say it and be gay again I love everyone in husbando thread
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My husband 100% knows about these threads and my husbando, but it's kind of hard to miss because my desk is covered in merch haha. He teases me about it sometimes but always in a cute way.
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>if anyone posts him
Yo. Glad to see another Wallacebro.
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This thread is still the best place on 4chan.
Yeah I recognise different anons from what they're posting. It's definitely a community. I had a volo dream because of you guys, he's not even my husbando! You guys are very cool c:
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Found this AI slop but damn I can barely find art of him shirtless and way less buff if I do find it. Maybe I suck at searching.
This dumb fucker is growing on me.
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Good, I’ve had brainworms for almost three years now and I fully intend on sharing them

I love all of you anons, when I see something husbando related my first tought is always "I need to tell this to the anons at the husbando thread"

I tell about the anons on this thread (and random jp yumes I follow on twt) to my bf all the time, he always sends me pic of my husbando he sees first. The best thing in the world is to have people to share your brain rot.

based. Tell us about your dream anon

How happy are you now that he's getting on masters, anon? Picrel for you :3
INCREDIBLY happy, like the happiest I’ve been in a bit! I got back into masters about a year ago (I hadn’t touched the game since it came out) because I was curious if Avery was in it or not. He wasn’t but I’ve just been happy collecting other husbandos/characters and playing the game. When the datamine came out I pretty much died, like, my face was hot and everything kek. Looking forward to spinning him and zooming in and being a creep, counting down the days pretty much also the summer time is usually when I get pretty depressed so it’s nice to have something to look forward to, regardless of it being cringe
Aww, cute
I was in a video game store and I was asking the desk wiffie about a mario game. Then I turn round and Volos just standing there and I go up to him and tell him about you guys and that made him smile.

And that was all that happened.
I imagine you have already seen this, Anon, but as a fellow old man enjoyed I offer this to you

Also very glad I'm not the only one who thinks of this thread and the people in it. I like you all a lot. We have different tastes, but we all unite for husbandos. Bless

I hope we all have lovely weekends
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The things I would do to Arven...
Are subway bros even actually old?Always thought their white hair was just a case of it being anime. They seem young enough.
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Ehh maybe around 25-27 for BW/BW2? PLA fucked Ingo up, the art book says XX years ago since he appeared there... I want to believe it hasn't been that long, copium
>I want to believe it hasn't been that long, copium
Bro is bald
He's like 40+
>not being an old man fucker
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I want to fuck him even if he's old kek I just feel bad for Emmet having to wait that long to see him again :(
We can only hope to have closure one day, train sisters

For now I'll just lick Ingo's head like a goddamn chupa chup
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Congrats to Avery-non! I'd like to pull for him too and Klara but this month already left me at 60k from double ojisans and I don't know when they'll finally spring the Ingo rerun on me (seems to always be around summer) and I'll be in the shit if they decide to drop Hassel, Brassius, or any Rei alt any time soon.
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We can have a tiny bit of cope in the fact that not everything in the concept art actually lines up with the final game. You have the sketch of the random Pearl Clan guy finding Ingo on the ground, while in the actual game he said he was standing stunned when someone found him. So I can play devil's advocate for the people who turn XX years into 2-4 years out of cope by saying that if one part of the concept art doesn't match the final, the XX years part isn't necessarily 'final' either. Unless Gamefreak actually confirm or deny it, there's that slight wiggle room for people. But now that they've set the new Legends in Kalos, I prefer to cope by headcanoning Xerneas restores his years after the credits roll because it's just that much of a bro. Unless they then proceed to make another Unova sequel, but shhh.
This, I just want them to have their lost time back goddamnit
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He doesn’t lurk here, but I’m sure my husband will be pleased to learn he’s not alone
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Congratulations on making it to Masters Avery anons!

Also share the sentiments of how much I value this thread, I get excited to see fanart of other husbandos now because I think "Oh anon might like this"
Yes! For whatever reason they don't ship overseas, but through the power of here of all places I got him proxied to me ^^

So strange that every other figure of this series is a champion though, must have someone working on the inside
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>off model eyes
>off model hair
>off model mantits
>off model thighs
>ass of questionable accuracy
>off model dialog
>every other figure is a champion
They're subtly dipping a toe in husbando merch waters
>So strange that every other figure of this series is a champion though
It's a line that features both a pseudo-legendary and a trainer known with that Pokémon; 4 figures thus far with the line planned to have 10 total, the Pokémon determining the trainer. Not many trainers, if any besides Grimsley, use a Tyranitar outside of the battle facilities. (Seriously wish Bulbapedia listed notable game characters who owned the Pokémon on the Pokémon's page and not just the anime and manga to make searching easier.)
Husbando related predictions for the rest of the figures:
>Metagross with Steven is guaranteed
>Salamence could end up with Drake, but Zinnia is far more likely
>Hydreigon is a toss up between Ghetsis and Iris
>Kommo-o, who used one, Ryuki?
>Baxcalibur is only known with Hassel as far I can recall
Happy to help and glad you got him, Grimsley-anon
>Drake or Zinnia
It would be far too based if they gave Drake any attention. The set is already male-dominated, they'll choose Zinnia for the waifubux.
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I did, but thank you nonetheless kind anon!
I sure hope it's like you say. GF is too dumb to resolve plot points/holes in a satisfying way. I want Emmet to appear in PLZ-A looking for his brother or something to get him back at least, just some crumbs of what's going on with him.
My heart, this pic is so sweet. I too want to see them grow old together...
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Ugh, in my Volo feels right now, gotta draw him
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More trainman, please
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This art is so good! So onmodel and I'm so weak when they smile.

In other news, I may have achieved maximum husbando autism...
I've been raising a pair of submas chao on the modded Steam version of Sonic Adventure 2. They've currently bred 3 times, but I took custody of their kid away from them because they were unfit parents. It's a long story
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Do some sketch warm ups, quick give me husbandos to draw, can be r18
This thread could use a Morty. Haven’t seen him yet, if you’re up for it?
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Seconded that, give us some sexy Morty pls
I want to be sandwiched between the hoenn champs
>submas chao
...anon did you get a 3D model of their hats or hair to dress the chao in? If so, I want to see, that sounds really cute lol it has been a few years since I played modded chao garden
Thirding for some Morty.
Still off model. The hair is flipped and calves aren't as defined.
Holy shit are you me? Just last night I was thinking it might be fun to boot up SA2b again to make a pair of submas chao lol
What kinda chao are they? I'd love to see what they look like!
I plan on getting the Lance figure for sure, I love that his character design here is skewing toward the older Lance instead of the twink pink haired one(no hate for those who love twink Lance, ive just always thought the older Journeys version could throw me against a wall with a little more confidence). Fingers crossed for more sexy mature Lance merch.
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Treat yourself to the sexy Lance, anon. You deserve it.
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always looking for more to add to my Lance collection. comfy to know you anons understand.
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Bishounen Lance is soooo much better than shota lance
I. Love him so much in your style ;__;
I just want to relax and fall asleep on his body.
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>ywn sail the high seas with Nanu
why even live
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Nothing that fancy unfortunately, there are some hats in the mod but none are like theirs. The closest I got is the little blue badges for their ties and giving them the gray contact lenses, but the color is quite light so I'm not completely sure I like them.
I can't go back to vanilla now that I've played the modded version honestly, but I wouldn't do it on console if I were you because you need 150 emblems just for black eggs to appear in the market and resetting for facial features would be tedious. Plus the color mixing mod lets them have cute gray babies
I hatched them next to the minecart rails in the Mystic Ruins garden and wanted to raise them there but it was too buggy so they got moved to Station Square. I'm trying to get them to become best friends so they'll do cute shit like hug and walk while holding hands (which is part of the mod)
Their face features have been tweaked a few times, the small smile/frown is cutest but I ended up going with the open smile and frown because it's the closest to their designs. They used to have the wide open eyes but when combined with the open frown it makes a kind of traumatized looking expression, so I changed it.
Speedy, nice one drawfriend.
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aww they are still cute
having chao wearing different husbandos' accessories would definitely make me sink hundreds of hours on the game again lol
That's a very inviting pit…
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Guys I think I’m developing a little crush on Morty. Not in the “I’m replacing my husbando with him” sense, but he’s come to grow on me and I get that dumb goofy smile when I see others post him. He seems like he’d be a kind and gentle person who’d turnaround and make your heart melt simply because you made him smile.
I used to pair him and Eusine as a teen because of that one anime ep where Eusine was being bratty and Morty had to tard wrangle him from lashing out at ten year olds.
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He's always been so alluring to me, like an odd mix of handsome, mysterious and goofy. He's such a chill husbando.
Eh, Eusine is ugly so I don't see why you would do that to Morty.
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My attempt at Lance
Looks great anon!
Maybe he's beautiful on the inside.
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AAAAA THEY ARE SO CUTE I LOVE THEM! You did a great job, bravo!
>I wouldn't do it on console if I were you because you need 150 emblems just for black eggs to appear in the market and resetting for facial features would be tedious.
Oh trust me I wasted plenty of time grinding emblems for eggs and resetting for desired faces/colors on console years ago, never again lol
absolutely love it, you're nailing his broad shoulders and chest. moar pls.
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Getting in the husbando feels tonight by thinking about how touch starved he probably is. Talking to an Arven chatbot and it just evolved into mutual touch starvation and now I’m sad
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He would absolutely be the best to cuddle with. I just want to cuddle him and shower him with all the love that he missed out on, he deserves it ;A;
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Goddammit I just want to give him a hug and tell him everything’s gonna be okay. I fucking get it Arven :’(
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Yeah ):
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Good morning husbando thread

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