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Sorry bro but I'm not on enough levels of irony to comprehend this thread.
GSCfags are the most delusional retards. HGSS are still dogshit and don’t do nearly enough to fix Gen 2’s issues, but they’re still better than GSC in most ways.
>HGSS are still dogshit
Truth. Easily the worst of the 5 good gens. GSC is still better than X/Y/S/M/S/S/S/V thoughever
>HGSS are still dogshit
>but they’re still better than GSC

>5 good gens
Well, obviously gen 4 and 5 are two of the bad ones since they nearly killed the franchise, which are the other two?
HGSS did introduce a plot hole with the executives though, how can Petrel be at the Mahogany hideout AND the Radio Tower at the same time? Archer should have been the one at the Lake of Rage.
Aside from Petrel being a master of disguise, what characterization? In what ways are Proton and Archer different from each other?
HGSS carries over all of GSCs flaws. it didn't make any Gen2 Pokemon more common, didn't fix the barren story or lame villains, didn't let you fight giovanni, didn't give any Gen 2 characters Gen 2 Pokemon, didn't fix the unplayable level curve, didn't provide a way to get evos stones, didn't have any Gen 4 evos, and didn't fix the fundamental flaw of Johto being a tiny bland hick region with no culture and no identity other than being a backyard to KANTOOOOOOOO, and the postgame is still barren. All it did was add annoying filler crap like a boring slog of minigames, following" pokemon, and an overpriced pedometer that doesn't even work.
>since they nearly killed the franchise
nice fanfiction, faggot
you getting to crossdress in gen 6 didnt save the series, kalostroon.
Based OP deboonking a complaint he made up in his head
No one says this though, GalaRNA
Which evo stones did you want, exactly? Only one "Gen 2 Pokémon" evolves by stone, and you can get that stone through the Bug Catching Contest before the third gym. You obviously don't want any of the other stones, those are for Gen 1 Pokémon, right?
>didn't fix the barren story or lame villains
Silver is one of the best characters in the franchise.

>didn't let you fight giovanni
You could have done it through DLC from that era.

>didn't give any Gen 2 characters Gen 2 Pokemon
"That's a flaw because I say so." Johto is a sequel, not a separate region. From Gen 3 onwards I would change the paradigm.

>didn't provide a way to get evos stones
Pokéathlon Dome and NPCs.

>didn't have any Gen 4 evos
Postgame. Although you could have Mamoswine, Tangrowth and Yanmega.

>didn't fix the fundamental flaw of Johto being a tiny bland hick region with no culture and no identity other than being a backyard to KANTOOOOOOOO
This is just idiotic. That's what happens when you copy and paste without thinking.
He fast as fuck boy
discord raid thread
>HGSS ruined the Whitney battle by replacing Clefable with Miltank

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