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In which I get fucking lucky and BLAST Dullahan with Slots by summoning the King of Dragons himself, holy shit.

This is a full playthrough, where I give tips and commentary and (You) make decisions yadda yadda, you know the drill.

Last thread, we McFucking failed and the world up and ended, except not quite, but it's a terrible mess now. After an attempt at "perking herself right up", Runie went off to find the rest of her friends, successfully joining up with TRAIN, PEDO and SIMP, the latter of whom took us to a place where we can obtain a new airship. It is here we pick up, as we battle through a monster called Dullahan.

Did I mention I got the Sun Flare Slots just now?
And... done. It really is just about keeping your HP up and throwing your best shit at him. It is also possible to beat him by draining his MP, but meh, I never liked using that strategy on the bosses it works on.
That finished, a door opens. Let's see what these new wings look like.
But first, SIMP tells us a bit about his past with Daryl.
We get our first look at Daryl.
Apparently she was too daring even for SIMP.
Cool, can we get that in writing?
As expected, SIMP has his own way of doing things.
And raced they did. To SIMP, there was nothing better than to fly while being pushed to go faster and farther than ever.
And Daryl sure liked to push.
The Falcon was a feat of engineering. The Blackjack couldn't keep up with it. Or was it that SIMP couldn't keep up with Daryl?
Most likely it was both, but moreso Daryl's unquenchable thirst for a challenge. She would dare to do what no one else had ever done.
That is, to reach the utmost heights.
SIMP, content with letting her free spirit reach the soaring heights it desired, only asks that she come back to him.
But she didn't come back.
For it seems Daryl flew too close to the sun.
All SIMP could do is preserve that which once belonged to his dearest friend, which brought her joy unparalleled.
And this gift, which Daryl passed down to SIMP, will now serve as our new wings.
The Falcon.

A spring of hope swells forth from the party. Thanks to the Falcon, they can finally begin the search for their friends in earnest.
It is also the means by which they can assail Kefka's Tower, when the time comes.
But of course, their friends take priority.
Just then, a pigeon flies past them, catching Runie by surprise.
It looks to be flying toward a certain town.
Runie feels oddly drawn to that bird, and asks that they follow it. She cannot explain why, but something inside tells her it's important.
So follow it we do, and the town is none other than...
Maranda, eh? It doesn't look too changed. Let's see what's going on here.
This thief doesn't have anything useful to say, other than apparently there's something incredible out there that terrified him.
This guy, however, tells us about a great knight that passed through, whose hear is beyond troubled. This sounds a lot like a certain someone...
And this guy confirms it. This can only be SOOGA. Yet another lead on him.
This dude somehow knows about our old friend in Zozo whom I took to calling Lot. He's the only dude who doesn't lie in that godforsaken dumpheap of a town, so he may help us with something. Another nice tip.
part of the longstanding FF tradition of backwards text, starting from Matoya's broom in ff1 (who tells you how to bring up the world map)

iirc the distribution is: 4/8, 2/8, 1/8, 1/8. That's why you always need a fighter in the first slot to tank hits, then preferably someone like thief or redmage in slot 2, and white/black mages in the back (preferably also blackbelt, although he can handle slot 2 if needed).
And this thief tells us about the Cultists' Tower. It sounds like a very dangerous place, one which will chew you up and spit you out in no time flat. So of course, we'll have to go there sooner or later.
Letters from Mobliz to Lola? But though we've yet to see it with our own eyes, several people attest to that place getting obliterated. How can that be?
playing final fantasy 2 now and it's kicking my ass. I can't leave the starting area without running into really strong monsters I cant damage who one shot me.. I know FF1 was easy but what is this? Am I supposed to grind outside the town for 10 levels?
Well, whether it's him or not, he sure went above and beyond, goddamn!
Even the party is pressing X to doubt now. Maybe that letter can tell us something.
The letter is something about rebuilding Mobliz, which is pretty obvious bullshit. And moreover, the party identifies the writing as SOOGA's. Looks like someone is doing a bit of deceiving.
Lola asks us to attach a reply to the pigeon outside. Perhaps this way we can follow it to its destination, and thus what is most likely SOOGA's current location.
Hmmm, a town encircled by mountains... where have I seen this before?

Ah, for fuck's sake. We REALLY gotta go back to that ghetto? First Ramuh, then SOOGA. Why do people keep choosing it to hide out?
Anyway, only other thing here is this old woman who shows us some key locations around the world.
Of these, the most interesting one is the Veldt. Not only does she confirm its existence, but the focus is on a strange cave that wasn't there before. What's inside there? And moreover, since the Veldt is still around, well, it's a good bet we might find MknFuk there. It's worth a look.
And with that, we are now fully free to explore the world. I shall be stopping for tonight, but I leave you with a question: where to first? Well, as it happens, I've been taking note of all the hints given to us thus far, and they are all likely to yield something if we take the time to investigate them.

For general tips, this is what I have so far:
- Mobliz has reportedly been destroyed by the Light of Judgment. Can it really be so?
- Master Duncan is said to be alive. According to his wife, his dwelling is somewhere near Narshe.
- Speaking of Narshe, perhaps we should see what became of it and the Esper ourselves.
- A life-like portrait of Emperor Ghestal was purchased by a certain Owzer in Jidoor. Wonder if that has something to do with the tip we got from the Imperial Trooper in the Colosseum?
- A tower hangs high in the Serpent Trench, where the Cult of Kefka resides. What could be there? Whatever it is, it sounds like a dangerous place.
- The Veldt is still around, and a strange cavern has appeared there. What lurks inside?

As for our friends, these are our current leads:
- HUNTER is looking for a legendary treasure. Could this be the same as Ghestal's "secret treasure"?
- A strong fighter makes regular appearances in the Colosseum, looking for a "Striker" weapon. Who could this be? We'll probably have to find this weapon first.
- Messenger doves have been getting sent out from Zozo to Maranda. Evidence suggests SOOGA may be behind them. Only one way to find out.
- Could MknFuk be in the Veldt? It's possible, even likely, given it's his natural home.

It is here I give (You) the choice. Which of these leads shall we first look into? Even digits decides.
Let’s go to the Veldt
Let's just fly around in circles forever
Do... what? I guess I'll try for a bit, but I don't see the point. We'll run out of fuel before lo-
He kicked my ass, then scampered, the bitch.

So that was Doomgaze, one of the sealed calamities the old dude in Albrook spoke of. Guess we gotta watch out for him whenever we fly.

Alright, I'll actually stop now, but any BETTER ideas?
maybe could try flying around in circles in the other direction
how about the cave on the veldt
FFII is designed very differently in that you don't have as many roadblocks preventing you from going to places you shouldn't yet. If you go west/south from the starting down, the game expects you to realize the monsters are too strong and to go back. Instead, when you first leave town, follow the road north. You'll find the monsters are more manageable. Game wants you to go in that direction.
If you want a walkthrough until you get your first guest: Make sure you learned the Wild Rose password from the princess. After you make your preparations, follow the road north. You should hit a town on the way if you need a pitstop. You'll sooner or later find another castle town. Enter town, do not talk to any of the Imperials or they'll curbstomp you like the punks you are, then go through the north side of town and wind around the east end until you enter a bar. Talk to the bartender and give him the Wild Rose password, then go to the way he blocked and tell the guy the Wild Rose password. He'll give you an item. Take that item all the way back to the first town and present it to the princess. Then, you'll get your first guest party member: a 'white wizard', and more of the world is available to traverse to the east. After that rough start, game becomes better with an experienced fourth party member. Grind up your main three if you want then and pay attention to the key words and what the story wants you to do.
You are flooding, this thread already exists: >>11055427
>b-b-but image limit
Don't care. You can blogpost in text, or catbox the relevant images.
>being this much of a backseat janny in one of the only good threads on /vr/ in a long time
fuck you. let the dude post.
Veldt is easiest to do first, just do that. Plus if you get SOOGA first, he goes in the airship. It's better to get him with a team of three so he stays in the party and you see his reaction to finding his naughty book collection.
One thing II does well is it has an oppressive atmosphere and constantly reminds you that you are kids flying by the seat of your pants. It's a stark contrast to the first game, but it did show that Final Fantasy can be more than a bootleg DND.
Imagine the smell.
I miss SOOGA. Maybe check out Zozo?
cosign the Veldt.

it's an imageboard you blithering retard (greentexting post # to avoid handing out a (You))
The Veldt it is. I'll be starting again in a bit.
You’re a homo
Glad you’re doing better, anon. I continue to learn interesting facts, like using Shoat to kill the Box Monster in Daryl’s Tomb for double dragon claws.
final fantasy 1 is leaps and bounds better than 2. 2 is a steaming pile of dogshit. I hate final fantasy 2.
Took a little longer than expected. While I am getting better, I still need to rest a bit more than I thought. Turns out it's the Wuhan flu I got, see.

Anyway, we decide to see if MknFuk can be found in the Veldt, but no matter how much we fight, he doesn't show up. Perhaps there's some condition we need to meet? Regardless, there's that mysterious cave, so let's check that out now.
So we enter the cave and... Interceptor!? Hey, buddy old pal! He appears to want us to follow him, so this could mean one of two of our friends is here as well. Let's see who it is.
...not sure, but this seems like it should read "you want us to come with you?"
This place is a bit of a maze, so it'll take some exploring to scour it. The monsters are pretty strong for our current level, too, and I don't quite have optimal equipment (there was Crystal gear for sale in Maranda, but I lack the funds for it at the moment).
We also find these three hunters. They have some information that may be of use. This one here confirms what I suspected: MknFuk IS roaming the Veldt.
Scratch that, there's four lol but this one does tell us something crucial: if there's four of us, MknFuk won't approach. So, we need to reduce our party to three, something we can't actually do until we find at least one more party member, so that we may talk to them in the airship and thus trigger the party selection screen. Good to know.
This is more enigmatic. A dragon in a forest north of the Veldt? He also states they would be more free if someone could defeat it. So it's oppressing them? Kind of odd, but another thing to check out later.
The fourth guy just tells us what we already figured out, that we need to reduce our party size for MknFuk to approach. This chest contains a Rage Ring, which... no one can use. The description says we can equip it on a sasquatch, though. How strange!
Following a secret tunnel, we find this chest. It is, however, a boss in disguise.
And boy, is he fond of casting Doom!
Well, I sort of just aped my way through him by casting Fire 2 and Aura Bolt a lot, but a better way is to Instant Death his ass. Whatever. Our reward is the Tiger Fangs, TRAIN's ultimate claw. They don't do a whole lot that's special other than conferring some nice stat boosts, so on they go.
Descending further into the cave, we catch a glimpse of our pal PACMAN, collapsed on the floor. He may be in trouble.
We also find a chest containing the Striker. This is the weapon that woman in Kohlingen talked about. It is, however, a weapon for PACMAN. Could it be it was him that was looking for it at the Colosseum? Is that why he's here?
A save point at last. This usually means a battle is coming.
We finally reach PACMAN, and he's wounded.
Just then, we get ambushed by a monster. Is this what got PACMAN?
Indeed, it looks quite strong. No wonder.
This guy can cast Ice 3 for massive damage. Runie might unironically want to Runic here, while the others deal damage and heal occasionally.
...but if you wanna be lame like me, he's vulnerable to Imp. Let's do that, because he kicked my ass kek Stop and Slow also work btw.
His physicals still hurt somewhat, though, so let's throw Golem up. There's another good reason for it, though.
...because there's more than one.
Despite having the same name, this dude's a bit different. His attack pattern is different, and we can no longer Imp him, but he has another massive weakness.
He's undead. :^)

Our reward for this is a BehemothSuit (and a ThunderBlade as well, for some reason), something we cannot use for now, but will no doubt be greatly appreciated by a couple of other characters once we find them.
Now that that's over, let's get... HER?

Well, this is awkward. Was PACMAN actually Ms. PACMAN all along? Or did he transition into P-ACK!-MAN? Whatever the case, let's git.

This is, of course, a script error, since if you don't wait for PACMAN at the Floating Continent, uWu will be found here instead. I forget if originally there's only one text here for both or if there's two, but whatever the case, they just use the one that assumes it's uWu lying there no matter what. This was fixed in every subsequent version by avoiding the use of gendered nouns IIRC.
The party decides to take... them to Thamasa. A sound decision, and a good excuse to explore this town.
Were? Looks like he still is.
In this nightmare, we see a young man in Thamasa. Could this be PACMAN?
He appears set to leave, but a dog (Interceptor?) tries to stop him.
He's made up his mind, however. He's leaving behind a girl, too. Perhaps he believes he's a danger to her? Or does he feel unworthy to stay with her? Hard to say.
And just like that, he bolts. The dog hesitates for a moment, looks back at his home, then decides to follow the man.

If this is a fragment of PACMAN's past we're seeing, what exactly went down here? Why was he in Thamasa? Who's this girl he left? And why is he running? A complete enigma.

I'm aware this is supposed to be the final dream in the sequence, but we only have scant few opportunities to see his dream in the WoB, and I truthfully didn't bother. We can still see them later, though.
Anyway, back to reality, like any proper black-garbed character, PACMAN minimizes the extent of his wounds. At least his arm's not off his body.
Also, if it's not already obvious, it's clear neither KALIVA nor uWu are here. Guess they're still out there somewhere.
Alright, time to explore Thamasa and see what info we can gather. This woman tells us about Ebot's Rock, which if I'm not mistaken KALIVA mentioned in passing to his pal Gungho some time back. This is where the monster Hidon lives. Could be worth checking out, but only once KALIVA joins for obvious reasons.
Is he talking about Doom Gaze? Because that motherfucker looks nothing like a fish.
This dude repeats the exact same thing someone else said in a previous town (I forget which one) about Doma castle being possessed or some shit. I forgot to note that down, but most likely this'll have to wait until we get SOOGA back, since anything involving Doma most likely involves him as well.
At the shops, the only thing of note is the Circlet. This is a pretty good helmet, alright in defense, but excellent in stat boost increases. Best of all is it bestows +4 Magic. I'm grabbing one for TRAIN to boost his Blitz output.
Leaving town, then quickly going back in, we find out that PACMAN up and left, heading toward the Colosseum. Well, we most likely know what he's looking for, so let's follow.
At the Colosseum, we bet the Striker.
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Another mistranslation I am afraid. He meant to say dinosaurs, of which 2 very powerful ones de facto live in that forest.
And our foe is... PACMAN Chupon? Not sure what happened here. Anyway, let's sic PEDO on him.
PACMAN appears unarmed, and deals very little damage. This shouldn't take long.
A couple of strikes and an Ice spell later, he goes down. Looks like we get to keep the Striker, too.
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I have never played a single final fantasy game.
Which one is the ''''easiest''' to just get into?
PACMAN reveals his motivation. He just wants to fight. He knows nothing else.
So let's put that desire to use.
Ok? So you wanna stay here and fight some more before you join?
Ok, no, he just joins. No idea what he meant to say there. Whatever, what's important is PACMAN is back on the team! Let's go find the others.
I'm gonna take a break here to eat, and also because I have some work to do soon, but let's recap our leads, remove those we just looked into, and add what we've just learned.

For general tips:
- Mobliz has reportedly been destroyed by the Light of Judgment. Can it really be so?
- Master Duncan is said to be alive. According to his wife, his dwelling is somewhere near Narshe.
- Speaking of Narshe, perhaps we should see what became of it and the Esper ourselves.
- A life-like portrait of Emperor Ghestal was purchased by a certain Owzer in Jidoor. Wonder if that has something to do with the tip we got from the Imperial Trooper in the Colosseum?
- A tower hangs high in the Serpent Trench, where the Cult of Kefka resides. What could be there? Whatever it is, it sounds like a dangerous place.
- Doma Castle is purportedly haunted by demons. This certainly warrants investigation, but we may need to find SOOGA first.

Our current leads into our friends' locations:
- HUNTER is looking for a legendary treasure. Could this be the same as Ghestal's "secret treasure"?
- Messenger doves have been getting sent out from Zozo to Maranda. Evidence suggests SOOGA may be behind them. Only one way to find out.
- MknFuk has been seen in the Veldt. It's said he'll only approach if we touch down there with three party members.

What shall we do next? Odd digits decides.
This song slaps so hard. The FF6 Remastered version of the song is excellent as well.
first of all, you shouldn't post images here, since that lowers the cap for OP.
secondly, I'd recommend starting with ff4, it's like the standard RPG. Proceed to ff1 to get a sense of the foundation, then ff6, followed by ff5 or ff7.

I don't blame you for exploiting the weak points of the Behemoths. You've played pretty fair for the most part, so occasional cheesing is permitted, especially if they're giving you trouble.
Talk about not looking like your overworld size. I wonder if Lone Wolf the Pickpocket was this big too?
PlayStation version switched it to "he" I think, and it was GBA version that finally completely fixes it. I remember some old talk that Relm was the canon outcome because of this and Shadow was inserted in WoR very late in development, but that's probably hogwash.
"It looked like a..flying battleship."
Is this even failable? What happens if you fail it? You lose the Striker AND Shadow?
Out of the classic ones? Hmm..IV I think.
Jesus get McFukr already
final fantasy 1 is probably one of the best in the series. start there.
Forgot to mention, from this point forward, when we embark upon a new quest, you're free to choose the party who will tackle it.
>I don't blame you for exploiting the weak points of the Behemoths. You've played pretty fair for the most part, so occasional cheesing is permitted, especially if they're giving you trouble.
The biggest issue I'm running into is the lack of HP. At this point in the game, it's pretty clear we're expected to be above level 30 or so, but I've been keeping my levels relatively low. I'm also still largely rocking a mix of basic storebought equipment and whatever I've found in chests, and none of it confers any elemental protection. Now, I've beaten the game with levels lower than where I'm currently at, but what I did was get Mog as soon as I got the airship, then exploit the Moogle Charm to loot as many dungeons as possible, including Kefka's Tower, so as to get the OP endgame equipment and steamroll the rest of the game that way. Due to the nature of this playthrough, I'm not doing that here.
>Jesus get McFukr already
lmao yeah I don't know what I was thinking. It's a waste of a choice. I'll do that first thing, then embark on whatever you guys decide afterward.
Why are you not leveling characters? You should have espers with good bonuses at this point
His focus is maximizing Magic Power. He explained the strategy in one of the early threads. Might be waiting for the esper that gives the best magic power bonus or taking his time carefully passing it around to all the characters. He's not interested in HP/MP bonuses or vigor and he said that you get the speed bonus esper very late in the game.
I’m pretty sure Zoneseek does +2 magic, and he’s available from the auction house in WoB. The speed esper (Raiden?) is available now in the underground castle
Yeah, I think I'm gonna let it rest for tonight. Work took the wind out of my sails a bit more than I expected. Seems I still need to take it easy for another day or two. Fucking bugmen.
Oh, I'm leveling, but not very much. Usually I'll gain a level, maybe two, in each new area I visit before I start running from every battle. I'm doing this for several reasons: one, I honestly do get tired of fighting the same monsters after the first few times. Two, it adds just a bit more challenge to the game. Third, I want to show you don't need to grind at all to beat this game. I've heard too many people complain over the years that you're forced to grind all your characters to beat the last dungeon, and that's just not true. Equipment choices matter more, as does actually trying out spells like Stop, Imp and Doom, as there's a surprising number of bosses that are affected by them. In other words, I want to show the power of proper game knowledge over just mindless leveling.
Nah, I got the Espers I need already. And I am actually building Vigor on certain characters (namely on HUNTER, PEDO, SOOGA, Runie, KEK and PACMAN). I do think I had a brainfart with Runie and leveled up her Magic a few times when I'm supposed to be building up her Vigor, but whatevs lol no big deal.
Agreed, damn the bugfolk.

I’ve always been a grindy kind of guy. Even when it’s completely unnecessary. I’m the asshole who spends several hours grinding cards at the beginning of FF VIII so I can function 100 tornadoes and waters and get end game weapons before going to Dollet. Fuck strategy, I bring overwhelming force to games designed for children.
Go to narshe!


Yeah it's weird, I've seen several people over the years saying they needed to grind for final fantasy games. It's so easy to just play the games and fight the monsters naturally encountered as one advances the story to be at a reasonable level for bosses. I'm assuming its people who run from every battle then have to power grind, which sounds like a perverse way to play through the game.

Love the thread by the way, keep it going.
The complaint for FF6 specifically is the fact that you gotta go through the final dungeon using three parties, and many (most?) people tend to stick to their four favorites throughout the WoR, so by the time they want to tackle it, their four mains are like level 50 and everyone else is down in the 30's or lower, so they cry that this forces them to go out and grind out all those characters they don't care about just to survive through the dungeon. This just betrays that they have very little clue about how the game works, of course.
That's why I like to have at least two or three duplicates of the normal roles leveled as I play through. You really need a tank, a caster, and a healer in each party. If you plan for those areas where you're going to be using three parties at the same time then you'll already have your bases covered. The real trick to all of those areas with three parties is to have sufficient equipment for everyone. Normally you can get by with four sets of good weapons and armor but at the end you're going to need twelve.
OP here. I meant to start in the morning or noon, but the Kung Flu is still fucking with me a bit, and I still got some shit to do besides. Hopefully I don't feel too knickered out tonight, because I'd really like to get some quests going, but we'll see.
This still makes the game sound harder than it actually is. Maybe I've played too many jrpgs idk.
>the Kung Flu
I always knew this thread was a reddit encampment, but fucking hell.
>chink virus
UKfag detected
Alright, I'm up for doing a quest. First things first, we're grabbing MknFuk, since it takes no time or effort whatsoever. I do believe I'll go to Narshe next since that was the only place suggested by an anon thus far, but since we're now free to change party members around, I would also like one of you to pick the party members who will go on that expedition. No even or odd digits, just whoever answers first this time.
MknFuk and Pacman.
Just those two?
add Runie to the mix. Celery was always a favorite.
You got it, boss. Anyway, here's MknFuk, back on the team with zero fanfare.
Sell the genji glove
My plan was to give you a small party so that it would be difficult to succeed but still large enough that no one would get too suspicious. I'm kidding, I was hoping someone else would chime in and pick another character to go along. Been looking forward to this part.
Well, I'm sure it'll work out. I spent some time in the Veldt gathering new Rages for MknFuk, most notably Behemoth for that sweet, sweet Meteor, as well as Aspik for GigaVolt, which IIRC is a little stronger than Bolt 3. I stopped in Maranda to pick up some armor and shit, when I encountered these assholes. Those Mantodeas do NOT fuck around. Better book it.
I decided to visit the Inn to heal up, when suddenly...
Who the fuck is this Baram dude, and what does he want? Clyde? Is that... PACMAN?
And he's gone again. What was that all about? This dream sequence creeped the shit out of me as a kid.
Apologies for taking this long. With my levels being as low as they are and given the extremely hostile environment I'm about to enter, I decided to take the time to make sure my party is equipped as adequately as possible, which took some time and money. Runie is now equipped with the latest Crystal gear to go with her Mystery Veil and Enhancer, and both PACMAN and MknFuk have Dark Gear, which give good defense and some nice stat boosts as well. PACMAN will take the Genji Helm, while MknFuk will rock a Circlet for the nice +4 Magic boost. Unfortunately, both still cannot equip a shield better than the Mithril Shld. In any case, we stand at Narshe's gates. Let's go.
Upon entering, we encounter a certain Pickpocket who looks an awful lot like Lone Wolf.
Whatever the case, he drops some information on his way out: there's still a Moogle around, and there's a lock only a Treasure Hunter could pick. The first bit is clear enough, and can only mean that our fluffy little dancer is still alive and kicking somewhere here. The second line isn't as much. What lock is there that needs picking? He refuses to elaborate and runs off.
Just as the Narshe guard in Kohlingen said, this place is overrun with monsters, even within the town itself.
Nothing a casting of Meteor cannot handle, of course.
The classroom is still there and fully intact, at least. We can always withdraw here to heal.
So this is what Lone Wolf or whatever meant. All the buildings here are locked. To hear him say it, we'll need a Treasure Hunter to open them. One person certainly springs to mind. We'll make a note of this.
Now, if my hunch is correct, and the Moogle Lone Wolf spoke of is who I think it is, I have a pretty good idea of where he could be found.
And indeed, there he is, all by his lonesome. It appears the rest of his kind did not make it through the cataclysm.
Huh, surprisingly upbeat for one who's the sole surviving member of his race. And hey, didn't we rename you into KEK?
He goes on. There's a sasquatch whose help we can count on. Could he be talking about that strange creature we caught glimpses of some time back here in Narshe?
And this sasquatch answers to KEK. Amazing. Anyway, our favorite Moogle is back on the team.
By the way, if you'll remember, this is another place where we left treasure untouched since the beginning of the game. Time to collect. For our patience, we're rewarded with good stuff, including a Ribbon.
lmao I almost forgot. Check the wall where KEK was standing, and you'll get the Moogle Charm. This is a Relic only KEK can equip, which eliminates ALL random encounters. I'll be equipping it for now because I don't intend to level much more for this section.
I never knew this. Was there anything in game, even poorly conveyed, which let you know that leaving chests for later has such massive benefits?
Thankfully, the only houses that aren't locked are the ones that lead to the mines, namely Arvis's house and the Armor shop. Next, we head to the snow fields.
Not as far as I know. This may very well be one of those "Get the Power, Nintendo Power" things. That's how I learned about it.
It is here we find what looks to be a dragon roaming around, and holy shit he moves fast. Could this be one of the eight legendary dragons that old man at Albrook spoke of?
It looks to be. Ice Dragon, eh? I wonder what its weakness is.
Ok, got him, but I actually failed once lol his physicals hurt a lot, but even worse is Absolute Zero, which damn near wipes out the whole party at this level. I countered this by beginning the battle with casting Golem and ZoneSeek, as well as casting Slow on him and Haste on everyone else. After that, it was just a matter of throwing everything Fire-related at him, with PACMAN's Fire Skeans being most effective.
So, it was indeed one of the eight. Seven to go. Supposedly, sealed between the eight is an awesome power that will be ours upon defeating them.

As for the spoils? KEK learns his final dance, Snowman Jazz (which honestly sucks), and a Force Shield. This is a contender for best shield in the game. At first it looks like it would suck, as it gives precisely zero physical defense, but it gives +70 Magic defense (highest in the game from a shield), auto-casts Shell on top of that, bestows elemental resistance to six of the eight elements, and best of all, a whopping +50 MBlock, which thanks to the Evade glitch also applies to physical evasion. Trust me when I say this will be most useful.
In fact, with this and two White Capes, Runie is damn near able to evade the majority of things thrown her way. Some attacks will still get through, of course. But soon enough...
Once again, we come before the frozen Esper, that being which was so very important in the beginning portion of this quest. It begins to glow, eager to test us.
Seeing as it is encased in ice, the solution seems obvious.
Melt the fucker.
All it does is Rasp and occasionally throw a weak-ish level 3 spell at us. After some roasting, it will fall.
Tritoch, freed for the first time in a thousand years, has a lot of catching up to do.
Another test? Bring it!
...or not. Magicite is ok, too. I may as well mention here that in T-Edition, to obtain the majority of Magicite, you have to actually fight the Esper in question like you would in FF4. I thought that was wicked cool. Tritoch here was no exception. Upon melting his ice coffin, his true form comes out and begins REALLY dishing out the pain.
But man, this is QUALITY Magicite! All level 3 spells are now ours to learn, and he also gives +2 Magic boosts like ZoneSeek. Good shit.
One more thing: an opening reveals itself where Tritoch once stood. We head beck to the save point to heal first, then dive in, to whatever it is that awaits us there.
And now we're deep inside the mines or something. This place could be dangerous. We'd do well to tread lightly.
It is also a tricky place. There are several pitfalls scattered around that will impede and frustrate our progress.
Here's one of the few Gauntlets we can get in the game, the other being the one we could've gotten instead of the Genji Glove way back when at the Returners' Hideout. Seeing as it's in practice inferior to the Genji Glove, it's fairly useless, except that it can be bet at the Colosseum for ANOTHER Genji Glove, should we desire it.
After some meandering, we come upon this chest, which may give us some trouble.
These are Pugs (also known as Tonberries). They're actually not that hard to defeat. They only deal physical attacks so long as you don't hit them with Magic, so you can guarantee victory by Vanishing everyone and pummeling them with physicals. However, there's something else. These monsters carry a very valuable item, which they can drop AND can be stolen, but it's rare that you'll get it either way. Since they are very high level, it's unlikely I'll get to steal it with PACMAN wielding the Thief Knife, but I try anyway.
Huzzah! I tried and tried and tried again, but eventually I got lucky and the Pugs dropped TWO Minervas. This is one of the best armors in the game, hands down, though it can only be equipped by Runie and SLAVE. It gives great defenses, good stat boosts (most notably +4 to Magic), gives +10 MBlock, nullifies the four most common elements and resists the others, AND raises MP by 25%. Runie is equipping this ASAP.
Look at that improvement, Jesus Christ.
Anyway, going through the cave, we fall down to this room, with what looks like some kind of bone carving.
And there looks to be Magicite inside!
Well, what are we waiting for? Let's grab it!
Oh, that Magicite was yours? Well, too fucking bad. Looks like we're gonna have a little scuffle over it.
Now we gotta fight this abominable snowman or whatever the fuck. Pound his ass with Fire, you know the drill.
Eventually, he eats a Green Cherry, which powers him up somehow.
Not enough, though.
KEK lays down the law.
And now, we get to name this giga nigga. First one to post decides.
Bless you!
How SNEEZE knows what an airship is, no one knows.
Following the stairs leads us back down to Narshe proper. For the moment, this is all we can do here, at least until we find our treasured HUNTER, who will presumably be the key to opening all those locked doors.
Anyway, here's where I'll stop for tonight. Where shall we head to next? As usual, I'll let (You) decide, as well as which party members to take with us.
Head back to Zozo just to vibe to the music
I decided to do one last thing before ending for tonight. While dicking around in the Veldt, I encountered several SrBehemoths, which always drop a BehemothSuit. Betting this gear in the Colosseum pits us against Outsider for a Snow Muffler. He's a tough cookie that counters with unblockable projectiles and other nasty attacks like X-Zone, but luckily, he's vulnerable to Instant Death. A good strategy here is to use a character that has weapons which can insta-kill, and as luck would have it, PACMAN has two in the Assassin and Striker. So equip them both with the Genji Glove, and the Snow Muffler is very likely yours. You'll want to get two, one for KEK and another for MknFuk. This is their ultimate armor, one which will soon allow them to reach max defense, turning them into veritable tanks.
Sure, but who do I take?
I misspoke. With the Snow Muffler equipped, KEK can ALREADY reach max defense, as seen here. This means that he'll take ZERO damage from physical attacks if he's in the back row, which he always is. MknFuk will soon achieve this, too, but he'll need a better shield first.
ffs, I'm tired. Now I'm done done.
Dafuk? I could swear it was still Meteo in this game, and we only found out it was supposed to be MeteoR in FFVII.
Oh those rascally text codes. This one doesn't even make sense because you had to have met him before.
Was it ever goddamn explained why Mog thinks he can boss Umario around like slave labor?
Funny thing is this idea was definitely reused for Chrono Trigger, to greater effect.
Isn't Narshe right by Duncan? I think it's time for TRAIN to dunk his donuts.
>Dafuk? I could swear it was still Meteo in this game, and we only found out it was supposed to be MeteoR in FFVII.
This game actually has them both. There's a Meteo spell that only enemies use which looks closer to FFV's Meteo (I believe this was renamed to Fire Storm in the GBA version, not sure what it's called in the original nip), and Meteor proper, which is the spell here. The former is actually stronger (same spell power as Flare, which is about twice as strong as Meteor), but has a chance to miss and is blockable, whereas the latter, while weaker, is completely unblockable.

OP here, feeling rather well today. Hopefully I'm close to beating this faggot virus. I'll be starting in about an hour or so.
Sounds interesting. First I'll do what >>11068950
said, then head to Zozo with that team.
Looked up https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Final_Fantasy_VI_translations
Apparently メテオ is both...
...which is retarded since they're different spells and Woolsey was justified in differentiating them.
Yeah, and it made much more sense in Chrono Trigger, being integrated into the story and gameplay for reasons that make sense in universe.

It just doesn’t make sense that leaving a potion in a cave means that it becomes an elixir after an apocalypse.
Alright, to start off, let's see about this Duncan business. His wife told us, if you'll recall, that he's somewhere near Narshe, but there's no dwellings in that continent that we can see. There IS, however, this curious tree formation. Let's check it out.
Well, your son literally admitted to killing you.
Feels like we're just pretending that never happened, though.
Once a crybaby, always a crybaby.
Ok, makes sense, but are we really gonna gloss over the fact that your SON supposedly killed you before that? Wanna explain that one?
No? Ok, training time, then. Gimme the good stuff.
And no better way to train than by beating the shit out of each other.
Up and down, master and student pummel each other silly.
They finish the battle in the air.
Hey, it's that Banon guy! No? Well what's with the uncanny resemblance?
And so, TRAIN learns his ultimate technique, the Bum Rush. This is by far the strongest attack anyone in the party will possess for quite some time. It is single-target, but deals non-elemental, defense-ignoring Magical damage, with an insane spell power of 128, making it almost as strong as the most powerful spell in the game, which we've yet to see. TRAIN will be spamming this and pretty much nothing else for much of the rest of the game. It's that good.
As a bit of an aftermath, it seems despite his bravado, Duncan ain't doing all that hot health-wise, but his legacy rests safe with TRAIN now. It is a bit disappointing that the whole Vargas affair just got swept under the rug, though, IMO. I always felt like there was a disconnect here.
finally just beat final fantasy 2
what a steaming pile of horse shit
everything bad about the series quantified in one game. such a rude departure from final fantasy 1.
was I supposed to give a fuck about any of these characters? they died faster than newly introduced star wars literal-whos and with less character development. Looking forward to the next game, final fantasy 3
Anyway, time to head back to that wonderful town of morally upstanding individuals. To tackle this, we'll take our misfit team of a ninja, a beast boy, a Moogle, and a fucking yeti.

A word on the yeti: IMO he's the worst character in the game. Sure, he's physically strong, and he comes with pretty high defense built-in (he comes with his own Snow Muffler equipped), but he has pretty much nothing beyond that. Moreover, you can't control him, and you can't equip him with anything except Relics. His attacks consist of a basic bitch physical, an attack where he lunges at an enemy that ignores defense, and with the Rage Ring (which we got earlier), he does a pretty funny attack where he throws random party members at the enemies that is also pretty strong. He later on gets another Relic which gives him a fourth attack, but it's not super great. But yeah, he's just so very basic, and most characters will probably outdamage him already or will very soon, without his drawbacks. We'll see how he fares here.
As soon as we enter, we see the carrier pigeon fly toward the building closest to us. Oh goodie, at least we'll skip all the window-hopping bullshit this time. Before we go there, however, recall that someone in Maranda advised us to talk to that one dude who isn't a filthy liar like everyone else. So let's do that first.
Mt. Zozo, eh? So we'll be exploring a new area after all.
And he's nice enough to give us something to open that one rusted door we encountered way back when. What a nice chap! Why is he even sticking around this dump? Like nigga there's literally a dead bitch right in front of you.
Oh. We gotta pay for it. Eh, fair. Poor guy's gotta make a living.
Anyway, we use the Rust-Rid we just purchased, and the path is open. Time to see what lies beyond.
And somehow, we're now in the mountains. The building leads to the mountains. Ok, sure.
Some good stuff in this place, too. We first find an Ice Shield, which absorbs Ice and nullifies Fire, though it also makes its wearer weak to Wind, which thankfully isn't all that common in attacks... for the moment. It's way better than the Mithril Shld MknFuk has on, so he's getting it.
Even better, however, is the Red Cap. This is one of the better helmets in the game, certainly rivaling the Genji Helm. It's like a Green Beret on crack, raising max HP by 25%, along with some decent stat boosts to Vigor and Speed. I'll be giving this one to PACMAN.
Later on, we find the Thunder Shld. This is the best of the elemental shields in general. It absorbs Lightning, nullifies Wind, and resists both Ice and Fire, with no weaknesses. This is basically the best "filler" shield you can get for the end game portion, for when all the best shields are taken by other party members. You can't really go wrong with this one.
And best of all, an Aegis Shld! This shield doesn't have any elemental protections, but it IS very strong in general, and best of all, it gives its wearer +40 MBlock, second only to the Force Shield. I'll give this one to MknFuk and give his Ice Shield to KEK, who was in need of a better shield himself. So far this place has given us some VERY nice loot.
We also get a Gold Hairpin, which is the Relic Lone Wolf stole from us that one time in Narshe. It halves MP usage, which is ok, I guess, but eh.
Moving on, we find a save point, a treasure chest we can't reach, and a strange button. Shall we press it? Of course, we press EVERY button in this playthrough.
The button opens the chest, revealing a dragon, which proceeds to fly around in circles around the cave. Looks like we have to intercept it.
Once we do, we come face to face with the Storm Drgn. He's the strongest of the eight dragons, and he can be a real menace, especially at lower levels (and with a suboptimal team, which I daresay we have). He has very strong attacks that can push our shit in if we're not careful. He's weak to Lightning at least, but has no other vulnerabilities to exploit.
Thankfully, our team has high enough defenses to withstand his strongest attacks (except for SNEEZE, the useless fuck), provided we follow up with Cure 2. Summoning Tritoch, Bolt 2, and Bolt Edges from PACMAN are enough to take this dragon down. I could've opted for the Aspik Rage for giga damage from GigaVolt, but I decided it was better to have MknFuk available for healing on a pinch.
Our reward for defeating it? A Force Armor, another contender for best armor in the game. Like the Force Shield, it bestows elemental resistance to various elements, though no auto-shell. Unlike the Force Shield, it actually gives the wearer physical defense, though it's not the greatest, but I'd say it's adequate enough. No, what makes this armor great is it gives +30 MBlock, the most out of any armor, period. Unfortunately none of our current party members can equip it, but those that can (namely SLAVE, Runie, HUNTER, PEDO, SOOGA and SIMP) now have a very powerful defensive option.
I decided to run back and leave SNEEZE behind so we can see a funny little scene coming up. Anyway, we eventually find what can only be SOOGA's base of operations or whatever. The place is littered with silk flowers. There's a letter on the table, too.
And it looks like SOOGA decided to come clean.
I mean, it's pretty fucked what he was doing.
Perhaps he saw a kindred spirit in Lola, and a part of him felt like he wanted to spare her the feeling of loss, a feeling that's still tormenting SOOGA. But still.
And in the end, the letter comes across as something he's writing to himself. The sentiment is nice, at least.
In any case, at least he decided to own up to it.

We then inspect the chest, but find it locked. Hmm.
Finally, we find SOOGA, obtaining Lola's letter. Let's see what he has to say.
As SOOGA watches the pigeon leave, he recites what looks like a poem to himself.
Only now does he notice us.
And he's ready to go, no need to cajole him or anything. Good man.
Except, of course, he remembers there's a bunch of embarrassing shit lying around. Better take care of that first!
SOOGA wastes no time in getting rid of the evidence. None shall know the cringe that transpired within that cave.
But we know.
No judgement, SOOGA. Those were some very pretty flowers. Not bad for a battle-hardended samurai dude.
I love how this dialogue works with absolutely no one on my current team.
Ah, own it already, you fuck.
>he sees your dick
Yeah, laugh it up, chump. You're the one making girly flowers.
More backstory.
Yeah, that's pretty sad, ngl.
Kindred spirit, indeed.
...and he didn't say what changed. Kinda inconclusive. Though of course, this cannot be the end of his arc.

The chest is still locked. Going back to the screen where we found SOOGA, however, we find something sparkling. Just what we need. Let's take a look.
So we open the chest, and we get some... strange dialogue. Presumably it's SOOGA speaking, but why's he bringing up machines out of nowhere? I'm going to assume it's yet another episode of Woolsey translating something without context and mangling it beyond comprehension.
Well, the machinery manual makes sense with the nonsense from before, I suppose, but what the fuck is this Book of Secrets?
Well, whatever it is, SOOGA does NOT want us to see it. Ok, have it back, geez.

It's an erotic book, basically. This whole bit is just a gag that unfortunately got thoroughly mangled through mistranslation and censorship.
FFIII is, in many ways, the true sequel to FFI. The odds and evens FFs have their in-series rivalry since odds ones had class-based gameplay and evens experimented more with story.
Don't worry about FFII. It's a tea that most people find hard to swallow.
And with that, we've added yet another friend back into our ranks. Time to take a break. As usual, it's up to (You) to decide our next quest. Here's what we have left for leads:

- Mobliz has reportedly been destroyed by the Light of Judgment. Can it really be so?
- A life-like portrait of Emperor Ghestal was purchased by a certain Owzer in Jidoor. Wonder if that has something to do with the tip we got from the Imperial Trooper in the Colosseum?
- Doma Castle is said to be haunted by demons who assault visitors while they sleep. Perhaps SOOGA and the others should look into it.
- A tower hangs high in the Serpent Trench, where the Cult of Kefka resides. What could be there? Whatever it is, it sounds like a dangerous place.

Where shall we go, and what will the party be? First post decides.
Mobliz has been hit hy the light of judgment? That's TERRAble! How does someone wreck the TERRAin like that? I think it's time to checked out this TERRAformed town! Do you think we'll meet any more cute TERRApins?
None of these, underground castle via Figaro Castle

Take SOOGA, Runie, and two others of your choosing
Right, now if only you'd say who will go check it out.
I haven't added it to the list because we've not come across any information about it yet, and that's kinda the gimmick I'm going for here. Though then again, is there even any in-game indication besides trying to travel the castle back to Figaro Desert for shits and giggles? I honestly can't recall. If not, I may have to add it and say it was revealed to me in a dream.
Spoiler understood. I have no recollection of encountering that other than literally bumping into it. I think it’s just something where you take the castle and get offered to “explore the stratum.”
>Right, now if only you'd say who will go check it out.
Did Gogo have a hint?

No, I don't think the game hints at Gogo in any way, other than the fact that there's a weird island out in the middle of nowhere, so I guess that's your hint to go down there to see what monsters lurk there or whatever, and it goes from there. It's been interesting playing as if I'm only going off of whatever hints are thrown my way, but it appears some things really do come down to blind exploration and trying random things just to see what happens. That's why I'll probably have to eventually add this and other such things and handwave it away as "someone told me".

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