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Why isn't there general for frogmons?

Frogs are unappealing and unlewdable.
Frogs are ugly
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4chan hates Frogs now
how did pepe mind broke the Gen Z?
Actually it's the millennials being contrarian once again
I'm a millennial and I post pepe sometimes
>can't think of anything except sex
why you Indians are like this?
I will contribute to your frog general OP with some comfy rain art. :)
Uhhhh Lotad is not a frog.
I love the frogs in this game. I love rain teams, and frogs just tend to fit very well on my rain teams.

I've seen people say heatran is a frog. The more the merrier I guess.
He is a frog friend tho :)
The problem is that /vp/ hates both Greninja and Bulbasaur lines. rest of frogmons have few fans.
having a general is hard, especially since there are no autistic coomers who would want to repost pics from twitter and furaffinity like in Eevee/Fox generals
Pretty art!
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this photography anon opens its arms to all friends of the frog :D
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They always croak it...
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Poliwag is one of my favourites. Love this little guy.
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I like this fine frog right here
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Cute frog friends!
Going for a walk in a nice refreshing rain with your frog friend! Adorable!
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it’s a shame that frogs aren’t real
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I love the different shades of blue and purple. Pretty. I'm saving this, too.
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why do we love frogs so much?
wrong. it's tramericans
Frog standing guard(
Frog is cool
please link a peer-reviewed study backing up your claim
Do NOT lick the frog!
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It's not pajeets, the entire Internet is like this
Porn companies managed to make porn seem cool and funny, leading to the pathetic cumbrain humor that infests every corner of the internet and the basically the entire catalog of this board

TL;DR: Jews
>there are no autistic coomers who would want to repost pics from twitter and furaffinity
good, why the hell would you want that?
>says it's not an ethnic group
>blames another ethnic group
why are 4channers like this
The other anon stated it's ONLY pajeets making these comments. It's not, it's everyone. And it's the Jews' fault.
Anyway, this is a frogmon thread
Pajeets are horny online all the time wherever they go
Jews actually go to Epstein Island and pedo tunnels to do their crimes and post interracial porn on /v/ and /gif/
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Such naivety.

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