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JK Rika!
That's a man
...out of 10!
Would absolutely impregnate
Rika looks so beautiful dressed like that. She’s looking very flat and skinny, as usual. I love that she has her hair down as well.

Rika would probably fatten her baby so it can roll like a Clodsire.
*starts raping her (non-cosensually)*
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>rika with her hair down
We need more of this. This is a demand, not a request.
not even coomers find Mr.Riko attractive.
Rika is a fujo/yume bait character.
So much porn and lolicon of SM and SWSH changed these coomers' perception of reality. Rika is a woman, it's obvious, she only wears male clothes. Characters like this have been around forever, Integra Hellsing is the example that comes to mind the quickest.
Japanese women love Rika though
the nugender creatures hate loli

coomers are the normal ones
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Rika unleashes the insecurities of these coomers who find drag queen Klara attractive.
Imagine hugging Rika. She would feel so skinny and bony. She’s perfect for hugging.
Smelling Rika’s beautiful long hair…
What do you think it smells like?
Probably some kind of shampoo. But maybe it doesn’t smell like anything. She doesn’t seem like the type of girl who would smell a particular way.
I love this artist because she always draws Rika with a belly button piercing
Rika is such a bony skeleton of a girl, I love her.
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I said this before, anime trannies are usually given the cutest and softest faces and looks for extra impact. Rika is, paradoxically, too masculine to have been conceived as a trap. If any she's more of a reverse trap.
I disagree, I think that would be on#ne concession to her femininity she'd make - dress like a man, smell like a woman, leave low IQ merkins confused and seething.
That sounds about right. She may look pretty masculine at first glance, but you’ll start to see her for who she truly is once you get closer to her. Especially once those clothes come off…
I mean, those cat-eye glasses she wears should have been a big fucking flag to people here she's still a girl, despite wearing comfy shirts and liking pockets on her trousers. But clearly the metrosexual movement of the 00's matured into the genderfluid one of the '10 and '20's if there's people think men wear those types of glasses in general.
But enough arguing, let’s post Rika in all of her flat glory.
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girlboss x malewife
She has Kanto boyfriend btw
I wanna fuck Haku
>draws a girl
>calls it a boy
why are Japs like this?
Troons never pass
Flat as a board <3

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