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Post em if you got em, Talk about your current hunts and recent captures or failures.

Previous: >>56071226
Reminder to get TWO (2) shiny Meltans so you can have a Melmetal and a Meltan
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It's my birthday in 7 minutes and i will be going for a shiny Scizor with the destiny mark.
holy shit i found one right away, is it guaranteed?
It's something like 1/60
Godspeed birthday anon
so can i kill the dupes for more candy? 400 is a lot
yeah you just transfer them
im using two phones
and i need TWO.

lets fuckin GO
This melmetal event sucks. I need more pokeballs but it seems like I will have to buy some ugh.
If you are in a public park or mall or McDs just spin some Pokestops and prioritize the shiny, you can farm candies other day
keep moving
during events i drive to a parking lot, check.
get in my car, leave, drive somewhere else, check.
its cringe being a carfag but you gotta do what you gotta do
dont play while driving bitch haha
You can
>Add people in /pgg/ and let them send you gifts
>Use the daily adventure incense when you have less than 30 total balls in your bag to get 30 pokeballs
>Get a few from the free box
But the best bet is to just actually farm Pokestops.
Holy shit that actually looks good in SV.
you know this game isn't half bad, i got 5 pokestops within the vicinity of my house. May stick around for other shinies.
Go has a lot of opportunities for shinies. Outside of the community days there are random permaboosted species that are 1/64 for some reason. I keep constantly getting shiny clamperl and feebas without even trying. The base rate is 1/500ish and most species are shiny unlocked these days outside of a handful of old and new releases
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Fucking got it. Probably 100+ hours, I was not counting, but I finally got shiny starter Snivy in white 2.
Funny enough I am pretty sure this is under odds, probably close to 7k resets.

Didnt get the meltan but got shiny Virizion and Snivy.
Congrats, got one Meltan today and hopefully more in later days
Thanks for the advice. I was trying to do it the easy/lazy way but it seems like I don't have a choice anymore.
Don’t worry about the meltan, the event goes on for like a week.

Also, just looked up the odds for the event stuff in Go, it’s 1/64 for Meltan, 1/512 for everything else except Alolan Grimer, which is 1/64 for some reason
I don’t know if it’s too late, but you get something like 100 pokeballs if you use a referral code
Stop posting these shit screen shots.

Meltan can be traded, and if you really don't play to play go you can just buy one off ebay.
congratulations anon! do you have a team planned?
I've started keeping track of which shinies I get in which game and which I'm going to look for in the future. Do you guys do this or keep track in your head?
i do not
doesn't the summary tell you where they came from
some seem to have that 1/64
for me its scyther i keep piling them up
Yes. This is more as a log for me, unrelated to the game or Home.
I just keep a general list in my head like "Oh yeah, I remember catching that" and "This shiny looks pretty cool, I should try getting it sometime" and I tend to forget some from each list
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A question
In GSC, if I know that a Egg is Shiny and trade it to another Trainer, will it stay Shiny when they hatch it?
Yeah, I just had fun making a list of which I was planning to get at some point so I started going back and cataloging everything
>In GSC, if I know that a Egg is Shiny and trade it to another Trainer, will it stay Shiny when they hatch it?
Yes. Shininess is exclusively determined by the Pokemon's DVs, so if it has the right DVs for it, it will always hatch shiny regardless of the trainer
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finally my luck turns around
fuckin ridiculous
enjoy anon, those safari balls are the tits
If you get a dupe, do you fully evolve it or just leave it as is in a box?
i keep one of each evo
i haven't checked its nature (just saved and went back in cause i gotta buckle in just to see if i can find one more in these last couple days) but if it ends up being a good one then it's a sweet safari shiny nidoking in a gen where most don't really get the nido lines.
Not per game, but I have a very in-depth spreadsheet of every mon's transferability to each game, and a living Dex checklist for both shiny and non shiny forms
>>56095242 here again, got me 2 more shiny Meltan but in my alt, we eating good this event
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found this lad in less than 200 calls, going for a intimidate+coil+glare set with the glorious golden Arbok

good taste, even green Nidoqueen is one of the few ok green shinies
4 sandwiches later 1 Peckish and 4 without marks...
You have the Mark Charm I presume?
Yeah. 1 more peckish.
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Nice it didn't take too long, used Safari ball for it. Super happy about it.
the magic always happens in these threads when you complain about it
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Just like yesterday today I got two meltan and a hatmon
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it's real...
it does exist...
The golden glass jelly... awesome!
UB hunts are pretty alright, definitely better than full-odds hunting. Only one I've done was Kartana
Thanks. Im missing Kartana, Blacephalon and Guzzlord. Went straight to Kartana. Guzzlord might be bitch to find.
Guzzlord is all a matter of going the distance. The further you go out, and the rarer the wormhole, the better your odds are of finding it
Would love to get a Rowlet so I can be done with this game
got me two shiny meltan as well now I have to evolve one. So I guess it's back to catching enough meltan evolve them.
if you have a steel-type mega you will double candy per catch, go mega and spam pinaps
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Finally got my own shiny Minior and it was in a Moon Ball and had the sleepy time mark! Very cute!
nice balltism
how did you stop it from killing itself?
Dumb question, but I need to know from someone who's done it: I can reset my Dynamax adventure after I see my legendary's not shiny, right? It's not pre-determined? Going for Kyogre right now and I have a near-perfect route and I'd rather sink my ore into it for the sake of having an almost guaranteed chance at winning.
>I can reset my Dynamax adventure after I see my Legendary's not shiny, right?
Yes. So long as you don't catch it, you can recapture a Legendary as much as you want
>It's not pre-determined?
Shininess for DA Pokemon is determined on the selection screen only, and it's randomized only at the end of each DA. If you catch one and it isn't shiny, just don't take it and you can try again next time
Nice, thanks for clarifying.
>Tandemaus can evolve into Maushold even if they are holding an ever stone

what the fuck is wrong with these faggy developers
the spite seems intentional at this point
>It evolves into Maushold starting at level 25 only when leveled up in a battle. It will still evolve but skip the evolution animation if leveled up in a battle it was not sent out in

Probably has to do with skipping animation, GF didn't account for the player doing this WHILE holding an Everstone
so how the fuck do i level it up to 100????
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caught this shiny flower girl
i only do random tera raids
i have snagged a few on accident kek
it ended up bein fuckin male... ;_;
Men can be flower boys too
Can't you just hit B when it attempts to evolve?
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I suppose it would trigger like any other level 100 Pokemon if played on a Gen 8 and upwards game, you use a Rare Candy
i want to stay unevolved
it evolves randomly in your party anytime you battle anything
everstone does not stop this
there is no evo animation if it is idle in your party

the developers are incompetent dumbasses
or purely filled with malice as the shiny is a gigantic pain in the ass to find
you literally CANNOT see it on the map
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Get enough exp candy to level 100 it. Level it to 100 in one go. Press B.
thnx b
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i grabbed 3
im waiting for home transfer cooldown to farm more
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>decide to start hunting for a full set of shiny patrat/watchig, the elemental monkeys and furfrou on XY via MM
>Getting eggs is slower than a Regigigas with 0 Speed on a walker
This will take a really long time since im going after 30 shinies... wish me luck /shg/ I will need it
Reminder that Melmetal can only evolve in GO
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Finally got this little shit.
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1000 quintillion resets for Nihilego got rewarded with maybe 200 resets for Kartana.

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