Do you think large disobedient pokemon ever rape their trainers?for example: charizard, tyranitar, gyarados, nidoking, garchomp
>>57209989All the time and they do it for their own good.
>>57209989Stop sexualising Pokèmon.
>>57209989Realistically none of the pokemon you mentioned except maybe nidoking have the appropriate tools to force themselves into a human anus or vagina, as reptiles they would have either cloacal vents or hemipenes of specific shapes that wouldn't fit properly even with force.
>>57209989no because trainers give consent implicitly
>>57209989Sure, there's probably some pokemon who murder and even rape their trainers assuming pokeballs don't come with a brainwashing sedative which they probably do.
>>57210019They don't, Dark Balls do that
>>57210021How credible is it that a creature that fights you and does everything in its power to break out of pokeballs when you try to catch is is suddenly near perfectly compliant and there's no foul play involved? The official explanations that pokemon "are testing you" or "want to fight you" sound like bullshit
>>57210029They can always leave if they feel like it, there is no brainwashing and nothing prevents them from going out of their balls whenever they wantAsh's Greninja ditched some trainers as a Froakie for example
>>57210029they have a pet play kink
>>57210029Honestly the games should have had the player character be able to fight in battle right from the start. It would make way more sense if you had to beat the shit out of your starter and early route mons to get them to respect you, or at least be intimidated enough to follow orders.
>>57209989arceus i hope so
>>57210112this is romanticizing which will be okay forever :3
>>57210029Yeah I always hated that shit,how after getting balled they immediately become butt buddies, I understand it's a kids game and all,but still annoying.
>>57210034Okay Masuda
>>57210029pokemon are data u can hug and pokeballs rewrite their brains to make them obedient little friends :33
>>57210145I've never been more insulted on this board
Stop making inane threads about Pokemon.
>>57210231i cant believe that erika died and she is now a froslass...
>>57209989Trainers ought to rape correct their Pokemon, regardless of size.