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-75% on Steam
What im in for? Big Fallout1 and Fallout2 fan here
No idea, but 3 is one of the most underrated games out their.
I heard that second one is best but its a matter of opinion. Im about to start, gonna make my own team
I think you'll be disappointed if you expect it to be Fallout. It's mostly taking turns shooting guns, although with a bit more depth compared to FO.
honestly, it and 3 were pretty shite
I liked it a lot but I did get a little fatigued from the story telling that always made you pick a side.
Two factions fighting? There is no 'best' path. You have two options and both have a downside.
I liked it at first as it made the game world alive with consequences but it got a bit stale after a while.
Ranting aside, I like the game and do recommend it. It's a fun game.
Get it and 3 as they're both on sale
its unironically terrible regret buying it.
Its way too hard, you have to build your squad in an exact manner or you wont progress.
>you have to build your squad in an exact manner or you wont progress.
You just need to specialize your characters in one combat skill and one utility skill at the start instead of making them jacks of all trades
>always made you pick a side.
>You have two options and both have a downside.

>you have to build your squad in an exact manner or you wont progress.

>can't be a jack of all trades.

these are all knocks, as far as i'm concerned.

i understand that "teh g@m3rz" hate the old "white hat vs. black hat" storyline but i've never understood the appeal of "gray hat vs. maybe slightly darker gray hat" storylines, either.

"gee, do i go with the tribe that mutilates kittens or the one that mutilates puppies?" how about a third option where i nuke both?

i am interested in mods. can you mod either of these two like you can with fallout 3/4? thanks.
>i am interested in mods. can you mod either of these two like you can with fallout 3/4? thanks.

Both can be modded, but the enormously smaller player bases means that there are far fewer mods, and as far as I'm aware none that are particularly rich.
>i am interested in mods
.. what would you want changed? Or do you just want to install mods for the sake of it
i just like screwing around with the games that i own. making new areas, new weapons, armors, quests, etc. so forth. it gives them a lot more replayability. i hardly play games anymore that don't have some amount of official modding capability.
I don't think they shipped with dev toolkits like FO3/NV/4 did.
action points x combat ini, that number tells you how good at fighting someone is. anything else hardly matters. Game has a ton of skill checks and you won´t be able to hit all and also fight well unless you play on easy
>What im in for?
A terrible game made for actual morons, and I'm not even saying this to troll, the devs said they made the game for morons.
>the devs said they made the game for morons
Fallout fans?
I really enjoyed it. The anon who said you need to build your squad in a specific way is 100% true. It isn't an rpg like fallout 1 or 2, the quests are very superficial. It's like an action-crpg. Gameplay is great.
One of the worst CRPGs I have played.
Pretty much, but also combined with nucom fans in an unholy union of shit taste.
W3 is onions-tier stinking garbage
One of the best CRPGs I have played
>t. not washed with a blood of a lamb
I did not like W3, but I like onions. Onions are great. They make every savoury dish better.
Just buy Xcom 2 instead. As an RPG, Wasteland 2 is worse than the original. As a turn-based action game, it lacks depth.
Xcom >>> trashcom 2
>Xcom >>> trashcom 2
Agreed, I preferred the original over Terror From The Deep.
Its a lot more of a wasteland sequel than a fallout
i made it pass crazy plants part, i like it. its nowhere as good as Sonora or Nevada but still enjoyable gameplay. sometimes bit of a chore
The big appeal for me is the combat.
I feel the combat is a much improved version of Fallout Tactics.
I'm sure there is a hundred better squad level fighting games but the aesthetic combined with the game play is a win for me
>turn-based action game
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its the real fallout 3
I had a blast with it
I played the original first, on ranger, and it was pretty balls-busting
I like it better than the DC, which I played on supreme jerk and had a MUCH easier time
I don't like the graphical (((improvements))) they made to the DC, and I don't like how they removed some quest options, but its a smoother experience
-you are impatient
-you don't like exploring/looting/fighting carefully/building characters
-you expect modern graphics and professional voice-acting
-hate backtracking
-you expect easy quests and few consequences
you're gonna have a bad time
this game has, no exaggeration, THE hardest touchiest quests I've ever experienced in a game

it is pretty left-leaning, unfortunately
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always liked this one spot in particular
SO im 20 hours in
what a bugged piece of shit game, wish i could return
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fuck off i couldnt finish main quest because of some bullshit
cant finish battle as long theres one last enemy somewhere on huge ass map
graphics glitches all the time
dissapearring courseour
everything is clunky
my experience is ruined, it was not quasi Fallout experience i wanted. even ATOM and Encased were better
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XCOM is nothing like wastland 2
imagine being so fucking needy and brain-dead that you need 4chan to formulate an opinion on a game
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the apocalypse of the week shit (green plants, snow) and the nonstop bitching of every NPC at the player made me never want to play this garbage, best thing they could ever do now is re-use some of the code to make a turn-based Fallout X-COM clone instead.
2 has a much better atmosphere, but slightly worse gameplay. I like 2 much better, they fucked up the art direction and narrative setting in 3.
A good fucking time.
its Wastelands 2 my negro
Play Wasteland 2, the replay it with new game+, don't bother looking up guides, playing it as actual rookies and then as veterans adds quite a bit. Then forget Wasteland 3 exists because it's just not quite the same. It's not a massive let down but it doesn't advance anything in any meaningful way and has an uncanny valley quality to it on the overall feel.
Oh and the le ebic music on W3 only plays when you're majorly fucking the wasteland up.
I know. I just prefer the tracks in 3.
2 had some good ones too.
maybe next year or something with bug fixes. it made game unplayable and im used to enjoy junky games. thats says something
Should have stopped there.
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Quantity over quality. Probably not worth it unless you're into the whole apocalypse police larp like I am. 3 is a much better game all around but the wasteland swat team angle is much weaker without the real world guns and insistence on constant self indulgent humor
i enjoyed it a lot, i actually like 2 more than 3, also a big fallout fan
2 is pretty solid. I beat it like 5 times. Use a mod to fix your companion's stats. Also having one melee dude with the added armor perk is fun. You get an agility nerf, but they won't die on you every fight.
2md protip. There's op assault rifles in the early game. One on a roaming ring vendor. The other in the ranger camp when they upgrade the weapon stocks after repairing the first tower.
Low budget garbage tbqh
Wasteland 3 is better in every way.
its pure redddit garbage
Maybe your hardware isn't stable. Never had problems and I've never heard wasteland 2 to be a bugfest. Unironically a lot of people having problems with some games (there are ones that are shit though) have unstable hardware. I'm talking grease on the motherboard, bugs (literally had a bug get fried on underside of my CPU fucking kek hardware bugs), half inserted shit, bent pins, bad RAM or any other myriad of problems.

It's pretty good, but a lot more slapstick than FO 1 and 2. Also, your characters are kinda ciphers, you can choose how to complete missions, but you can't really roleplay as a devious villain or a heroic crusader or whatever. But still a good game, think of it like XCom with world exploration...also, Wasteland 3 is truly wonderful, so get that too
whats the difference between 2 and the directors cut
That's Fallout 2, anon. I was talking about Wasteland 3.
There is literally no way to deduce what this lingo spamming retard actually means by this.
he means game sux, bro. ez.
I guarantee that anon is mad just because he read that there were republicans jokes in it.
I'm not a mutt and don't care about politics. I guarantee you're mentally ill.
talk about pot and kettle with lingo spamming retardation, bro
Nothing I said is lingo, dummy. It's obvious that I struck a nerve with you politics obsessed retards.
You LITERALLY brought up politics in response to people calling you a stupid faggot. You live and breathe politics. You're a certified moron. A buffoon. You a tiny, shriveled up cut micropenis and you should end your existence. Now.
What else could anon mean by calling the game "onions?" Go on and tell me, dummy. Also >>3464974 is a different anon.
this is called projection, bro, your phraseology is lingo.
Onions as an insult on 4chan is always some political culture war bullshit and you know it.
The word filter has led to me being confused and then laughing when I'm shopping and my wife asks me to bring home a bag of onions.
it's more about an indication of a lack of masculine soul, a corpo friendly veneer, bro. i mean, it's not their fault developers are politically obsessed weirdos.
buying a whole bag of onions seems like bad practice. better to buy a few at a time so they are fresh when used.
>it is pretty left-leaning, unfortunately
ah that's too bad, I thought I even heard it was the non-ESG fallout at some point
the games are full of politics, therefore politics is something you have to discuss when talking about them now
Want it to stop? Me too. Stop letting leftists ruin games. Simple.

If the situation was reversed, and games were instead like this:
MILITARY SERVICE GUARANTEES CITIZENSHIP (not ironically like helldivers, but Holy Gospel style, like we have to hear about socialism and government by climate change loons constantly)

I would then be in your position, expect not, because I am not a little bitch. However I would say things like this instead "Boy I really wish they'd stop politicizing these games"

You on the other hand as a creature from the koolaid drinking ocean perhaps no longer recognize the rainbow waters you swim in as politics? Doesn't matter, the games are still full of politics. You will not escape hearing about them, until they stop fucking the games.

Let me know if I can be of further assistance. I'm here forever. With you.
I don't remember W2 being lefty, although I was a lefty at the time, so maybe that's why I didn't notice or object to it. I sure bounced off W3 though, didn't even make it past character creation before saying "fucking (((bolshevik))) devs" and refunded it.
I actually played Wasteland 3 and there are jokes about lazy communist robots, too. It's just a game pointing fun in a non serious way at both the right and the left. Some of you guys here are fucking deranged.
Are we really though, or is it that you can throw a rock and hit 50 different commie narratives from silicon valley produced entertainment, you know, that place in California?
I get you, former lefty here as well.
Wasteland has always been rooted in 80s pop culture. It's not a stretch that there would be a bunch of Ronald Regan worshiping cultists. They're not even portrayed in a bad way. It's just a silly joke.
can't they just not include bad political jokes?
>Ronald Reagan
I meant
I thought the jokes were funny. Try not being a politically sensitive manbaby?
well, there's no accounting for taste.
>politically sensitive manbaby
this absolutely describes the developers. lol.
the most fun thing to do is side with em too. fuck the commie robots
The best ending for the rangers is when you side with the patriarch, too. I think the people calling the game "leftist propaganda" never even played the game. They just want to be mad about shit.
I watched fallout show which is definitely leftist propaganda. I never played wasteland and am asking IF I should be mad about this shit. See how this works?
Commie robots vs. Reagan cult sounds pretty funny though, leftists can't do actual humor like that anymore, they'd be afraid people would like the Reagan cult more than their actual cult.
The humor isn't good. I did get a few snarks out of the Regan bit and some of the exploration events.
Game is still miles better than Wasteshit 2. And the best post apocalyptic CRGPG since Age of Decadence(though that isn't saying much).

Its not about politics. I just wish games would just not even bother with humor. I just dont find nerd jokes funny. I really don't. Its painful. I dont care if its referencing whatever political side or internet stereotype. It just fucking sucks man.
Are you one of those people spamming hate for Fallout 2 because jokes?
for me it's not about politics or humour. it's just bad jokes period. i love a good joke or reference, but a lot of video game writers aren't funny or don't understand timing and pacing in humour.
90s nerd humor was just references to things. The cliche was "nerds are speaking at each other, not to each other"
a subcultural secret handshake can be amusing, as long as you keep it subcultural and it hasn't devolved into pop through osmosis.
Fun fact from the Old Testament: the term "shibboleth" was used by the Israelites to distinguish the Philistines, as they couldn't pronounce it properly, and would then be executed. They killed 40,000 in this manner.

Usually it was just lol Monty Python lol. Fuck, I still have a fondness for moistened bints and watery tarts.
americans used lollapalooza the same way to spot japs in the pacific theater. rorraparooza would be p. easy to spot.
you may pass.
I just don't think it's that great
I avoid f2 threads and debates because the fan base is too religious now
directors cut "upgraded" the graphics and uglified all the character models
added some extra character perks to make the game easier, but also nerfed some enemies and situations in the game
removed some quest options

its a smoother experience, but I liked my original run better

fallout 2 was at least fun to play and not loaded with leftist sentiment

its not as bad as newer games (like w3 for instance), but its definitely undeniable if youre redpilled
I still enjoyed the game though
computer nerds making python jokes for nearly 40 years straight started being funny just for how not funny it was anymore.
The robot commune was funny but most of the humor is snooze inducing at the best of times. The robot mascot characters are enjoyable at least
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Picture related.
>W3 is onions-tier stinking garbage
It's obvious even to the most fat and retarded of apes that the post refers to an early prototype of WD40 oil in a can called W3. The oil was said to resemble onion juice, and was therefore used by Indians as a form of deodorant. "Stinking garbage" is obviously a VERY subjective opinion, because a billion Indians can't be wrong, right?
In Wasteland 3:
Should I make custom characters or chose one of the premade?
Picking custom character might mean I miss dialogue and stuff for the premade characters, unless ther eare none.
Bump and answers
I don't think there are any dialogues for the premades. It's like Fallout, those are just there to get a quicker start.
Ah, I guess it's better to go custom characters then.
Play a custom character. The premade ones don't have backstories or unique dialogue like D:OS2.
The punks get a +3 critical chance unique accessory you will want, but it's a pain to spend money to respect them early on. Also they can't snipe or talk down the girl holding up Josie which is a pain, you have to save her to get that cat.
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What is this, and what does it mean?
/pol/ is leaking again.

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