>2025>Still not Chinese Dragon form of CharizardBruh
>>57178011It was supposed to get a chinese Tera dragon from last year but SV was too much of a glitchfest to make it work. It’ll get a snake Mega form this year instead
>>57178011Hey this design is actually really cool. Is this supposed to be a paradox Mega Charazard Y?
>>57178011is this a fan art, a concept art from the unleaked side of Teraleak or what?
>>57180061nvm I found the drawing with Google Images
>>57178019>It was supposed to [SCHIZO HEADCANON]
>>57179118You must be above 18 to post here.
>>57178011Charizard sucks
>>57178011You can go enslave your chinese shit in Palworld, fuck off.
>>57178011>2025>Still not Chinese Dragon form of DragoniteBruh