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There is a reaper that is destroying all the ships attacking it. Any sort strategy that isn’t focused on destroying it could mean dooming the galaxy. Shepard sacrificing the alliance fleets to help the destiny ascension escape has him put the lives of three politicians above the lives of the entire galaxy. And it’s supposed to be a paragon option. Saving a few of elites is the good boy option. So dumb. The choices in mass effect make nonsense. Just like curing the genocide all because you care about making your friend happy rather than making sure the galaxy wont be engaged in a war to stop the krogan after the reapers are dealt with.
They owe you now, much like how the Krogans do for the cure.
Shepard would have to have a pretty good expectation that sovereign can be defeated even with the human fleets being distracted and losing many ships by saving the council. It’s a huge risk. I’m unsure if bioware makes choices like these with zero consequences because people don’t like having bad things happen after they make choices, so the choices only are about if you want to be mean or nice.
>Saving the council in mass effect makes no sense
ME1 has several instances of bad writing, but in this case Shepard does have an interest in keeping the council alive. The galactic peace could be threatened if the leadership of the galaxy's unifying body were to be killed. Yes, stopping the Reapers from wiping out all life is of utmost priority, but the galaxy might not be a very nice place to be if these leaders die here. Also, they made Shepard a spectre. They're often at odds with Shepard but the bottom line is that they are his only backers outside of the Earth Alliance. If they die, there is no guarantee that whoever replaces them (if at all) would continue being supportive of Shepard either. They might strip him of his Spectre status, and humanity would lose a valuable asset that allowed them to make contact and broach friendship with other races, obtain important information or blueprints, gain a better footing in the galactic community, etc.
>Saving a few of elites is the good boy option
>a few
Wtf? Anon there were 50 MILLION crew of elites on the Destiny Ascension, including The Council! It is a serious decison

>curing the genocide all because you care about making your friend happy rather than making sure the galaxy wont be engaged in a war to stop the krogan
True, it is foolish to cure the genophage, I promise the primitive Krogan will show zero grattitude nor mercy to the humans after we save their race from extinction, and if Urdnot Grunt is alive he'll quickly overthrow Wreav or Wrex and lead the Krogan to invade earth immediately. Best to just kill as many Krogan as the game lets you and pray for Galactic peace in ME4. The main reason to cure the genophage is if you RP a Galactic Darwinism Shepard who believes the strongest organic race should rule because survival of the fittest
>howcome the Destiny Ascension is so large if it only has 3 people serving as its crew?
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>Let the Council live
>Wisely select Ambassador Donnel Udina as Humanity's 1st Council member
>The Council is actually kind enough to offer re-instatement of your SPECTRE status, despite them being midly Indoctrinated after The Battle of The Citadel? Wow
>literally risk inciting inter-stellar war(s) by spitting in their Indoctrinated faces I.E. rudely telling the Citadel Council to F off and cram their SPECTRE re-instatement offer up their scaley assholes!
All part of Renegade Shepard's secret master plan to make Udina's job as hard and as miserable as possible

Saving the Council at the very least means killing Geth ships swarming the Destiny Ascension, meaning from a Fleet Battle tactics POV less bogies on the tails pestering Alliance ships while fighting the actual final boss mothership maybe. However that being said the game still paints the clear picture that Shepard saving the Council is a Massively risky gamble in the midst of The Battle of The fucking Citadel!

Spoken well. Came here to explain this meta aspect and you saved me the time thanks anon
Cucking Joker out of EDI is by far the most evil decision I ever made.
I just was happy defeminist-izing Jack with my Commander Shepard Cock and happy for my bro Joker and his sexy AI-fu.
Why you gotta be that way, we will never be friends now.
I just want to see my little blue children. One day I will avenge them
A lot of new players do this assuming after you cockblock Joker the game will let you bang EDI's rusty holes but no, it is a cruel trap and some Bioware writer is laughing his ass off about it all somewhere
>Saving the council in mass effect makes no sense
Makes sense lorewise the mankind is already distrusted by almost all races killing the Council just make it worse, in ME2 if you kill the council Anderson says that the new members votes together to do a veto for all his proposals.
>Shepard would have to have a pretty good expectation that sovereign can be defeated even with the human fleets being distracted and losing many ships by saving the council. It’s a huge risk.
Yeah but he's Shepard, he gets the job done.

At the time Shepard believed the council would no doubt form a unified battle front against the upcoming reaper invasion. Meaning he believed that after seeing a giant reaper invade the citadel they would rally all forces and coordinate a strategy. You know, what Shepards ends up having to do himself on ME3 minus the surprise attack because they would have been prepared.

What doesn´t make sense is the council writing off that possibility and allowing things to escalate to the point it almost ends all life on the universe because they decided the giant reaper things was an isolated incident. I mean, why the fuck do you even have the spectres if you are just going to not fucking listen to them?
Again, people complaining about the Paragon/Renegade paths not understanding what the words mean and think its just "good/evil" analogy.

PARAGON my dude. The unmarred peak of morality! The shining example of the best mankind can offer! Both in actions and skills! Being a paragon is more than your personal feelings, it's an advertisement to the rest of the galaxy, and profoundly alters alien views of humankind.

Sacrificing military lives to save civilians is the bread and butter of heroics. To make a cold hearted decision of allowing the leaders of other nations die to save your own soldiers is incredibly scummy. To the point that it wouldn't have been surprising if the humans were kicked off the council and the 2 sequels were spent trying to combat the reapers futilely as the humans alone. All while all humans gain a reputation of being selfish and traitorous. Maybe even bullied out of any race shared spaces where possible.
I pretty much agree with this. Humans are new to the stage and not fully trusted yet to put the stability of the galactic community over themselves, so Shepard saving the council shows that Humanity has evolved and can be trusted by the other races to at least make sacrifices for what may or may not be the greater good. Whether or not you agree that the council should be saved is irrelevant, it's that humanity is willing to make that choice that proves to everyone that humans are more than they are given credit, which is part of the tension in the game in the first place.
You agree with yourself?
I’m really surprised at the general reasoning by people here. Shepard saving the council by sacrificing human ships because he wants the rest of the aliens to view humans favorably makes sense until you realize that it would be stupid for Shepard to do this when a reaper is at the control of the citadel and is moments away from turning it into a mass relay to allow thousands of other reapers into the galaxy. Whatever good boy points Shepard may be able to win by saving the council, there is absolutely no guarantee that the galaxy is going to exist for much longer. Shepard is not sacrificing the council because he thinks humans have more i stinks cause value than aliens. He’s sacrificing the council because they are useless in the battle against sovereign and using his limited human ships to defend the council is dangerous. Shepard needs every ship he has with the slim hope that soverign can be defeated. Him sacrificing human ships at this point is irresponsible.
>Him sacrificing human ships at this point is irresponsible.
Debatable? more importantly, who says you even have to RP a responsible Shepard to begin with? Behaving responsibly or irresponsibly is player freedom. Sometimes it can be fun to RP a irresponsible Shepard who gives zero fucks with a chaotic disposition who lives to be a dick. Punching reporters, embarrassing the brass, betraying as many NPCs as possible for kicks, putting Udina on the council solely as a scheme to later antagonize Udina, etc. Earthborn degenerate scum who was reluctantly selected by the Alliance to be 1st Human SPECTRE because despite totally lacking a proper personality type for the position, Shepard was the only man with suitable combat skills to earn the job!

>At the time Shepard believed the council would no doubt form a unified battle front against the upcoming reaper invasion.
one might argue that was Shepard's own fault for getting himself KIA a few months later. If Shepard hadn't died, he'd be in a far better political position to keep strong-arming the Council to keep them focused and dedicated preparing for potential future Raper holocaustage threats. after Shepard fucked up and got spaced, was far easier politically for the crooked Council to discard all the ideology Shepard once stood for and screw him over

You forgot to mention the Council was mildly Indoctrinated by Soveriegn during the Battle of The Citadel, but unknown to what degree. Itd be a Massive plothole for Soveriegn to not seize a golden opprotunity to begin implementing the early Indoctrination mechanisms upon the literal 3 Most politicians in our Galaxy, because if he didn't it means the Soverign was written to be fucking moronic. Like most Indoctrinated schizos, the Council had no clue they were even Indoctrinated at all, but their mild Indoctrination syndrome certainly explains why these 3 clueless bozos were oh-so-eager to delude themselves into beliving the Rapers wuz just a myth!
Short sighted fool, they are useless *now* and a couple more ships will *barely* lesson the difficulty of taking out sovreign. What about after? what about the massive army of reapers that will get there with or without mass relays? Are you really willing to possibly give up at minimum 70% of the galaxies combined combat power when that threat arrives just to spare a couple human ships?
It’a not a few ships. You lose canonically like whole fleets based on me3 war readiness. And it simply cannot be “short sighted”. Soverign is moments away from bringing every reaper into the galaxy. Moments away from this cycle having no hope. To think Shepard would gamble with the consideration of the stability after soverign is defeated when he seems almost unstoppable is meta gaming. It makes no sense.
I wish that they didn't treat ignoring the council and prioritizing the reaper as a proactive choice to sacrifice the council. I guess it's a fine distinction

A cheeky answer like saying shep thought the asari mega dreadnought could take a few seconds more would have been good renegade
There's so much blue pussy on the destiny ascension bro
The simplest answer; promiscuous bisexual blueberries are worth saving.
>Soverign is moments away from bringing every reaper into the galaxy.
all the more reason to save the council. The combined army of the universe is bigger than the human army alone. That is the only math you need.
>Saving the Council makes no sense
depending on what kind of Shepard youre RPing, there are innumerable arguements for both killing or saving the Council. For example what if Shepard wants to bang the Asari Councilor? Councilor Tevos is an anti-human racist and Shepard is pretty damn aware of that by this point, but he also heard the Asari have a reputation as a compassionate race before, in-universe Commander Shepard here has no actual way of knowing if Tevos will be grateful enough to reward him with sex or not should he save her life. of course, casual decisions like this are much easier for the player to choose from the comfort of his couch, as opposed to Shepard choosing correctly given the meta chaos of an active warzone. Shepard has to make this "casual" decison under stress of numerous factors:

>exhausted physically&emotionally after gunning his way through 1000s of Geth&Krogans on Ilos and Citadel
>john lost several pints of blood so far during the mission from bullets he ate when shields were down! causes clouded thinking
>stoned/edgey as hell from consuming numerous applications of medi-gel to treat injuries repeatedly during mission
>Shepard is mentally&physically exhausted after launching 100 biotic attacks this morning, equivilant of sprinting 10+ marathons
>Raper is fucking around in his head
>sheer physical pain complicates making decison calm&rationally

in this instance Councilor Tevos was an ungrateful bitch who rudely did not even reward you with any sexual favors for rescuing her. He pretty much saved the Citadel Council and the crew of the Destiny Ascension for no reason in this type of RP, he has to live with the consequences of choosing incorrectly. Shepard can ultimately find peace because he knows that was a very difficult descison he had to make in which he played the odds right but still lost, because at the time Commander Shepard truly had no way of knowing if he'd be able to bang the Asari Councillor afterwards or not...
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>There is a reaper that is destroying all the ships attacking it. Any sort strategy that isn’t focused on destroying it could mean dooming the galaxy.
Yes that is true but I guarantee there are dozens of people trying to rationalize why it is better to risk dooming the galaxy to save a space ship and some politicians. They are all just coping and meta-gaming. The rationale choice is to ensure that Sovereign is destroyed no matter what the cost. It is the only priority. That is how the choice is framed. My Shepard always sacrifices the council.
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>depending on what kind of Shepard youre RPing, there are innumerable arguements for both killing or saving the Council.
You can justify any action through the eyes of a given character and their particular reasoning abilities and flaws. However the logical choice will always be to sacrifice the Council. Nothing matters if Sovereign wins. There is no "afterward" at that point. It's over and you lost. There are clear benefits to saving the Council, it is, arguably, the best outcome, but it risks getting the worst outcome.
as mentioned the crew on that ship was equivalent to a bunch of normal ships
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Why would you even spend a second wondering about ME lore, its shit. Check out something great instead, pic related.
Is this a Baboon-5? Were there Vidya?
There were some, never tried them but the tv series is hands down the best sci fi story I ever witnessed outside of books.
Paragon and renegade are not good an evil, paragon is a cuck, renegade - a sigma.
Which is totally irrelevant.
shepard talking the reapers down like bruce boxleitner did would unironically have been a better ending than what we got. especially considering that ME made the reapers seem even further beyond the races of the cycle than the shadows were to the young races in b5.

ME showed a single reaper shrugging off the combined firepower of a whole fleet and only losing because shepard killing saren lowered sovereign's shields or something retarded like that. while b5 showed the narniggers being able to damage shadow vessels even in an ambush while completely outmatched. a much wiser approach to storytelling. but i guess bioware couldn't stand it that something might happen in the game which wasn't due to the efforts of their special snowflake mc
>only losing because shepard killing saren lowered sovereign's shields
An assumption by some players that makes no sense at all and is not supported by anything. Sovereign dies because it was overwhelmed by all the firepower brought to bare against it. Vigil tells you that Sovereign is not invulnerable and could not survive the full might of the Council fleet. That's why it needed the geth. The game ends when you kill its Saren avatar because there is no more game play after that and it is the most cinematic point to end the narrative.

One thing that ME2 did get right was in having technology advance by studying Sovereign's wreckage. So it follows that in the future the odds would not be stacked as badly.
>makes no sense at all
>is not supported by anything
supported by how the scenes at the end were "directed" by bioware.
>saren evaporates
>immediately after sovereign is shown with coruscating lightning over its hull while NOT being shown to be under fire
>joker saying right after "its shields are down, NOW's our chance
>a scene of the alliance ships seemingly turning around to resume firing on it, after they've presumably stopped.
>The game ends when you kill its Saren avatar because there is no more game play after that and it is the most cinematic point to end the narrative
that's very logical and all but i think it's giving bioware too much credit.
for what it's worth, i'm just shitting on bioware for the fun of it. i use the same headcanon as you to rationalize bioware's retardation, but i really do believe mass effect's ending scene is an example of poor writing and the desire to have the mc be responsible for everything important that happens. rewatching the scene now, i even see they couldn't stop themselves from making it so the normandy gets the final killshot kek. i'd forgotten about that.
>One thing that ME2 did get right was in having technology advance by studying Sovereign's wreckage. So it follows that in the future the odds would not be stacked as badly.
forgot to say this i agree with as well. the thanix cannon tech helps me cope too but same as with thermal clips, it's just not very likely that it was adopted by everyone everywhere within the timeframe.
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>they couldn't stop themselves from making it so the normandy gets the final killshot kek
This makes Lore sense however, Joker was just being a dick stealing his teammates kills. He waits until the heavy DPS ships get the enemy boss to like 1% HP, then moves in and launches his strongest attack move as the final blow to be rude. Almost bordering on a 4th wall break to dab on the gaming community, yet still feels pretty in character for the Joker
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I already said that the only "evidence" for Sovereign dying because it's Saren avatar was killed is the way the ending is shot, even though it is never mentioned in dialog or the codex and is contradicted by how ME2 plays out with Harbinger. It is just an assumption by players; midwits and below. What the narrative DOES establish is that Sovereign is not invincible and would be destroyed if it faced the full might of a fleet. It was not anticipating having to fight off the Alliance. What Shepard did was prevent it from opening the relay before it died.

I think the ending is just supposed to be cinematic and nothing else. It's a fine ending, if a bit convenient. I mean, what do you think the alternative is? Shepard kiss the Reaper-controlled Saren monster and then stands around for a few minutes while the battle rages outside and THEN Sovereign dies? That would ruin the pacing.

>adopted by everyone everywhere within the timeframe.
I think the time frame of the trilogy is way to short. At a minimum it should span about a decade of time. The Reaper War itself should last at least a few years. Instead it feels like it lasts a few weeks at most.
you're the one with the assumption friend. yeah you're assuming the thing that makes the most sense, but the thing that makes most the most sense is not what bioware actually put in the game.
it doesn't make sense that out of the whole fleet of dreadnaughts and cruisers and what not, one tiny frigate is what gets the kill shot and yet that's what bioware put in the game. oh and by the way, i went back to check the vigil conversation, what it actually says is that it can't survive the galaxy knowing of its existence, not A fleet or the citadel fleet, it doesn't go into specifics.

>I mean, what do you think the alternative is?
scenes that show the fleet's firepower having some kind of effect on sovereign, any kind of effect. shepherd could also call joker after killing saren and ask him "what's going on up there" and the joker can say something. there are many different ways that sequence could be shot and bioware went with a very retarded one.
>At a minimum ME Trilogy should span about a decade of time
sounds based at first but you realize this presents a Massive problem, right? By the time you progress to the 3rd game Tali, Miranda, Ashley, Jack, Liara, Samara, Morinth, Dr.Chocolates, Samantha, Kelly etc will have already hit the wall. You may as well just remove all romance quests from the 3rd game entirely because why would Commander Shepard bang ancient elderly hags?

>It is just an assumption by players; midwits and below
Yes. But. Bioware dropped the ball with the pacing because it plays out in such a fashion that is super misleading for midwits into mistakenly assuming Shepard literally solo'd Sovereign
here's what i found on the mass effect wiki

>Sovereign was destroyed while assuming direct control over Saren. The feedback from Saren's death seemed to entirely overload Sovereign's shields. Current Reapers do not seem to suffer from this design flaw.

>During the Battle of the Citadel, Sovereign linked its consciousness to Saren's. When Saren's death corrupted the signal and shut down Sovereign's shields, Sovereign's destruction soon followed.

yes i know it's a wiki anyone can edit, etc., but i believe this article is supposed to have direct transcriptions of the codex articles. and the second link has an audio file where you can hear the text yourself
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>you're the one with the assumption friend.
No, I have only stated what the narrative gives you in dialog. You linked Saren-avatar dying to Sovereign dying based on proximity in time. This is tenuous at best. I have dialog backing up my assumption. You are the one who is unreasonable here.

>scenes that show the fleet's firepower having some kind of effect on sovereign, any kind of effect
Like what? Yes, the scene could be different but it isn't because it doesn't need to be. Time, budget, and disc space were also considerations.

I am not saying that your theory about Saren dying causing Sovereign to die comes out of nowhere or was pulled out of your ass. However it was an assumption based on circumstantial evidence. It's not a fact and so you shouldn't treat it as such. Especially considering how much ME2 undermines it.

>Sovereign was destroyed while assuming direct control over Saren. The feedback from Saren's death seemed to entirely overload Sovereign's shields. Current Reapers do not seem to suffer from this design flaw.
The wiki is not proof of anything. Fans edit the wiki, often with their own assumptions, especially if they agree with one another in discussions. That's not proof. What would constitute proof would be a statement IN GAME that Sovereign was disabled by Saren being killed while under Sovereign's direct control, such as dialog from a knowledgeable character like Anderson, TIM, or EDI, ect, or a codex entry.

> but i believe this article is supposed to have direct transcriptions of the codex articles
... but you didn't bother to look.

Here: https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Codex/Citadel_and_Galactic_Government#Battle_of_the_Citadel

The codex states that Shepard killed Saren around the same time Sovereign's shields were overloaded.

"At about the same time Shepard killed Saren, Sovereign's once-impervious kinetic barrier overloaded and the Fifth Fleet focused its military might to shatter the flagship. "
buddy you have it straight from the horse's mouth, the in-game codex, including an audio recording of the in-game codex narrator saying as much
it's time to accept it or i'm going to assume you're trolling me
While we are on the topic of Sovereign and the Reapers. I want to point out that Sovereign is probably not any ordinary Reaper. It has to operate alone in hostile territory and serves a vital and key role in the whole Reaper operation. Thus, it is probably pretty tough. It has to be. However, that means that other Reapers that typically only operate in a galaxy with the relays shut down, every system isolated, and supported by all the other Reapers, could be quite a bite smaller and/or weaker. Of-course, there would surely be other Reapers just as if not stronger than Sovereign, but probably not all of them.

Combine that with Sovereign's wreckage providing advances in shields, engines, weaponry, and AI with the loss of the Citadel Mass Relay which permits the Reapers to shut off the whole network, and you have the foundation for sequels wherein organic life triumphs over the Reapers despite their advantages. The odds can be evened it.

First, organics get better weapons that let smaller fleets take on the Reapers on more equal footing. Then you have the strategic advantage of the Citadel which deprives the Reapers of knowledge of all organic settlements and organization, as well as forces the Reapers to fight all the way to the Citadel rather than capturing it in a decapitation attack. You might even permit the Council to figure out how the Keepers operate the Citadel by studying Vigil and Shepard's omni tool, which would let the organics shut the REAPERS out of the mass relay network; forcing them to take an even LONGER path to the Citadel.

You don't have reading comprehension. You are so invested in your assumption that you can't be objective at all. You read "at the same time" and see "because Shepard killed Saren that CAUSED Sovereign's shields to overload". Makes no sense.

You are a troll, I'm hiding your post.
>When Saren's death corrupted the signal and shut down Sovereign's shields, Sovereign's destruction soon followed.
this line is in-game, narrated by the codex narrator and you can listen to the recording yourself, it's on that page
i will not be responding further
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>"At about the same time Adolf Hitler killed himself, Japan's once-impervious Island was nuked by American focused military might to shatter their nation state."
Alright yeah looks as if the ingame codex indeed claims the only reason Japan actually even exploded in 1945 was just because Allied Forces passed a speech check persuading Adolf Hitler to kill himself at about the same time... Wtf? Doesn't anybody here speak any English can I just debunk that crap??
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>Commander Shepard single-handedly blew up Japan during the mid 20th Century all by herself
What the FUCK? I thought this bullshit was already debunked!
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>"Holy crap! Vigil's data file worked, I can't believe it! We have full access to all of the Citadel's systems!"
>"NORMANDY TO THE CITADEL! NORMANDY TO THE CITADEL! Please tell me that's you Commander!"
>"You were expecting somebody else?"
>"We caught that distress call! I'm sitting here in the Andura Sector with the entire Arcturus fleet! We can save the Ascension! Just unlock the relays around the Citadel and we'll send the cavalry in!"
>"Are you really willing to sacrafice Human lives to save the Council, Shepard!?"
>"Damnit! This is bigger than Humanity! The Sovereign is a threat to every fucking organic species in the Galaxy!!"
>"The Council must be sacraficed for the greater good!! Don't waste your reinforcements, hold them back until the Citadel arms open up! Then use the Human fleet to attack the Soveriegn!"
>"Christ! I have a pretty difficult choice to make fast here!"
>"What's the order, Commander, move in now to save the Ascension? Or hold back...?"
>"Joker, open a communications channel with the Destiny Ascension now! Ask them how many Volus are on board!"
>"What? Uh, okay.... Commander their pilot is informing me that they have over 300 Volus VIPs on the Ascension right n.."
>"Hold off, Joker! We're not sacrficing Human lives to save the Council! Keep our ships back until they can get a shot on Soveriegn!"
>"Roger that sir."
>"I hope you know what you're doing, human. Don't let the Council's death be in vain.."
>"Garrus just stfu and concentrate on the fucking combat, I don't have time for your political bullshit right now mid-mission. There's a reason you're not in command and why you never will be. Go check if Cyber-Saren is even dead yet, asshole!"
>"Aye aye!"
ITT: anons pretending Commander Shepard doesn't have a difficult job
>The choices in mass effect make nonsense
They do, though. That's called "conformism". It's a good boy trait.
> in a war to stop the krogan after the reapers are dealt with
Consider what happened to the japanese after WW2. How long until they become the raiding pirates of old again? We still don't know, can we know it about the krogan?
Do the upgrades in Mass Effect 2 do anything at all? I have all the heavy skin weaves + shield upgrade and I still get absolutely perforated by random mercs and droids. This shit feels bugged compared to ME1 where better armor gave you noticeably higher health.
Almost making me want to reinstall. Not 2 and 3, though. That was just fanfiction.
The ME2 upgrades work just fine
No, anon your dilema has a meta solution. After beating ME1, your toon gets ptsd, sad and depressed given how the state of the Galaxy is SHIT so gets fucked to death on purpose during ME2 sparing himself the impending nightmare that is ME3. There are not enough RPGs where you can get fucked to death but on top of that a devil's advocate might suggest the Morinth romance was the true perfect ME2 ending all along since she assures Commander Shepard he will die experiancing the greatest euporia sensation the Galaxy has to offer in his final moments. Personally I think suicide is low IQ but if you were to kill yourself the wisest way to go about doing so is by banging Asari vampires of course

Tldr: ideally the meta way to handle it is to not install 3 and kill yourself in 2
Miranda was the feminist, not Jack you dipshit. Jack was an emotionally traumatized emo.
>your toon
I agree, only a true globalist cuck leftist would save the council.
The council were nothing but beurocratic dead weights that were a clear sign of a decaying and dying society that wanted nothing more than to gridlock itself into inaction and indecision.
Based and Udinapilled.
She wasn't a women's rights activist, she was a Human's rights activist. She even joined a terrorist organization around age 14 to attempt to put an end to the alien bigotry oppressing us all

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