Kyogre is god of the seas THOUGH
>not seaking
>>57196149Who is the non believer of the seas?
What is a king to a god?Scream, cry, kneel!
>>57196124>king>50% female
>>57196124Right after Ruby and Sapphire too….
>>57196149I thought Kyogre was the sea.
>Kyogre is said to be the personification of the sea itself. Legends tell of its many clashes against Groudon, as each sought to gain the power of nature.>Personification of the Seas (not God)This implies that Lapras is still King over Kyogre.
>>57196238Maybe that one is Male and the Alpha of all Lapras in existence
the virgin king of the seas vs the chad GOD OF THE OCEANS
>>57196167I'll decide who's a GOD you stupid fucking whale with fingers. Now shut up and keep the sea level low enough to let me find a man to fuck!
>>57197494She just lives in the sea.
>>57197523>The human male fucker'sI kneel
>>57197622Yes as Shudo intended
>>57197626Sadly shudo failed to understand he didn't create the IP, thus didn't get a say in the gender presentation of the things.That's why he suffered a breakdown and turned to drugs and alcohol to blot it out after all, God made his avatar male again, leading him to be unable to realise his transformation.