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Now that the dust has settled what does /vp/ think of this tiny turtle?
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Cute retard
Disappointing lore
Meh design.
Complete black hole of lore in regards to Tera Crystals, which are just haha funny do anything magic with no rules.
Mogged horrendously by Ogerpon.

What went so horribly wrong?
Built for being fed poffins, pokeblocks, and other sweet treats until she's a fat, jiggly blob of a turtle.
well for one Ogrepon got an entire DLC dedicated to her story while the DLC that was supposed to be about Terapagos was more about Kieran's seething
Better than most. Blows the fuck out of gen 5's legends and mythicals, for example.
>tiny turtle?
That's not Squirtle tho
I didn't say Tiny Turtle Pokémon I said tiny turtle
Terrible design.
Terrible abilities.
Terrible story.
I hate it. Worst Pokemon to ever exist.
Only butthurt time travelfags hate it
It looks retarded.
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Why do I see daily threads about this turtle ruining the story (lol, lmao) of Pokemon ScatVomit? I've never seen this much hate for the big brain deer and his ghost horse, Incineroar's water type boyfriend or the funny little mask loli.
It's moreso about what the turtle didn't do. In the games it was referenced in the Scarlet/Violet Book, locked behind a DLC paywall and despite all the talk and lorelinking had barely a relevancy aside from a boss battle and one post-DLC event with having it in the team at the Kitakami lake. The only potential saving grace for the turtle is the anime due to them potentially adding more elements related to time-traveling and even that is atleast a year away to reach the three year cycle.

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