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Previous Thread: >>10978469

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Be an art dev fucking sucks, It's taking every neuron in my tiny art brain to figure out how to NES-dev...
Be a program dev fucking sucks, It's taking every neuron in my tiny programmer brain to figure out how to pixel art...
Big improvement: https://twitter.com/alekmaul/status/1800169790977540587

Fans testing:

What's your favorite GBA Fire Emblem hack?
Be a level dev fucking sucks, It's taking every neuron in my tiny musician brain to figure out how to design level...
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From the previous thread
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Steal all you can and fart out the rest.
>It's taking every neuron in my tiny art brain to figure out how to NES-dev...
Both of them? Honestly, having an "art brain" is a major disadvantage when doing NES graphics. Being able to draw rule 34 deviant art in photoshop does nothing to prepare you for figuring out how to cram a bunch of little blocks of a limited number of colors into a bunch of other blocks and arrange them in a way that looks like a picture of what it's supposed to and doesn't look like shit. In fact, it makes you far less capable of doing this than if you'd started on much more primitive software.
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After playing Phantasy Star Zero recently, I was impressed by how much they managed to achieve given the DS's limited hardware. In many ways, it's practically a demake of the original Phantasy Star Online. Makes me wonder if something similar would be possible on the N64 (similar gameplay-wise, not a port or anything).

The main issue would be multiplayer performance. Since it would need to run in split-screen, the polygon count would quickly get out of hand. My attempt at making a basic character model ended up with 264 tris (234 without the sword). That's pretty low for a single-player game, but with four players and four views, you end up having to draw 16 player models in the worst case. In total, that's 4,224 tris per frame (126,720 per second at 30 FPS)-- just for the player models. Add in a small handful of enemies, a simple environment, and a few small extras, and you're looking at a staggering ~280k polygons per second at 30 FPS. It seems pretty tough to get a decent frame rate due to the sheer number of polygons alone.

Not that I plan on actually attempting it or anything. It's just something I was thinking about.
Model almost resemble Gon
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It must be the hair. Pic related.
I can do pixel art just fine, it's the actual programming of the game that's the issue, or rather getting a strong enough understanding of how to manage and navigate the NES system architecture well enough to not constantly run into pitfalls. (also I don't draw r34...or use photoshop)
>I can do pixel art just fine
Well there's yer problem. The NES doesn't have a "pixel art" processor.
>Going SNES
>Straight version
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Anyone tried Glory Hunters? New GBStudios made game for the gameboy where the gimmick is collecting Achievements. Full game just released.
Hello, I just got a memory card with FreeMcBoot for my PS2 and I wanted to play burned DVD games with it, but I have yet to find any usefull video explaining how. Most videos or sites just tell me to use the HDD drive or USB. But I dont have an HDD drive for the PS2 and I heard the USB option is very slow and clunky. Any help on what do I need or a usefull guide to follow to be able to play Burned DVDs?
Online Crash racing: https://www.online-ctr.com/
Super straight aka futa enjoyer
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Did Hyper Metroid get any updates after the initial release? I didn't finish it back then and now I'm wondering if I can just continue with my old ROM and save.
Digging an old xp machine out of my parents attict today to do some ps1 homebrewing with. Any IDE recommendations? I'm used to using vim on modern pcs. Never programmed on a machine this old though. Thanks!
Damn Straight..
Gem FX

OK let's try this - at the end of every chapter, it awards you an item
The item is randomized, not counting Special Ending (which nets the same item every time)

I'm guessing that the "chapter end prize" likely has an item pool/table as well
In the same vein as before, is anyone able to locate the item table for "chapter end prize"?

Could possibly lend credence to the Steam users who claimed they received "item_id=0x338 Elixshroom" from Chapter 10's Good Ending
Is that specific OP image a homebrew game? Or an existing product? Or just an art piece?
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Worst GBA RPG ever: https://c3-project.itch.io/c3/devlog/636481/train
Thanks, I have an extreme weakness for flat-shaded polygon vehicles.
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What about flat-shaded tits and dicks?
yeah I can get behind that
He’s John Cena!
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All english guys are John Cena before dying by balconing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balconing
>In 2018, there were six reported balconing accidents (British, Irish, and one French). Three of them died due to the fall. This was more than during the years 2016 and 2017.
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Still thinking about the feasibility of 4-player co-op on the N64 similar to Phantasy Star Online (continued from >>11019679).

Added more detail to the character model (gloves, a nose, feet that bear a little less resemblance to doorstops). Due to better optimization, the triangle count is actually reduced from 264 down to 258. There's also a heavily stripped down character model with only 174 tris (not pictured). That one's a little too basic for my liking, but if that's what it came down to...

Also made a simple enemy model to gauge how many polygons those would need. It ended up being some kind of hedgehog-looking thing (video: https://files.catbox.moe/4q92pj.webm ). With only 68 tris, I'm thinking most enemies could get by with a similar amount. For bigger/stronger enemies that need more detail, the enemy count could be reduced to compensate.

Estimated polygon usage:
>Player characters + weapons: 280 tris each (4x = 1,120 tris)
>Enemies: 90 tris each (5x = 450 tris)
>Crates: 10 tris each (8x = 80 tris)
>Environment: 200 tris
>Effects, etc.: 40 tris

In total, that's 1,890 tris. With 4 viewports, it's 7,560 (226,800 per second at 30 FPS, or 151,200 at 20 FPS). So 30 FPS seems like a bit much, but 20 FPS might be doable. Of course, it's hard to know for sure without testing on hardware. Maybe it's worth picking up a flash cart and doing some experimentation.
Shiny spike.
>In total, that's 1,890 tris. With 4 viewports, it's 7,560 (226,800 per second at 30 FPS, or 151,200 at 20 FPS). So 30 FPS seems like a bit much, but 20 FPS might be doable.
Anon, Goldeneye had <10FPS framedrops with 4 viewports. Mario Kart 64 had to disable music and use sprites for characters to maintain ~20FPS with 4 viewports. You're fucked.
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F-Zero X had 4 viewports and 30 racers at 60 FPS, so getting 30 FPS should be no problem. All you have to do is replace the people with cars. This is the Blue Falcon T-posing.
Polygon wise it realistically maxes out at roughly 100k triangles per second (unless you get really creative like they did with WDC)
If you want to hit 15-20fps at 4 player then aim for 1000 triangles _max_ per viewport (perhaps create lower poly versions for 4 player that should be less visible since the viewport is much smaller)
>If you want to hit 15-20fps at 4 player then aim for 1000 triangles _max_ per viewport
Even going full minecraft, that's 648 tris just from entity models (4 players and 5 enemies at 72 tris each). Add a blocky environment, a few crates, some basic effects, and it's already about blown the budget. And that's not even considering the overhead of drawing a separate menu for each player (for gameplay reasons, menus be drawn partially transparent over the 3D view). Not sure if it's really feasible, assuming your triangle count figure is correct.
F-Zero X cars, circuits and textures are a joke.
What >>11027135 is thinking about is much closer to Goldeneye or maybe Jet Force Gemini than to F-Zero X.

Look at the shitty frame rate (12-15FPS?):
That was poor optimisation from an inexperienced team. The N64 is capable of far greater performance in a home-brew set-up.
Fucking Rare was an inexperienced team when they released Jet Force Gemini (1999)? You're retarded.
Ah right, I forgot that you also need to display up to 4 player characters per view.
It's going to be too tricky I think, either use sprites for enemies and players, or stick to 2 player splitscreen max.

He's just shitposting, but there is some truth in modern development having an edge over the 90s as there are both dev tools and better understanding on the architecture.
Also late Rare started focussing on effects too much (multiple dynamic light sources, realistic shadows, etc) which also hurt performance a lot. If you stay away from those then performance will be fine.
>If you stay away from those then performance will be fine.
It will be fine if you use sprites for enemies and players like Mario Kart 64. If you use 3D models, expect 10FPS frame drops.
Morning in the bathroom: https://webmshare.com/play/bGKBe
Alt link: https://files.catbox.moe/oqjn0g.webm
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I am not looking into chapter end prizes because I have no chapter end saves and I refuse to play this grindfest, let alone all the way to chapter 11.
Instead, I have a new game save and an NPC gave me an award for 10% item completion. Its item_id was fetched from the hugeass script00.dat file containing the compiled bytecode for the entire story (apparently), and the bytecode for "give item" command looks like "51 23 03 01 00" for what I received, namely item_id=0x323 Raise ATK. No occurences of what the script command "give Elixshroom" would have looked like (51 38 03 01 00) exist in the game data. In fact, "38 03" is barely seen in the files at all. The game scripts have one spot with two "38 03"s close by (one is on the pic related, 2nd - not pictured - is just after that), but it looks like a coincidence rather than a proper Elixshroom to me. Here's the related scene and the way to get there (overwrite a0 during fast travel and fake set all flags too, or else the NPCs will not spawn; the untranslated text is garbled by the fanTL patch).
This makes me think that Elixshroom is never received from any cutscene. Moreover, there's no "38 03" that would look like it's a part of a table anywhere in the game files, and there's just one file with a drop table (I posted it earlier).
Item_id's can be hardcoded (see the obligatory items in shop) rather than fetched from the script. The disassembler I use (IDA Pro) shows hardcoded arguments, and the argument 0x338 is not seen anywhere in the code. The last possibility is that item_id is generated by the ASM code on the spot, but in order to catch said code I must grab it by its output and trace back from there. This is where the savedata at the end of the chapter comes into play. So go make one in the PSP version, preferably at chapter 10's good end if you want me to look any further. (I have a gut feeling that the chapter end prize is randomly picked from the same old shroomless takara.dat, though)
mario 64 on GBA project, kinda insane
When develope Castlevania 64 Advance?
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Just finished my first SMW hack, Super 8. It's a short vanilla hack with 8 exits. Thoughts?
Now perfect.
arkanoidvania for the nes: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/pbelisle/the-trial-of-kharzoid
Thought he has a massive cock from the thumbnail. Imagine my disappointment.
I probably won't go very far with this idea, because I'm an artdev, however I want to make a kind of Sword Dancer Beat em Up/ARPG hybrid. With top down sequences between major dungeons, and then have the actual dungeons play out a bit like Monster Maulers. Is it worth it to try to do this as homebrew with the Scorpion Engine, or should I just stick to Gamemaker 2?
More prepatched games to be posted here within 24 hours. And also, I'm adding two other projects to the other patch compilation projects I've spoken of over the past few months.
And give me some requests you have, anons. I'm adding the "my recommended SMW hacks" request as one of those patch compilation projects I mentioned, and I try to make sure to read every post in every one of these threads, so please let me know what you want.
Please post some porn/horny hacks, thank you very much.
Brutal Mario
Panic in the Mushroom Kingdom has a Palace of Hentai hidden in it.
Which hacks do you already have on your list?
Simon looking like a S&M perv in the black armor.

Haven't tried it, but have a friendly bump.
Is it easy to mod ocarina of time yet. I want my own custom game and custom assets
NES shmup: https://x.com/kakikukecat/status/1804102434551402673
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Zelda hack?
Good question. I can't think of Zelda hacks I'd recommend without caveats.

For example, I liked The Sealed Palace, but it's got some weirdness like its difficult to navigate castle town, its Spirit Temple doors, or the world changing very little across the 7 year gap. And it sounds like it's building up to a twist with Twinrova but goes nowhere.

Ancient Dungeon is a really cool idea that's actually pretty boring in practice (though the faster transition update should help). Legend of Link is a technical marvel that suffers from some really awful design. Zelda Redux has some great QoL changes (the sword feels so good) but since the difficulty stays the same the game is way easier than it should be. Outlands and Legend of Super Mario are both fun but a little jank and ultimately not that different from the base game besides graphics.

Parallel Worlds has a base version and a complete redesign and IIRC both are a mess.

tl;dr I'd also like to know
Keep trying anon-Kun
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ultimate trial
all hollows eve
Where's that? Looks like a nice place to visit.
How can i learn low poly 3d moddeling like you? I think your model is amazing, no homo.
Oh you can visit but, beware the prices in the gift shop. They are a crime against humanity. Oy vey.
Their cookies were good though..
Low-poly modeling is about the easiest type of modeling to get into. No normal maps, morph targets, or long render times. Just simple shapes. If you can lay down some polygons, you can make just about anything.

The hardest part, in my opinion, is figuring out the overly-complicated UI of whatever modeling package you choose to torture yourself with. They're all pretty much like that. It's just the nature of the medium.

Also, try to reference other people's work. Places like https://www.models-resource.com/ are full of great examples-- especially the DS section (by that point in time, 3D artists had mastered low-poly modeling). You can learn a lot of interesting tricks that way.
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If I wanted to submit a translation hack but parts of the RHDN community pissed me off for personal reasons and I don't trust them to not take a piss on me unfairly because reasons, what's every good venue that isn't RHDN so I can get my work out and everyone knows it?
Post it here.
baddesthacks for nsfw
zophar.net (less active; been around a while)
a short video could reach a broader audience
Yuzo in da house: https://x.com/yuzokoshiro/status/1805246343524536470
>The image kill ultimate smash bros custom stage
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Demo of The Eldritch Monarch for Mega Drive: https://diegzumillo.itch.io/the-eldritch-monarch
Kotaku say ít good
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Being a good neighbor: https://webmshare.com/play/dGXzV
Alt link: https://files.catbox.moe/emt8yw.webm

Every day there's a new way to screw your neighbor BTW.
Aint nobody got three local friends in the current year, just put in 2p max. Or networking
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Trans rights are toad rights.
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I would like to learn how to fix NBA JAM T.E. for Sega 32x. On my machine it freezes at the end of a match, thus one cannot continue to progress and beat the remaining teams. I haven’t experienced this with any other version of the game and there is little to be found about it on the net.
Cat play piano
I don't understand the obsession with making this as "official" as possible, I would dare say that it produces the opposite effect

New pre-patched games are finally here again! (part 1/3)

>Final Fantasy V R.sfc
(v. 1.0c) (translation of a Japanese hack) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7972/

>Final Fantasy V - Whirlwind.sfc
(v. 0.55 beta) https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7324/

>Mega Mario World - Another Universe.sfc
(v. 1.2) (a Super Mario World hack; both English & Spanish versions included) https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=section&a=details&id=17688

>Mega Mario World 2 - Awakened Power.sfc
(v. 1.4) (a Super Mario World hack; both English & Spanish versions included) https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=section&a=details&id=37601

>NHL '94 - 2024 Edition.md
(v. 3.0) (includes hacks of both previous years (2022 v. 6.0, 2023 v. 4.4); maybe I'll also do all those modernized Tecmo Super Bowl ones, etc., later) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8267/

>Ninja Gaiden Black Shadow.gb
(v. 1.0) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8669/
New pre-patched games (part 2/3)

>Onegai My Melody - My Melody Adventure - Dubious Little Creature (Demo 1).sfc
(SMW hack by excellent resident /hbg/ ""anon"", Big Brawler) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cjZQr0z6bA

>Super Koopa RPG - Here Comes The Koopa Bros!.sfc
(v. 1.0) (a Super Mario RPG hack) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8666/

>Super Luigi RPG Star Powered.sfc
(v. Maximumest) (regular and LITE (less vulgar) versions included) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6345/

(v. 3.2) (a Super Mario Bros. 1 hack featuring Castlevania 1 themes; all versions included) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8073/

>Super Mario Bros. in the Mystery of the Flying Fish.nes
(v. 1.0) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/34/

>Super Mario Ultimate.nes
(v. 1.1) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/3843/

>The Legend of Zelda - Allhallows Eve.sfc
(v. 1.03) (look forward to v. 1.10, according to the creator) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8239/
New pre-patched games (part 3/3)

Updates and improved packs:

>Chrono Trigger+ - The Alternate Timeline.sfc
(v. 3.1) (four different versions included) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/3691/

>EarthBound - New Debug Menu.sfc
(v. 1.4d) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8368/

>NES Smash Bros. & Hamtaro Double Pack
(Super Smash Bros. - v. 1.0, Hamtaro - Panda's Ham-Ham Fun Park - v. 1.2) (because I made them harder to download in a previous thread) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/4539/ https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6688/

>Rockman 2 - Back to Basics.nes
(v. 1.1) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8580/

>Super Mario Kart - Horizons.sfc
(v. 1.3) (same as CDRomance's current ver., but includes art & manual for archival purposes) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8639/
- Original Soundtrack: https://nsmbhd.net/file/jD1Jz0vNkep7REE2/Super%20Mario%20Kart%20Horizons%20-%20Original%20Soundtrack.zip
- SPC Version of the Soundtrack: https://nsmbhd.net/file/9isvSShWVA0zvQqO/SMK%20-%20Horizons%20SPC%20OST.zip
- Game Boxes, Cart Label & Logo: https://nsmbhd.net/file/jUu1SuLnxZDbYvRy/Super%20Mario%20Kart%20Horizons%20-%20Boxes,%20Labels%20&%20Logo.zip

>Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Gaiden.md
(v. 2.0) (same ver. as last time, but added blurb from page as a readme for archival purposes) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6068/
maybe I should have said 240 hours...sorry again for my severe tardiness, my good anons >>11034939

Best I can do is rec you the Cheril series by the Mojon Twins. They are kooky and kinda sexy, an odd charm. From this link, click on each game's name, scroll down to "Official Site", then scroll down to "Descargar/Download": http://mobygames.com/group/14479/cheril-series/

To be straight with you, I'm very new to SMW hacks. But I've downloaded many ones that looked interesting to me...and they're on a different harddrive, so I can't remember all the names for you at the moment. I'll upload them all with the other planned compilation projects (when that comes to fruition), so I relunctantly must tell you that you'll simply have to wait and see.
What are the chances of this ever being converted to an SNES rom? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9_qz_2VSFg
>>>Super Mario Kart - Horizons.sfc
I didn't realize the pack had the game box image as "artwork" rather than the full, clean artwork, so here's that if you'd like it: https://files.catbox.moe/aphzdh.png
anyone got a beginner guide to sega master system disasm?
Vampire: The Night Warrior (Darkstalkers 1) homeport?
So anyone have a link to recent megadrive rom dumps? Thanks anons
what's this?
Mana clone
Ep. 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s7dyjUqbyw

NESMaker Slop

That fucking shit is just hideous.
post your game
>Like my neko fighter
does anyone else hate anti pirating retards who yet are into emulating games?
"no sorry i dont want to hunt down this 20 year old cd thats no longer produced and costs 5x its msrp on ebay and probably doesnt work, i'd rather download it off of some website for free"
*get banned*
also, this shit makes me want to pirate whatever game im playing and burn it to a cd to play on a console for the sole purpose of spiting those retards and not giving a single cent to neckbeard autists who collect this shit and resell it online
>being That Kid™ who copes with "post your X"
where's the game? well, if you're too busy programming everything from scratch with assembly to have made a game, can you at least post a compression algorithm you wrote to prove that you aren't just some talentless loser?
Save the Kuin. If you can't find it, I'll share here (just ask).
Which ones did you have in mind, in particular?
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Ahh the endless need for better compression. Lzz77huffman-O-matic variant 420 69er the better RLE for free or your bits back. Ohh I'm not that anon and yes I'm a talentless loser.
That game is not NESMaker
>continuing to be That Kid™ who copes with "post your X"
this was fun, i remember playing the demo when anon posted it
>third world pirate ban
excuse me while i play these classic games on my parents' originally purchased physical cartridge
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What was that mario romhack that had a bat tats level? I thought I saw it posted here once but it has been a fat minute.
Super Mario /v/orld 2 and its "fangame" hack short4sure.
Appreciate the help, tracking it down now!
You can just go here

Oh nice, I'll definitely take a prepatched rom. Double thanks!
Are there any Sega SG-1000 enthusiasts here? I'm working on a disassembly project but am having difficulty getting WLA-DX to recompile a matching rom. I generated my initial disassembly using smsexamine. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Nevermind I'm retarded.
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More trouble for the neighbor: https://webmshare.com/play/qOo8Q
Alt link: https://files.catbox.moe/k9xu2j.webm
Gross, dude. This an autobiography?

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