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Will Alpha Pokemon return in Legends Z-A?
How will they function if the game takes place mainly within a city?
They're going to be replaced by berserk Megas or something like that
alpha pokegirls
Her butt smells likes curry...
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AZ is basically an Alpha Human, so i guess it theoretically could be a thing
ok while its early uh give animation ideas, still doing 2 of the other ones from the last thread
I'm willing to remake more towns/areas from SV, but idk all the internal numbers for the terrain stuff, so time may vary.
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>Iono's trained e-celeb eyes can spot kid's parent's credit card details even when they're only few nanometers wide.
Which 2 are you making?
rosa dropping a tiny down her shirt and her breasts make the pokeball shake shake click effect
The re-development taking place is about making the ceilings taller to let the Past Serena enter buildings without having to crawl inside
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There should be variable difficulty based on character gender selection.
Like in gen 5, beating the game unlocks easy/giant mode for the girl and hard/tiny mode for the boy .
Except now easy mode as an unlock has a point
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if you white out against your rival in hard mode you play the game as her with a new accessory
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>Coomer post out of nowhere
You people need help
Unironically lurk more
Do you have any in battle uses?
double EVs in battle
She can show you off at the start of the battle to Taunt enemy team
No, Dynamax will not be in ZA, now get off that diorama of Lumiose.
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Still my favourite pairing
Highly doubtful.
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wtf bros this new Pokemon game is way too hard. can't even leave the house you start the game in without getting a Game Over
The puzzle to get out is a bit bullshit
>imediatly after starting hide somewhere around the house
>if you stay in one spot for too long a scripted death will play out, so after a while you have to leave and find a new spot
>watch out for the screen shaking, if it does that means Mom is nearby and it's not safe to be in the open
>once she goes to sleep climb her bed
>during the body exploration segent find the Focus Sash entangled in her pubes
>get off her before she rolls over in her sleep
>climb one of the chairs
>during the scripted rival visit she will sit on the chair
>normally it's Game Over when she sits on you, but with the Sash you survive
>when she leaves you're stuck to her butt
>once outside use Struggle to fall off before she gets on her bike
Why are Kalosians like this?
When they talk about suffering for fashion they mean the tinys getting boobed
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I'm glad we have the threads now, cause jannies will probably freak out closer to the game's releas like they did with gen 9
>Unova where money=size
>celebrities like Elesa and Roxie are huge (literally)
>so is Yancy
>but she's tired of being looked up at
>so she shrinks herself and pretands to be a normie
>thus she falls in love with tiny Nate
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the one with nemona and the one with Hilda and Hilbert, almost done with the latter one, it's a very cute idea
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Imagine if being defeated by a girl not only meant you were trapped in their butt, but also made them able to forcibly recall you to it at any time...
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running away as fast as you can only to be sucked back in is hot af
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I'm more about the inexorable slow drag
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oh i'm into that, can you describe the process more?
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Hm...I suppose it's like being "reeled in", or having a bungie cord tugging you back to your proper place. When the tiny pops out and starts running away things might seem fine at first, but they feel "something" grabbing their hips and pulling them back. Gentle at first, but as they run farther it starts to slow them down until they're straining to walk. Then the victim starts to lose to the force; they throw themselves forward in desperation a few times, but in the end they're always reduced to trying to grab at the ground with their hands or digging their heels into the ground, reaching forward with their arms in vain.
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what's she doing in the meantime as you're trying to escape?
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You know I gotta say I've always been a fan of it being kind of a passive thing; she can be sleeping and you'd STILL get pulled back because that's where you belong!
But as far as when it's done actively as a sort of *point* anon return! I imagine lots of them find amusement in the struggle and giggle watching the tiny victim fight so hard even though it's totally hopeless.
Has this artist just disappeared, forgot his name, last thing from him was that pokemon art collab book where he drew giant iris
I want to be trapped between her toes while she explores all of Kanto and the Sevii Islands
Giga Dendra doing simple exercises, which causes earthquakes from the townsfolk pov
You are mentally ill
CG17. He seams active
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Was this about Elesa using Rosa in photo shoots for a new mother+child fashion line, or am i just halucinating the backstory?
No that was it. I made a few pictures based off of that, but I only ever posted one publicly. This is like psuedo follow up.
Neurotypicals not welcome!
>May and Rosa meet during their journies
>They decide to stop and take some cute photos of their tiny partners posing together
>Think you’ll finally have an opportunity to explain to them how awful it is spending 95% of your adventuring trapped against their chest, especially with another guy to back you up
>They both totally drown you out chatting about how convenient it is storing tinies in their cleavage, sharing pointers about making it more comfortable for themselves, not even thinking of your well-being for a single moment.
i love giant cc so much bros...
obsessed with this idea,i'm imagining them talking about the merits of sports bras keeping them immobilized vs letting the jiggling from a regular bra prevent them from getting a foothold to climb out
captcha 2dwt
why yes i would try being tattooed 2 dimensional to the side of a pokegirl breast

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