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What went wrong?
i'd fuck both
Nothing. They're going for two completely different character types. It's like comparing Erika and Cilan or Jasmine and Molayne and going "DURR WHY NEW BAD?" The reason is that you're blinded by nostalgia, btw
Genwar thread
Your eyes gonna wrong old faggot
lt surge isn't a girl
Lt Surge fought so Iono could stream
Lt. Surge could shoot Iono with a gun 500 times it would be so kool i vote for Lt Surge hes hotter anyways
Your conception and birth yawnigger
this guy has ovaries on the bran, but I bet he cant ever have ovaries of his own
you got old and fat
cute father/son duo
You skipped the old man, the wannabe Da Vinci, the slenderwoman and the not-Raikage.
I did get old but if anything I'm in the second best shape of my life lately.
>second best
put down the fucking pizza and fries you hippo
All more based than the spanish twitch e-thot
Mean to>>56220685
Nothing, I wanna fuck both. Any other question?
why do so many random people have legendary artifacts that they just give you?
I remember a thread where people were blaming westerns because the humans become more relevant than the pokemon, when in reality is the japs that did that shit, Paldea and Galar are the prime examples of full pandering to japs.
That was when I was in my college weight and that only got destroyed because of soda.
Post hand
post hands, belly, and feet
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how did they get away with it?
The degradation of anime
SF sucks
Your execution being too shitty to input DPs doesn't make the game bad.
Electric actually has some of the best gym leader designs.
Prolonged peace and prosperity.
You do know Guile is quite literally a JoJo reference, right?
Nothing. They're both cool. Also Surge is probably one of Iono's biggest simps with the worst parasocial relationship with her and would be the first to start shit if he found out that she's taken.
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Back then, times were hard in Poke land.
Hard times create strong men.
Strong men create good times.
Good times create weak men.
Weak men simp for Vtubers.
what a transition
Wonder what the kid would look like if they fucked?
Imagine how Lt. Surge would feel if he were alive to see the state of Kanto now. We haven't seen a Kanto that isn't set during the same time period or events of the original.
we could actually get pozzed Kanto with a bunch of tranny characters and hideous redesigns.
can you imagine?
This so much.
So nostalgia is preferring people looking like normal people instead of trans-animu cosplay faggots?
social media uses electric

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