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>Ashime proceeds through postgame and bears witness to C*ss """""""wonderful""""""" writing
>RG tests out some stuff related to 19.5's changes
>Bunken gets through the T*rra tournament and witnesses T*rra killing everyone's braincells
>Ose reaches Agate circus and has to deal with shitty puzzles
>Lock and Eeveefag trudge through the early game
>Rock/Dragon anon reaches the later sections of the game after having dealt with 2 awful fights
>Leon reaches the time travel shit section of Rejuvenation
>Meanwhile I got nearly fucking insane trying to beat the Paradox gauntlet with a shitty luck based strategy that surprisingly nearly worked a few times
>I have finally reached the gremLin's postgame after a relatively painful tour and short tour of the New World and immediately get thrown into another New World gauntlet with sleep spam

>What is this?
A thread where a bunch of autists play shitty fangames. Join if you want.


>Fangame Bingo

>Download Links for Games Being Played


Reborn Allgen
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H-haha....(h-how do they know?!)
>walking through space fast forwarded
>something darts across the screen from top to bottom
was that Corey?
still not fully convinced he's dead
Gee, I wonder who I should pick. The little girl or the man who would go to jail anyway
The trolley problem, as overused as it is, is a better moral question than this
also I just outright don't recognize half these people
the only reason I ever know who's doing what is the nametag at the beginning of dialogue boxes
like who the fuck are these people
who got pushed sideways
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They just get turned into the normal shinies when you use the Galarian feather, kinda depressing and even more sad is that Galarian Articuno is still ass, sure having access to Ice moves is neat in concept, it still jobs to any Steel type so freaking hard and it has nothing to compensate for that.
This doesn't have any direct impact as of yet since I'm convinced Jan forgot about it, but short summation of the differences, saving the officer gets you karma faggotry and I think a bit of money, saving Maria (trying to) gets you relationship points with Melia's mom, which don't really go anywhere either.
me neither
I just wanted to be the very best like no one ever was
I didn't ask for any of this lesbo bullshit drama nonsense
man they really ARE ripping off kingdom hearts
>Cain is gay because he comes from a broken household
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Smeargle assisting you as a questgiver is really charming.
I played Tearlament today. Even neutered by the banlist, it's still strong if played properly. I've become such a menace at my locals that half the store was running Shifter.dek today and that still wasn't enough to keep me down. I bullied the local Tenpai player hard enough that he opted to go first game 2 because I made him afraid of his own battle phase game 1 (and every other time I meet him in bracket on other weeks)
Articuno-G is one (1) Aura Sphere away from being a great mon. It's a shame GF fucked it so badly with its movepool.
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>The writers can't stop their lefty vernacular from slipping into unrelated dialogue
>Rule #2: "Exisiting members shall not reveal other members unless given permission to."
Dont be a smartass Melia, you knew that wouldnt like that
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and that's that, time to get ou-
>there's still more after
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yeah not like I wanted to bro
>finally out
>yadda yadda yadda yap yap yap oh look it's protag-kun you won and came back (as usual)
>flashback shit
just fucking shoot me
forgot my image but it was Luna saying
>you've been here too long, this is my place, gtfo
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Part 2
I got all the 4 catching charms and yet I almost never get a critical capture, also I wonder what's the catch rate on glitter balls, since they seem to always catch legendaries on the first throw on my end.
I have mixed feelings on Tearlaments, but I do like how splashable they are with certain decks.
I didn't know what Tenpai did until recently and when I learned what Tenpai does I started fucking hating the deck, I'm all for powerful dragon decks, heck funnily I actually made a buck because I used to have quite a few Trident Dragion's in my old card box, but cards that completely stop any interact like their field spell is fucking stupid, G fucking G, I almost want to get back onto playing the physical card game again but I'm too broke to afford even cheap versions of Dragon Link with how much the TCG has been scamming people with their prices.
Yeeeeeah, Aura Sphere alone would make G.Articuno so much better.
This character might as well have said "shalom my fellow goyim".
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I hope this quest ends up being fun because the writer is doing everything in their power to make me hate it.
Ma, alert the discord for an E19.5 rewrite! Reborn is being accidentally based again.
Glitter Balls feel like maxed out Timer Balls in terms of catchrate, maybe higher. Legendaries also seemingly have higher catchrates across the board in Reborn too?
I found the deck boring when you were basically playing godmode w/ infinite resources with it being at full power, but I really appreciate how technical it is with 1 every every card that matters+no ishizu millers in it now. Every game presents different logistical puzzles of keeping all 3 names in rotation and not letting any of them get stranded anywhere, because you're (probably) not getting them back if you mismanage them. It's hard to get the most out of the deck now, but it's definitely still got the raw power needed to compete, even 2 years later. Just don't fall for any of the trap builds; HorusTear, LightswornTear, and EarthboundTear, while significantly easier to play optimally than pure+DHeros, tends to dilute mill quality way too much or otherwise introduce too many conflicting starters/pseudo-starters.
>Galarian Zapdos just deleted a trainer's Wailord through Protect with Thunderous Kick
Woah buddy calm down, you're not Urshitterfu, I'm gonna chock this up to shitcode.
Playing technical decks that can accomplish a lot is something I really love, I don't know why people hyped up Horus so much, especially with Tearlaments, it seems like a very by the books level 8 spam engine.
Okay it wasn't an isolated incident, the same trainer, some swimmer near Coral had 2 Pokemon with Protect and Thunderous Kick hit through Protect twice.
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Oh neat, at least one battle that wasn't made into a 6v6
Wait Tears have been around for 2 years already? Man time sure does fly, hope this means jewart decides to kill the deck completely by letting all the cancer mermaids and their pimp go to hell like they deserve and that they rot there for a decade at least, shame the same didn't happen to raye
...Karrina. Tell me. Who was it that stopped all the mirage trees from spawning in East Gearen? Who was it that was named a little town hero for such an act? Who is it that ended up being such a thorn in Xen's side that he was considered a high priority target on Terajuma? Who stopped Terajuma from getting wiped off the map?
This isnt even beginning to count the shit you couldn't possibly know about either, now wouldve been a great time to bring up beating Madame X one last time. You couldnt even deal with a lowly group of thugs without my help. You are nothing in comparison to the shit I've done
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The dog just left her egg in the cold, dumb dog forgot it only gets ice res after evolving
Wait, why? What the fuck is the point of this, we can absolutely just beat her in a fight. We have no reason to resort to foul play, just let me beat her ass and show her how retarded she is
Wait it took me a minute to notice, what fucking bedroom has a lock OUTSIDE the door and not INSIDE?
Yeah there was literally no point in that aside from making everyone retarded now. I couldve just blocked her way upstairs and destroyed her in a fight then and there, there was no point in any of this
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Sandy, please don't.
This is a section that got heavily altered, before Karrina didn't show up in the past at all and Melia beat her over the head to steal her boat.
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>x4 weakness compensated by New World
>good utility movepool
Hello beautiful.
>Take a deck that's biggest strength is targeting handtrap resiliency
>Add a starter that goes -2 into Ash or any Imperm-like hitting Zombie Vampire
>In a deck that's reliant on 1.5 card starters as is (Scheiren in hand, Reino in GY)
>Add more bricks in an already bricky deck
>Add more bad mills
Horusniggers are something else.

They tried their best. They're considered rogue-at-best in recent tourney results after losing the Ishizu crutches now that the deck actually punishes you severely for being a retard in both deckbuilding and in play. Most of the shitters are crutching on Winda lines right now, unfortunately.
I hate the fact I dont actually know which scenario is better to me
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Cal you retarded coolant addicted aids monkey that bottoms to his shillizard WHY DIDNT YOU TELL THE LEAGUE OR AT LEAST THE OTHERS AT THE CIRCUS THAT A GYM LEADER JOINED TEAM METEOR
Oh you see I don't want them all gone because of how strong they are, I simply hate the deck with every fiber of my being regardless of strength because just like Skyke Stroker I absolutely want only misery towards certain people that love those kinds of decks, it's nothing but pure spite
Hey Karrina have I shown you this really cool axe I bought at the casino yet?
one of the npcs actually wondered next to me while I was tabbed out mid cutscene lol, this story is such dogshit even the npcs are just treating it like a terrible show someone is filming in the street
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Trick Room took me by surprised during the Entei fight, that and it's New World faggotry again.
It also learns Meteor Beam (pretty sure it's tutor in the scrapyard in the desert), which is a one turn move in New World.
I assume the faggots hyping up Horus are the usual (((suspects))) trying to convince people to invest into utter garbage to inflate values.
how the fuck is she alive
Is finding all the Zygarde cells mandatory? That might actually be what filters me from finishing the game if they are.
I only have that kind of ire towards single cards like Naturia Beast, Winda, or Dimension Shifter.
>Sky Striker
In my experience there were exactly 2 types of Sky Striker players. Troons who jerk it to Raye and normal dudes who happen to be good players. I've yet to see any middle ground at any events I've played at.
Thankfully most of these "people" just latch onto whatever the newest waifubait deck is without any regard for playstyle so the autists who like a deck for how it plays can be left in peace after they move on. Currently most of them are fixated on Labrynth.
Absolutely. And when that didn't work, suddenly people are acting like Horus Stun is some novel thing, as if it wasn't just marginally better but exponentially more expensive Eldlich. I'm not even fully convinced it's strictly better anymore now that Varudras (that Eld can make) was released in LEDE.
>Meteor Beam
I'm going to have to remember this for later.
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>Every day the Ice Cream Shop appears, there is a 1 in 21 chance that they will be selling the rare Blue Moon Ice Cream. Note that talking to the vendor when they are not selling the ice cream activates a cooldown timer of one day, during which time they will not sell Blue Moon Ice Cream not matter how many times you reset. However, if you save before speaking to them, you can reset the game until they are carrying Blue Moon Ice Cream.
>then have to pay $20000
I hope you apreciate this ice cream in the middle of a bloody permafrost village mr fire type water dwelling creature
>mind controlled shelly put down a sticky web immediately
>some grunt's slurpuff put down a sticky web immediately
Goddamnit am I in the sticky web arc
Is there any point at all in starting rejuv with a megaz ring? I just remembered I used a data drive to get one but unless Im really blind I dont think I have any way to get stones or crystals until far later regardless right?
Modder-kun loves his faggot webs, please understand teambuilding is hard!!!!
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I hope whoever decided to make this trash heap soil Megaman Battle Network like this is having a really bad year
and why are these random grunts attacking me with teams like
>hydreigon with draco meteor
what's up with that, huh?
I'm playing vanilla...
fuck you magneton
Oh I just remembered there is an entire Gltich Field section combined with a ton of Terra dialogue, another reason for why the Circus arc is the worst in the game
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I hate to bring out Melmetal to this shit gauntlet, that's the amount of damage it took from the fucking Primarina's Moonblast, holy fuck dude.
No, you don't need to find all the Zygarde cells, thankfully the game gives you mercy in this regard, though obviously getting a good chunk of them enables getting Zygarde earlier than right before the final fight in the game.
One of the biggest figures on Yugioh at least as far as Jewtube is concerned is literally a (((Rothschild))), so that should explain why the market for the game is so beyond fucked.
I hate how Blue Moon Ice Cream lost value over time, it used to be this super rare thing that enabled a few special things like getting Pinsir and Heracross' Mega stones and such, but it got relegated to something that just exists, there's that cute scene were you can give one to Titania but it doesn't go anywhere either.
Yup, Megas and such are available way later because Jan hates fun.
I don't remember how many web teams are in vanilla, but this modder is hyperfixated on them unfortunately, hence the assumption.
MBT has singlehandedly killed all reasonable yugioh discourse on more or less any subject he touches, especially with the kind of "people" he attracts. Jewish entropy accelerated to an almost absurdist degree is horrifying to see play out in such a small microcosmic scale.
You've suffered through the mountain of ubers to get to this point, you shouldn't feel any shame in using it if you want to.
I used items, not doing that whole thing again
How it works is that to get Zygarde you have to fight a pretty annoying gauntlet of about 5 or so battles on Glitch. I don't remember if you even get healed between. The more Zygarde cells you have, the fewer battles in said gauntlet you have to do.
>prep Yakub to deliver divine punishment upon a sinner (Solaris' max EV mega garchomp)
>he switches it into my own swords dance'd Garchomp and eats a free boosted outrage oneshot because he mega evolved and got outsped
and that's that
now I can finally get back to my gym challenge and then climb victory road to battle with the elite four and then the champion right
Okay but it's nothing a few items won't fix
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I see... Should be interesting then.
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I hate Togekiss so fucking much.
Pretty much, I hate how I can't open a single search result on Jewtube regarding Yugioh without either that kike or the other one (Farfa) showing up on every single result, if it's not them it's a bunch of nogs and pajeets spewing shit.
You don't get healed, at all and the gauntlet is easily one of the most painful things in the game.
Only positive quality is being a redhead, besides that, meh outta 10, sprite is pretty bad.
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As seems to be usual with a lot of the late game fights, it often feels like you need to find room to exploit the anomaly's weakest elo to your advantage and get free setup.
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How is Anna ending the "good" ending when I don't have Lin sassing me the whole time? This sucks bros. Also this train escort is a cool setup for a legendary quest.
>yugioh is spiritually an asian and white man's game so that's why kikes infest it so thoroughly
You hate to see it.
>6'1" vs 5'11"
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Julia canonically has not hit the wall yet, despite her fears of such.
>all along we were looking for this thing which was at the end of a straight line underwater cave
yeah okay dude

also it's pretty amusing that l*n's basing all of her ideas of people off of one autist she used to torment in an orphanage
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Well at least diet-Lin is here.
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They all had Pulse 2 uber teams. They suffered from a terminal case of skill issue. I had no hand in it.
>lin killed sigmund and solaris
>saphira killed sirius
the mc sure is responsible for his employers' deaths
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Nigga, what do you mean "fade to black and the orbs are gone"? I have a sandwich dog that could easily keep visibility up while the power was cut. Or presumably a huge host of other mons to fill a similar role.
actually by resisting being killed for no reason you caused their team to collapse upon itself and infight and such
>I have a sandwich dog that could easily keep visibility up while the power was cut
Nothing a few items wouldn't prevent
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Had to go do a few battle factory fights to get BP, surprisingly got really lucky this time around with a Kyurem and Thundurus, boss trainers aren't as rough as I expected them to be.
Sadly Anna barely even speaks during her route.
Yup, as with everything, they will pollute it and rot it from the inside out.
Clearly Miraidon was distracted by the thief throwing a sandwich into the back of the room before running away with the orb.
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Whoever wrote Craudburry yapping had fun with it.
Sorry Hardy but I need to postpone the story to go catch 'em all and fetch my boober beast
I hear it's le uber tier
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>Lead with Iron Thorn's to set up sandstorm
>Immediately switch in Cradily
>It gets frozen and refuses to defrost for 4 turns
Story of my life~
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>Okay I'm gonna use a full restore, fuck it-
>Cradily immediately gets frozen again
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>Okay, maybe if I bait out the Ice Beams to switch in Cradily again-
>Switches Iron Thorns to set up sandstorm and immediately gets frozen as well
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I'm pretty sure it's not any of these niggers but the game forces me to choose one.
if you want, you can check inside your bag, haha...
I found it.
>You have to fight all of them
Oh god this is going to be miserable, isn't it?
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RNG sure loves me.
H-haha.....nothing compared to what you'll have to face very soon.
>I'm convinced Jan forgot about it,
damn you guys really don't like jan's writing don't you?
you don't have to, you can just accuse one of them
just if you want the extra challenge kek
considering the writing near singlehandedly brings what's maybe a 7/10 or maybe 8/10 game down to a 4/10, yes, saying we don't like it is a bit of an understatement
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There's a secret path in Suicune's New World arena that leads to a Zygarde cell, I'll post the guide if anyone's interested in this, obviously it's pretty good to have Zygarde before the last fight in the game but it's so painful to get a lot of the cells, believe me.
Don't like? No, you misunderstood, I LOATHE it, more than anything, I could tolerate a game with a bad story, but Jan seems hellbent on ruining the few good things Rejuvenation had going for it since V11.
finally, the Sceptilite
M-Sceptile is just so strong that it really did deserve to be gated behind every pseudo and 16 gyms and the (I'm assuming penultimate) mega ebil team dungeon sequence
is there any reason why melia had to get the last hit in? why doesn't she just fuck off after you beat her team of POKEMON?
I think you know the reason why, for both of those questions
that duraledon is so fucking fast, I needed two pokemon with tailwind for this. at least I can break fields now, 15 attempts.
Surprisingly got it first try, but holy kek the ending.

I forgot Fl*tter M*ne didn't have its sash in the third match.

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you figured out how the building works, the gimmick, how to install a program that reinstalls itself via a second program, etc. but you gave her an avatar that could talk, good fucking job florina
nice work
>sandy afraid of getting rabies from craudberry
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I'd do it a thousand times just to spite you.
I really hate that you HAVE to get the blind bitch to help you here.
GG, I forgot how much your partner in this fight simultaneously tries to help you an fuck you over kek.
She should've reprogrammed her brain to make her socially acceptable.
She wanted to stab you, but she ran so fast she dropped the knife.
the sableeye vs slaking part sure was a slog, but damn that quilfish almost ended that run with throat chop. gg
I WISH the game would let me do this.
And she accidentally stabbed herself while doing it, but because she's not done making everyone miserable, of course she didn't die.
I was laughing like a retard watching Slaking vs Sableye and my heart stopped when I saw it wasn't her last mon, but the king of ORAS stall has his crown for a reason.
I don't know what's worse, the player's controls being as shitty as possible for this section or the fact the blind bitch's speech blocks you from moving.
stopping here for now, I'll deal with terra's no font shit later
My favorite puzzle out of all the ones I've done so far but I understand how people wouldn't like it
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Ah willkommen im team mein stahl freund.
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This fight was going awful and spaghetti until suddenly it was the easiest thing ever and I'm not really sure what changed. It took 4 attempts and something went wrong on each of the failed ones that seemed to cascade into a comedy of errors. The winning run looks like a really easy fight, but this is really a feast or famine game of extremes.
I also massively underestimated how hard Sneedslash's stone edges would hit after an intimidate but it didn't really end up mattering too much.

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I am not your "gurl"
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Light Metal makes Registeel deceptively fast and Bullet Proof makes it so it just bounces crap like Aura Sphere and Focus Blast (both of which are spammed a fair bit in postgame if memory serves me right) right off, very interesting.
GG, this fight can be really rough due to how scummy Corin Rogue's team can be together with the Trick Room shittery.
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swellow is s tier
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Now THAT'S something.
Birds are very important.
Yeah I definitely see it.
He's a good birb.
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Umbral Terra is free.

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No, please, I beg, stay like this.
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Damn, Regibros are eating good with their shinies.
>Captcha was m4 war
H-haha, surely they wouldn't immediately revert this right?
>scanning through pokedex to see what pokemon I still need to have obtained
>swanna isn't even seen yet
how have I not at least seen a single trainer using a swanna?
I don't think I've seen a single non-wild ducklet at that, but I could easily just not be remembering some goon or something
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This scene is this game's magnum opus. Not because it's funny, but because it's a microcosm of the scenario writing of this entire damn game. Things just sort of happen without any real rhyme or reason and you just go from one point to the next, often without fully resolving the previously urgent point.
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They actually address via dialogue if you found the secret Vulpix room, neat.
Also for how long was the MC out? Because the characters keep saying it's been a while but it's never specific and it's seeming like Lin went dormant or something, since she's barely interacting with me as of yet.
If you didn't get it via the slum egg you can find it later in Belrose Manse when you leave Reborn city for Chrysolia with the kids, no clue why they decided to make Ducklett available that late.
it's just odd that nobody's ever used it, I guess it could be because neither flying nor water had any gym trainers to job with jobbermons
Try Radical Red, best romhack/fangame of all time.
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It's depressing this poor bastard is locked to postgame considering how bad it is, I feel pity for Guzzlord, Gamefreak went out their way to make it shit, we could have had a new Blissey, but nooooo, they had to make it a SLOW, FRAIL, MIXED ATTACKER.
Wait, there is a trainer right at the start of the game that uses one, she's right around the entrance of the lower Peridot ward.
I wished she stayed deleted.
uses ducklett, but not swanna
did a quick ctrl f and apparently clown indra uses swanna on a few of his teams so I guess it isn't used by nobody at all
I'm imagining at least one Rebornevo member pleading at their screen while playing this, going "Terra...you have to go back to how you were! Terra...please, go back to being fun and happy!" like it's that one part in every shonen ever where the MC's friend gets brainwashed into being evil and they're trying to snap them out of it
Careful, Discord might read these threads again and take you seriously
As already said, you only "need" to find 50 out of 70 cells in the game to skip all of the glitchnigger gauntlet, but it's probably not TOO bad if you decide to skip a couple
desu 30 or 40 is a pretty good number, considering there's a good amount in zygarde's new world and in rhodochrine later on in postgame (iirc there's like ~20 between these two areas)
gg, having to deal with a surprise TRfag partner can always be scary
>Throat Chop
kek, Pulse2 saved your ass for once
Also gg
This was the fight I decided to pair up Edgevoir with Iron Jugulis and decided that was too powerful for the world kek
>Protect TM
>Flame orb
>All before Aya
Crazy how the birb managed to get away with it
>Could've had a quest revolve around the circusfags having to get used to Terra's sudden change
>Instead, we get this completely invalidated in the span of literally 60 seconds for the sake of keeping the lolsorandumbxd character around for the le """"""""""funny"""""""""" dialogue
Gonna take a break for now. I've had a long day and I'd like to get a decent night's rest for once.
I hate that I can see this happening too.
>gg, having to deal with a surprise TRfag partner can always be scary
Iron Hands has come through for me so much and is fast becoming one of my favorite Paradoxes. With AV+Thick Fat he helps handle hail team faggotry, sun eruption faggotry, and especially TR faggotry.
Sounds good. I'll keep an eye open for them but I won't worry too much about it.
It's genuinely sad that we had the start of some potentially really interesting character development thrown away for the sake of the scooby doo chase scene.
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Calling it a night soon, surprisingly the Thunderous Kick breaking through Protect thing is being more useful than I'd expect.
I haven't tried it much yet, but Brute Bonnet might have some niche use, big HP, still has Regenerator and Spore and Sucker Punch get it's power boosted on New World.
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Lin hasn't read the mod spreadsheet.
Sadly tardwrangling Rebornites is nearly impossible.
>finished power leveling every pokemon in my PC to get evolutions
>finished juggling eggs to get pre-volutions
>took 3 hours+
>now have to actually run around routes and catch pokemon
>still 200 off 700
that poison thing had better be good
less than 3 but more than 2, rather
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Whiteouts: 264
>Loses the fight because the Alistasia's Hawlucha missed High Jump Kick and my Archeops getting the lowest possible damage roll on Dual Wingbeat
I am going to bed, I am so sick of getting screwed by my terrible luck.
>Careful, Discord might read these threads again and take you seriously
kek did that actually happen?
>Pretty much impossible to do first try because of the fact you only have a birds eye view of your character
>Get insulted for losing
This reminds me of those /dbs/ posts where more than half the words are capitalised.
Because your character sure as hell won't do shit.
>Building is so high tech it can show different people different things by fucking with your senses
That makes no sense, unless it's some sort of magitech that telepathically mindrapes everyone inside.
Doesn't she say being Umbral amplifies your worst aspects? But Fern says it brings out your true thoughts. I'm believing Fern on this one but it probably depends on who's writing. Also Umbral Karrina in that Rejuv library quest was so lame compared to Reborn Umbrals which atleast have some tension.
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Back at Vicky's school, you find these girls learning to be "one with their Pokemon"
EV SliderGODS...It's beginning
Yeah kek
Most notably iirc was when Vanguard's dev read our first vanguard playthrough threads and was commenting on it in reborncord
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I'll admit though that it's nice how despite how many trainers there are, they'll only fight you if you talk to them. Otherwise, they're just walking into things. This might be the only place like that, though
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Oh, I guess there's one dude here fapping to Sapphira
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And a pretty nice quest to teach you what life is like as a nigger
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Cal made the evening news, good for him
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Some levels from doing the puzzle early don't hurt
Whiteouts: 266
>Start the day off
>Thanks to the Togekiss everyone in the field gets -6 accuracy
>Opponents still hits nearly every hit
>Mega Lucario somehow manages to 2 shot my 6+ special defense boosted Sinistcha with Dark Pulse without crits
>Alistasia continues to be completely dead weight through the entire fight
Yup, on more than one occasion.
Yeah holograms are still light projections, they can't just phase through matter, and I'm pretty sure that changing atmospheric pressure on such an isolated area could easily kill a person depending on how it's applied, this is some Jojo tier nonsense.
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Ok, I put it off for too long, let's meet the wonderful wizard of pozz. If you thought the classes about being "one with your pokemon" were the worst, lol
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Vicky likes it when you lie to her about why you're here
Whiteouts: 267
>Slither Wing gets a +1 speed boost
>Still gets outsped by everything on the field despite having maximum speed investment
>Game uses the students lax attitudes as a joke
>Until it suddenly isn't a joke and Kiki's void ghost has a mental breakdown over it
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Well they sure aren't based
There's a pretty nice log in the Data folder, debuglog.txt, so you can see the exact calculations. I forgot to check if other games have that
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You just got here and you get to graduate. He-who-must-not-be-named would flip if he found out
That sounds pretty funny if she had a lot of shit bottled up inside
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Could've at least given her a bigger forehead
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The AI is usually pretty nice, or at least you can predict it'll usually pick the optimal move for what you have out. Sometimes it ends up shitting the bed, though. Here, it's banging its head against the wall.
She mostly seethes about the fact that after everything she did and went through she just gets some disease that kills her but I remember there being a line where she seethes that most students care more about how they do their hair than actual training.
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I mentioned this shit before. All the trainer mons that have it will try to Sucker Punch on the first turn, then shit the bed completely when you switch/setup/something else
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What a miserably shitty fight and right after comes Samson.
No bro you don't understand, vague and nonsensical talk about "void" and "Muh subjectivism" and "virtue and evil are le relative" that has no cohesion is "le deep and shiiiiiet".
I actually ran damage calculations for last night when my banded Archeops landed a Dual Wingbeat on a not fully healthy Mega Lucario, I think it was somewhere between 75% to 68% and it should have killed it but I got extremely low damage rolls.
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I think she ditched her Incineroar. Based I guess, or updating the mod fucked with things
Funny that this school is the one portrayed that way, instead of Florinia's, which has the fraternities/sororities n sheeit
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Might as well sneak over to Cal too since I did the puzzle (or looted the place) before talking to the guru
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I thought he'd have more Fighting types by now, but at least this guy gets to have more fun
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Flareon tanking?! Seems fun with a field like this
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I ain't riding that thing
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At least the mod gives you Dig in that very volcano
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It does take quite a bit of dedication to keep it up
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The school's crawling with feds
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It's seems like only yesterday we started
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I thought the Blaziken had an assault vest due to just eating a Draco Meteor but no, it's just PULSE 2 vomit ruining my life once again.
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Wait what, we can what?!
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I had to reset to get that screenshot. What the fuck was that about substitutions
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And yeah, this is what I told you before
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>Pheromosa eating a crit First Impression like it's fucking nothing
>Mega Lopunny gets burned and still 2 shots every single one of my Pokemon without any effort
I hate this game, I hate PULSE 2 and I genuinely despise the absolute shit stains who think cheating is the only way to boost a game's difficulty.
you skipped all of the courses where you listen to dumb bullshit for 3 hours, what else can they teach you
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That was easier though. The mod gives you Calm Mind already, I think at 39, and I feel dirty for accepting it, but regular Reborn is a lot more jewish and will wait until the fucking desert to give you the TM.
>the action of replacing someone or something with another person or thing.
It means you're allowed to switch Pokemon. They sometimes state that in the Anime.
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kek I did catch some shit or other about how nothing is true, everything is permitted
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She was like that when I found her
Yeah, I was wondering if you could switch your team or something lol
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Yeah, because true Strength comes from within yourself n sheeit
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I think Vicky's about to give birth. So she wasted my time, big deal, that's what this whole thing is, anyway. At least my Espeon got to have so much fun.
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Oh, they have an ebonics class here, nice
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She goes in all fields, right?
Whiteouts: 270
>Finally reaches the end of the fight
>I am about to win
>The subhuman modder gave Jynx Dazzling when my last Pokemon is a First Impression Slither Wing
I am so fucking sick of this.
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Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh, I hate Umbral fights, I really do.
Damn, so those are supposed to be his waifumons
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I love how C*ss can't even bother to pretend this entire section isn't an "opinion piece" on "le toxic masculinity", yet somehow it's not as bad as that absolute abomination that got allowed into the game in 19.5.
This entire fight is a troon's commentary on "Le toxic masculinity", Samson is given a bunch of waifumons because "man are le horny all the time", I wished I was kidding, fuck this fight and fuck C*ss for having made this.
Well, it took a lot longer than it probably should've, but it works now kek
It was really annoying trying to figure out how to increase the Sp.atk evs when increasing Attack, but I figured it out (eventually)
Now to figure out how to make it automatically increase when leveling up kek
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Don't mind me soul vore victim just stealing your charm
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Seeing this shiny Riolu I wonder, what the hell was Game Freak thinking with the official shiny for Riolu and Lucario?
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Wonder what is the explanation for the random encounters in here, well I wouldn't be surprised if she just captured all these mons and released them in here just to leave them to suffer in a simulation for their entire lives since causing pain and agony is what terra is most known for
Nice, is that to make it like I think Reminisencia was the one where both Attack and Special Attack EVs were merged
One of the areas has all shiny Porygons, forgot to check their personal IDs if the game really made all of those shiny
>hurr men are horny all the time, muh toxic masculinity
>said by a man pretending to be a woman, likely because he's horny
The total lack of self-awareness I swear
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Oh I don't remember this being here, so the game at least gives you a big hint early on
I remember catching one in my previous save and it stayed shiny and now I caught another one and it also still is shiny so yeah all of them are proper shinies
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Oh that is nothing, don't forget Ame in his dev room fight(and in the post game celebi quest) has a Loupunny literally named Lustbunny, there is nothing more hypocritical than a leftist
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There is almost nothing I want more than to see your head and your body in different postal codes
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7 deadly sins reference apparently, but it was originally called Slutbunny what the fuck does this even mean.
I'm loving Brute Bonnet but the fighting weakness is rearing its head as a big problem from time to time.
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Went off for a bit, then went to do a few roundups of a few Pokemon I hadn't caught to try and reach the 600 mons milestone, found this fella.
>Let's give a Pokemon with sub-optimal bulk and a mediocre defensive typing an ability that requires it to get hit
Sasuga modder-khun.....
As is usual for troons.
The sheer hypocrisy in full display is just the cherry on top.
Understandable, Dark/Grass is an atrocious defensive typing.
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That's honestly touching given how guarded she normally is.
Florinia has a little quest involving showing her an UB, she gives you beast balls for showing her one.
>Goes to do a few battles on the battle factory
>Reach a 10 winstreak
>Game throws me against a sleep spam team that also has a Togekiss with illegal speed EVs
t-thanks game

simply outplayed
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Never saw this before, of course Blake would do this.
I'd say I'm surprised but I've seen similar bullshit before, maybe if that Thundurus was holding a covert cloak, but apparently the modder hasn't touched these fights.
I have decided that getting the evs to automatically allocate on level up isn't worth the effort kek
That's the Volcanion anomaly, yeah?
When you fake out something with a shell trap primed (via the sneed in superheated field iirc), it flinches that instead of the attack
Is that vanilla or a reborn-ism? Either way, I never knew that.
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That's a decent shiny. I'm not sold on the yellow, but it doesn't outright ruin it for me.
>Yes, this speaker requires three- no, four Buzzwole for... research
>And a singular Pheromosa as well
Cain is into the player regardless of whether you're male, female, or "non-binary".
Good shit
Couldn't get it to work in 13.5 myself, desu, but I didn't fiddle with it enough (and probably want to remove EVs from anything I make anyway desu, I think there's better ways of customizing mons)
You going to try and make a mod, or still just messing around for now?
>saying that calling a fucking animal a 'slutbunny' is weird is apparently getting 'weird about it'
>doubling down on defending that shit instead of trying to pass it off as a joke
In other news, Rebornevo is having it's 6728192012047293874018305th melty over Opalo making one joke about nogs being poor
To be fair, not something that ever really comes up since you're not supposed to have a 'free turn' of Shell Trap. Reborntroons basically just made it the fuck up
According to the wiki, he also likes Charlotte and Adrien which are both female. I assume you're playing the male protag?
Just tested, and mine works in Rejuv too, so that's neat (It doesn't work for Deso, but I'll chalk that up to it being the oldest of the three using the new codebase)
>You going to try and make a mod, or still just messing around for now?
Still mostly just fucking around but I am starting to write down ideas, so maybe something will come out of that kek
>In other news, Rebornevo is having it's 6728192012047293874018305th melty over Opalo making one joke about nogs being poor
It's always the same empiretard, too
Whiteouts: 271
>Completes what's easily one of the worst locations I've ever seen in any fangame
>My "reward" for that is reaching what's arguably one of the most retarded gauntlets I've seen in a fucking while
Thankfully Florinia isn't into that, Bennett on the other hand......
Like fucking clockwork.....which is incredibly ironic that the empiretard would say this considering in Empire Simon, a character we as the player are meant to like and relate to comes to the conclusion that nogs are not fit to inhabit society and are the cause for most crimes in Telius, yet Opalo, does a single joke about nogs being poor and this subhuman continuously blows it out of the water, I will never understand these creatures.
Am I able to progress in the desert after talking to Florinia and getting 10% Zygarde?
>To be fair, not something that ever really comes up since you're not supposed to have a 'free turn' of Shell Trap. Reborntroons basically just made it the fuck up
I legitimately thought I hit some kind of essentials oversight given how niche an interaction it is.
Whiteouts: 272
Okay, this wasn't the worst fight ever, with some careful setup and Archeops going wild on the last few turns with choice banded Rock Slide this fight wasn't the worst thing in the world, the issue is definitely the fucking Landorus and the occasional confusion spam+Tailwind support from Tornados, otherwise it's mostly a clean fight, I thought this would be far worse than it was.
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Broke anons... he's saying we're not part of the (((tribe))).
There's Stakataka out in the place as a low % encounter, it's a god under Trick Room, besides that, no, you can't complete the Zygarde stuff until right before the last fight in the game.
I got the Stakataka and was entirely expecting its shiny to be a resprite with each cube-eye being Taka's face. Seems like a beast in the new world field where its biggest weakness is practically negated too.
>Buzzwole at tier 6
>Pheremosa at tier 7
What the fuck were they thinking making the sidequest available so early relative to anything actually needed to complete it? And unironically isn't that a bit late for Buzzwole, it's not that fast and has dogshit special defense.
Also damn Cauldron of the future/Cosmog is tier 6? I somehow thought that that was way earlier.
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The fuck are you doing here?
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The terrian form's shiny is a bit better, but the pallet doesn't really work all that well with the lower section of the body.
Kek, yeah it's downright amazing on New World under Trick Room and deletes most everything from the game despite not having too much coverage.
H-haha....Jos is about to make your life a living hell depending on what field the RNG decides to give you.
If you ever have the mental strength, RG, try looking up the 'Empire fascist' debates on rebornevo kek. They are truly something to behold
Absolutely reinforces my belief that they join that server to try and deflect as hard as possible away from Empire. Actually most of the Empirefags who stick to their own territory aren't too bad, it's when they metastasize
It's learning how to make two of the worst fucking games ever made, of course
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A few days back when I made the mistake of checking Rejuvenation's reddit for any sign of news, I went under a joke post regarding Flora and lo and behold, there's empirefags there too showing up outta nowhere to deflect from Empire, that's some fucking dedication to sucking Octavius' dick.
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I really don't understand why Terra was necessary in the developer's eyes as "the wacky character" when Julia fills the same role except is actually entertaining and has meaningful character scenes.
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fucking kek
(un)Fortunately, I don't feel like losing some brain cells today, so I'll stop here
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Ah yes, Samson is now the dev-approved punching bag so the circusmaster has to act uncharacteristically catty towards him from now on.
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With the sandwich eater, every gondola has electric terrain and no spore shit is permitted.
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Ma, Cass is sucking his own dick in public again!
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>Lumi vs Santiago
This is probably the single good line of dialogue in this sidequest so far.
Was looking up a few movepools for the upcoming fights, I still hate that the Regis don't get either recovery moves or access to Calm Mind, come the fuck on, let the poor bastard have something for once.
Imagine being so full of shit you feel like self-inserting into the game just to make shitty jokes and act like a cunt.
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This is actually fucking Jan-tier levels of hating your own characters. They just decided Samson is the chud-voodoo-doll or something.
Why the Regis don't have Recover is beyond me and if I were to ever movepool autism a game, that'd be one of my first orders of business to fix.
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You are so grounded missy, AGAIN.
I think Jan might have actually worked on this section funnily enough considering the Meloetta makes "le funny emoji face" during an interaction.
Like, even their dexes make reference to the fact the can rebuild their bodies, I get Gamefreak treats the poor golems like shit, but this mod is already set out to fix weak mons and such and the modder gave some new abilities to them but i ain't enough.
And yet he still managed to cuck Ciel, I wonder if Terra talked with Ciel about opening their relationship or if she just immediately decided to make Samson search for a deez nutz joke.
>But I don't know how a single goddamn thing you do is gonna end up
I know how every single goddamn thing Terra does is gonna end up, fucking annoying.
>Lavender town music playing
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Whiteouts: 273
>Bavarian Steel isn't getting the fucking priority from the queen piece
>Samurott survives a boosted Body Press because of a low damage roll
I don't think there are words to describe how much I hate the Ch*ss Field.
King piece is the one with priority, isn't it?
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CHADgambit....I hate to rely on you, but as always, you truly are a reliable guy.
Funnily enough Curse Registeel could easily solo most of this gauntlet if it wasn't for that stupid fucking Sacred Sword Samurott.
Like a true Yugioh player I didn't fully read the field notes.
Ah okay, so queens gain a defense boost and extra damage rather than priority, I keep forgetting kings are the Pokemon with the lowest HP or a king's rock equipped.
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>Poachers are le bad because they hunt Pokemon to sell them
>(((Casinos))) doing the exact same thing isn't considered problematic
Really gets the noggin jogging.
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Rough, but doable enough, fuck that Dragonite in particular.
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Tanky Gouging Fire was exactly what my team needed. I really like both of the paradox trio legendary sets all things considered.
The worst thing I've seen on chess field so far is priority rock slide spam on an Aggron.
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Ah...how much I hated dealing with this thing in gen 8.
The Paradoxes are all incredibly fun thus far, I've tried the Paradox swords of justice, mainly Iron Crown and it's pretty good as well, they get Sharpness now, which boosts their signature moves to high heavens.
Oh yeah CHADggron spamming Rock Slide with the king rock's flinch+king piece priority is a pain in the arse.
>They removed your ability to get Poipole for turning in 600 mons
Well, that sucks ass, Nagadel would have been a fine addition to my draconic arsenal.
600? Wasn't it full dex minus postgame? Or did they change that in allgen.
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Making Urshifu's shiny based on it's Gmax form is an interesting one I suppose, certainly better than the normal one.
They give you Urshifu for 600 now instead of Poipole, they changed it in All Gen so you have to catch EVERY POKEMON UP TO GEN 9 to get a completed dex, needless to say, I ain't doing that.
>They gave Swift Strike Urshifu Jet Punch and Axe Kick via level up
Wow I sure am glad the modder doesn't play favorites and carefully considers what Pokemon actually need buffs.....
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Oh joy. Another one.
Pretty sure they changed him into being pan sexual in one of the later versions. Because he was definitely only gay around v15, where you got a +1 point with him for playing as a guy.
Huh, I am actually intrigued with the Ogrepon quest.
He always made jokes with Charlotte at the orphanage, but there was absolutely a point in the past where you got relationship points with him for playing as a male character, he also used to question what "gender" Adrienn was.
Poor Cain, he was always a degenerate. But the devs pushed him too far.
Oh shit the mod actually references the old door to nowhere that used to exist in Byxbision all the way back in that one turned over building.
He's "pansexual" now, funnily enough same as Melia.
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How the hell do I still have my Pokemon when Im in someone elses body. Are pokeballs just soulbound items now?
...I mean, if it worked for Keta I guess so.
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CRIPES, I wasn't expecting this fight of all tings to be this painful.
What is that supposed to mean, and how the hell did she even know you were my friend to ask that?
how did she have a donphan that could do the level 1 low health endeavor prank? fuck. 17 attempts
What else am I supposed to do, flick my newly acquired bean?
That aside this is probably the only scene in the game that has made me genuinely chuckle even just a little, which kinda sad but fuck at least it happened eventually
have fun in victory road..
here's the guide, you'll want it
thanks, time to bust
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poipole is mine...
god dammit that's another chuckle, i dont know if this is actually funny or my expectations have gotten that low
Okay, looking up this gauntlet I'm kind of dreading it, everything has PULSE 2, Wasteland boosts everything to high hell, every Pokemon in the gauntlet (it's a 6v8 split into 2 sections of 4 mons each) has Knock Off and really obnoxious sets, fuck, I'm gonna have to dust up some strategies for this.
GG, time for puzzle hell h-haha.....
Oh boy....this fight, best of luck bro.
Lycanium-Z can't be knocked off, fun fact!
Don't you currently get relationship points with Adrienn if you chose non-binary.
So if you're playing as a guy how does she intend to keep your body without getting dysphoria? Hell with the MC's soul hotel bullshit which body does she even see you as? Does that mean Manaphy transferred the Interceptors soul, the souls of the A-team and fucking Adrest to the princesses. If the A-team got transferred doesn't that mean everyone would suddenly start seeing the same main body? This quest really doesn't click with the main characters lore unless Adrest and the A-team just remain inside "your" body... Wait can Manaphy be used to steal Interceptorhood?
What it's a just simple 4 vs 6 double ba
>You fight boss manaphy after with no healling
...W-well Im sure I can toxic protect cheese it still
>Take Heart cures toxic
oh god im fucked
will it heal itself of a ghost's curse?
About that, I dont have my items, including my exp candies, before this fight starts. My cursemon is level 40 because I havent resorted to that since Madame X
I have to either open debug mode or manually load a backup save to level it
After losing you get kicked back into your own body and can run around normally until you return to the fight to continue the quest.
Image limit, anyone wants to bake or I do it?
Yup, s-sadly it wouldn't work in instance h-haha.....
You still do get relationship points with Adrienn if you're mentally ill, yes.
Jan didn't think about it and it's implications, AS USUAL.
H-haha.....I still have HORRIBLE memories of this fight.....oh and to make things worse, it gets status issues and stat lowering effects removed when it loses health bars I'm pretty sure, this is easily one of the worst fights in the game, at least it was on my end due to me running Steel/Psychics only back.
please understand, jan watched an anime with a body swap plot and decided to insert it into his game with no care or reason
also, this character was made to later assassinate dylan's character and turn him into an enormous cunt probably because he asked for risa raider's number in one cutscene. can't let the straights have anything, y'all!
what's your team? maybe we can help theorycraft something
...well its a bit late for that I already opened debug. Besides, then the quest makes no sense to actually go back and finish because I have my shit back
i'll get it
>also, this character was made to later assassinate dylan's character and turn him into an enormous cunt
There's enough characters and moments already doing that, I doubt she was made purely to fuck Dylan over, besides, that's probably too much planning for this game.

she doesn't directly murder dylan's character, and yeah again was probably just included so that jan could have his epic anime freaky friday swap, but part of the reason she was made was to expand his backstory and made him so much worse in the process

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