I saw my son drawing Delcatty today. I asked him why he wasn't drawing a more popular Pokemon, like Regidrago or Sinistea. He said he contacted divine forces in order to convince to spread landmines all over the world in hopes that nu-Pokemon fans would step on them! I demanded to know why he would even think ruining the world for his own personally distaste of a children's video game was a good idea! He coughed in my face and gave me a viral infection! I ground-typed him. What would you have done?
>>57183828I would go back to my basement and write a better fanfiction than this slop.
Where’s her hijab?!
>page6 after 20 minsThe king has fallen
Kys Delcattyschizo>>57184114good
>>57183828ily dellcattyschizo
>brace for imminent samefaging until page 9
Kill yourself, Delcattyschizo.
sex with delcatty
>>57184374sex with haggered war criminal Delcatty
BASED delcatty DAEDRa
My Delcatty was a War Criminal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azNKPM5anok
Which way trainer?
>>57184740sit at 4, bully ivycuck
>>57183828Happy new year delcattychad.
>>57184717Cry harder Othronigger