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Wherein I play the game with bantz thrown in, and (You) get to make key decisions! This includes choosing character names and (later on) party compositions and other matters as I see fit. Last thread hit image limit, so perhaps I'll dial down the screenshotting a tad in this one, but we'll see.

We left off with our trio composed of TRAIN, SOOGA and PACMAN making their way though the Imperial Base near Doma after Kefka went full Ras Al Ghul on that kingdom. The plan is now to head toward Narshe, but first they must cross the 3spooky5me forest to the south.
I always thought this place was a bit odd, like it should be more important than it actually is or something. The souls of the dead LITERALLY go through here.
thank you ff6anon for giving me something to look forward to during my day-to-day life
Shouldn't you already know about the train, SOOGA?
No problem, it's something I'd been wanting to do for months just for shits and giggles after a long day of wage-slaving.
Serves me right for not pressing A again.
Oooooh, he DOES know.
Ya dun' goofed.
Anyway, now we're to make our way around this train, fighting through ghosts and other monsters. There's some goodies here as well, though, so we'll be sure to explore it thoroughly, as this is the only time we can visit this place.
Interestingly, some of the ghosts we meet here can actually join us temporarily. They're actually quite weak, but they have an ability called Possess, which is an unblockable insta-kill attack. Were you to be able to take him with you to fight the final boss (actually possible through glitches), it would actually work and kill him instantly.
This place (and the whole scenario, really) is full of fun character interactions, which is probably why it's one of the most memorable portions of this game.
Unknown technology, blyat!
There's a whole fuckton of ghosts. And... one of them just blocked the entrance I just came through.
no esgabe :DD
TRAIN, however, has a plan.
And yet, they still followed. The plan now is to detach the rear cars.
Which we do. Gotta keep going.
But first, dinner?
Some ghost actually brings us food. SOOGA has a fucking point. Why on earth would you eat ghost food? Then again, I'm pretty sure Goku ate afterlife food at some point and turned out fine.
After that initial interaction, you can actually eat again and get a different reaction depending on who's the party lead. btw, I honestly don't know what that expression means.
SOOGA just says the same thing from before.
Whereas PACMAN, ever sensitive to the needs of his dog, actually feeds Interceptor. Cute!
One of my goals for this game is to beat Kefka with a party of Leo, Vicks, Wedge, and the two ghost characters from this scenario.
Even the goddamn ghost can eat. He munches the fuck down, too, which maybe isn't surprising.
We've probably eaten enough to feed twenty Somalian children now, so let's keep going. Now treasure chests begin to appear. One chest netted us another Earring, which we can give to TRAIN to REALLY lay down the hurt with AuraBolt, which already does crazy damage since most enemies here are undead. Here's another, let's just...
Phantom Train fight soon..
literally WHO
fucking kek
I consider it an oversight that you can't hunt that fucker down, kill him, and take the treasure that he stole from you.
This fucker's hilarious. The boss battle theme starts, He taunts you, and then attacks you a bunch of times, each attack doing a grand total of 3 HP of damage, only for PACMAN to block the last hit with Interceptor and counter with Takedown for 763 damage, instantly one-shotting him before I even got to do anything.
And laugh last he does. He runs and takes the treasure and that's that.

Apparently, Ziegfried was kinda suupposed to be this game's version of Gilgamesh, but we also have Ultros sort of fulfilling that role, and eventually Ziegfried sort of just fades into obscurity, only showing up once again in the WoR to absolutely no consequence. They probably had more planned for him and maybe Ultros since it's implied Ultros looks up to him, but it was all probably cut sometime during development.
Sorry I spoiled the surprise, I've played through this game too many times and I that fellow never ceases to enrage me.
Fun fact: there's an invisible item here. You gotta face this tile in the corner, then press A, and you'll get a Tent. I think there really is supposed to be a tent here, but due to a glitch or something it doesn't show up, but the item is there for the taking.
Moving on we find more chests, one of which contains a strong-ish Monster-in-a-box with a Hyper Wrist as a prize, as well as a Sniper Sight (which gives 100% accuracy to physical attacks so they never miss). And now we say goodbye to our friendly ghost. This is as far as he goes.
All that's left to do is to stop the train. There are three switches here, and we have to leave some up and some down, then with the correct combination, go to the front of the train and press a switch.

To be frank, I completely fucking forgot how you're supposed to have them, and I don't recall if you get a hint earlier in the train, though I talked to everyone, so I'm just gonna wing it.
Got it!

It's Down, Up, Down.
Meme scene incoming
So we have an evil haunted train chasing us down, throwing ghosts at us and shit. We have a roided out "bear", an assassin with whom You Just Know, and an old Samurai dude with a lifetime of regrets to work with. What to do?
Peak SNES right there
Why, of course!

Anyway, yeah, you can one-shot him with a FenixDown, or you can just pummel his ass with your best attacks, including AuraBolt, which does a number on him. Time to get off, I guess.
And so did I.
Ah, shit.
This shit breaks my heart. He honestly didn't deserve this.
I can't imagine it's any consolation, but this is more than some people get when they lose someone dear to them, I suppose.
I've no comment.
Well, we're out of that dreadful place, at least. Before we go forward, however, I'm going to see if I can encounter a certain enemy.
Ah, there it is.

For those of you not in the know, Stray Cat is possibly the best Rage in the game. Its Special, Catscratch, deals not double, not triple, but QUADRUPLE damage compared to a regular attack. By itself this makes it a great Rage to use if you want to deal physical damage with a certain party member, but in the late game, with the right setup, it becomes OBSCENELY powerful. This is a MUST-HAVE, which is why I made sure to encounter it now.
Now that we have that, we head toward Barren Falls, which we must jump into in order to reach the Veldt. It is at this point that PACMAN says farewell, so I made sure to fully unequip him of everything beforehand. Sadly, you don't really get to use him much after this point until close to the end of this first half of the game.
TRAIN is, however, appreciative. He really did us a solid, after all.
And so, we jump into the falls. Now we fight a bunch of Piranhas, one group right after another. Not a whole lot to this, just gotta keep wrecking them.
Until we reach this fucker, that is. He's a bit tougher, but we just gotta make sure to keep our HP up, and we should be OK.
So apparently, if you take too long to kill him or something, he casts El Niño, which fucking obliterates us. Just had to go balls to the wall and push his shit in ASAP.
And so we wash up in an unfamiliar land, but some kid shows up to check up on us?
And so it's that time again. Odd digits tells me what to name this monster kid.
>Rage in the game. Its Special, Catscratch, deals not double, not triple, but QUADRUPLE damage compared to a regular attack. By itself this makes it a great Rage to use if you want to deal physical damage with a certain party member

the blue mage grandpa can't learn it???
MakinFuk ? i forgot how long names can be.
or MakeFuck?

>my love for you is like BERSERKER!!!!
6 letters iirc
I think this about captures the spirit of your request.
So now we're in the Veldt. We'll be encountering enemies here that we've encountered in all our previous escapades.
We'll also be running into the boy who we just met from time to time. Apparently he wants food of some kind.
We now reach the town of Mobliz. Perhaps we can get some clues here as to how we can proceed, and perhaps on what to do about that feral boy.
Oh yeah, can't forget him. And evidently he threw out his own child because he thought he was a monster. Weird.
You know he's fucking all the monsters he "learns" from off screen....
Finally, a shop we can use to stock up on useful shit. Here we use our hard-earned GP to buy Magus Hats, as well as Iron Helmets and Armor. This ought to be good enough to equip everyone later on, I think.
Ah, so THAT'S what we need to subdue him.
Now, there's this whole little sidequest where this injured soldier from Maranda wants us to send letter to his girlfriend Lola. If we humor his requests, we get something for our troubles, but it's honestly kinda shit.
I vaguely remember this quest, it was somewhat of a pain going back and forth with the letters, right? Like you needed to sleep in an inn multiple times and even though there's a free bed to sleep in, it doesn't count.
Well then, we go out and feed the Dried Meat to the boy, and he begins acting strangely.
Apparently he's not satisfied.
Yeah, tbqh I haven't bothered to read up on the mechanics of this quest. Again, the reward for it is hardly worth it, so I might just skip it until later.
TRAIN doesn't appreciate being challenged by literal kids, it seems.
SOOGA lays down the law, before bringing out his polite voice.
MknFuk likes that word. Loves it, even.
Thou mad? Thou mad, bro?
Oh, yeah. It's nice to know MknFuk respond to basic human empathy, at least.
Nevertheless, SOOGA forgives and forgets.
So now MknFuk promises to give us something as thanks for the food.
And it's SHINY
TRAIN has a new, mostly unwarranted nickname now.
TRAIN surmises over how HUNTER would be jealous about this shiny treasure, and MknFuk gets right down to the heart of it.
Oooooh, they represent points in the map. MknFuk is something else after all.
And he just has to get one more dig in.
yo man, think you'll get to next character this session or next?
Now we have MknFuk as a party member. Before going forward, I'll need to go around the Veldt to pick up a few essential Rages he'll most definitely want so that he's viable in a party. That said, I'll be stopping here for now. I may play for a bit tomorrow around noon or so, but otherwise, look for me later that night.
The next character probably won't join until at least two days from now or so, though we may get to name him tomorrow. We'll see.
If for some reason you want to get all of Mog’s dances, won’t you have a chance to come this way again?
Yes, indeed, but I wanted that Rage now. And it's a bit of a pain, but I WILL want Water Rondo.
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This /vr/ playthrough is pretty fun! I wanted to replay the game recently, but watching this is actually scratching the itch of playing it right now. Good stuff!
Shadow leaves the party
Refused to elaborate
There's some kind of weird allure to watching other people play video games you love. I'm amazed at the success of Twitch for capitalizing on this.
Nope. Strago's Lores are ok, but a bit underwhelming compared to the Blue Magic in some of the other games and to the basic Magic in this one. It has a few good to great spells, and a whole lot of worthless ones you'll never use. Shame, because as Gau proves, enemies have some REALLY nice attacks, but they chose some pretty shit ones for Strago to learn.
Gonna start in about half an hour, just gotta munch on something first. I'll just need to grab a couple of Rages, then move on to Crescent Mountain.
Ooooookay, I took way longer than half an hour. I figured since I was gonna go Rage-hunting for a bit, I'd spare you all the tedium, but holy fucking SHIT. Stray Cat absolutely REFUSED to come out no matter how many battles I fought. I got literally every other available Rage up until this point before it finally appeared. I was at it for over a fucking hour, goddamn.

Anyway, we have everything we need now, so we now go inside Crescent Mountain, where MknFuk has something SHINY to show us.
Of-fucking-course he forgot where he put it. Guess a search is in order.
There's a couple other things laying around, apparently.
Is there something over here? MknFuk seems to signal so.
He really enjoyed that one, didn't he, the fucking troll.
All tomfoolery aside, we finally find the SHINY. It looks to be some kind of diving helmet. Most convenient, as that is precisely what we need to traverse the next section.
An underwater adventure!? Wooooooooooooow!
MknFuk doesn't appear too keen to jump in, though.
We now must traverse the Serpent Trench, an underwater current that apparently leads all the way to the town of Nikeah in the north, from which we can then take a boat to Narshe. This section is mostly automated, with occasional battles in between, though there are two spots where you are given the choice between going left or right. You'll want to choose right both times in order to collect two treasure chests.
The first chest contained a rare X-Potion, which fully restores all HP and thus should not be used during this early part of the game if you can help it. The second chest requires us to drain this area, but the button is conveniently right there.
The second prize? A Green Beret. Which WOULD be mighty nice, if I hadn't spent an entire hour in the Veldt getting into constant encounters with Telstars, which always drop a Green Beret. I think at this point I have enough to equip literally all of my characters with one if I so chose.
And so we come to the end of the Serpent Trench. Nikeah is in sight.
This is like the third time we end up washed up somewhere in this scenario. I bet TRAIN is sick of it.
This is the bustling port town of Nikeah. We could actually leave to Narshe right away on a boat, but first let's check out the wares.
Little fucker read my mind.
More lore about the old schizo we met earlier. Apparently his wife died giving birth, and that's when he lost the plot and tossed out his baby, thinking he was a monster. Sounds pretty fucked up. Wonder if the little monster babby made it?
Y-you too.
No, really, SOOGA drops enough spaghetti at this wench's advances to cover the entire fucking Serpent Trench.
All she does is call him baby and hang onto him, and the motherfucker ricochets across the fucking room. Tradchad or not, ya gotta keep it together around the ladies, my man.
Damn, she's REALLY got the hots for Mr. Thou over here.
See this is the kind of person we should certainly not have burdened with a FLOOZY in his party
He ends by lecturing her, or something. I recall in another version SOOGA asks TRAIN how he can stay calm around a broad like that, and he actually says thanks to his training he's immune to women's charms or some shit like that. A true volcel, and an inspiration to us all.
Anyway, as for the wares, there's not a whole lot that's new, but we CAN buy Smoke Bombs at last. These can help us escape from unwanted random battles, so I'll happily grab some now.
Since I have some cash to spare due to my Veldt journeys, I also went ahead and bought another White Cape, since those are always nice to have. With that done, it's time to leave this place and go on to Narshe.
Since this is the last of the three scenarios, we will now jump into the long-awaited climax of this first part of the game.
And that climax, of course, involves a big battle.
Back in Narshe, Banon and co. attempt to convince the Elder to join their cause, but they are wary, wanting instead to remain neutral. I don't see how they could, given the Empire had already made a violent incursion into their territory before and there's every indication they will again since the Esper they tried to obtain is still there, but whatever.
Banon doesn't mince words. Neutrality in the face of aggressive tyranny is complicity.
Get it now, fucko?
Our dastardly trio just arrived. Perhaps what they've seen and experienced can help sway the Elder.
They tell the tragic tale of Doma, and the Elder STILL manages to twist himself into a pretzel to avoid facing reality.
But HUNTER will have none of that. He arrives with grim news for Narshe, and there's no getting around this one.
Yeah, because THIS won't immediately arouse suspicion.
And of course, SOGAA begins to see red.
Damn, so she has a body count and everything.
Of course, HUNTER immediately simps for her.
PEDO sees right through it, though. Just a guess, but HUNTER seems to have some massive issues.
True enough. I guess calling for TID might be too much.
That said, when said Imperials are at our doorstep, it maaaaaaay not be a bad idea to adopt that doctrine for the time being.
And Kefka's leading the charge. Fun times await.
Kefka, of course, has absolutely no qualms about complete extermination.
Oooh yeah, NOW that YOU are deep in the shit, you decide to fight. Give this nigga a fucking medal.
How can he be so angry at someone with such a cute name
The Returners will be making their stand in the hills of Narshe, where the Esper was moved. On the way there, we get some dialogue. Here, PEDO confirms that HUNTER went through some shit, which is why he keeps promising to protect girls.
Runie couldn't give two shits, however, and shuts him the fuck down. It is said that PEDO's boner shrank three sizes that day.
Wait, don't they know each other already? Weird question to ask. Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure she does acknowledge her in another version. Another Woolsey fuck-up?
Runie tells us a bit about how Magitek Knights are made.
And SLAVE with the way out of fucking left field question immediately after.

Seriously, now. Was it autism?
SOGAA, understandably, keeps a close, skeptical eye on Runie.
And at long last, the battle for Narshe begins. Now, time to make some decisions!

We need to form three parties. There are seven party members, so we need to decide how to split them up. Ideally, we'll have two teams of two, and one team of three, preferably with the girls split since they both can cast Cure. However, I will let you decide for me, and I'll roll with it. Hopefully we get something viable out of this.

Anyway, first person to post below this post (digits don't matter here) decides the first team. I'll make another post after that, and the first person to post will decide the second team. The third team will, of course, be whoever is leftover.
Her real name is FLOOZY
FLOOZY and SOOGA, er, Runie and SOOGA
You got it. Next post decides the second, and I suppose by proxy, third team. It's late, however, so I'll be stopping for tonight. I may actually have time to play in the morning, we'll see.
good enough.
i would
who's PEDO again? i kinda remember this battle was easy. but they still lose to empire because plot? i forgot.
Her spirit is as pure as snow
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Alright, I got some free time, so let's get through this!
Gotcha. And so, we have our three teams.
Time to kick some Imperial ass.

This battle is similar to the one where HUNTER and the Moogles have to protect SLAVE. The objective is twofold: defeat Kefka, and make sure no soldier gets to Banon. As such, we don't need to fight every soldier, just enough to cut a path through to Kefka himself.
MknFuk's Pterodon Rage makes quick work of these mooks.
As does Bio Blaster, for that matter. It's actually a better Tool than AutoCrossbow in this battle.
What a manly squad of men
The Templar Rage gives us early access to Fire 2, which is also quite nice here.
Protecting Kefka is this imposing motherfucker. He actually has a MithrilVest to steal, which is very nice, so we'll be sure to deprive him of it.
A neat trick is that nothing actually happens if a team dies. That team just respawns at the top of the screen with 1 HP, and the enemy it lost to can be fought again. I exploit this to steal the MithrilVest from Rider three times.
Alright, time to put this fucker down for good.
God, I love Catscratch. And that's without an Atlas Armlet.
Only Kefka is left. Who shall do the honors? I'll let you choose, though if I fail with that team twice, I reserve the right to try with another. There's one team that I feel isn't particularly well-equipped to handle him, after all.
Give it to PEDO
And of course you picked the team I was afraid of. Very well, I'll give it my best shot, but know that it's probably not gonna go well.
My strategy so far is just to use SLAVE as a healer (mostly with Tonics, with occasional Cure spells), while PEDO spams AutoCrossbow. I think shit's gonna go south very soon, though.
FUCK this one hurts. Still hanging on, though...
Good luck! PEDO's got this in the bag
HUH, I actually fucking did it. Thank FUCK I stocked up on all those Tonics and Potions.

I did handicap myself slightly, too, because SLAVE is about to leave us, so I gave her subpar equipment because I don't remember if the game unequips her shit before she leaves, so I didn't want to give her any of the good shit.
Did you know clowns have a 41% chance of running away from battles?
The important thing is we prevented Kefka from getting his hands on the Esper. Speaking of which, let's go check on the fucker. Maybe SLAVE can talk to it or some shit.
SLAVE wants answers, but something tells me she ain't gonna like them.
[Autism Beam Noises 2: Literally Electric Boogaloo]
[Autistic shrieking]
So SLAVE turns into this pink monster girl thing and starts flying aimlessly through the world map. Whose bright idea was it again to have the mysterious magical girl get in contact with the mysterious magical monster, again?
Put two and two together already, will ya?
HUNTER can't shut the fuck up about protecting girls.
Anyway, time for another decision. Some of the party must stay behind in Narshe, while the others look for SLAVE. For the first time, we finally have full freedom to choose our party here. Even digits determines who will come along for the ride.
Requesting Sooga on point
Don't forget that the Sniper Sight relic (in the original version of the game, if that's what you're playing) is mostly useless due to the Evade bug-

"The Evasion stat (called Evade% in-game) is not used by the game's damage calculation due to a bug. Instead, the Magic Evasion stat (called MBlock% in-game) is used for both physical and magical attacks."

Great thread. 10/10
Also, you can stop by Figaro Castle for a cut scene with this team!
Pretty sure that's not right. What Sniper Sight does is it makes the Fight command unblockable. As such, Evasion (or M. Block in this case) doesn't come into it at all, as the game only checks for it AFTER checking to see if the attack is blockable or not, and if it's not, it doesn't even get to that part of the algorithm, and so it will hit. It's why a commonly used strategy to easily defeat Cactrots is to equip the Atma Weapon and the Sniper Sight, so you get around both his sky-high evasion and defense.
You got it, boss.
At last, we can explore the town of Narshe proper. Let's see what new things we can get here.
Finally, some decent weapons for HUNTER. These will allow him to deal full damage from the back row, which will help his defenses a lot. We also grab a Flail for Runie, which is also back row-compatible.
And we can buy MithrilShlds at last! I'd be dumb not to buy some. I really only need to buy two, since HUNTER is currently using the Genji Glove, but let's get a third one just in case.
There's a store room here with a boatload of stuff, but apparently one of the chests is locked. Gee, if only we had SOMEONE who could open chests like these. Maybe a treasure HUNTER?
Among the haul, we get a ThiefKnife and a Sneak Ring. The former isn't as strong as the Full Moon and doesn't do full damage from the back row, but it DOES randomly Steal when used. It also bestows 10 MBlock, which is actually not bad. The Sneak Ring raises the success rate of Steal, and this may indeed come in handy. Also +5 to speed, so pretty good.
First, we make a stop at Figaro Castle. TRAIN, understandably, gets excited at seeing his old home once again, and temporarily leaves us.
Neat thing about this place? As long as PEDO is in the lead, the merchants here will give you a 50% discount. This makes it the best place to stock up on common items. This also applies to Tools, and good thing, too, because there's new ones to get!
Here are our new Tool options. First is Flash, a non-elemental "Magical" attack that hits all monsters. Its spell power is actually quite a bit stronger than what Runie can put out at the moment, and so it basically replaces both AutoCrossbow and Bio Blaster as our go-to multi-target attack. Then there's Drill, a strong single-target, defense-ignoring attack, which hits pretty hard. This will be PEDO's go-to attack for single enemies and bosses for the foreseeable future though he'll soon get something that's mostly better. All in all, VERY nice upgrades to be sure.
After buying everything we'll need, we take a nap. That night, TRAIN is left alone with his thoughts, and he begins to reminisce about the past.
Unpleasant memories begin to bubble forth.
A flashback to the death of the late King, his father. TRAIN didn't take it well.
Inconsolable, he can only weep.
The Matron comes to deliver the King's last will for the brothers and their kingdom. They are to rule together.
Apparently the rumor going around is that the King was poisoned by the Empire, and so the whole situation doesn't sit at all well with TRAIN.
In a fit of anger, he even lashes out at the Matron, accusing her of not caring even when their mother had passed.
And so TRAIN had enough of it all. He yearned to be free of the intrigue.
PEDO, too, apparently wasn't too keen on the whole "ruling" thing and expressed a desire to leave it all behind. But he knew both of them leaving would be disrespectful to their father's wishes, and potentially catastrophic for their kingdom. What are they to do, then?
And so, a solution is reached. A coin toss. If it's heads, TRAIN is free to do as he wishes, without any regrets. It's not said what would've happened if it had been tails and there is a good reason for that, but we'll see why later.
The coin is tossed, and fate is set in motion. Needless to say, we know what the result was.
Unbeknownst to TRAIN, PEDO had been there the whole time.
I'm not sure if this was added by Woolsey, but I like it.
It's moments like these that make the game.
Such primitive technology, but scenes like this still arouse complex emotions to this day.
And so we end our little reminiscing tour of Figaro. We must now traverse across the mountain range to the west using Figaro Castle's ability to travel under the earth.
But first: ToT
So we talk to this old guy down in the basement, and he'll take us where we need to go. Those stairs on the left side? He won't let us down there for some reason. Wonder why.
And just like that, through the power of bullshit fantasy technology, we actually traverse across a mountain range from underground, and arrive in Kohlingen Desert. We shall see what we can find out there.
Kohlingen is a peaceful town, but it appears SLAVE actually touched down here briefly.
Apparently she even torched this poor fucker's house.
In the Cafe, we actually meet PACMAN again! Had we brought only three party members, he would've been available to join us. However, because we brought four, he cannot join, and so he asks to be left alone. This is just as well, honestly. Unlike last time, he actually charges for his services, he's likely to leave at any point, and he leaves anyway smackdab in the middle of the next "dungeon" anyway, so he's honestly not worth recruiting here.
*NTR intensifies*
Exploring the house to the north, we finally get a glimpse at what's behind HUNTER's constant need to have a waifu to protect.
So this Rachel chick apparently was HUNTER's girlfriend and partner-in-crime in his... treasure hunting escapades.
However, one such journey goes awry, and Rachel, sensing HUNTER was in danger, pushes him away from a collapsing bridge, falling in herself.
You KNOW you fucked up when it's your girlfriend sacrificing herself to save your life.
Rachel survives, but something arguably worse happens to her.

It's like pottery, it rhymes.
Her father, VERY understandably, kicks him the fuck out and tells him to git.
Can we make this even more tragic? Let's see...
Yep. That's a stab RIGHT into the fucking heart right there.
Some time passes, HUNTER is still looking at Rachel's house with longing, and he gets some well-meaning advice. Understandably, he takes it, and leaves town for good.
And of course, the unthinkable happens.
More tragedy? MORE TRAGEDY
And that is the story behind why HUNTER is so fucking neurotic with women.
Exploring the big house to the east, we find a basement, and... RACHEL!?
Apparently this old crazy coot is some kinda shaman or some shit, and he's preserved Rachel's body through the use of special herbs. But why? Think the old fuck ever had his way with the body while nobody's looking?
Aaah, and there it is. This is a plot point that was unfortunately obscured by Woolsey for some reason. Throughout the game, there's several portions where HUNTER alludes to be looking for some kind of legendary treasure, and we later learn this treasure is found in Vector, and apparently has the ability to call back the dead to life, but for whatever reason Woolsey jettisoned almost all these lines from HUNTER, so this is the only indication that he's looking for such a thing we get prior to the WoR, when he finally finds it.
Runie finally gets it.
Anyway, we're done with Kohlingen, and this is where I'll stop for now. Our next stop is Jidoor to the south, where people report they saw SLAVE fly toward, but that will have to wait until maybe tonight.
Are you playing the SNES or PS1 version?
SNES. Good god, I'd never again try playing the PS1 version, not with those load times.
When're you getting Mog? Glad I didn't miss 'im!
Gonna be another day or two at the current pace. Of course, I COULD make it a choice on whether to save him or get the Gold Hairpin instead, but I honestly don't want to, since most likely those who would have me choose the Relic would do it to troll. Same thing with waiting for Shadow.
Yeah, I tried emulating and they're insufferable. It was the version I played as a kid, but I guess I had more patience back then.
jesus christ of all my playthroughs in this game I've never once considered this...you're absolutely right.
I would
Huh, I never knew that. I've always meant to play through a more direct translation of VI, I should do that sometime soon.

Thanks for the thread OP, this was a fun read. See you when you get back!
Is the GBA version worth it for the extra content? I can't stand the chunky pixels, different color palette and crappier music. And I know there are romhacks for those things, but there isn't one that includes everything.
T-Edition has some of that content I think, which begs the question of why no one just ports it already.
The extra stuff isn't top tier but it's fun for a playthrough if you've already played the original and want to do another run. You can use the sound restoration patch and the color restoration patch at the same time, I've done runs before with both applied.
OP here, think I'll take a break for tonight. I'm off tomorrow, though, so I'll most likely play early in the day.
Problem is, those patches don't fix the screen crunch or the terrible GBA sound quality. The extra content was alright as something of a post-game, but it's honestly pretty tedious, and half of the new weapons are inferior to older mainstays, so overall it was whatever. The new bosses were alright, I suppose.
This thread is the highlight of my day.

this is gay, and youre gay. I'm just going to play my own copy on my snes.

Have fun homos
Let me guess: your name is Buck, and you like to…
Didn't know you could apply both patches, I just did it and it apparently works. Thanks! Guess it's time to get it out of my system. Never played that extra content.
Alright chumps, let's get this shit started again.

The way south to Jidoor is slightly lengthy, but it's not too bad. Thankfully, we have a multi-target attack in Flash, which will help us clear out the hordes we encounter along the way. I'll try not to fight too many of them, however, as I don't want to overlevel either.
Hi OP! I agree with you entirely, but if someone wants to check out the bonus content, playing the patched version is still an improvement over rawdogging the GBA version IMO.

No problem, enjoy!

Same here anon, I wish I'd found it at the beginning of the run :(
First, however, we visit yet another old crazy bastard up north, who has dreams of someday building a coliseum because he thinks war is based or something. Anyway, the main reason to come here is that one of the pots here contains a Hero Ring, a VERY nice Relic that combines the effects of an Atlas Armlet AND an Earring. The neat thing is that it still stacks with a standalone Earring as well, so you can get optimal damage output for both physical and magical attacks, should your character be using both. As it happens, PEDO will indeed be dealing out both magical and physical damage, so the Hero Ring is best suited to him for now.
We now reach Jidoor, a wealthy town mostly populated by the upper classes. Apparently they ran out all the poor people or something, who went on to found a town up in the mountains called Zozo. They claim the people of Zozo are all thieves and liars. This could just be, of course, typical upper class snobbery, the rich looking down upon the poor and downtrodden with self-serving contempt. But of course, there's always a nugget of truth to such accusations. We shall see.
Anyway, not a whole lot to see here. There's some new weapons for TRAIN and SOOGA, but one is not in the party and the other will almost never use Fight, so they're mostly worthless. That said, the new claw for TRAIN is Pearl-elemental, which could come in handy later against certain enemies. For armor, we can now buy Ninja Gear (one of which we acquired from stripping PACMAN earlier), and the White Dress, which is one of the best equipments that Runie can wear in this part of the game. Not only does it have better defenses than the MithrilVest, but it gives her a whopping +5 to Magic, which is very substantial. Other than that? There's a fuckhuge mansion up north with a Tincture in a pot and a whole bunch of paintings, since apparently the owner is an artfag. There's an auction house, but it's closed for the moment. They speak of an Opera house down south, but trust me when I say there's nothing to do there at the moment.
The only other thing of note is that apparently people here saw SLAVE flying toward the north, which means we have to travel to Zozo. It's a long walk, but thankfully there's a Chocobo stable here, so let's take advantage of it!
Alright, so here we are. Supposedly Zozo is full of poor people, possibly thieves and liars, but surely it can't be that bad, right?
And... godDAMN, talk about a dump. It's constantly raining, and there's literally people just lying out on the street completely unresponsive, possibly just passed out drunk, but most likely dead.
There's random encounters, too, and some of them literally WILL steal shit from you, then try to run away if you don't kill them in time. The rich fucks in Jidoor weren't exaggerating. Shit, they might've even been TOO nice.
Now, there are some actual people to talk to here inside of the buildings, but they all look shady and all say things that are blatantly contradictory or untrue. Also something about clock hands for some reason, but again, none of them seem to agree. Score another one for the aristocrats.
Exploring one of the buildings, we come across a strange door that appears to be rusted shut. Strange, wonder what's there?
so it's legal knife the BBCs here?
Watch out for these SlamDancers. They can cast Ice 2, which WILL fuck your shit up at this level. Kill them ASAP.
Then there's this literal Giga Nigga. They can sometimes cast Magnitude 8, which is a whole party attack that can hurt quite a bit. You can, however, Steal an Atlas Armlet off of them, so that's very nice.
It's currently 6:10:50 here, what a perfect time to read this thread ;)
However, there ONE guy here that actually tells us what we already figured out, no bullshit. He appears to be the Lot to this game's Sodom, minus the bit where he offers up his virgin daughters to us.
And here we find a clock that needs to be set. Now all the talk about clock hands makes sense.

The puzzle here, of course, is to figure out the correct time by process of elimination. Throughout Zozo, you'll find a bunch of dirty lying bastards telling you explicitly wrong information about the time in terms of hours, minutes and seconds, and since everyone of them is a liar, you just gotta discard them all until you're left with only one option for each of the hands. Now, I'm not going to do that, of course. The correct answer has helpfully just been provided, so let's input that.
And so, our reward for getting the puzzle right is the Chain Saw. This is pretty much PEDO's best tool. It's a single-target physical attack that's similar to the Drill, but even stronger, AND has a 1/4 chance of using an Instant Death attack. On random encounters, this is a no-brainer to use. On Bosses, however, it's not as clear-cut, as almost all of them have Instant Death protection, so 1/4 of the time, the Chain Saw will do nothing to them, so you may want to stick to the Drill for them.
BTW, I gotta do some things real quick, so I'll be back in about 15 minutes.
That character name made this sentence highly amusing
Huh, I don't remember this NPC at all. How did he manage to get a whole-ass COLISEUM built in a years' time, especially with the general state of things?
Ok, that took a little longer than expected, but oh well. Anyway, this place is a bit of a maze, with a bunch of dead-ends. We find a building where we can actually jump between buildings through windows, just as Lot up there told us not to do, but fuck him.
We also find the Thief Glove, a Relic that changes HUNTER's Steal command to Capture, which basically just lets him attack at the same time as Steal. I won't bother with it for the moment, since I'd rather he have better damage output, though it does have one advantage is that it does full damage from the back row even with non-ranged weapons, so that might come in handy later.
And later on, we find the Fire Knuckle. This is actually TRAIN's third-best weapon in the game, and one of the best physical weapons in this part of the game, period. Not only does it have high B. Power, but it has a 25% chance of casting Fire on top of that. I'm almost tempted to have him actually Fight for once.
At the top of the tower, we find this upstanding gentleman, no doubt on the honor roll of his class and a future scholar. He even offers to let us pass. How kind of him!

...wait, where are we again?
Oh, right, we're in fucking Zozo.
Normally, if you take too long to fight him, he calls in two Iron Fist enemies to help him. He also can use Throw and Jump attacks, and use items to heal himself. However, fuck all that. Just equip the Hero Ring on Pedo and use Drill, an Earring on TRAIN to spam AuraBolt with, Genji Glove and Atlas Armlet on Locke with double Full Moons, and double Earrings together with the Magus Hat and White Dress for a whopping +10 Magic, which makes Ice do... ok damage, but also helps her Cure. Just dole out the damage, and he won't even get a chance to do any of that shit.
You have to admit that his orange pants are pretty rad though, a shame they're not a unique drop
We now go inside the building, and there is SLAVE, still looking like a naked pink Furby. She's clearly not fine.
Some Gandalf-looking motherfucker named Ramuh materializes out of nowhere. Seems like he's been looking over SLAVE.
I know, right? It's the kind of name only degenerates on a Mongolian puppet show forum would come up with.
SLAVE starts freaking out and collapses on the floor. And now, revelations.
Understandably, the party wonders how an Esper could live here, when they're supposed to live in another world. Ramuh elaborates. Some even take the shape of humans to blend in.
They also ask a fucktarded question: why don't they reveal themselves? THINK MOTHERFUCKER THINK
HUNTER with the granny-imparted lore, as usual.
And they laughed and frolicked together under the sun-lit skies.
And then came the War of the Magi. Because as usual, WE were the real monsters all along, or something.
So of course, the Espers got real tired of huumanity's shit and decided to get the fuck out of dodge and segregate themselves into their own little realm, untouched for a thousand years. Until...
Apparently the perpetrator was Ghestal, who began the hunt for Espers to obtain Magitek power. They were, however, repelled through the cunning use of doors.
They did, however, get a hold of a number of Espers before being thrown out, and they are being drained of their powers within the Magitek research facility deep within the Empire's capital. Ramuh was one of them, but he managed to escape them so as to avoid a similar fate.
Couldn't you have chosen a better location other than a bandit-infested shithole?
They ask if SLAVE is an Esper, but Ramuh doesn't seem to know for sure what she is, or he's not telling.
SLAVE is suffering from an extreme debilitating case of existential dread.
But yeah, she just needs to own it, or something.
Of course, the party can't just let her stew in her own angst and hope for the best, so they wonder if they can do anything to help. And the answer is something of a Hail Mary. Not to mention fucking crazy.
Runie knows, of course, something of what's going on there, herself being a product of the fruits of its labor.
But Ramuh then makes a startling revelation: Ghestal is doing it wrong.
The REAL way to obtain an Esper's true power is by reducing them to something called Magicite, which are the remains of a dead Esper. Fucking brutal.
And so, we obtain our first pieces of Magicite, the remains of Ramuh's comrades who escaped together with him.
Then Ramuh an heroes himself so as to also give you his power.
This is a lot to take in, of course. Some old man literally kills himself to give you power, and also hands you the dead bodies of his comrades for the same purpose. That's fucking mental.
We first take the Magicite up top, namely Kirin, Stray and Siren.
Ramuh himself somehow manages to leave us with some parting words.
And now we have access to Magicite. The way it works is, each Magicite lets characters permanently learn certain Magic spells, many of them unique to each Magicite piece (though some of them get repeated). Spells are learned by fighting battles and obtaining Magic Points, which will begin to be bestowed from this point forward. The rate at which you learn spells depends on the amount of Magic Points you earn in a battle times the stated learning rate for each particular spell (1x, 2x, 3x, 5x, etc.). More powerful spells will typically be learned at a slower rate than weaker ones. Magic is universal and can be learned by almost every character. You cannot, however, use a spell until you've fully learned it. Progress for spells being learned can be checked in the Magic status screen.
Here it can be seen that Bolt can be learned at a rate of x10, whereas Bolt 2, a much stronger spell, takes five times as long to learn. The Esper itself can also be summoned during battle, with some causing damage to enemies and others causing status effects or buffs on the party. However, unlike in other FF games, summoning is severely limited. Summons use a considerable amount of MP, individual characters can only summon the Esper they currently have equipped and no others, and worst of all, you can only summon an Esper once per battle. Worst of all, outside of a certain handful, many of them just aren't that good or useful. This was likely an effort to prevent endless Summon spam, but IMO they went too far and made summoning close to useless, with a few outstanding exceptions later on.

Lastly, there's Esper bonuses. Certain Espers can bestow status bonuses by having them equipped at the moment that a character gains a level. The stats that can be boosted are Vigor, Speed, Stamina, Magic, HP and MP. Of these, the only ones that are at all worth boosting are Vigor and Magic, with maybe Speed as a distant afterthought especially since literally only one Esper boosts Speed, and that's quite late in the game. Magic makes more of an impact on damage than Vigor does due to how the damage algorithms work, but in general, what you want to do is decide which of your characters will function primarily as Fighters and which ones will be primarily Mages, and boost the corresponding stat. Notice here that Ramuh gives +1 Stamina upon level up. Stamina is not worth boosting in any real sense, so we won't want this one equipped during level ups.

NOTE: This is all if you care about optimal stat minmaxing. In reality, you can ignore all this shit. It can get mighty autistic real fucking fast. I just so happen to be that kind of autist, so I'll be keeping something of a close eye on this for this playthrough, but you don't have to. At all.
Anyway, on the way out, we find that MknFuk and SOOGA have made their way here. We then cut away to a montage of the gang making their way down the building while discussing everything they just learned.
They ask Runie if it's true the Empire is draining Espers. Turns out their roofied her or something, so she's not sure.
Once again, they decide to split up into two groups because Narshe is basically the Returner's base now and can't be left defenseless. Or, of course, because we can't take six people.
Runie immediately volunteers to go to the Empire, an obvious choice.
But of fucking course HUNTER cannot go two minutes without stroking his Protect my Waifu boner, so he's tagging along, too.
I also am this kind of autist, I have a minimum level run going at the moment so I can truly minmax my stats. A shame it takes so fucking long to get to the highest stat boosting espers, though...
And so we have yet another choice to make. Runie and HUNTER are forcibly added to the party, but we can choose two others. Odd digits decides who will accompany these two on our suicide trip.
I don't 100% recall whch party gets the most unique dialogue, but since I know it continues the coin flip I THINK it's PEDO & BEAR (or whatever Sabin's name was)
I'd say let SOOGA and MknFuk have some fun, but in reality, PEDO has a chainsaw, so I'd say PEDO and SOOGA for leveling him up
And we have a winner! SOOGA is actually quite suboptimal for this part of the game, but that's alright, we'll make it work.

Now that we have our party, the question arises: how the fuck are we going to get to the Empire? HUNTER suggests we ask around in Jidoor.
Runie's not sure if she digs HUNTER's clingyness, though.
>I just want the treasures!
>I-it's not like I'm vicariously protecting Rachel through you or anything!
Back in Jidoor, we learn that we'll need to travel by airship. But where do you even get one of those?
Going into the mansion up north, we see this dude, who mistakes Runie (presumably) for a certain Maria.
Indeed, Runie is said to look exactly like this Maria. But who is she?
In his hurry, this Impressario fellow drops a letter. Reading it, we find a message from a "Wandering Gambler" evidently threatening to come kidnap Maria. Who's this, now?
Yeah, well, that's what your mother said last night.
Do we ever get an explanation on why the actress is missing? Did the gambler scare her off? Always thought it was odd she was totally off screen. Not even in WoR, where the opera house still exists.
So we get a glimpse of this Wandering Gambler. Nice trenchcoat.
Christ, even his portrait gives "psssh, nothing personnel kid" vibes. Anyway, time to name this flying fedoralord. Even digits decides.
Looks like a SLEAZE kinda guy to me
I'm flipping a coin if this guy's a CHAD or a SIMP. Heads CHAD, Tails SIMP.
...I got Tails. SIMP if odd!
Er, even.
And so we have our next move.

Also, I never quite understood this. How the fuck is SIMP the only owner of an airship in this world? Were he and Daryl aeronautics geniuses the likes of which even the Empire, with all its brainpower and resources, couldn't match, even with the likes of Cid? Then again, they have an airforce, so surely they could create an airship? I don't think this is ever properly explained.
We find out the Impressario is the director of the Opera House down south, which we head to with the help of a Chocobo. And here is where I'll stop for now. The next part is, of course, VERY iconic, so stay tuned for that.
Whatever his own name is, he surely appreciates a cute name on a lady. You can see it in his eyes
Love the commentary and insight in the spoiler as well.
Back to /vr/ faggot
OP here, I might play for a little bit again in a couple of hours, but I wanted your input on one thing. See, SLAVE and Runie, for most purposes, are basically the same character, but one way to differentiate them is to dedicate one as a Fighter and the other as a Mage via stat boosting (yes, I am spoiling the fact that SLAVE will eventually come back into the team, but we all knew that).

So, I want you to decide: which of the two shall be a Fighter, and who shall be a Mage? I'll give this one to Even digits.
We're on /vr/ what the fuck are you talking about?
SLAVE for mage
Runie for fighter

I've never done a playthrough any other way if I differentiate them so it'd be weird otherwise
You got it m8. That's how I would've done it myself, as it's fitting, but they work fine either way. That said, since I don't yet have an Esper that can boost Vigor, I'll be boosting Magic on Runie until I do.
i wanted a SEXO.
Sorry man, the coin toss was made fair and Square.
t.totally not PEDO
OP here, I think I'll just wait 'till tomorrow for the Opera House segment. I gotta get up really early in the morning, so I gotta turn in soon. It'll be sometime in the afternoon, is all I can say.
Sounds good, thanks as always OP! I hope no water dwelling creatures show up at the opera house, that'd suck
State growths are geared that way, right? Though there is an upcoming character with magic stats ABOVE our SLAVE...
Wait is there? I assume it's our cute painter daughter?
>pours healing potion directly onto his testicles
you can also steal something special from this guy, forgot what it is though
Sneak ring? He has a few thief gears, I forgot which is stolen and which is a drop though.
that's funny i do it the other way around usually. or make them both mage types. terra's morph doesn't last long enough for most of the game and celeste's runic is basically a wasted turn that could be used for casting something powerful. usually just spam magic and specialize both of them with espers to max magic power and then give them both a decent sword shield combo for when im just plowing through minor enemies using 'fight'.

i think of both of them as being a mageknight sort of class. go heavy on the magic.

i also like the espers that add HP and MP at level-up. it seems worthwhile to me.
i just looked it up, it's the thief glove. nothing lost there since he's already got one
thanks for doing these threads it's been fun
i rike the 3D animation of the opera more than the ingame 2D.
turn them into imps
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Looking forward to when she gets to be named.
My second favorite painter!
There's no empty space character in the naming screen, is there? Just curious [sppiler]cuz I thought of a pretty devious name that only works if there's a space.
So cute!

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No, this is what you have to work with
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Damn, well, might as well say it: I was gonna suggest ADO lfbut that won't work. Would've been up PEDO's alley, too!
I can't believe my life has been reduced to waiting for OP to wake up so he can play FFVI
I'm up, just finished with work for the day a short while ago. I'll be starting again soon-ish, but I gotta run some errands first.
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woot! I'm fuckin hyped
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hell yeah!
Insurmountably based.
Ok, just got back from my errands, I'll have something to eat then start. That said, I think I'll need to start a new thread, because this one's near the image limit, and I kinda don't want to split the Opera segment between two threads. Or maybe I'll use the remaining images left to cover everything just prior to the Opera.
I'll just try to be conservative with the screencaps so I can finish this thread off.

Anyway, it looks like SIMP is stepping onto Hunter's turf, and we cannot have that, can we?
For me, it's the climax during an entrance.
kek I never noticed how goofy this line was
The party suggest the only sensible course of action in nabbing SIMP while he makes his "entrance", but the Impressario, in his vanity, suggests it would ruin the performance AND his career. The alternative, of course, is to just let SIMP have his way. What is a poor Impressario to do?
The gears are turning in HUNTER's head. Has OUR HERO come up with a plan?
Ah, the ol' switcheroo, of course! You DID run this by Runie beforehand, right?

This nigga dense as fuck, tho.
Never to be seen ever.
My man STILL has to spell it out.
Took you a while.
And just like that, the Impressario is sold on the plan. He can have his cake and eat it, too!
Between this and her insisting she's not a love-starved twit, this feels like one of my doujins where the manly tomboy slowly but surely loses out to her inner femininity. And that's hot.
What a classic line :) send the numbers to your favorite, that sounds like a good read
Runie pretty much loses it and rushes into the next room, wherein she immediately starts practicing her singing. It didn't take much, did it? You see, losing your masculinity is like gravity. All it takes is a little push.
Good enough.
Ah, I see all my doujin fantasies are coming into play!
While the gang gets ready for the main event, Ultros throws a letter at them.
...which they promptly ignore.
And so begins the show. I'll stop here and create a new thread, for this is when the good shit starts.
I eagerly await!
>>11040516 part 3!
are there floozie in nippons lingua?
Thanks anon
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The "angle" of the line is slightly different (I'm a former general of the Empire! Like I could ever do something so coquettish!) but it's not a Woolseyism or anything. Gets the point across concisely and with some oomph. One of Woolsey's strong points, I suppose.

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