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Pokemon games are incredibly boring.
I can not play them because of how repetitive they feel.

The mechanic is basically switch to the pokemon with type advantage.

Random showdown fag out of nowhere
>Awchually if you take this and this pokemon you can build this and that and this negates....
No shut up! Not in the nintendo games it takes basically until the end game for you to get fire pokemon excluding your starter.

The other strategy is to FUCKEN GRIND your pokemons level.

What I like to see in a pokemon game is some variety. I know this can be impossible since pokemon generate problems and where never designed with anything other then the stupid switch or grind the level pokemon mechanic from G1.

1) And this is the most important part. Make the map open. Lets do the same collect badges shit however you have 8 regions around your hometown.

Do you want to go to the fire region full of fire pokemon to defeat the fire pokemon gym?

Do you want to go to the forest region full of plant pokemon to defeat the plant pokemon gym?

Do you want to go to the water region full of water pokemon to defeat the water pokemon gym?

Do you want to go to the electric region full of electric pokemon to defeat the electric pokemon gym?

Do you want to go to the rock/mountain region full of rock pokemon to defeat the rock pokemon gym?

Something like with mega man only you travel these regions.

This can work if you use negative levels for the regions pokemon.

Lets say your pokemon are always L100 however the harder pokemon and trainers in this region are L130. You do not level up your pokemon you fighting in this region lowers the level of your enemies if you grind enough you can get their level under 90 etc. This way you can explore every region who will always be a challenge.

2) Minimize down pokemon type advantages or possibly remove them at all. Basically fire is not a one hit kill on plant etc.

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3) Make the pokemon interactive and this is the hardest part to execute because of pokemon legacy.

I was thinking something like a fighting game where your plant pokemon has a weakness to fire however using good enough starts and combos you can overcome this.

However pokemon like Wailord are gigantic and others tiny this creates a problem how to do this.

The other idea would be something like the gungeon where you can use the dodge roll to survive anything and fire shots do not set water or fire pokemon on fire making them less useful.

However even a FPS/TPS in MOBA style is possible. What I like to see is that every poekmon type feels different. For instance maybe plant pokemon always have a build in gigantic regeneration ability in them allowing for gigantic HP regeneration? Make pokemon of a given type feel different in combat.

Maybey more interactivity like in paper mario is the best solution? Basically give some ability to engage a block or defense or super move.

Maybe all fire types use a gauge system that if left to max out to long damages the fire pokemon to fire their super move while the fighting time uses times button presses?

What about ghost types having invisibility or phase shift?

What do you think? There is no possibility here other then to rework pokemon as a strategy or card game in the style of MTG or hearthstone.
I don't really care if pokemon is simplistic but I feel like my enjoyment of the series would go up exponentially if the battles were snappy.

Speed up the animations, make animations for stat changes/status effects/items play at the same time as the explanatory text boxes. I've actually got a great attention span for today's standards and even I just get so fed up with how slow battles are.
Are you not frustrated with the retarded mechanic?
Fuck off retard, play some comptetitive or battle facilities and show me how far you get with your "switch to the pokemon with type advantage"
>play some comptetitive
Cool now tell me how you can build this this dream team 20% into the game without you trading with yourself from a previous game. I wait.

>Don't play the single player Nintendo pokemon games
You have proven my point.
Old Gens:
Use glitches/ PKHex

New Gens:

> You have proven my point.
Can you read? I literally mentioned battle facilities.
nah, I like JRPGs. if they're not for you, then don't play them.
turning Pokemon into a real-time action game sounds cool until you think about it for more than 10 seconds and realize that making diverse movesets for 1000+ Pokemon all with different types, bodies, sizes, abilities etc simply isn't feasible and would require either cutting down the roster to a tiny amount, or extreme homogenization which would feel bad and cheap.
there's nothing wrong with turn based combat. although admittedly Pokemon has some of the easiest turn based combat in the single player campaigns and I can understand why that would bore you, I don't think the solution to that is to completely change the mechanics. romhacks and fangames have shown that you can have more challenging campaigns and more complex teambuilding within the story mode without changing the mechanics drastically.
but on top of that you have to keep in mind that it's a kid's game first and foremost. Pokemon is never going to be Shin Megami Tensei, it just isn't, it would alienate too many children.
there's other reasons to like the games though. collecting and raising Pokemon itself is enjoyable for a lot of people, and the sense of adventure of exploring the region is a big draw too (although I feel like this is lacking in the more recent games). and then if you want a challenge, that's what competitive PVP for. which ironically, newer gens have made much more accessible with tons of QOL for teambuilding, at the expense of the single player experience. so, pick a lane, you know.
>Use glitches
You have proven my point.

OH so it is grind the obscure stats to get a over leveled Pokemon!
I love playing them
You should clearly seek another genre. Pokemon isn't for you, you would get destroyed in the battle frontier.
>that making diverse movesets for 1000+ Pokemon all with different types, bodies, sizes, abilities etc simply isn't feasible and would require either cutting down the roster to a tiny amount, or extreme homogenization which would feel bad and cheap.
Like I was saying
>Make the pokemon interactive and this is the hardest part to execute because of pokemon legacy.
Basically pokemon is fucked and need to drop some pokemon, besides pokemon keeps on adding more mons every generation for no reason whatsoever. Ignoring this do you think it would make a better game?

>and realize that making diverse movesets for 1000+ Pokemon all with different types, bodies, sizes, abilities etc simply isn't feasible and would require either cutting down the roster to a tiny amount, or extreme homogenization which would feel bad and cheap.
Not really if you give every pokemon only 1 or 3 moves max and they are generic paper mario jump and flash effects. Or you reinvent the franchise as an FPS or TPS where your mons only shoot.

>I like JRPGs
Pokemon is not a JPRG. You can pick from 100s of mons and pokemons story is repetitive ass copy pasted from every game. Pokemon also uses the type system that is alien to JRPGs..

PS: What about a more open world where you can chose what region to go to?
>The other strategy is to FUCKEN GRIND your pokemons level.
use an emulator anon
>The mechanic is basically switch to the pokemon with type advantage
>The other strategy is to FUCKEN GRIND your pokemons level
These are not compatible. If it's so easy that you just need to switch to the correct pokemon, you shouldn't need to grind.

>Do you want to go to the x region full of x pokemon to defeat the x pokemon gym?
This could work but more likely it would lead to 'theme park regions' like a Mario game, where regions of entirely different types are slapped together with no cohesion.

>This can work if you use negative levels for the regions pokemon.
This is a really weird solution. It's much simpler to have enemy levels scale with yours like they do in battle facilities.

>There is no possibility here other then to rework pokemon as a strategy or card game in the style of MTG or hearthstone.
Eh, leave card games to the spinoffs. If you wanted to change the genre, probably make it a 3D fighter like Cyber Troopers. The problem is that you would need to drastically cut down the number of pokemon, which kind of ruins the worldbuilding and feel of the series.

>Maybey more interactivity like in paper mario is the best solution? Basically give some ability to engage a block or defense or super move
That could work

Ultimately any of these changes would alienate a lot of people, and I think Pokemon is too big for TPC to take those kinds of risks. If you want a shakeup of the formula, you're better off looking at a different game series.
>Pokemon isn't for you,
I know.

>, you would get destroyed in the battle frontier.
OH NO I will not wast my time grinding obscure bullshit stats for days to have this shit auto battler make me a win? The horror!

Yes I like to have fun in games.
>use an emulator anon
>Don't play the single player Nintendo pokemon games

You are admitting defeat here.
And why should I use a emulator to make the retarded grind fest less retarded?
>Pokemon games are incredibly boring.
Ok find something you like then
>Pokemon is not a JPRG. You can pick from 100s of mons
It's a monster catcher, a subset of JRPGs where the enemies are your party members. That doesn't make it not a JRPG.
>and pokemons story is repetitive ass copy pasted from every game.
True but that doesn't make it not a JRPG.
>Pokemon also uses the type system that is alien to JRPGs.
Okay so you're just retarded. Go play SMT/Persona, unless you're gonna tell me those also aren't JRPGs.
It's a JRPG
>The other strategy is to FUCKEN GRIND your pokemons level.
You never have to do this in any Pokémon game.
>pokemons story is repetitive ass copy pasted from every game
i assume you say this because of gyms, and that's like saying that FF all have the same story because you fight god at end, so i conclude you just don't really care
>Pokemon also uses the type system that is alien to JRPGs
Elements existed in FF since the beginning
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Thanks for the value post
>That could work
Would you like a game like this?

> you're better off looking at a different game series.
I have basically given up on pokemon games so..

>This could work but more likely it would lead to 'theme park regions' like a Mario game, where regions of entirely different types are slapped together with no cohesion.

I was thinking something like the world map in mini for a region. Where going to the arctic is a s fast as going to the Sahara.

> where regions of entirely different types are slapped together with no cohesion.
Personally if I see another pokemon game where the fire pokemon are locked until the end game I will vomit. What is the solution? Let people buy 90% of pokemon in shops?

>These are not compatible. If it's so easy that you just need to switch to the correct pokemon, you shouldn't need to grind.
I hate the type system.
Because most of the game is either grind or switch nothing more.

Literal brain dead child:
>Win the game by keeping you over leveled starter

More intelligent child
>I switch to the pokemon with the type advantage like the game tels me!

Poke crazy adult:
>Oh you don't want to engage in the switching pokemon game?
> Simply grind your fire pokemon until it can tank the water pokemon!

>Grind your pokemon to be over leveled to avoid having them ever die

These are the only 2 options.
In contrast paper mario or righting games have your skill as a factor in your victory.

> It's much simpler to have enemy levels scale with yours
Yes however what if you hit level 100?
PS: I never played battle facilities.
>Ok find something you like then
That is simple.
Kirby games are very fun despite them being made for children.

Most FPS even old ones.
>Kirby games are very fun
If you think the worst nintendo ip is fun then you really shouldn't complain about what really sells nintendo garbage
>True but that doesn't make it not a JRPG.
I was under the impression that JRPGs are basically walking simulators who are incredibly story based and character based like Final Fantasy games.

Pokemon has none of this.
And this would not be a problem if the gameplay was engaging. Mario games are fun despite the story being:
>Bowser kidnapped the princes/did something bad fix this

>Go play SMT/Persona
I should, I never played persona and it was on my to play list.

>It's a JRPG
So every shit RPG that comes out of japan is a jRPG????!!!!!!!!
Shin Megami Tensei Vengeance is probably the best game to get you introduced to the series. Unlike other games where you eventually need to fuse your demons to keep up with the difficulty curve, Vengeance gives you enough tools to keep whatever demons you like for the whole game.
>i assume you say this because of gyms, and that's like saying that FF
Oh no it is that guy.

1) I can play games without story if the gameplay is fun, pokemon is repetitive and not fun.

2) If you want to play the OH story element then pokemon fails.

Yes you can carticaturize FF as the same story however limiting to the old FF games (because the new ones sniffed their own farts so long they got brain damage) however these FF games show you a unique and engaging world full of interesting characters.

For example FF6 and FF7 are very different FF7 is basically a world ruined ecologically. You fight god like entities in these games.

What do you fight in pokemon? Some guy and a retarded team? Not only this however pokemon games are prevented by gamefreak from EVER exploring in depth their world. Want to show a complex world where mons are abused and enslaved for real? NOT ALLOWED!

While FF who creates a new world every game can do this.
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>If you think the worst nintendo ip is fun
The fuck?
Why is is the worst? It is the best! Play and finish Kirby 64 and tell me that I am wrong.

Kirby games outshine Mario and all other Nintendo IPs. With the exception of Smash Brothers and Mario Kart.
>1) I can play games without story if the gameplay is fun, pokemon is repetitive and not fun.
i don't see how pokemon is more repetitive than other turn based jrpgs
>2) If you want to play the OH story element then pokemon fails.
In the Black and White they succeeded
>Want to show a complex world where mons are abused and enslaved for real? NOT ALLOWED!
oh you wanted the 14 year old edgy game saying "people are horrible", fortunately pokemon games are written by adults so we got way deeper stories with BW and SM
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>oh you wanted the 14 year old edgy game saying "people are horrible",
Meanwhile in FF6

The point is that other jRPGs use their world to develop the darker aspects. FF6 has
>war crimes and genecide.

FF7 has
>Evil scientists.

You can cry edgy all you want. However half arsed dialog dose not a engaging story make.

>games are written by adults
As opposed to all the games written by children?

>n is more repetitive than other turn based jrpgs
There is no deep story or exploration of the world.

Exhibit A:

>i don't see how pokemon is
It has no fun mechanics to master unlike other games like any platformer etc.

The type system brings pokemon combat to a new level of absolute ass that I have never seen in other games.
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FF6 has Celes and Terra, BW has N and SM has Lillie
>Would you like a game like this?
Eh, I would appreciate a shakeup of the formula, but I don't think that in particular is what Pokemon needs.
>I have basically given up on pokemon games so..
Not really sure why i'm writing this then but whatever
>I was thinking something like the world map in mini for a region.
It's more boring imo if you can just warp around the region, it makes the worldbuilding much less appealing.
>Personally if I see another pokemon game where the fire pokemon are locked until the end game I will vomit.
Besides the obvious fact that your very first pokemon in almost every game can be fire type:
growlithe/vulpix/flareon are obtainable fairly early on in kanto games
growlithe/magmar are obtainable early in johto
numel/torkoal are obtainable mid-game (~4th gym) in hoenn
ponyta/houndour/magmar (i think) are mid-game in sinnoh
pansear/darumaka are early game in unova
fletchling/litleo are early game in kalos
etc. These might not be 100% accurate, idr, but they are not lategame, just rare
>Because most of the game is either grind or switch nothing more.
You should not be grinding, the main difficulty comes from your team being lower-leveled than your opponents. Yes, type advantages are OP in single-player, but the core type system is not bad, it could be refined. It's kind of a meme suggestion, but there are fan games that show you can have more engaging battles with the same system, the CPU opponents just need better teams.
>In contrast paper mario or righting games have your skill as a factor in your victory.
Paper Mario is really not that difficult either, you can reduce it to the standard RPG "damage-heal-boost stats" formula. Fighting games are a completely different genre, so not really comparable.
>Yes however what if you hit level 100?
They also hit lvl 100.
>I never played battle facilities
You might as well try them out. If nothing else it lets you see there is more depth to the battle system than the campaign suggests.
>So every shit RPG that comes out of japan is a jRPG????!!!!!!!!
If it's an RPG and Japanese it's a JRPG
NTA but that's not really what JRPG means. If Skyrim was made in Japan that wouldn't make it a JRPG. Likewise if Xenoblade was made in America, it would still be a JRPG
>It's more boring imo if you can just warp around the region
What? No I was saying that walking for 7 or 10 minutes in one direction will let you see the climate change and become arctic if you walk to the top of the world or hotter if you go the the middle of it. Basically instead this journey taking 100s of days it takes minutes a world map mini.

>Besides the obvious fact that your very first pokemon in almost every game can be fire type:
You think this is a good thing?
>Oh want a fire type?
>Take the fire starter!

Yea so only 1 fire type is allowed since the start... Ehh
And I locked myself out of the other starters.... Ehh.

>Paper Mario is really not that difficult either,
The point is that having some reaction time to minimize damage makes the fight more engaging and you can try to fight people who have a bigger level then you.

>Fighting games are
1)Pokken tournament EXISTS
2) The reaction to attack in paper mario is similar to using block in fighting games.

>, but the core type system is not bad, it could be refined.
It is a very bad system. It was only made up to get kids to collect more pokemon and try out other pokemon.

Going back to paper mario they can enforce the same switching by lets say having almost all water types know surf and you need a water type to access some regions or get back to a region to cross some water.

Ghosts can phase some walls... all electric can light up caves with flash... etc. These are not HM or moves they are natural out of combat abilities these mons have and take no combat slots.

The point is that there are other ways however game freak decided on this retardation and we are stuck.

>Eh, I would appreciate a shakeup of the formula, but I don't think that in particular is what Pokemon needs.
What is your idea?
OH wow he did go for it.
So if a game identical to skyrim is made in japan it is a jRPG?
>Yea so only 1 fire type is allowed since the start
wow amazing, it's like you actively avoided reading the post because you might actually have to come up with an argument to defend yourself
>wow amazing, it's like you actively avoided reading the post because you might actually
You ignore that you can not simply decide to go to Blazes fire island full of fire pokemon as your 2 gym in GEN1
>play JRPG
>"Wtf why is this a JRPG, I want this to be a different game"
Really? Lol
>And this is the most important part. Make the map open.
You do know that SV is open world, right? Is also takes care of a lot of the grindy mechanics you're complaining about
you also can't catch a water type in gen 1 until you buy Magikarp from the guy in mt. moon and after that you need the good rod or Surf to have access to anything other than magikarp, and by then you already have access to Ponyta and Vulpix/Growlithe, so good water types are actually harder to come across in gen 1 than fire types
but I don't see you bawl in butthurt over that
>I was saying that walking for 7 or 10 minutes in one direction will let you see the climate change and become arctic if you walk to the top of the world or hotter if you go the the middle of it
That's kind of how pokemon regions actually work. Kalos is all of northern France, with all of its environmental diversity, but in a much smaller package. It takes less than an hour to walk across Kalos, but days to walk across France.
>You think this is a good thing?
Yes? What's wrong with it?
>Yea so only 1 fire type is allowed since the start... Ehh
No, you can get 1-3 unique fire types by midgame in most games if you want.
>And I locked myself out of the other starters.... Ehh.
Yes, it's a choice, which makes it interesting. You have to decide whether having a fire type to start is worth losing out on the other two. It also makes people's playthroughs different, and encourages trading. Would you rather the game give you all three to start?
>The point is that having some reaction time to minimize damage makes the fight more engaging and you can try to fight people who have a bigger level then you.
Are you not "trying to fight people who have a bigger level than you" in Pokemon? Again, that's how you're supposed to play the game. Paper Mario doesn't even have enemy 'levels'
>1)Pokken tournament EXISTS
So? That's a spinoff.
>It is a very bad system. It was only made up to get kids to collect more pokemon and try out other pokemon.
Well, that's probably part of it. Not that getting people to catch more pokemon is a bad thing, that's kind of the point of the game. Also, as discussed, it's very common for JRPGs to have some kind of type system.
>Going back to paper mario they can enforce the same switching by lets say having almost all water types know surf and you need a water type to access some regions or get back to a region to cross some water.
You're in luck, because almost all water types can learn surf, which they can use to access some regions or get back to a region to cross some water
>Ghosts can phase some walls... all electric can light up caves with flash... etc. These are not HM or moves they are natural out of combat abilities these mons have and take no combat slots.
This is not really related to the type system being flawed. This is you saying that they could expand using pokemon for overworld navigation, which I agree with.
>What is your idea?
Idk, not a game designer. I think action commands would just be too little to solve the problem you have with the battles.
>You ignore that you can not simply decide to go to Blazes fire island full of fire pokemon as your 2 gym in GEN1
Nonlinearity does not correlate with quality. Would Sonic 1 be better if I could do star light zone first and do green hill zone last?

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