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>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile Pokémon game that's real-time instead of turn-based and focuses on collecting trainers instead of Pokémon.

>Pokemon Masters EX Links and Guides

>Sync Grid Simulator

>Sync Pair Tracker

>Model ripping/datamining project (3vp) FAQ

>Upcoming Events

>Pokémon Masters EX soundtrack with the latest tracks

>/pmg/ Clears Repository

>Trainer Lodge Interaction Charts

Previous thread: >>56084886
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Schrodinger's Loli
Yeah okay fuck you new thread guy, guess I gotta repost

>I’m starting a treasure hunt for no particular reason
>Golly gee I better dress as a fucking pirate even though I have never displayed any fondness for treasure or pirates
>Well I guess I’ll dress up as a sailor even though that doesn’t even make sense and also we’re not even working together
Why did they even bother? Are they even trying at all to make this shit compelling?
>erm what do you mean these minor characters don't have preestablished personalities?!
>a person dressing as a pirate to search for treasure?! I just can't take this seriously!
Shut up
The complement is that the characters are cute wearing cute costumes.
Don't be a faggot about it.
>>Golly gee I better dress as a fucking pirate even though I have never displayed any fondness for treasure or pirates
People do this all the time though. It's like if there's a pirate-themed night on a cruise ship. In this case, it's a treasure hunt. Sounds like you're forcing something to complain about or you're just extremely sheltered from the world.
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I want to plunder Gardenia’s booty
The story in this game has always been extremely basic even for Pokémon standards.
>I'm sad );
>Oh no Team Break 0:
>Friendship power o:<
>I like Pokémon™ (:
90% of story events are some variation of this
it is like you are starting to realize this is a franchise geared for children or something
Is that the first time an alt got nail polish? I know they don't really care about hairstyle for some npc but nails... really?
Just redid the Nemona challenge with still Jacq (4/5), NC Rosa (3/5) and SS Lana (3/5) and got 140K.
I'm happy that he can put some work
I wanna say there's at least one trainer with it but I can't remember off the top of my head
>all children are le retarded
the stupid nemona challenge is retarded, Im only getting 55 tickets using lusamine, rosa and lana, how am I supposed to get more?
you have autism
The sexiest summer alt outfit so far
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this challenge will reset and rotate out twice a week
If you can manage 50 tickets per challenge, you'll get to pick a character every 3 weeks.

So yeah, this is gonna sluggish for most of us I think. Especially on certain types I'll barely be able to do damage on.
Tickets are capped to your score. You don't get more tickets by replaying. You need to get a higher score to get more tickets.
Nemona isn't the only trainer you'll be facing. She gets rotated out every few days with other trainers, so you can get more tickets from those trainers to add to your total count
Streamline your team or move choices or roll some better skills for your skill gear
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Acerola-chan my beloved
If I clear other trainers at the average amount of damage being the same as what I got for Nemona, I will only have 900 tickets, which is enough to buy 3 copies of any sync pair.
This will only work if the event is permanent.
NTA, btw.
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Yes if you are generally getting low scores from all trainers you are essentially bricked.
Best you can do is either roll for the meta crap or wait for video guides showing how you can wring out as many points as possible.
Speaking of, here's a video if you don't have certain limited pairs. Be warned you may need to reset a lot since it's RNG intensive.

No you’re not allowed to want decent story telling.
5th Acerola and no one asks for her. The pedo bias of this game is aberrant
I genuinely don't know what the fuck you're even asking for. It's a silly story where Gardenia dresses up as a pirate. Were you expecting some amazing world building or lore dump? Get off your damn high horse.
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I asked and got it.
Cry about it.
Never said I expected anything, schizo. I am fine with the story. Take your own advice.
>durr actually i was complaining for no reason! heh, bet you didn't expect that!
Fucking retard.
>Telling someone to not expect quality writing in the Pokemon gacha is complaining
Yes, you are retarded.
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Last (You). Do the world a favor.
I accept your concession and refuse your suggestion. Should take your own advice though.
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>does not like shitty cash grab game
>stays in thread about said shitty cash grab game just to seethe
the power of cunnyrola is astonishing, starting to like her
Why are you fags having a hard time with this event? Just got home and on my 2nd try got 1 mil points and cleared all the tickets lol.
Acerola is literally my daughterfu. Of course i'm gonna post in threads about her
That's nice dear
Everything is a complaint to these retards.
>Participating in or instigating a flame war
You're still here? I told you to kill yourself.
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Heartbreaking: a little funny ghost girl ruined a mentally disabled person's life.
>Me telling facts is a flamewars
Ok retard
Not even that anon but so much for muh last (You) and you first.
When is Fantina getting an alt?
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Not popular enough with coomers, since coomers unfortunately make the majority of Pokemon masters fanbase (like every gacha games ever) probably never unless they make her alt outfit lewd
Maybe this Halloween, it's down to her and Shauntal for ghost specialists without any alts
2026. This year is for Shauntal and next year is for Agatha.
You're so fucking retarded I don't know why you're false flagging but none of the outfits in this game are for the coomers you're boogeymanning. If they can give complete wastes of space like Wallace an alt Fantina will get one eventually.
An actual Greta fan?
>He thinks Wallace isn't popular
Anon, he is literally one of the fujos favourite male characters, what are you talking about
Is it worth dropping multis on the triple banner with Red, Anabel, and Elaine?
She's got big breasts and a smile. Should easily work with lewds.
She's coming soon, Greta will be scoutable in two weeks, Brandon is getting teased, only Spenser and Fantina (Alt.) are missing.
What the hell are you...
Fuck you.
Yeah dude Wallace is BIGLY popular which is why he has so many alts OH WAIT you were thinking of Steven. Dumbass
Wallace could easily get alts people would care about if they didn't treat him as some gaybait clown. He's a champion and people have expected a Champion Wallace unit with Wailord for years, since like 2021. It's on DeNA there for handling him the way they do. Nobody is forcing them to play up the homo factor with him.
Nobody considers Wallace a champion even if he technically was one in Emerald.
Steven will always be the Hoenn champion to most people. Most people would complain if Wallace got anything else because nobody gives a shit about him aside from a handful of fags.
>Most people would complain if Wallace got anything else
No they wouldn't. The problem is the gay design GF stuck on him with ORAS that people don't want to think about. He had a classier look in the older games, which they reference in Masters by way of Hoenn Frontier brains being in this game at all. All they have to do is not make identity-charged units and just make alts that look presentable. It's not hard. It's embarrassing they doubled down on the gay factor with NY Wallace. It's not like the gay audience wouldn't like a non-caricature alt.
Yes they would.
Not reading the rest of your schizo ranting.
don't fall for the Wallace gas lighting, kids
You know nothing and it's plain as day since you're so allergic to reading.
Juan's relatively manly charms when
I never understand why people who refuse to read think it's some gotcha moment to announce it. Just comes across as unwittingly bragging you have low brain capacity or something.
*scanning files*
*Error: Subject "Juan" does not exist*
It's just another copout catchphrase like "cope" to feel like you're mounting a response without saying anything of value.
Reading stupid posts is a waste of time and makes the reader stupider by doing so.
Me reading your post has the same effect.
when does acerola banner release? at reset?
So is coming to 4chan and spending your time replying in the first place but here you are, dumbass. Worst excuse that I can't imagine how you thought wouldn't backfire.
2 resets
are you fucking kidding me? RAAGGGHH! im fucking pissed.
I hate that they space out these banners while also making them bonus units for the event. It's so fucking retarded. just drop them both on the same day
Sorry anon. Hope you get her on the first pull
>Be demoted to "Steven's boyfriend"
>Girls would rather have Steven as their boyfriend than watch him with another man
Rip Wallace
>twins mentioned
Cute purple ghost girl has been snuffed for too long
*pushes Wallace out of a twenty story window*
Now that the trash was taken out we can focus on actually good characters.
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You just know
alola girls make my pp feel weird
Shauntal/Gengar (Shiny) and Fantina/Gengar will be the next Halloween. The event is a contest among Gengar to find which Gengar is the most Gengar. You have things like Morty and Silver's cutscene only Gengar appearing as opponents in battle, others being surprised about Plumeria's Gengar focusing on the poison aspect instead of the ghost aspect, and Phoebe and Acerola being judges since they are unbiased.
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Gotta respect the culture!
they're so silly
Wedding alt next bros
ignoring the pedo post, what girls would get more chances of getting a bride alt? I can only think in sonia
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Lillie, Marnie, Acerola, Liza, Bonnie, Iris just to make a few
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She's so happy!
Lillie getting married to Selene
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Nope, Lillie is a canon heterosexual! Maybe if you actually played the games instead of spreading LGBT propaganda you would know that!
hopefully none. Bride and groom gacha outfits are incredibly cringe and a side effect of a mentally ill and lonely nip population
I saw Lillie and Selene scissoring each other with their armpits in an official Pokemon-endorsed music video, they seem pretty clearly together
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Does your mother know you talk like that online?
Thanks for sharing troony toon but I'm not interested in your schizo head canon!
>Thanks for sharing troony toon but I'm not interested in your schizo head canon!
That's ok, I kept that to myself and shared something that actually happened with you
You guys just validate my point, pedos. Good luck with your trolling attempt next time
Kill all fags
Kill all fujos
Kill all trannies
fujos can stay. dont want this place to be a sausage fest.
No need to kill yourself, anon, calm down
Not sure why you included me in there, just makes you look like a tryhard drama queen
>Can't roll for 5/5 Acerola yet
Back to not playing.
>You will never be a woman.
Only you are suggesting I'm trying to be, back to therapy with you, schizo
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Cunnyrola soon bro
>I don't normally do this
Oh you totally do, nutjob
why did the doomfag 180 so quick? all it took was a single cute and funny unit? jesus youre pathetic.
Oh look I was right: >>56095680
>pedo calling others mentally ill
joke of the week
>Dena stops catering to faggots and mentally ill women
>People suddenly want to play again
Gee what a mystery
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Thank you Acerola for exterminating the gays
The gays make up a large portion of the people that care about her though
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Love women
Love cunny

Hate faggots
Hate transexuals
Hate fujoshi

Simple as
In reality, the character selection in Pokémon Masters is a disaster and has no basis. Why does Acerola receive disproportionately favorable treatment compared to Selene or Lana? The same thing happens with Jasmine, unlike Whitney, even Flannery is abandoned. There are very popular characters who do not receive a bit of attention (Brock, Ethan, Elio, Misty, Nessa, Bea,
Lusamine, Flannery) and then there are characters of moderate popularity who receive gold (Acerola, Wally, Jasmine)
Sorry you hate yourself
My friend Kevin says Gardenia is the hottest pair from this datamine. I think I agree with hin.
>girl only means straight
and other delusions you tell yourself
Klara is peak mentally ill woman bait.
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Would like to see another Misty or Iris alt.
Misty imo especially got shafted with two poverty sync pairs.
Yes, her datamine got me back into Masters
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I love my cute wife Whitney!
>300 Tickets for Nemona
What is the timeframe supposed to be on this?
Battles rotate to different trainers every few days
Brock and Misty got fucked by the fact that Red, Blue, and (slightly less so) Leaf are prefered for most of the Kanto shilling these days. Devs seem to just view them as the story starter welfares only now

Dont understand how Flannery does not have any alt yet - but I personally hate her ORAS design so not a huge loss in my opinion...
I'm not saying this to shitpost but I don't think she's popular like at all dude
At least Iris has good Sync Pairs (except the obsolete free Haxorus) but Misty is VERY mistreated:

>She has 3 Sync Pairs, 2 are free and 1 is semi-free.
>SS Misty is shit, one of the worst Sync Pair. Nothing in her grid makes sense. Evasion? You get hit 99% of the time. Water Gun? Lol. Powerful Sync Move? she can't raise any offensive stats. What kind of mockery is that? On the other hand, SS Erika, who came out with SS Misty, is one of the best Grass Sync Pairs in the game today. It's obvious that Dena went all out for Erika and didn't give a shit about Misty. It's typically sexist treatment.
>Misty's 3 Sync Pairs boil down to the same thing: defense boost, evasion, and a pathetically weak move (Water Gun). Dena just copy, paste and slightly modify with some unique move what they did before with Starmie. It's LAZY. But salt is missing in the wound, Misty constantly repeats "all-out offensive" but all of her Sync Pairs are defensive.
>People are asking for a new Misty or EX Starmie Alt, and what does Dena do? Nothing. 3 years, a thousand days later, and Dena never gave anything to Misty.

It's obvious that Dena HATES Misty and doesn't give a shit about her.

That is no excuse. What reasons are there for Acerola or Jasmine to receive much more favorable treatment than Selene or Whitney? It's simply Dena's bias towards the characters. They don't give a shit about the fans' opinion. This game treats its characters in such a sexist way that if a character is not a coomer/pedobait, it's very difficult for Dena to give something for them.

I don't play Pokémon Masters, but sometimes I find out about things that happen because I belong to the Pokémon community. I uninstalled the game last year and I don't regret it. I can forgive that its gameplay is repetitive as fuck, but I can't do it with its repetitive character selection (sick of seeing Blue, Red, Steven, Morty, Marnie, Cynthia, Gloria, Acerola...).
Jasmine is a cute girl who represents traditional values while Whitney has an Osaka accent.
>crying about "pedobait"
>thinking Whitney is relevant enough to receive multiple alts
C'mon bro
>Quagsire Misty is in the story, but not the game.
>traditional values
Okay Mr. Pol
>implying Whitney isn't a walking lactation meme
I don't think you know what sexist means
>I don't play Pokémon Masters
Then your opinion is worthless. You can fuck off now.
Jasmine is actually popular compared to Whitney just being about her boobs.

Not like you have that much to complain about, Whitney actually has an alt which many gym leaders and E4 still flounder on with just their base shitmon
the exception isn't the rule. Nessa has a lot of coomerbait power, but she is overshadowed by Marnie and Gloria when Dena makes Galar alts
Marnie and Gloria are more popular than Nessa hope this helps
Jasmine is less popular than Whitney. She didn't make the same impact as Whitney and Miltank, nor is she meme and R34 material.
Whitney isn't popular. She's known for being a crybaby that hordes your badge.
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>Jasmine is less popular than Whitney
But Nessa is still much more popular than things like Acerola and Jasmine. It's not difficult to realize.
Nessa isn't competing with those ones when they decide to make new units because she is from Galar.
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Nah, she isn't. And I'm glad it upsets you.
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You can just say you want more Nessa and Whitney alts without making an ass out of yourself.
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What kind of stupid answer or Gaslighting is this?

Wow, Dena's employees are very busy today. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA keep trying.
Jasmine has a cameo in the Sinnoh games while Whitney doesn't
>Marnie and Gloria
Nessa is more popular, the end.
Nessa just has a tan since she spends most her time outside. Her eyes are blue.
I'm just wondering what stopped them from making Riley a Fair instead of a freebie if Argenta and Greta can just be pretty much repurposed pool units. Greta doesn't even have a proper attack move!
And don't give me that they're females, no one thinks highly of Argenta at all.
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if you get a lodge character's alt but you don't have their default pair do you still unlock them in the lodge or does only the default pair unlock it?
Riley is just a guy from in-universe view even if he is at least a C- in popularity (carried by Lucario). Argenta and Greta are Frontier Brains.
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New photo asset, new lewd testing. I'll have something great soon, I bet
AND? The one who decided on the cameo was GF 15 years ago and we will never know the reasons. Are Dexio and Sina more popular than Diantha? Is Wally more popular than Steven? Is Colress more popular than N?
You need the default version. Like I don't have N (Zekrom), so I can't talk to him despite getting the N (Kyurem) which the photo for shows up sometimes.
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thanks, i guess i'll go for nemona whenever my shitter self gets enough tickets for the freebie pairs then
So are the Chatelaines and they're given away for free. You could argue there's 4 of them, but the remaining Frontier Brains are almost guaranteed to be limited as well. And if all of these are unpopular, freaking Spenser even less so
Do you want "because most units are limited" or "there needed to be at least one Sprint unit for for future things that require at least one of those" as an answer then?
Probably having yet another Lucario coming after SSA Cynthia
Or DeNA thought we could use a free sprint pair
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Sleep time, I'll fiddle more later
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I don't mind if cute wife is not that popular compared to the others but that's OK because I love my cute, adorable, and lovely wife Whitney anyway!
But I wouldn't say no to a new alt. Or lodge. Or 6EX Miltank.
Your wife a shit
>gardenia ranking 201
>people wanting to play
lol lmao even
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No, my wife a cute!
aww sweet the paraolympics of popularity comparisons
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Traditional woman vs modern woman
Who do you pick?
Gardenia is boring and ugly and the only people who like her are for her tummy. Ive browsed pmg for years and ive seen people discuss her like.. less than 10 times ever
both are clearly non-trad
higher chance for klara to get pregnant and use her kid for more likes on instagram where gardenia will remain some hippie flower power lonely woman with cheryl as only friend from the same category
gotta be modern sluts. they always throat goats and got that wap. trad bitches be crazy as hell with bdsm shit and would want to peg you, and even if you penetrate its gonna be terrible cos they dont even know how to angle they ass or move it around to make your bbc jr feel good.
Cheryl appears first and has beautiful hair, so she doesn't stand out as much as she should. But being scared of ghosts makes her easy to imagine in funny situations which PokeMas finally used officially.
top kek
>Gardenia is boring and ugly
lmao thats Acerola
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These pics are very cute
Don't be cute, don't be funny now. You are in jeopardy.
>Brock, Ethan, Elio, Misty, Nessa, Bea, Lusamine, Flannery
All of them bar Elio got one or more alternative outfits. And how is Misty being mistreated? By getting two alt outfits and being in the top 10% of characters in that regard? If anything Dena is biased TOWARDS her so far.
Brock and Misty popularity is heavily tied to the anime, which this game doesn't take into account unless forced to do so
>If you can manage 50 tickets per challenge
Looks like its over for me then. Do the elements change too? If so then its double over for me
>Dhelmise has a fake eye compass
>Gardenia has a wheel only on the same side which presumably invokes it since that also isn't an eye
This feels important, but I want to see her with an eyepatch.
Which wasn't even for her own sake. They did it to hint towards Johto remakes.
>Poverty sync pair for newbie trainers
>Another poverty sync pair that was dead on arrival
>Sygna Suit built awkwardly with support moves and only reliable source of damage is it's sync move
These are all bad
>Super Effective Challenge doesn't work like the Time Trials

I don't mean to be rude but the person at DeNA who decided this was a good idea should have their fingernails forcibly removed.
>This trainer and that trainer would be friends

It's not that this didn't happen before Kabu and Larry's event but we never did get to see the "meeting" part of some trainers knowing each other.
It's harder for older men to make friends so this is important.
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Just 1 million more days of shitty stamina dump to go. Makes me wish we actually got some kind of reward that isn’t cosmetic, like candies/coins or something
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Cute couple
we need a regular burnet before that
>acknowledge its just a shitty stamina dump that takes forever
>I want actual rewards locked behind it
>Brock and Misty popularity is heavily tied to the anime, which this game doesn't take into account unless forced to do so
The anime boosts the popularity of many video game characters who are popular than their video game counterparts such as Dawn and Serena. You make a game about Pokémon characters and don't take advantage of the anime's popularity? What kind of shitty strategy is that?

>By getting two alt outfits and being in the top 10% of characters in that regard? If anything Dena is biased TOWARDS her so far
Fallacies. Quantity does not mean quality, and even less so when they lazily stick to the same archetype of: MUH DEFENSE MUH EVASION 2 FUCKING TIMES. And it's been 3 years, more than a thousand days, and they haven't given her anything when other characters of moderate popularity get much more
And a slut~
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>But salt is missing in the wound
Hey those are Naruto's parents
I don't understand, what are you supposed to do with Summer Acerola? She buffs a bunch of stats but then just sits there. At least SS Morty buffs a bunch of stats and sets Sun.
Stupid, but worth a post
II guess has 40% Flinch at 3/5, doesn't need a weather to do her thing compared to Morty so a bit easier to slot in.

I think the main thing though is that she gets to give herself a plus Water/Ghost rebuff and has Water Guard on her grid, which will let her hyper tank against opponents using those attacks.
Kinda like Winter Sycamore's grass stage tank gimmick and being released right before the Grass High Score stage, and we got a Dark/Ghost one coming up. So, the leaderboard autists will have to pull Acerola for that...
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Is Gardenia supposed to be a dumb hippie type character ? That's the impression I got from the event.
Tanking specific types of attacks is just way too niche of a gimmick, it’s pretty much ONLY for HSE’s.

I would say she’s pretty similar to Teatime Lillie where they don’t really do anything particularly exciting but nonetheless get the job done as a reasonably tanky support with some decent utility.
>I don't understand, what are you supposed to do with Summer Acerola?

her kit is generic general poor support tier
General pool*
Lowest IQ on /vp/
While perhaps, Tea Lillie is now a 2 year old unit, and at least Flinching and maxing Team Crit was something she can do at 1/5.
S Acerola is pretty clunky, should've given her Sync Burst 1 and changed her EX Role to Field, then she'd have something to talk about
Or just make it so 1st use of her B Move lowers Ghost Rebuff
she is shit
you can still roll its fine
Your mother should've left you in that dumpster. You're completely worthless
Your best score so far? Post em
Nah, that title goes for the coomers who are too retarded to use the red boards so they flood this blue board with softcore porn because they specifically need to be with other poketards otherwise they can't fap, they are that autistic
That's craaaaaaazy
>Leon medal
leon can keep his joke charizard-masterfair while Cynthia gets her 3-rd one in August ;)
none of the shit you whine about is porn
You'd think you'd like Leon more since you like to tell jokes yourself
Ignore it. It's been shitting it's diaper ever since the data mine
Sure thing faggot, a pic of a barely clothed 10 year old showing her panties in a suggestive way (Dawn threads) clearly isn't porn. Ecchi shit belongs in /e/ whether you and your clique of porn addicted retards like it or not
>leon can keep his joke charizard-masterfair while Cynthia gets her 3-rd one in August ;)
She is canonically weak, lost to another Garchomp in less than a minute.
I’m gonna have to settle with 820k for the challange, I think that’s as high as I can go at least without investing more candies than I’m willing to part with
I thinki could hit a million too but I don't feel like wasting cakes for this shitty mode. I'd rather hoard them
>I'd rather hoard them
Same, I’m currently sitting on one of every cake type for whenever a fave gets released/new alt or one of my old faves eventually get their cake roll. If I get second cake then I’ll use it on whatever might be useful but only then.
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No! My cute wife is pure as the driven snow and you're a meanie!
There’s definitely some joke about plowing to be made here but I’m not clever enough to make it
Anon, you sound like an obsessed fan who Whitney got a restraining order on. Does Whitney like you in ANY way?
I like how every artist agreed she doesn't shave down there.
My cute wife loves me and I love her!
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That's not even true with her B Move
They’re literally married
The Dawn and Serena in this game are not based on the show ones. So much Dawn is Torterra-pilled.
built for getting mating pressed as I unleash liters of my virile seed into her tight 11 year old virgin pussy
>He wasn't at the wedding
Man are Roxie and Janine going to be disappointed when they meet Klara.
Thoughtful and handsome prince
And she doesn't wear a wedding ring?

OH. Ohhhhhhhhhhh... Got it. Cuck / hotwife setup.
Come on now anon, let the waifufag love his waifu
Wild and silly
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Pedophilia isn't based anon. Hell, even Moot was against it
The prince is a very serious boy. He is too busy with official business for silliness.
Who the fuck is moot
>Not knowing moot
I seriously hope you are joking otherwise lurk moar newfag
You're trying too hard.
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And don't forget that in 5 fucking years, Dena hasn't given a single fucking limited unit to Misty
Is HGSS Misty and Brock even in?
>HGSS Misty
The PokeMas Brock is wearing his HGSS clothing but Misty is wearing LGPE and FRLG
The only one Misty that will ever sell.
Said nobody ever
must be the animefag or a cynthiaschizo having a melty misty has an actual swimsuit alt, not the shitty psyduck one
HGSS Misty is ugly and devoid of soul. They also turned her into a typical roastie instead of keeping her as cute tomboy.
so how does this damage challenge actually work? are all the reward units limited to this event only? or will this be a permanent revolving door?
Revolving door. If you can't get your score any higher for this fight you wait for the next to get more tickets
It's not about needing things, most people out there won't be prioritizing Greta over Klara or Avery
yeah but imagine other trainer friendships being explored

>Jasmine and Winona (wallflowers)
>Kahili and Clair (frustrated for greatness)
>Brassius and Brycen (tortured artists)
or whatever.
Is Lana canonically the thirstiest Pokegirl?
Geeta is a far stronger unit than those two goofballs.
Geeta is fucking ugly. I can't believe they made a champion so vile it made Diantha look badass in comparison
Dhelmise having all special moves is weird, but at least it means no Phantom Force.
Her designer has a fetish for huge eyes and thin limbs.
>Geeta is fucking ugly.
imagine being this blind and retard
Wow retard you sure proved me wrong with your off model fan art
ok anon, you are just a homo or pedo, not problem
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slenderman lookin' ass
Got both in one pull ez
stop lying
Got her in the 5th step up, was spooked for a sec since that was all my paid gems. Got 25k unpaid remaining. Time to bulk up gemmies.
>Didn't even get the 5 star animation
I didn't realize that could happen with more than 1 5 star.
I've had that happen a few times. Shit's outta wack
she is so hot, too bad the pose is just boring
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Successfully mating pressed
I ex'd her but I like the base version more, the red sailor tie does it for me
Any math nerds know if it's even worth giving Acerola a Tech Cake? I glanced at her grid but it didn't look like she had any damage multpliers for her sync.
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Aww are you lost little boy? Don't worry! These two onee-sans will take good care of you~
You add stats to her bulk
That's the math
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photoshop cringe
Additional Tate photo
Why do people say gacha is bad? Just pull what you want first try. It's easy.
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>all these Acerola chads
It's enough to bring a tear to my eye
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Cunnyrola is mine
Thank you Acerola for saving Pokémon Masters
How come you have 86k diamonds? I'm just starting out and wanna know if f2p can exist in this game
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Vigilance + Sync Grid Impervious & Status Immunity = funny & cute
That's probably about 4 months or so of hoarding without spending free gems
>had to spark
>only 2k gems left
Bros....please tell me I can get a full 36600 gems by the end of the month/update cycle with the best case scenario that I actually finish every mission?
I think July's total gem count was less than 30k so you might be screwed
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It’s easy if you can fight the urge to pull and/or have a small pool of favorites.
You can F2P if you only focus in on new favorites - everything in this game thankfully has a pity, and only like 5 pairs in the gacha at most get added per month so if you only like 1 of those 5 on average you're usually fine

But if you have a lot of characters you want to pull on reruns as they come by, its gonna be rough, and the F2P orb economy has been shrinking, we're approaching closer to 20k/month when it used to be 30k.
Pokemon masters is the typical game made by frivolous people who look down on the past and think that masturbating to generic lolis and waifus is being BASED. Fucking shitty game
>seething over generic starter gym leaders that people only care about because they watched the anime
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It's under 23k. Are you feeling the generosity yet? Most generous gacha game so I'm told.
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Damn brat trying to drain my gems dry
They showed character development by letting her hit puberty and bloom, that's why she gets her first boyfriend after her tomboy phase.
That's the opposite of character development. She lost her personality.
Reminder that this fag >>56101680 doesn't even play the game and just lurks the general to complain about lolis. A "pokémon fan" complaining about underaged characters, of all things.
Despite its constant off topic whining and flame baiting our overworked mods let it do whatever it wants.
We should triple their pay
Acerola killed the game
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Most characters from gen 7 are anything but generic. You talk to most of them several times during the course of the game. They actually feel like they live and interact with their world. If anything the older characters are the ones that are generic aside from maybe their design. But that's more of a consequence of when their game was released. Gen 1 especially suffers from this since you can't even rematch opponents like gym leaders. The anime hard carried Brock and Misty and are still doing so to this day. Not to mention Brock's personality is also completely different from his game counterpart. They even made a joke about it.
I wish
Are you crying? It is obvious that you have been hurt by my criticisms and your only response is mockery and straw men.

cherry picking fallacy. I'm speaking at a general level, I'm not just referring to Gen 7. Furthermore, character selection is not based on the personality of the characters.

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