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why must anime attacks all be done with lasers, glowing limbs or weird projections?
Making it more fantastical so it doesn't become kid-unfriendly with too legit violence
Because Pokemon is babyishslop for idiots with no standards
Cause it looks cool and cause Pokémon are basically magical creatures
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this is the alternative
This is fire
Why is that bad?
I'm left speechless with how idiotic this screenshot is.
It doesn't look cool tho??
>glowing hand made of energy vs literally just a hammer
It does tho
Kinda hate that, specially when it's a physical attack that makes contact in the game.

Some animated media have properly potrayed attacks before. That projection trend is kinda dumb and would only makes sense if the attack makes a projection itself.
The glow thing of some attacks is at least acceptable and even good at times because sometimes the glow is of the same color as the type of the attacks: green for grass, silver for steel, blue for water, etc
To be fair the 3D animations in the games are infinitely worse
That's always been the case to some degree, but it was exaggerated in the newer seasons.
Though Gigaton Hammer is still just it swinging the hammer, no energy involved
probably a combination of trying to differentiate moves that boil down to "just go hit them" and give them identity even when different mons use them, and abstraction of violence for age ratings
Why did generations have charmander let out such a bloodcurdling scream. Its funny, but I want to know why
because its less violent, pokemon is a cock fighitng slop after all their kiddy cute designs dont help
So it can continue being marketed to toddlers, since cartoon violence that's as far from actual violence as possible with all sorts of flashy effects and every impact being covered up by explosions and dust clouds lets them get away with a LOT of shit.
its sanitized they cant show big boobs cleavage or blood even as comedy like most anime
But animating moves like this takes more effort, not less.
Even other animated stuff like Pokemon Generations and the Masters Trailer did this, s
how do pokemon just not kill eachother?
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It makes the battling a lot less violent. Bisharp's Guillotine clearly should have sliced Goodra's head off here, but since they're energy blades and not physical ones, it makes sense for Goodra to just faint.
Meanwhile in the anime series they just launch laser dentures.
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? They literally just copied what the game animation looks like you retard
You can clearly see that pidgeot's wings get energized and they do the move, not an abstract wing shape spawned in front of the pokemon.
so how did origins and old anime get away with it? >>56089935>>56090035
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>not using the only move that thing has that even does damage at all
get gud

The real answers; pick five or so:
>easier to justify to the censors since they're not REALLY fighting, which is especially necessary because the franchise is 100% "for kids only" outside of Japan
>easier to animate and possibly reuse for later scenes, further masked by most moves including a big smokescreen
> >>56089935
>easier to identify what that move is, visually
>matches the games and lessens the chance of people going "wait, why don't the games have an animation like that?"
>that whole "battling vs killing" thing that the first Pokemon movie highlighted, and why they "faint" rather than die
>because the animators got addicted to CG attacks back in gen 2 or 3 and the fantastical laser teeth stuck
The biggest one's probably the censor thing.

Don't be dumb, TV was allowed to be more "extreme" back then, and Origins was a special one-off.
Yes, the weird hand isn't even connected to the hammer here
meowth milking miltank is OK
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Here's the first time Ash's Pidgeotto uses Wing Attack in the anime.
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Hermaphrodite, gender unknown, or whatever, I hate modern subs so much. Get this shit out of subs for '90s and '00s anime and bring back the unnecessary vulgarities.
Funnily in the episode the pokedex says that Staryu doesn't have a gender.
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Glowing stuff can be cool if it represents something significant, like psychic eyes
Anime aren't canon
Otherwise, that would just be Gigaton Hammer.
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Mewtwo's eyes glowing when he's in his armor was the coolest shit
Because it was to show how much of a weak little bitch Red's shitmon was despite being a CHARMANDER
Or what about, you know, using its own hands to perform an attack involving hands?
That's more of a Wing Reflex than a Wing Attack
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>fantastical laser teeth
This is what really gets me.
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YEah I also hate it when they did bites like that.
Even the icefang from gen 6 looked better with spikes coming out of teeth
But this still look good. Same with Oshawot scalchop having a water blade.
modern anime is famous for being absolutely horrible
The weird part is they flip-flop on biting moves a lot, there's zero consistency. Sometimes it's extremely stupid shit like those images, but then sometimes they bite with their mouth and their teeth glow. And then even sometimes it is JUST literally biting, without ang lasers or glowing body parts or anything.
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It could just be they want moves to look closer to the games. They even started adding the stat boosting/lowering effect in sun and moon
In this same gen they show the cool animation of Stoutland using Fire Fang with fire coming out of its mouth, which iirc is the reason why Ash's Litten knows the move
Damn. If a Squirtle could cause that much pain with a bite, imagine what a Feraligatr or Tyrantrum could do.
I liked it better when Pokemon span around in place when using Swords DANCE WTF WHERE'S THE DANCING!?
This shit looks dumb in the show. It makes sense for turn based games where pokemon attacks are meant to be abstractions where you're imagination is meant to fill in the gaps, so to take them so literally for a tv series is just lame.
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Considering the animals they're based on which are known for their strong bites...
Yeah, in this case is was presumably done to make Brick Break identifiable as Brick Break. It was used specifically to break Reflect in that scene too, not as a main attack move.
Both Pokemon subs and dubs have always used "it" to refer to Pokemon. Pretty sure those internal TPCi documents licensors and official media writers reference tell them that's how you should refer to Pokemon too. Theythem shit is just that particular fagsub group being retarded.
They break this rule all the time. A lot of characters refer to the Pokémon they are close to as "he" or "she".
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This is Weavile using Swords Dance in Diamond and Pearl
>Both Pokemon subs and dubs have always used "it" to refer to Pokemon
I recall 4kids often using him or her when referring to Pokemon even though there was no way to tell what gender they were.
No, that's extremely rare. There's a couple very early episodes where Ash's Pikachu is referred to as "he", and some promo shit for the Mewtwo movie remake and the Diancie move used "he" and "she" respectively, but otherwise no.
origins peaked with this
>/vp/ is still MINDBROKE by this OVA
origins is for nostalgiafags
little kids can't handle such violence
You are wrong. Liko refers to Sprigatito as "she". Arven always uses "he" for his Mabosstiff. There's more examples but those are two prominent, recent examples I can think of from the top of my head.
It's really only this scene and specifically Charmander's scream in the JP version. Otherwise Origins is pretty tame.
I don't think many people minded the Charizard focus when it first came out, but it became more shitpost fuel once Charizard pandering went even harder
>You are wrong. Liko refers to Sprigatito as "she"
That's just the subbers being retarded. And they didn't have her do that until an episode confirmed it was a girl either, so it just comes across as Liko just magically learning this at the same time as the viewers did, which is obviously not the intent.
I think it was just supposed to be a sign of Liko growing closer to Sprigatito. I don't know too much about Japanese, but since I've seen every sub use "she" it doesn't seem like a coincidence. I guess we'll see what the official dub will do.
But Arven's translation is official. Ingo in PLA also refers to Sneasler as "she" iirc.
>I don't know too much about Japanese, but since I've seen every sub use "she" it doesn't seem like a coincidence. I guess we'll see what the official dub will do.
I do, and I can 100% guarantee there's zero difference in how Liko refers to her Pokemon before and after that episode where the pigmon used Attract on it. It's literally just the subbers being autists.
Doesn't Liko learn about Sprigatito's gender at that place where Spritatito was born? The breeder or whatever?
Liko presumably knew it all along. It's the subbers that didn't learn it until the episode where Attract was used (which was about a month before that breeder ep), so that's why their autism had all the characters in their subs suddenly switch from saying it to saying she.
Safe horny
>I don't think many people minded the Charizard focus when it first came out, but it became more shitpost fuel once Charizard pandering went even harder
I didn't mind it at the time until the very end when it became shilling the second Mega 'Zard form.
Swallow nigga
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One example that always stood out to me was when a Wynaut used Splash and its feet did that gleaming effect. The move also had an effect to dodge attacks. I understand the anime doesn't always sync up with the games, but Splash is a move that pretty much everyone is aware of for having no effect.
Did they not reveal what megastones were before Origins? Should've expected them to show off mega Charizard when they showed the stones in episode 2
They did, but we only knew about Megazard Y before the last episode. The reveal of Megazard X came in the final episode with the official online reveal right after the episode.
So people should've at least expected Zard Y to show up at some point for XY advertising.
Seriously who approves this slop? How can anyone look at a hammer producing a hand effect and think it's good animation, let alone accurate to Tinkaton being weak attackers outside of a very explicit move that uses the hammer?
nobody has given the actual answer : it's easier to animate/cheaper.
This may be less true for the newer seasons, but it's much easier for the animators to just slap on CG energy attacks instead of trying to animate the each different Pokemon's movements and body parts to do attacks (ironically, this makes it faithful to the source material itself in a way)
But they still do animate it. Tinkaton is so far the only Pokemon to use an orange energy hand for Brick Break. Up until now, it's a been a punch or karate chop with a glowing hand.
Wing Attack was 35 BP in Gen I.
Lets not forget how Feather Dance was literally turned into a Shadow Clone Jutsu for the sake of Ash's Rowlet to win the Hau fight.
>Never refer to Pocket Monsters as Monsters
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Don't hurt Poliwhirl.
4kids kinda just did whatever the hell they wanted. This was back when Japanese IP owners didn't think western audiences mattered enough to police their IPs so they'd just wholesale sell the localising license to anyone who offered them money and then just let them run wild with it. Which is how you ended up with stuff like Voltron and Speed Racer and Samurai Pizza Cats. They were starting to change this mindset in the late 90s because of how popular Sailor Moon and DBZ were, but it still was much more laissez-faire than today where the IP holders are oftentimes directly involved in the localisation and marketing.
It's a legal thing. Pokemon can't be marketed as "Pocket Monsters" in the west due to that being too legally close to Monsters in my Pocket, and that extends to implying the "mon" in Pokemon is short for monster.

Same reason Detective Conan had to be renamed in burgerland.
Fairy Type
80BP Physical
User molests target Pokémon, targeting their lowest defense stat. Also leaves target traumatized.
Most of the western websites that talked about it after it got announced just talked it up as a genwun adaptation and ignored the fact that Japanese promos specified that it was meant to get older, former fans back into the franchise in time for XY's release. It got hyped up hard among unironic genwunners that didn't even know what a Mega Charizard was.
Kinda hard to show a karate chop with a hammer.
Why would Germany do that?
Finally, a new physical attack fairy move for physical attack Fairymons, Play Rough isn't the only physical attack Fairy move anymore, they can now compete with the special attack Fairymons and their 1 billion special attack fairy moves!
>That's just the subbers being retarded
In Poland we HAVE to use propper pronouce and there is official bible what sex trained pokemon are.
Same with German

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