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What is most dark and depressing RPG game out there? I liked that quest in Fallout Nevada about pedo kidnapper that holds children in his basement and that you can make a deal with him (best trader in the game). That gave me some True Detective vibes
>What is most dark and depressing RPG game out there
Fortune Summoners
Bloodlines 2 is plenty depressing.
Without a hint of irony - Neverwinter Night's Original Campaign. It's just the main character moving from one tragedy onto the next, mostly there to mop up the remains of an already occurring tragedy, and move on to the next one. By the end of the game, Neverw is decimated and in ruins, a war occurred where thousands died for nothing, and so on...

And then, in the expansions and sequel, you find out that Aribeth was executed and went straight to Hell, doesn't mention the protagonist even if they romanced, and can instead have a threesome romance with the protagonist of the expansions. You find out the protagonist was exiled from the city, his achievements expunged from records, and the man behind all this stole them for his own name. And as a cherry on top, if you romanced any party member, you also find out they didn't join you in exile.
Fear & Hunger
Black Souls 1+2
World of Horror
the 7th Dragon 2020 games are pretty depressing
If the setting is already bleak, grimdark and depressing finding dark stuff is expected.
I think the most gut punching stuff is when a not-that-dark setting has some really fucked up stuff happening.
A good example is the gnome island in Arcanum. Walking around Tarant never felt the same. And this is removed from the edgy real world parallels, it's kinda disconcerting when supposedly "normal" (or even morally "good") people get up to really wicked shit like that.
F&H is the only acceptable answer. The other 2 are shitty meme games.
Hero of Neverwinter really got cucked out of everything.
Aribeth's story was pretty good. Started as a hero, became jaded and depressed after what happened, and eventually falls. Meeting her in hell was a savage end, but if I remember right you could redeem her by having her join you in the final battle.
The Pale City
He says about a game with more shitty meme references inserted into it than the other 2 combined.
At least it has a story, the other is a cringe porn game who couldn't even conceive an original name and WoH who is p good but its more of a roguelite without a deep plot behind.
Glad some people enjoy it
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>At least it has a story
It has arguably less story than BS, the first game at least.Termina is more comparable, but they're both building upon their previous entries.They're both dark and depressing, but BS's story is specifically written as a tragedy ,with scenes that directly play with the player's feelings. And it's amplified by the fact that besides the supporting cast it has a central figure the plot revolves around instead of being split between multiple characters, where everyone is supporting cast. In both games the depression really sets in when you take a moment to think about just how utterly fucked the wider universe is, but tell me what moments in F&H made you feel particularly depressed? Seeing what happened to Buckman and Seymor? Le'garde? Ending A? (sticking to F&H 1 because if that anon separated BS 1 and 2 he probably would've mentioned termina separately too) None of that compares to the library or even the companion endings of BS.
But honestly looking at them from outside, they're really not that different from each other. And looking at you it seems to me that you either bounced of off Black Souls very early on or didn't even play it, otherwise you wouldn't deny it its story.
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Bloodborne's visuals get to you after playing for a while
>boring encounters
>dull party members
>depressingly unfun dungeons
>can't even romance neeshka

Prayer of the faithless
Thats what edgy 12yo would say
Neir replicant
Neir automata
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>that quest in Fallout Nevada about pedo kidnapper that holds children in his basement and that you can make a deal with him (best trader in the game).
Actually that quest is from Fallout 1.5, not Nevada
In ATOM rpg you can bust a pizzagate analogue but it turns out that you were just hired by even bigger and more influential conspiracy that was just trying to get rid of an upstart competition. Also the world might or might not be doomed anyway. In Arcanum you can't take on the gnomes head on. In Planescape Torment your reward is to go to hell.
this game sucked so hard, one of the worst ones i played
i mean you're right but still
BS has better a story, writing and lore than F&H.
The gameplay is better as well since it doesn't randomly kill you.
Esp with the whole stillborn theme around
nonsense, all the characters are at least 21 years of age
>playing Arcanum
>reach Tarant
>hear about the reputation of gnomes in this game
So far I haven't actually encountered any gnome crimes but your posts have me both nervous and intrigued
Don't look it up, don't ask, don't spoil yourself, just keep playing and witness it with your own eyes.
black souls blows it's just a 4chan meme like sequel
Let me wager a guess - you either didn't play it or you dropped it before you got to BS2. Though I agree with you that SEQUEL sucks.
If you are a toddler animetard unable to see art even if it went through your asshole. No, your japanese fetish game isn't deep.
>SEQUEL sucks.
Blight was alright.
>unable to see art even if it went through your asshole
Right back at you.
>isn't deep.
Tell us then, what you consider deep and why? I swear to God, you brainrotted niggerfaggots can never utter more than 2 buzzword filled sentences, whenever I see you.
Anime is for infantile faggots, get out of here
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>troon thinks its deranged fantasies are the main culture
Just because you shit up boards and dilate everywhere, it doesn't mean it's your domain. Go back to your containment.
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Just because your whore mother didn't leave you in the dumpster, it doesn't give you the right to speak.
/qa/ lost, get over it
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Anime website
>depressing RPG game out there? I liked that quest in Fallout Nevada about pedo kidnapper that holds children in his basement and that you can make a deal with him
Can you kill him and keep them for yourself?
>If the setting is already bleak, grimdark and depressing finding dark stuff is expected.
>I think the most gut punching stuff is when a not-that-dark setting has some really fucked up stuff happening.
A Dance With Rogues opens with your character being raped
That sounds pretty intense, but most people say the NWN story is bad. Are they full of shit?
Tangential question: how viable is a non-combat run of Arcanum? The story and setting look interesting, but the combat is a bit too dated for me. I would be up for playing a charisma build and just going through story stuff though
realistically provably some random ass indie rpg/mod of a rpg that 4 people played
>What is most dark and depressing RPG game out there?
Fear & Hunger is several tiers above the rest in this category. There's nothing that gets even remotely close to as bleak and depressing, not even in other media.
>not even in other media
what a retarded addendum. undermines your post making it seem insincere.
Your raw anal leakage is not wanted in this thread.
so it was insincere.
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Trans rights.
You sound unstable. Those two points have collapsed your entire reality. Grim.
>You sound
the voice you hear when reading a post is your own, anon. step back from the madness that calls to you when constantly dancing betwixt irony and dramatics.
A lack of subvocalization is a sign of low intelligence.
actually, it denotes a poor reader and interferes with comprehension as you'll create a "character" in your head and ascribe it to text. good readers don't project.
Your fragile mind is here for all to see. It's an objective observation. You're having another meltdown right now.
Without subvocalisation you're missing out on all the prosody, the sonority.
subvocalizations are entirely self-derived and purposeful, not intuitive. that's why i say you can only hear yourself or, more fully, what you want to hear. those who you want to see as shrill are shrill those who you want to see as jovial are jovial. take in, don't project.
Maybe you should stop presenting yourself as a little BITCH if you don't want to be perceived that way, LOL.
good advice.
Non-combat charisma run means you max out your charisma and more charisma means more party member slots.
It's 100% viable because having a small army that can beat anything to death at your command is strong. You'll still be doing plenty of fighting so you'll have to opt into some combat options eventually. Both magic and technology trees have options to complement that playstyle.
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>how viable is a non-combat run of Arcanum?
Very viable, most of the quests can be resolved without combat and you can avoid random encounters by running/talking/charming beasts. Be sure to get invisibility scrolls for black mountain though
>You'll still be doing plenty of fighting so you'll have to opt into some combat options eventually
You don't? I finished the game without killing anyone
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>There's nothing that gets even remotely close to as bleak and depressing
Not even close. Maybe Christian hell in Between Two Fires or the state of reality in The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect.
IHNM focuses solely of suffering of what? 5 or 6 people? And goes so over the top about it the whole thing feels more like parody.
But yeah, taken at face value it is dark and depressing.
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>most dark and depressing RPG game
To the Moon
Always Sometimes Monsters
Valkyrie Profile
Any of the Dark Souls games take place in worlds that are essentially ending, especially Bloodborne.
Any Nier/Drakengard
>Skubnigger has garbage taste
>OP asks for depressing games
>give a list of depressing games that spontanously come to mind
>"uh no, because I dont like those"

Anti-Skubbers have braindamage.
there are no depressing rpgs. the numbers will go up.
>This is bad! Awful! Terrible!
>No alternatives offered
This is why nobody listens to deranged anti-skub weirdos.
fallout 76
Did your companions kill anyone?
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>pedo kidnapper that holds children in his basement
Meh. You never dealt with the Witches of Crookback Bog.
>mfw i got the orphans killed
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WoH plays like a vidya version of Arkham Horror.
that's true pacifism for you. smugly going "but my hands are clean" while other people get shit done for you.
Based and redpilled.
yes i did. these orphans had it better been dead than raped and murdered by marauders
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Not Fallout, that's for damn sure. Fallout is a happy bright ray of sunshine compared to Arx Fatalis.
Half of them aren't even dark or depressing, they're just angst-core for teenagers.
It makes me think if someone on the FromSoft team had some miscarriage while in the brainstorm
The tree spirit keeps them safe and they end up in an orphanage in Novigrad...
a true masterpiece
not an rpg

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