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>enter any thread on here
>at least one guy talking about fucking pokemon
>at least one guy calling anyone who disagrees with them a tranny
>at least two racists
>at least some semblance of anti-semitism
>buzzwords so popular it makes cicadas seem quiet
>hateful comments everywhere
>nobody seems to have a semblance of positive interaction here without some guy going apeshit and spamming vitriol.

..genuinely, /vp/, what caused all of this to happen to you as a collective? why be racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc etc? is it because everywhere else has shunned you for being annoying? what caused such vitriol to stay in your system? and why is everyone who disagrees with you one of the buzzwords you fling? is it supressed aggression? internalised phobias? or is it a sense of narcissism that you believe you're the only "good and just" ones?

and this is coming from a straight white guy, so you should know how fucked it is that someone who has "no flaws" to a lot of you guys is against what you speak and do. I just wanted some place to shitpost about pokemon and talk about my waifu that wasn't a giant fucking cesspool, but I guess not even here is good for that.
>what caused all of this to happen to you as a collective?
Lack of sex
/vp/ is a dead board
brother I am a fucking TURBO VIRGIN. The only relationships I've had are fictional ones. I've never had sex and I never turned out like these guys. is it really THAT important to some people?
I mean I GUESS, but what the fuck actually happened?
Finally, someone sane.
I don't fucking feel sane anymore after being in this board for over 2 years
I’ve only been on this board since mid 2022 I think.

Oh dear god I really have been on this board for 2 years. I haven’t spent every day here until this year, though. Don’t worry, the fact that you feel this way proves that you still have some semblance of sanity left in you.
I've been here since mid 2023 (thought it was 2025 for some reason) and man, I'm so confused. how did it get like this?
You're not straight and you're not a male
out here feeling like 1973, cause I'm out here singing "here we go again"

I am a man, born a male, I have a penis. I was born with it. I do not intend to swap my gender. You are a subhuman for thinking that's a proper way to talk to people.
pls marry me
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sorry my guy
I'm already taken
I have no clue. I think a lot of 4chan suffers from what I call “trans derangement syndrome”, among many other things. I think it was the dex cut combined with the general cultural shift post covid that made the board into what it is today. At least that’s what I always assumed.
trans derangement syndrome? so it's legit just violent levels of copium?

I do agree though, the dex cut was probably the one thing that fucked with the pokemon community.
That’s just what I call 4chan’s obsession with “trannies” as they call them. It’s like the opposite of “trump derangement syndrome”, if that makes sense.

Yeah, the dex cut definitely damaged the Pokémon community in ways that I don’t think it will ever truly recover from.
sadly it doesn't because I'm not caught up in political stuff. but the dexcut definitely tore the community up. it'll recover eventually, but it'll take a LONG time.
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>You are a subhuman for thinking that's a proper way to talk to people
hi wojakposter
lovely weather we're having, isn't it?
It’s basically a colloquial term for “woke” people who blame everything on trump. I’m not caught up in political stuff either, I just know it from general pop culture osmosis.

It feels so good to know that there are normal people here. You have my respect for being a decent, functional human being.
well, decent and functional doesn't really work for me. I'm an autistic person with a fictional ghost girl as a girlfriend, but thanks man
but yea, I getcha now. people blaming everything on trans folk just for existing. pain.
I have autism as well, and I’m also terminally addicted to a certain pokégirl (who’s threads always get shit up by people spamming buzzwords (latinx, DEI) until they no longer mean anything). At least there’s the occasional good thread here or there (usually the ones that focus on a specific Pokémon, such as the Hypno and Lumineon threads that have been up for a while. The current Pokémon Clover discussion thread is also quite good).
Honestly it's not just a board or even a 4chan specific issue. Internet in general's gone pretty nuts.
Half of these are the same half dozen people/bots shitting up the board on purpose. Most of them are underage cancer invading from a wojak-themed altchan. And when they run out of threads to shit up the make extremely low quality threads of their own to argue with themselves in. Just like this one :)

BTW the "hate" is actually just what normal people think

>I'll take the thing that was successfully used to describe my behavior and throw it back unmodified even though it doesn't make sense anymore and act like I won!
You are the ones invading spaces and demanding control of speech, demanding access to kids, demanding nobody question your ideology. You're the aggressor; nobody is obsessed we just hate you because of your behavior and appearance.
gotta love pokemon's first accidental autism rep desu. nemona pretty decent as a character. not the best though (IMO)

yea it has, but 4chan definitely got the awkward side of it all.
brother. I am a straight white guy. even I know that the "hate is what normal people think" as well as disliking people for their race, gender identity, religion, etc etc, is not the right thing to do.

scat man, fat man, black and white and brown man, tell me about the colour of your SOUL.
Honestly I find 4chan more tolerable than other sites despite that. I can still have a fun time here, even if not as often.
I personally don’t headcanon her to have autism, but I totally get why people would think that. SV came out at a pretty rough time in my life, and when I first met Nemona, it was love at first sight. She’s very beautiful, and her personality is very endearing. <3

I guess it would inevitable that 4chan would have it the worst, since its reputation speaks for itself.

I am not trans, you fucking retard. Can you please not throw that accusation at every person you disagree with?
>talk about how people on 4chan are doing a certain thing
>we're the correct ones because [the thing I was talking about]

also yea, good point. I mostly came here because people get a bit awkward about the entire acerola thing, but good god the people here can be insufferable.
Even if this place has poisoned my soul a bit, I can’t deny that it has a certain charm.
When you make a whole month dedicated to your minority group and forcing religious people to suck it up, don't expect that you'll be loved
yea it really does. sucks, but oh well.

my minority group?
jesus fucking christ how many times I gotta say it
I am THE OPPOSITE of the minority. I am supportive of the people out there because there is no reasons not to.
Hey, you can rest easy knowing that there are normal people here too. It’s refreshing that there’s a thread criticising the state of the board that doesn’t default to the most extreme measures (banning pokégirl threads or outright deleting the board entirely).
the board is a good board! waifu threads are good too! it's just that there's too much hate here for no fucking reason. I ain't even tryna be angry at the people out here, but good lord they thinkin I'm gay or trans or some shit because I support them. I am as straight as a pole, as pale as a vampire, and I was born a guy and (somewhat) comfortable with it.
Don’t bother arguing with these people. They aren’t worth it.
It certainly does. I mean where else am I gonna see OP show his dead grandma his cool dusknoir.

Yeah honestly. There's a lotta fun to be had, even if I think Pokemon as a franchise has gotten a bit shit lately I still enjoy the stuff I enjoy with it.

Also some of the threads like the OC trainer thread, the current clover thread and others are good fun.
the oc trainer thread, the slice of life threads, the waifu threads, the ones where people are actually happy, those are my favourite threads here. I just love when people can just talk about what they enjoy.
You in the generic sense, not "You"
I feel like you are just samefagging now
Honestly this board has given me a lot of appreciation for Pokémon lately. For example, I wouldn’t have discovered Pokérogue if it wasn’t for this board, and I’ve been hooked on it for the past two weeks! The waifu threads are also good, even though I only stick to my girls (Nemona and Penny). The Clover thread is also great fun, it’s really nice seeing people’s ideas. Clover is also one of my favourite romhacks, so it’s nice to see some discussion about it.

This! This is the reason I still come here.
I'm sure other social media do that better
oh they probably do! but they're all kinda ass though.
What makes 4chan less ass to you?
Yeah I know exactly what you mean, the slice of life threads in particular are kinda fun. Even the odd ones like that one thread asking if disabled people should own pokemon has some life to it.

I actually need to check out Pokerogue. Never really tried out roguelikes so it'd be an interesting experience.

Looking forward to Clover 2.0, that new Pokedex revamp is rad.
you don't get ignored on 4chan because you don't have 50 billion followers or you didn't get in there at the start. there's no algorithm to fight against and gamble with to get interaction. if I post anything on twitter I would be permanently blanked. here it's just all there and easy to see/spot.
brother I shit you not, that thread you talked about is legitimately the reason why I made this one. I wanted wholesome slice of life stuff, and instead I got people saying that disabled people should be murdered and their pokemon turned into sex slaves, and then scrolling further I see people ripping into transfolk outta nowhere.
I'm sure that you're not straight
Yeah the internet getting hyper homogenized onto Social media platforms and like... 4 maybe 5 sites really kinda spelt doom in my opinion.

That's fair. I still love that alakazam joke greentext from it. Also there was some nice art to boot.

I dunno, still better than what I see on twitter or reddit.
Pokérogue is great, especially for a browser game. Clover 2.0 looks really good, but it might not be coming out for a while…
give me one good reason that being supportive makes me gay?
brother you the same bitch who think eating bananas, wearing glasses, and washing your ass makes you gay.

it's annoying, but oh well, would rather have to deal with assholes than be ignored.
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fucking christ i had a whole reply typed out for your incel ass telling you to fuck off cause i thought you might actually be serious. move on everybody. this is 100% a tranny bait thread. congrats on at least trying to make it somewhat believable. SEX WITH POKEMON BTW. ESPECIALLY ELECTRIC POKEMON.
Isn't transfolk a word only used within the tranny circle

seriously, what the fuck makes this "tranny bait thread" ?
my brother in christ. YOU invented the bait! YOU fell for bait that doesn't even fucking exist! YOU created the boogeyman!
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I mean yea, I guess? but I'm actually considerate to people. "trannies" ain't exactly a nice thing to say.
So would you finally admit that you're a tranny
I'm in the same boat as y'all are, the straight white guy. but of course you won't believe me, you fucking flat earther. head so far up your own ass with your delusion that even if I was to send my birth certificate, my weird lookin penis, and my goverment ID on it, you'd STILL think I'm a woman.

if being nice to people for being who they want to be in a world filled with hate makes me trans, then I better pick up a flag then.

and I just know y'all gonna use that sentence as ammunition.
Now that I think about it, this is most likely a bait thread, if this is a bait, kill yourself, if this is not a bait, kill yourself also, I'm out.
Oh, and I'm not white.
eh, it wasn't trying to be a bait thread, it was me genuinely trying to figure out why this board is so angsty and hateful for seemingly no reason.
Enough bullshit, go get a rope.
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i've never heard another tranny say transfolk it's always cis ppl lol but i do spend all my time on 4chan so my image is skewed. maybe theyfabs say it a lot or something
t. troon
What's so wrong about being antisemitic and racist? :(
I see it a bit on twitter but to be honest I avoid any all trans related stuff on there. Shit's a goddamn minefield.
Even the faces of them disgusts me
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I've been here since time immemorial, I can shed some light on your inquiry.
>at least one guy talking about fucking pokemon.
Furries have been a thing on 4chan since the since the site was created and have always been an annoyance so it's no surprise to see that /vp/ is even worse in that regard.

The sad part is that /vp/'s furries USED to be quieter in the past but that was due to Moot threatening to kill the board if people didn't cut it out with the furry porn spam. Now that Braxenmod is a thing, Hiro owns the site and does the bare minimum to keep it functioning, and Discord raid groups coming onto the everyday to get their jollies the site has lost its bite in recent years.
>at least one guy calling anyone who disagrees with them a tranny
The whole "tranny" thing is basically a more "modern" 4chan-style way to call someone a retard. There is some actual distaste for trannies on the site but that's from how they try to insert themselves into things even after they've been told "fuck no" and, in the cases where they're welcomed, run said things turn to shit due to heavy-handed moderation/censorship.
>at least two racists
4chan has always been racist, this shouldn't surprise you in the slightest.
>at least some semblance of anti-semitism
This one is technically a mixture born from proper antisemitism, businesses pushing for DEI cancer due to the bigger investment firms using a company's ESG score to decide on if it's worth investing in said company, and governments propping up DEI-based lawlessness over having a properly-functioning society.
>buzzwords so popular it makes cicadas seem quiet
>hateful comments everywhere
>nobody seems to have a semblance of positive interaction here without some guy going apeshit and spamming vitriol.
Again, these things aren't a new thing on 4chan.
Anyone who complains about 4chan being """Toxic""" and """Racist""" is a tourist that needs to go back, simple as.
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Literally nothing.
This is a bait thread
This. Don't actually interact with OP's talking points at all, just call OP a cock-inhaling faggot and move on.
what does this shit even mean?
Wooper anon left us
dude, THANK YOU.
You're the first guy to actually give me an answer instead of either proving my point or being a sound guy (shout outs nemona anon)

thanks for giving an actual answer. I appreciate it. People calling it bait are just confused on how I could be dumbfounded by all of this stuff.
>(shout outs nemona anon)
No problem! Sorry I didn’t give you the answer you were looking for.
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nah dw bro, you did well in keeping this place sane for a while, you a good lad o/
Have a Pengas as thanks.
Thanks. I’m off to bed now. It was nice talking with you.
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adios bro, good night man and hopefully I'll drop in one day in the nemona threads -w-
because mods and jannies are unironic trannies that are grooming kids on vp.
to some people yes. you have no idea how desperste a lack of sex drives some people
If only you had the means to find out.

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