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Name a cuter console than Sega Dreamcast Sakura Wars
Protip: you can't >:3
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>import the sakura taisen complete box back when it released thinking it'd be a collectible
>it's worth less now than when it was new
you're one of those trans fellas aren't you?
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Dreamcast literally did shit 6 years before anyone else. Why did it fail?
>moooom I want to play my online video games at $4.99/minute so you can't use the phone for the next 6 hours!
i have this weird console i got in south korea when i was a kid called a dees.
>only one stick
>stupid wire placement
gee I wonder
Because Sega was destined to fail after they dropped the ball with the 32X.
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Wanna bet?
I loved this console most of all. I hated that the games were pulled from shelves barely 6 months after buying one. The memories of the nights spent playing Phantasy Star Online with the bros will always be cherished
anon I already turned you down in the last thread, you're not getting my d
Would this have saved the 3D0?
i literally bought this a week ago in perfect condition with the box and games.
Completely mogs OP. OP is a faggot.
Sega's prior retardation and DC being a bit too ahead of it's time and too ambitious.
The console's release itself pretty much summed it up.
>first 6th gen console released by a bit, making it the first home console with pretty good 3D graphics
>other 6th gen consoles come out a little bit later, but with 3D output which makes the DC's look embarrassing by comparison
Basically they may have done stuff first, but ultimately in a way which was inferior to the consoles which came out shortly after.
kinda weird,is similar to shaq fu and zicco soccer both games barelly sold a few units and most of them ended up being sold for cheap to either be destroyed or reused on a new game.
>Shaq Fu half units destroyed,the other half reused in an unlicensed game.
>Zicco Soccer sold at 10 yen or given away for free,several of them reused on the SM chokyoushi games.
Sega didn't have any money and they had to cancel it and focus on software instead. They spent all of their money prior on add-ons like 32X, CD, Nomad and the Saturn.
Shame that Sakura Wars edition has a BIOS that will not read CD-Rs.
No moviegames
do coomers really?
because sega's fanbase was arcadefags at its core and this is 1995 multimedia philosophy.
i loved the product but didn't have the internet back then so i had no use for it despite being a multimediafag
*no use for the PC gimmicks
>>stupid wire placement
The wire placement is fine. You've never used a Dreamcast controller have you?
>hehe ps2 only sold because it had a dvd player
>waaaaaaaah why did the dreamcast fail when it had a fricking web browser?

They're genuinely so pathetic.
>literally the cult symbol of japanese moefication
>not pastel pink like Sakura Wars
>instead just a disgusting transparent ochre shit-like color
Try again
The hardware was shit and even if it wasn't the controller was unusable for 6th gen games.
How so?
In 2008 you would have just called OP a "weeb".
i still would but he bought it for cooming reasons. not all weebs are coomers even tho it's still all a bit cringe to me.
You don't sound wholly sincere, how do you know OP is cumming to his console?
I would pay not to own that.
He's one of those retards who think that either every 6th gen game used 1st person perspective or that there could be no good way to control the camera in 3rd person 6th gen games without the right analog stick.
You should go back to your site, redditor
ok coomer weeb
If it succeeded people would probably blame it for bad things done with those innovations after the fact. Like the Xbox.
Because the internet just wasn't ready. Dialup was shit and overpriced.

People tend to forget that the PS2 had the network bay. They could've EASILY started bundling in the internet adapter like Sega were doing if it looked like it was going to be a big seller. Just great design all around on the PS2, they were really going for blood.
nta, but despite it not being an issue in terms of comfort, it does shorten the distance you can sit from your tv by about 6 inches. couch bros with kids running around know what im talking about
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>Scalper gets his just desserts
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Not moe and pink enough
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Limited edition consoles that need tacky decals and a pink shell are NOT cute. PC Engine is cute!
PCE is shit without the suitcase.
the girl reading this post
With suitcase/interface unit it looks like an ultra giga nigga though this description would be more accurate for Mega Drive with all its add-ons. The PC Engine console alone is adorably small.
Girls are not consoles tho
they may not be consoles but i still wanna play around with em haha
>sakura taisen
it's literally an anime about war and people die in it
It's a pretty mild war where the villains are all massive fans of theatrics. GPM was the same kind of story with more of a war slant, and Muv Luv was GPM but with more sex and suffering.
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I have one. Kind of reminds me of a marshmallow
I would be ashamed to own these
That's more like it
>He likes pink consoles made for little Japanese girls
OK fag
Cuteness and grimdark surprisingly go well with each other
You zoomers aren't going to do well in the draft
I'm 34 tho
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>Dialup was shit and overpriced.
Dial-up was free, nigga
you arent a woman, youre just another faggot
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I've had my eye on this for a while, someone convince me to not drop 300 CAD on a barely used one on ebay.
That's pretty ngl
He didn't say he was.
No, you kneel to this guy >>5781621
He actually owns the CCS Gameboy Color.
It was the late 90s by then. Those of us in civilized parts of the world like New York didn't have to hog up the phone line to use the internet at that point.
You're cuter, OP :3
Thanks XOXO
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not cute but i think it looks cool
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Be sure to get the matching sakura stand that goes with it. (Sold separately.)
No ome?
>Cute = Trans
Get off my anime website idpol faggot.
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>>10876026 (OP)
Which one is cuter?
>buttons and controllers ports are black
Fucked up
Would've preferred a Sakura Wars DC with the cast from the third game
Yes :3
What color should they be then?

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