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The Incredible Dancing Vee Edition

Thread theme:
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Behold! Beans!
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It's the best time of the week, yes oh my, yes oh me!
It's the best time of the week, yes it's true, can't you see?? (~˘▾˘)~

It's time for ee-vee fri-day! (yea yea!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (alright!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (uh huh!)
Ee-vee fri-dayyy~! (YEA!!!)

It's the best time of the week, gather around, if you seek!
Yes it's ee-vees all day, it's for you, yes for free!! ~(˘▾˘)~
It's time for ee-vee fri-day (it's here!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (that's right!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (woo hoo!)
Ee-vee friii-day (YEA!!!) ~ (ゝˬ ∂)
Ee-vee fri-day! (cha cha!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (aw yea!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (you made it!)
Ee-vee friii-day (EE-BUI!!!) *+°\(*'ᗜ'* )/°+*

- ripped off from an old tripfag in an old thread
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Might not have been long enough since the last time I posted these, but here's a few of them for the theme!
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Previous /ef/ thread: >>56060478
For a more convenient Eevee browsing experience.
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Found the full dance
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A few more here, too
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Found the webm of >>56092896 but it's weird how the original one didn't show up on View Same
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I don't even remember saving this one, I really should sleep more
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Sorry for not posting the thread OP like I usually do. I don't really have an excuse, I just kinda forgot last night. Nieces have been a handful.

Previous thread: >>56060478
Old Thread Catalog: https://archive.palanq.win/vp/search/subject/Eevee%20Friday/page/1/
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It's alright anon, we're glad you could still make it.
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Weekly reminder~
How did Pikachu and Eevee shaking their asses to Yankee Doodle ever become a thing. Anyway
Boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff
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That happy 'vee makes me smile so much. Also posting a CHAPPY so I can find all these threads with one search!
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All of these threads? Was the archive.palanq search not enough?
I hope all the anons out there are doing well. Wishing you all the best~
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You too, Eeveebro.
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Quite a slow thread this week. That's fine though, kinda expected it. Politic season in the US is ramping up...
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But those are the previous /ef/ threads! This one is just so I can find the existing threads for these little fluffballs, in case any of them get to page 8 or worse
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There's that, but I also just don't have much you haven't seen before :( Besides this, for whoever wanted some brees!
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I wonder if that /nah/ anon from /trash/ posts here...

That's fair I suppose.
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I'm just a bit busy this week. I didn't have time to search for new images to post here :(
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I'm learning Flash.
I could totally do something like this some day.
Too bad I can't do music though.
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it’s biologically impossible to hate any of the eevee evolutions
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They went
Straight through my heart
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Aww but my fucking white spacing got destroyed.
Next time I'm just gonna do something like
I am miffed that 4chan removes whitespace still.
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Still, well done getting trips!
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Whoa, thanks! That's even more Chappies I've never seen before!
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they twitter
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What sorts of animals do you imagine the Eeveelutions as being closest to? For me, it's:
> More dog-like: Jolteon, Sylveon
> More cat-like: Vaporeon, Espeon
> More fox-like: Flareon, Umbreon
> Hard to say: Eevee, Leafeon, Glaceon
Don't want to leave without posting an image, so have this unfortunate Leafeon. (SauceNAO gives https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=19817420 as the source)
Anons, I am going into battle, and I need your finest fishes.
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Do they need to know how to swim already, or is this ok
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Might have seen them before, but at least they already know you
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It feels like the cooldown is longer, dunno if it's just me
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Oops, didn't realize you could make them faster. Maybe the other gifs could've been smaller, then :(
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from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWJXG2SS6AA
Lots of fishies here today!
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In my opinion, Vaporeon, Espeon, Umbreon, and Leafeon are the most cat-like. Jolteon is the most dog-like. Sylveon is a rabbit thing, and Eevee looks like a bat-eared fox. Flareon and Glaceon are a blend of the above with no apparent partiality.
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>Be me
>Have a Leafeon
>Heard about people with Vaporeons as their partner watching family guy together
>Don't want a water pokemon around all my electronics
>Leafeon helps a lot around the house. The yard looks great and she even cuts it
>They even have a garden and grow fresh fruits and vegetables
>Her cauliflower is amazing
>She has a strange obsession with the show Bob's Burgers
>I only have one major problem with her
>She doesn't know how to correctly cook Bagel Bites
>Some of them are melted rocks, while the other half are still frozen

I don't know what to do. Can any of the other Eeveelutions correctly cook Bagel Bites?
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At least yours didn't burn down the house... yet.
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Honestly, the more I look at Sylveon, the more I see it as a dog.
I think it's the tail.
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Quickly, the pool of water kills explosion damage!
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The horizontal ones can be merged, but I guess the vertical ones can't :(
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our brave hero Eevee!
>this post was generated by artificial intelligence patriots.
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There's a lot of different foxes, and that's what Eevee reminds me of the most. It's a lot more domesticated, though, or at least hangs around humans a lot more, so I expect them to act very doglike, or rather like a domesticated fox instead of a wolf. And just like there's an unusually wide variety of dogs, each adapted to a particular task, the different Eeveelutions are really what I'd expect from a magical fox.
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Including giant foxes!
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I want to bum this little leafeon
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I dunno if you made this one, too
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Oh no, these Eevees are about to stack smash!
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So what's the QRD on who Chappy is anyways?
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don't forget to wash your veevees everyone!
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An artist who draws lots of Eevee/lutions in a cute and simple-looking style. I've been posting lots of it because an anon seems to really enjoy them.
disgusting furshit
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Yeah, a Japanese artist, whose twitter was linked here >>56101832
You can see for yourself how adorable the art is. Despite how clean and simple the style is, it's a lot harder than it looks. Well above my skill level.
There's also a bunch of Eeveelution threads going a lot of the time, so I just say that so I can find them all with one search
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There's a bunch in this very thread, if you need a demonstration of the cuteness
And thanks for all those, anon! I think my collection doubled just from your posts
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One day, I'll be able to draw.
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Weekly reminder anon got bleach in their eye today.
They hope everyone else's week has gone much more smoothly.
had no idea this even posted 'cause I was told the captcha failed every single goddamn time.
again, hope y'alls' week has been better lol
did you go to a doctor for it? that sounds pretty serious
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borg of july
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And one day I want to see your drawings, anon.
Things are going well here, thank you! I hope you're doing alright though, better get that checked otherwise.
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Sounds like there's been quite a few things like this happening, dangerous and probably very painful :( I hope the damage isn't permanent

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