>In the dark, even Hydreigon are terrified of this Pokémon. But in the light, Noivern is the one that avoids battle.You're telling me a Pokemon that was blind in its first two stages can't see in the dark?
>>57282463>Pseudo legendary afraid of a shitmon Now that's pathetic
>>57282463>Big satellite dish ears>Exploud: https://youtube.com/watch?v=cJs7r0TLfx0&pp=ygUqbGV0IG1lIHNob3cgeW91IGhvdyB0byBzY3JhdGNoIGl0IDEwIGhvdXJz
Maybe that's why they said "even", to show that despite having adapted to the darkness, Noivern outclasses it.
>>57282463>Unovamon being afraid of kalosmon What did they meant with this
>>57283367they're both kalosmon you idiot
>>57282463Wrong conclusion, it's basically saying Noivern has superior senses but since bats hate light, Noivern becomes vulnerable to Hydreigon in the light.