Pokédoko is a weekly Pokémon variety show starring Abareru-kun, Ryogo Matsumaru, Hikaru Takahashi and Shuhei Nakano Today:>Cho Tokimeki Sendenbu Show Up Dressed in Ikirinko Colors to Have Fun with the Highly Reputed Frienda Vol 3! / Partychan Promotes the Pokémon Card Game with Tons of Energy!! / A Report from the Pokéssu Plaza OsakaToday's guests: Comedian trio Partychan and idles Kanami Tsujino and Hiyori Yoshikawa Stream at:https://ok.ru/videoembed/7858423078516https://stream01.willfonk.com/live_playlist.m3u8?cid=BS297&r=FHD&ccode=JP&m=d0:20:20:04:35:cc&t=0d6938cb3dcf4b79848bc1753a59daf1 Starts in 2 hours 30 minutes. Are your bodies ready? Preview:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smtpKIpq1Kw >Cho Tokimeki Sendenbu show up dressed in Ikirinko colors to have fun with the highly reputed Frienda Vol 3, which features everything from the Black Rayquaza to Galar Fire?! We'll also have a report from the Pokéssu Plaza Osaka! >Summary:>Certain Pokémon Trainers come together in the new expansion pack?!!>There's Nanjamo, Lilie, and even N??>Partychan promotes the Pokémon Card Game with tons of energy!!
>>57280849That's some amazing cosplay.
>>57280849This is gold.
Nobuko a CUTE
>>57280849Ok, I have to watch this.
>>57280864Abareru-kun looking like a boss as always.
>>57280849The year of the idles continues.
>>57280929Unfortunately it comes to an end with this episode, next week will only have male comedians as guests.
>>57280849So how much time are they planning to devote to each of these three segments? Seems like a lot to stuff into one episode.
>>57281020I assume the Frienda segment with TokiSen isn't going to take that much time, Frienda is a pretty simplistic game.
>>57280985Who are we getting then?
>>57281067Tom Brown and Tomoharu Shoji from Shinagawa Shoji.
>>57280985>>57281087>all malesYech.
>>57280849Amazing cosplay.
Half an hour left, yo.
Here we go!
Galar Moltres.
Those idols are super cute.
Hikaru is too silly.
Today's guests, Kanami Tsujino and Hiyori Yoshikawa from Cho Tokimeki Sendenb
So the idols are going to be here from the start.
>>57281590and Partychan!
>SBest name.
That's the best Nanjamo I've seen.
This is hilarious, I love it.
Hiyorin a CUTE!
>>57281597Kyonchie, S, Nobujamo and AbapPerfect names.
>Matsumaru fucks up againLal
Ah, so close, Matsumaru!
Sexy legs.
This has been a really good episode so far.
Next week: Snow fun with Tom Brown
Man, that con must've been really cool to attend.
This is really charming.
THAT is cool.
>life-size Abathio cutoutI love it.
Big news: There's going to be another Pokessu Plaza in Fukuoka in February!
>>57281597also Frienda Navigators Jin and Nagisa!
Frienda is so boring.
Hey, this is kind of a preview of next week's anime battle.
That's a pretty random selection of mons.
Huh, they're automatic captures or something?
Next week:>M-1 successes Tom Brown appear as Abaplorers members! We'll get both snow shoveling and sledding as Tomoharu Shoji puts in some real work in Hokkaido while trying to obtain a key for the treasure chest!! There'll also be a report from the Fuwafuwa Pokédoko stage show.>Summary:>Only 3 keys remain! It's time to raise the roof with some oni-fun games themed around the Ice type Onigohri while snow stretches out as far as the eye can see!!>Cast:>Ryogo Matsumaru>Hikaru Takahashi>Abareru-kun>Shuhei Nakano from Kaerutei (voice of Koccar)>Guests: Tom Brown and Tomoharu Shoji (from Shinagawa Shoji)DONMISIT!
>>57281697>M-1 successes Tom Brown appear as Abaplorers members!
Next week looks cold.
>>57281697>We'll get both snow shoveling and sledding as Tomoharu Shoji puts in some real work in Hokkaido while trying to obtain a key for the treasure chest!!
>>57281697>There'll also be a report from the Fuwafuwa Pokédoko stage show.
Really fun episode today.
>>57281697>Only 3 keys remain! It's time to raise the roof with some oni-fun games themed around the Ice type Onigohri while snow stretches out as far as the eye can see!!
>>57281718>skirt in the snowWhy do people complain about Dawn again when this IS how actual Hokkaido girls dress?
>>57281726People just can't handle the truth.