It's widely agreed the DS had the best artstyle, but which gens style do you prefer?
>>57284563>It's [FANFIC]
>>57284563>It's widely agreed the DS had the best artstylenope
>>57284563bw Is the only game with a somhow worst artstyle than plass.
>>57284563Gen 5 has so much soul.
>here's your widely agreed best artstyle bro
>>57284579top looks better doe
>>57284563i have 0 preference honestly, they both look great.Gen 5 sometimes looks wonky with all the 3D environments but other times the 3D adds a lot like when u go through the various bridges and tubes.If they ever decide to do a retro visual game I'd be happy with either one.
>>57284579bottom look better albeit
We're still doing the psyop where we're pretending this looks good?
>>57284597It does.
>>57284563Those trees in HGSS look so weird.
>>57284597Yes. Gen 5 sprites in particular were full of personality and SOUL.
>>57284563tangential but im a big fan of the monkeys
>>57284597during specific moments the tweening looks off but it's worth the trade for much more dynamic feeling battles. The camera moving around during the battle adds more than you think.
>>57284579I want more places that coexist with nature like Laverre City
>>57284630>much more dynamic feeling battleswhere
>>57284579Annoying bait shit.The funniest part about it is that one can cherrypick far better looking screenshots for both games kek. This war between gens is so forced.
Do Kalos fans really have nothing better to do?
Common Kalos W
>>57284675>getting the plass treatment>ever being a Wlol
>>57284643pretty much for any battle?the camera work does a lot here
>>57284680You lost and got raped.
>>57284563>It's widely agreed that {subjective opinion}
>>57284688>You lost and got raped.but enough about goodra in a diaper
>>57284691people can agree on an opinion, do you see more love for a different Gen than Gen 4/5?
>when your game’s graphics are so shit that you not only need to use poorly supported ad populum arguments but you also need to coattail ride on a completely different gen
14 years and counting
>when your game is so good the majority of people liking it makes people seethe so hard they cherrypick and intentionally worsen screenshots to make it look bad, all while saying "it looks bad" ad infinitum like a broken bot
Gen 5 looks awesome
>>57284750ly shit
>>57284750its funny because left is edited to look better
>>57284756Don't see it>>57284758No there's actually no smoothing. All the pixels remained the same. Stop lying.
>>57284763>right pics are all compressed and pixelated>left is properly sized
>>57284881almost like anyone can be a disingenuous faggot and these comparisons are always retarded.Either be consistent like in OP image or fuck off.
Gen 3 is when pokemon peaked aesthetics wise and i will die on this hill
>>57284563gen 5
>>57284881Oh, so the left ISN'T edited to look better. Got it.
>>57284898whats there to like about Gen 3 that Gen 4 doesn't do better?
>>57284918I just hate 3d models clashing with the 2d sprites
>yawnBvll will posted objective truths and the same discord pronova genwarriors still can’t deunk herZased
>yawnie parotting again after forgetting meds
>>57284563I'd give it to B/W if it wasn't for the character sprites. Why does the protag have his arms jutting out like that? I don't know why but it annoys the shit out of me
>sagie still doesnt know what parroting means>sagie thinks teaching his parrot to say sky is blue will make the parrot say sky is redlawl
>>57284758>anon's posting screenshots that aren't cherrypicked>U-UH IT'S EDITED BECAUSE IT GOES AGAINST MY NARRATIVE. IT JUST IS OK?
>>57285100Anon the post >57284939is literally parotting idk what you're rambling about
>not a single same word>parrotinglollmao even
>>57284563Gen 4
>>57285218it doesnt look like that
>>57285214Sorry you still don't get what parotting is, yawnie
Serious question: Desmume or MelonDS?
>>57285226>exactlySorry ESL, you lost.
>>57285239>calling others ESL>thinks words have only one meaningKEK
>>57284597When you emulate it at 1080p, yeah it looks good.
>>57285244Concession accepted.
>>57285253How is that a concession? Do you really think every word is relegated to one meaning? Thanks for admitting you're a retard.