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/vp/ - Pokémon

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I like to keep two Mews in my party.
1 boy Mew and 1 girl Mew.
The boy Mew is a physical attacker, and the girl Mew special attacker.
>1 boy Mew and 1 girl Mew
no such things
They both look like faggots
Mew doesn't even know what sex is
We need another Shiny variant to happen just so could have a Physical Mew, a Special Mew and a Status Mew the same team.
Pink = Girl
Blue = Boy

No you.
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Yes such thing. When will you little faggots learn you were puishng a wokeshit agenda with your "genderless" bullshit all these years.
hence can't call them boy or girl
Just because you're so dumb that you can't determine the answer of 2+2 doesn't mean it's not 4.
just because you're so dumb that you have x + y = 4 and pretend x = 2 and y = 2 must be the truth does not make x = 1 and y = 3 an impossibility
Wow, you are impressively stupid.
I will say this more simply.
Undetermined does mean "no answer".

The analogy you just tried does not make any sense. Because you're still wrong and admitting that prove that undetermined means "no answer".
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once again, you are dumb beyond belief
no such things as you or anyone else determining their gender, simple as
you are autistic
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The post you're replying to explains how you are wrong. And you can't even type correctly you're so stupid.
Sex with girl Mew as boy Mew watches!
too bad your reading comprehension painted you stupid from the very beginning and you never had a chance to redeem yourself
>n- nuh uh!! ur wrong!!
Good argument.

Undetermined still doesn't mean "no answer", clown.
Cute shiny Amorua.
are you retarded? no answer means no answer, not your answer.
I'm not retarded, but you sure as fuck are.

Undetermined DOES NOT MEAN "NO ANSWER". Seriously, google the word, you retard.
Ficking love shiny Mew, I hunted one on a Japanese version of Emerald once. Runaway hunting is so different but so similar to Soft Reseting.
NTA but they never said there was "no answer", they just said the answer may not be something conventional. That analogy was great and you're resorting to repetition of a point that no one said but yourself and ad hominem attacks as opposed to actually saying what was wrong with it.
Why do you think anyone will even sort of believe you when you say retarded shit like this?

>ad hominem
I always laugh when retards try to use Latin to make themselves look smart, but only end up making themselves look even dumber.
Your, very bad, argument was never dismissed and was directly addressed. Thus, ad hominem was never used.
Literally a different person, just thought you were being obtuse
Not my argument, but wasn't directly addressed. You called that anon stupid and wrong without saying why you think they were wrong or how the analogy didn't make sense, you just repeated that undetermined != no answer, which was never being disputed in the first place
There IS an answer though - they have male and female genders, but have no outward indications as to what an individual's gender is.
That means getting pissy because some fucker online mentally decided his instance of something is a different gender to the one you prefer viewing the same species as just highlights the depths of your autism. I didn't give a fuck for the cartoon, doesn't mean they didn't go and make a female Mewtwo as much to prove the statement I'd underlined from the guide above (because TPC must follow Game Freak's word, not Game Freak being subject to TPC's whims)as it was to avoid dealing with the tranny's estate to shill a mega.
they have no gender
>Literally a different person
It's hilarious how you called out on being a retard for trying to lie over the internet as an "alibi" and your response it to lie again.

And it sure is interesting how this "new poster" showed up just as the other retard stopped replying.

>without saying why you think they were wrong
Your analogy didn't actually prove your point at all, you absolute moron.
You keep trying to say undetermined means "can not be answered", which is objectively not what the word means. Just because you can't determine something doesn't mean that something is impossible to define. It literally just means you lack full context. Fuck, you are retarded.
Oh nonono its the solarGOD...
Wrong. We just don't know how to tell what gender they are.
so they are genderless
Hah, you know. I had a feeling it was you the second you started going "d- durrr nta!!!" And now you having a mental break down over being called out it only makes it more obvious who you are.
It's honestly impressive how retarded you are.
Again, not being able to tell what something is doesn't mean that something is impossible to define.
The thread was on the top of the catalog my man, just browsing, saw some discourse, wanted to hop in
>You keep trying to say undetermined means "can not be answered",
That anon literally never said that. You are the only one who said that. That anon's analogy wasn't saying "it can not be answered ever", it was saying "there is an answer, but we can not determine it given the knowledge available within the Pokemon universe", similarly to how we can't know for certain that x = 2 and y = 2 in x + y = 4.
we can tell just fine mew is genderless doe
You can stop begging people to think you're more than one person.
If we ignore word of Game Freak, yeah.
But we're not egotistical and/or retarded enough to think we know better than the creators, right?
>retard is STILL trying to lie to give himself an "alibi" and pretend people agree with him
It's hilarious how you are begging people to think you are more than one person three times in a single post.

It's just so easy to tell who you are, !Akemi.
Of course we know better. Customer is always right.
Unless the customer is a brain dead retard.
I am a different person from the original anon.
I agree with your definition of undetermined, because it is the correct definition. However, you are just fundamentally misunderstanding that anon's analogy. Can you dispute it, or are you just going to resort to calling me a retard again?
My condolences then.
>LITERALLY can NOT stop begging people to think he's more than one person
Literal clown.

>that anon
You. And your analogy would only make sense if there was more than two genders. And there isn't.

Yeah, it's a shame there are so many brain dead retards like you.
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/vp/iss is more obsessed with genders than the alphabet people and this thread proves it
Weird that people who are into fantasy series like Pokemon are afraid of genderless creatures.
I mean the thing with the "this anon is pretending to be separate people accusation is that there's literally no way to disprove it. So you can just keep saying anyone who disagrees with you with is just one guy because nobody else could possibly agree with that anon.
(Im pretty certain you'll just say I'm a samefag too.)
Are you a Professor or otherwise a scientist within the Pokemon universe? Who are you to claim there aren't more than two genders in fictional creatures? Perhaps the reason they are undetermined is because it's a third gender that does not have a human equivalent. That's the case that the anon was arguing. It's likely that x=2 and y=2, but x=0/y=4, x=1/y3, and x=4/y=0 are valid answers in x+y=4.
At the end of the day, this is just a children's game, and this post is just ragebait. Sage and moving on. Maybe one day you'll become more open-minded. It's much easier to live and let live than be full of hate. Have a great day and be sure to take your meds.
>(Im pretty certain you'll just say I'm
It's funny how you're trying so hard to "change your posting style".
You also forgot to close your quotes.

>there's literally no way to disprove it.
Correct, which is why you don't say "durrr NTA!!!!!" in the first place, and try to pretend there are "multiple people" who agree with you, and you just make a post trying to address the argument, and nothing more.
Ah, so "we" are not so egotistical or retarded, but "you" sure as fuck are.
Reminder, you're getting mad a kiddy IP's lore and world do not mesh with your autistic manchild-centric view of it, despite being many years removed from being considered critical to the success of the brand, given you've not go the excuse of being 7 and not knowing better as an explanation for your actions. Well, Tajiri barring retards breeding more leggos /= leggos being nulls or whatever other sexual kink you wish them to be. Furfag number One is well aware of how many people want to fuck his monsters to risk losing their support as a demographic. Which is why officially, they're either male or female, but no-one can determine by sight.
There's also the elephant in the room of Game Freak creating Ho-Oh after a feminine deity in Asia at the same time the tranny showrunner made his self-insert for the movie, only to have God turn it male by executive decision as concession to foisting a fakemon on the studio (and finally giving them their "Gold/Silver" duality aesthetic while their creation retained its feminine portrayal. That each box legend pair has followed a male/female dynamic since, with Gen 5's being based off the concept of the male/female duality and Gen 8's outright establishing a sibling dynamic between brother and sister. Almost as if they'd always intended the creatures to have genders but didn't intend for everything to be able to breed, despite being able to have a gender.
Just do the needful. Hes a well known schizoposter. You could literally walk into his home with 4 people and all post with your phones and he will call you samefags.
Don't you feel stupid for constantly trying to delude yourself into thinking anyone who disagrees with you is mad?

>Who are you to claim there aren't more than two genders in fictional creatures?
30 years of games, and there has never been a "third gender".
Didnt read but Mew is genderless doe
You can stop replying to yourself.

You can stop being consumed with trying to "get the last word".
And yes, both of these posts are made by the same autistic retard.
Except Game Freak aren't western tweenagers obsessed with this kind of shit, as they want to be "special". They outright said "no-one's able to tell if these are male or female" not "we think these are an entirely different gender to male or female".
Get your wokeshit out my kiddy series please. Even when they put out something that could be construed as tranny, officially they don't actually see them as the trannies you want them to be.
If you didn't play the games past 1998 genwunner. But this was always the official take, even when NoA were localising it arseways to keep the sheep cowed.
mindbroken american
>wokeshit = wokeshit
Wrong continent entirely, but as expected from an autistic cunt mad the kiddy game series doesn't follow his sexual deviations.
Seems like it was right on the mark. Typical buzzword reply.
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"most pokemon have genders"
the first line in this paragraph kinda defeats this whole argument
if most have genders some don't, that's the genderless group
Post the Japanese version of this and not the English one.
no u
Yeah, you're retarded.
"Most pokemon have gender" because some have an "unknown gender". Not that they have a third gender.

You're so mentally ill, !Ak***.
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both me btw schizo
It's honestly just so funny how you're so mentally unstable that it's impossible for you to ever admit you're wrong because it would destroy your ego.
Honestly funny how easy it is to spot Ack.
You think anyone who tells you that you're retarded for trying to samefag is your boogieman.
meant for >>56089642
>pushes a wokeshit agenda in clear contradiction to official word of god
Die in a fire already, fuckwit attention-seeker.
Since when did the EU become part of the contiguous US, nulltard?
Me too, but im still a male
Stop talking about off-topic characters.

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