After playing pokemon snap for a little bit i was thinking to myself how... weird it was. like why is there an abandoned Electric plant? the caves? all the pokemon on one island?well i wanted to get ideas and stuff to work on a horror idea of "Pokemon island" which would have been like The lost world mixed with pokemon. heres the pitch>the year is 2025, but this is an alternative reality where pokemon failed at RBY and never grew from the hit we know today. pokemon island was supposed to be a fun park with real life pokemon... one kid who loved it grew up wondering what happened to that so called "Pokemon island" and so he sets out with some crew.>Upon traveling the pacific ocean near Hawaii and Japan, he finally found it, the same island! but in a dilapidated state. there was no mistaking it, as he parks his boat on the beach the island sign, now worn and rustic, reads " Welcome to Pokemon Island!">during this time the crew went to look the entire island for clues and evidence of what went wrong...only to find that there are real life pokemon. it was every kids dream!... until they found the tunnels, there they saw laboratories filled with animal experiments, sick gene-splicing and resident evil shit, just to make the pokemon seem real, some tubes are broken and warped skeletons of some failures lay around the ground.>the crew continue around the island trying to find out what sick bastard was doing this! all the while the pokemon try to attack and kill the crew of people as they try to unravel the mystery of "Pokemon island"
>>57282637Alright this is actually pretty creative. Bumping so OP can continue writing.
i wont spoil the most of it, but id love to get more inspiration for this
>>57282637Mascot horror slop
>>57282637>>57282754shut up this is based 2010 creepypasta shit. go back to your clothed ai porn thread.
>>57282764>go back to your clothed ai porn thread.Way too specific to not be projection
>>57282771"wayyyyy too specific">30% of this entire board is porn goon shit>its why its not active anymore
>>57282775>why its not active anymoreGod i wish
im actually surprised no one found the remote island of pokemon snap unsettling to be used for something like Jurassic park 2. like an island inhabited by pokemon who have grown savage because they're mutated animals on this distant remote island
I mean, the island is eerie to a degree and exploring it while these resident evil like animal beast hunting you would be scarry as hell
>>57282637>>57282793Haven't played Snap. Please enlighten me.
>>57284433There are like 5 or 6 stages where you travel on a predetermined path taking pictures of pokemon. You can interact with pokemon and the enviroment by throwing items outnto see how things react.One of these enviroments is an old abandoned powerplant, and there are some random manmade objects across the island. Also there is a random phenomenon in each stage of objects that when pictured at a certain angle it looks like a pokemon and finding them all causes Mew to begin visiting the island. Also, the three legendary birds are found in large eggs that hatch.
>>57284992thanks, might play some time this year
>>57284992thats what makes this creepy story interesting, it would be like a failed bio Jurassic park japan was gonna make
>>57282637This sounds like a carnival haunted house idea.
Sounds a lot like Abandoned By Disney.
>>57282637Bumping to incentivize more based ideas.
>>57282637>Jurassic park meets PokemonWell, I' would love to see the end results.My suggestions would be world building over story. >How do they reproduce?>Do the flying types escape?>Could some escapees be the reason for certain monster sightings? Kappas? Thunderbird? Sea monsters?>Did they outcompete the local fauna? It would be a welcome sight to see deer, goat or other "feeder" animals. Or even worse, hybridized creatures to show they can reproduce with non-experimented animals.>The lights flicker on, a sign of relief in the darkness. Until you realize it means a "Pikachu" may be nearby...>Has anyone else been on the island? Are there signs of abandoned workers left behind? Tourists?There's a lot to do here that can easily help you expand your storyline and designs. The more you try to tie it to reality, albeit loosely, the more it will come together coherently. You will just have to fill in the gaps as the come up. Alternatively, this would be a great chance to make Photoshopped pictures, scrap journal entries, and fake headlines to tell your story as well. Similar to Mystery Flesh pit, which I think you should go look up as well for ideas on failed horror attractions.
>>57291545ill look more into this, the main idea was that this was failed (Kiiinda like abandoned by disney) and people went to see the island because of an ad in a magazine promoting it,once there its a shit show, some crew start dying one gets eaten by Charmander packs in the mountain path, one guy gets dissolved and chemically burned by a muk experiment, we do see documents and worker skeletons and some results of them trying to make pokemonill go out on a limb and say some of the bird types get eaten by fish or are too weak to fly long distances, the fish were never released as they can be seen in old algae caked tubswe do see recording of some japanese people working via computers and some of the types going wild and horror like, some opting animatronics to supplement the living onesin the end, only three people escape as one guy starts gunning wild mons chasing him and the roar of a dragonnite mutation roars scaring them off as they escape the island filled with these monsters never to look back, it will also show some documents and audio recordings of what he got from the island as the last few pages
feel free to share creepy caves and foggy terrain with some pictures of photoshopped realistic pokemon, ill gladly use it as reference
>>57282637so... Jurassic Park with Pokemon
>>57293858with bits of "Abandoned by disney" to show the undiscovered lore of this failed island theme park
>>57282637How come no one quoted The Island of Dr Moreau ITT? You illiterate swinesDefinitely read that before producing anything OP, it's quite short anyway
>>57295423Better yet, read my pokemon vore fanfiction. I've gotten a lot of comments about being able to write horror well.
>>57293708What's with the Planet-of-the-Apes-posting lately?Post poke-apes please.
Ok, so for inspiration,Abandoned by DisneyThe Island of Dr MoreauJurassic park 3>>57291545 and thier suggestionsand some creepy photos of realistic pokemon and abandoned labs and deserted terrain for ref and pictures, maybe some jotoh ones to show how they WERE going to expand it